Thesis on "Combatant Commander's Revised Mission Statement"

Thesis 9 pages (2378 words) Sources: 5

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Combat Commanders Revised Mission Statement

Based upon the accompanying INTSUM, OPREP-3, and Warning Order for the Bangladesh scenario provide a Combatant Commander's revised mission statement. Ensure that this statement includes the elements of "who, what, when, where, and why."

The crisis in Bangladesh requires that combat commanders must be prepared for a humanitarian mission. This will be accomplished using U.S. naval, air and land forces in conjunction with each other. These events will occur within hours of the cyclone moving out of the area. This will take place using U.S. based aircraft carriers off the cost. (Warning Order)

At the same time, existing military bases (in Bangladesh) will be used as a staging area for all operations. The combination of these factors will work together, to provide effective humanitarian relief. After the situation has stabilized, is when the mission objectives will be successful. (Warning Order)

The commander's intent identifies the purpose of the campaign and the end state. Based upon the INTSUM, OPREP-3 and Warning Order provide the Combatant Commander's intent.

The combat commander is focused on addressing the humanitarian crisis in the aftermath of the cyclone. This means that supplies must be delivered to those areas with tremendous amounts of damage. At the same time, surveillance of these regions and security will be provided during the operation. Once the local government has been able to stabilize everything, is when the mission will be successful. This requires all U.S. military personnel to limit their involvement by working in conjunction with: government of
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ficials, military commanders, different NGOs and nonprofits. (Warning Order)

Based upon readings and lectures in this course (especially the Campaign Planning Primer: AY07 by the U.S. Army War College and Center of Gravity, What Clausewitz Really Meant by Joseph L. Strange and Richard Iron), identify the strategic and operational centers of gravity for both the opposition and the friendly coalition. Explain your choices.

The centers for the friendly coalition are: the government / local military, NGOs, nonprofits, international military forces and communities that are impacted by the disaster. The opposition includes: criminals / armed gangs (who are seeking to exploit the disaster), frustrated communities and different terrorist groups operating in remote locations. These areas are illustrating the potential support and threats that must be taken into account during the operation. (Air War College Distant Learning 61 -- 129) (Warning Order)

In the case of the friendly coalition, the different parties were selected based upon the support that they can provide to the operation. As each one of these stakeholders has something they are contributing in achieving the overall mission objectives. The communities impacted by the disaster were selected, because they can provide intelligence about the area and possible issues affecting others. This is the point that additional resources can be utilized to most deal with a host of challenges. (Air War College Distant Learning 61 -- 129) (Warning Order)

The opposition is those individuals and groups, who are seeking to exploit the disaster for their own personal gain. This means that there will more than likely be a power / security vacuum in remote and affected areas. The different criminals, armed gangs and terrorist groups will be utilizing this as a way to take advantage of the situation. While at the same time, hostile communities are susceptible to looting and the mobbing various relief vehicles. This is illustrating the underlying security challenges that must be taken into account when conducting any kind of operations. (Air War College Distant Learning 61 -- 129) (Warning Order)

Describe how you would employ and integrate the capabilities of land power, sea power, airpower, space power, cyber power, and/or special operations in the development of one friendly course of action (COA). Ensure that your COA summary is adequate, feasible, acceptable and complete.

The use of land, sea, air, space, cyber power and special operations will work in conjunction with each other. This will be accomplished by using space power (via satellite imagery) to identify areas that need the most assistance. At the same time, this will provide continuous updates about the security situation and possible activities on the ground. When this happens, commanders will identify key objectives and can provide resources for addressing these issues. (Air War College Distant Learning 61 -- 359) (Warning Order)

In the case of land, sea and air power; these resources will be used to deliver materials directly to the most impacted regions. This will be accomplished by working with local military forces, NGOs and nonprofits to deliver supplies / personnel to these areas. During the process, their objectives will be to locate survivors and bring necessary materials into the region. (Air War College Distant Learning 61 -- 359) (Warning Order)

To prevent armed gangs from taking control of specific areas, there will be a series of forward operating bases established. This is where key military personnel, relief workers and other individuals will provide direct support to communities. At the same time, the land and air power will go after groups that are threatening the success of the mission. This means that there will be a large security contingent provided for all operations. While, air power will prevent any kind of enemy ambushes and provide support for ground forces. These resources will offer added tools that will improve security and allow for supplies to be delivered to critical areas. (Air War College Distant Learning 61 -- 359) (Warning Order)

Cyber power will be utilized to win the hearts and minds of everyone. This will be accomplished by showing how relief efforts are addressing issues impacting specific regions. Moreover, this will target and neutralize any kind of Islamist groups / criminal gangs that are seeking to benefit from the disaster. This will occur, by directly attacking and destroying any kind of web sites that encourages the population to interfere with relief operations. (Air War College Distant Learning 61 -- 359) (Warning Order)

Special operations forces will be sent into the communities. Their jobs are to provide medical assistance and support to these areas. At the same time, they have the training to call in additional resources or directly engage opposition forces. This will prevent these groups from being able to control communities and limit the amount of supplies delivered to an area. When this happens, the civilian population will be more willing to work with personnel, in dealing with critical challenges. (Air War College Distant Learning 61 -- 359) (Warning Order)

For example, the use of land, sea, air, space, cyber power and Special Forces will achieve the different operational objectives. This means that the space and cyber power will provide units with critical intelligence (about: the locations of hostile forces in addition to where relief supplies are need the most). (Air War College Distant Learning 61 -- 359) (Warning Order)

In the event that there is a security situation, commanders will have access to land, sea and air resources that are used in conjunction with real time space / cyber power. This will provide actionable information for quickly dealing with possible security threats and identifying critical regions requiring assistance. It is at this point that some kind of operation will be implemented that has a high probability of success. In the event that uncertainties begin to unfold, is when these and additional resources can be used to rectify the situation. This will ensure that all assistance is provided to everyone in a timely manner (which is taking into account the changing situation on the ground). (Air War College Distant Learning 61 -- 359) (Warning Order)

If this can occur, there will be reduced threats from hostile forces by showing overwhelming superiority and responsiveness. Moreover, this will ensure that potential secondary disasters are avoided in the aftermath of cyclone. The most notable is an atmosphere of lawlessness that is coupled with people having a lack of access to: food, water, medical assistance and shelter. This can make the underlying situation worse, by not providing a safe environment for receiving assistance. Therefore, the strategy will ensure that there are limited amounts of bureaucracy associated with: delivering supplies and the ability to protect aid workers / critical personnel. (Air War College Distant Learning 61 -- 359) (Warning Order)

Describe the organizational command structure that you will use for this operation, including any coalition forces utilized. In your answer, also provide your recommendation for which service component should be the joint force commander. Fully explain the rationale behind each of your choices.

The basic command structure will be to have the U.S. serve a behind the scenes role. This means that local military and government officials will take the lead. As they will make, the primary decisions where personnel and resources are deployed. This will serve as the highest level of command surrounding any missions. In the future, this will work in accordance with the government's desire to limit foreign military forces that are utilized. (Warning Order) ("Navy Warfare Development Command")

Next, a theater of operations commander will direct all relief efforts. This… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Combatant Commander's Revised Mission Statement" Assignment:

Description 1. Not to exceed five (5) page essay (single-space, single-sided, 1*****" margins, Times New Roman 12 point font) completely answering the question. You have to turn in your answer no later than four (4) days (96 hrs) from the time you receive the test. Put your name and the page number in the footer. Do not use a cover sheet.

2. The critical part of this project is your analysis. While that analysis needs to be supported by course material, simply listing course material without adding your analysis will not be adequate.

3. This project is an open-book, open-notes effort. The purpose is to evaluate your understanding of course material and your ability to analyze course material. Therefore, you are encouraged to primarily rely on course material sources, but you certainly are allowed to incorporate relevant outside sources. However, all references must be adequately cited.

a. For course material references, include the author*****'s name and page number (or location number) in brackets at the end of the statement [Gray, pg 17].

b. For other references, cite the articles at the end of the statement being referenced, for example: [Armstrong, pg. 32]. A full citation will be required in the reference section at the end of the essay. Use the Air University Style and Author Guide (Bibliography) to provide this full citation. The style guide is located on the Blackboard website

c. Include a reference section at the end of the essay (not to be counted as part of your essay for page count/length) which includes all the sources you used.

d. References (example):

o Gray, C. Lesson 1, Reading 2.

o Armstrong, D. M., *****"Effective Techniques in Completing Air War College Through Distance Learning,*****" American Education Research Journal, February 2011, 48, pps. 4-38.

e. The use of direct quotations limits the amount of unique contribution from you (the objective of this exercise) and is discouraged. Be sure to correctly use quotation marks when including exact wording from the source.

f. Failure to properly quote and/or cite a reference will be considered plagiarism.

4. You are responsible for keeping the test and test question secured and you are not permitted to discuss the test with anyone. You may not allow anyone else to see the question or your answer (this includes spouse/family, co-workers, etc). Your answer must be your own work as this exam is an individual effort.

5. You will be allowed to keep the test question and your answer until six (6) days after receiving your grade. Six (6) days after receiving your grade, you are required to destroy all written material associated with the test. You will also be required to delete any electronic versions of the test and your answer, including deleting the files in your *****"Recycle Bin*****" on your hard drive or any other storage media, as well as the *****"Inbox,*****" *****"Deleted Items,*****" and *****"Sent Items*****" folders on your email program.

6. Use of previous tests or test material will be considered misrepresentation and pursued as a violation of academic integrity.

Instructions During your Joint Military Operations studies, you explored various capabilities and the joint application of military power. You will now apply these concepts to the Joint Operation Planning Process (JOPP), essentially developing options for the solution of a complex national security-related issue by answering the following questions. Your answers should be written from the combatant commander*****s perspective and incorporate analysis and synthesis of the situation and course concepts.

All answers must be based upon the included INTSUM, OPREP-3 and Warning Order. Each question will only address a portion of the JOPP process. Answer each question in full. Also, do not put your answer in all capital letters or *****"cut and paste*****" from the Scenario and/or Warning Order. Do not provide or define the JOPP process in your answers, it is assumed you know this information and the answers you will provide are derived from that understanding. Points will be subtracted for answers longer than five (5) pages.

Use the linked Bangladesh scenario*****'s INTSUM, OPREP-3, and Warning Order to answer the 6 test questions. Copy the 6 questions to a Word Document and type your answer below each question.

When you are finished, save the Word document and follow the directions for submitting the test in the Test menu item. Submitted tests must be in Word or text-based PDF format.


Question 1: Based upon the accompanying INTSUM, OPREP-3, and Warning Order for the Bangladesh scenario provide a Combatant Commander*****'s revised mission statement. Ensure that this statement includes the elements of *****"who, what, when, where, and why*****".

Question 2: The commander*****'s intent identifies the purpose of the campaign and the endstate. Based upon the INTSUM, OPREP-3 and Warning Order provide the Combatant Commander*****'s intent.

Question 3: Based upon readings and lectures in this course (especially the Campaign Planning Primer: AY07 by The US Army War College and Center of Gravity, What Clausewitz Really Meant by Joseph L. Strange and Richard Iron), identify the strategic and operational centers of gravity for both the opposition and the friendly coalition. Explain your choices.

Question 4: Describe how you would employ and integrate the capabilities of landpower, seapower, airpower, spacepower, cyberpower, and/or special operations in the development of one friendly course of action (COA). Ensure that your COA summary is adequate, feasible, acceptable and complete.

Question 5: Describe the organizational command structure that you will use for this operation, including any coalition forces utilized. In your answer, also provide your recommendation for which service component should be the joint force commander. Fully explain the rationale behind each of your choices.

Question 6: This course began with a discussion of the challenges involved in planning for the full range of military operations. In recent years there has been significant discussion on how to balance the need to *****"win*****" the current war(s) with the need to be prepared for the next war. Using the concepts presented throughout this course, describe the key air, space and cyber capabilities required to support/execute the full range of military operations now and in the future. Explain in which capability area(s) the Air Force can best accept risk.


How to Reference "Combatant Commander's Revised Mission Statement" Thesis in a Bibliography

Combatant Commander's Revised Mission Statement.”, 2012, Accessed 29 Sep 2024.

Combatant Commander's Revised Mission Statement (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Combatant Commander's Revised Mission Statement. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Sep, 2024].
”Combatant Commander's Revised Mission Statement” 2012.
”Combatant Commander's Revised Mission Statement”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Combatant Commander's Revised Mission Statement”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 29-Sep-2024].
1. Combatant Commander's Revised Mission Statement [Internet]. 2012 [cited 29 September 2024]. Available from:
1. Combatant Commander's Revised Mission Statement. Published 2012. Accessed September 29, 2024.

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