Essay on "Coed Military Training Imagine a Father"

Essay 4 pages (1128 words) Sources: 1+

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Coed Military Training

Imagine a father actually encouraging the arrangement in which his eighteen-year-old daughter "for her benefit" shares a bedroom with the next-door neighbor's eighteen-year-old son, for months on end, and as he leaves and turns out the light, he happily says, "now be good, kids" (Hart pp). Most people would consider this parent totally irresponsible, and might even wonder whether he was some undercover pornographer or worse (Hart pp). However, for all intents and purposes, the armed forces are doing this and more to the sons of daughters of America that they are responsible for every day, no matter how destructive coed housing and other training practices are to military readiness and to the troops themselves (Hart pp).

In 1998, an eleven member team headed by Former Senator Nancy Kassebaum, examined the issue of mixed-sex training, and concluded after a full scale investigation including inspections and thousands of service member interviews, that mixed-sex basic training and housing should be ended (Hart pp).

However, although the report should have been a red flag regarding the integrated training policy adopted by the Army, Air Force, and Navy, the most that came from the report was that the Army agreed to install partitions in the barracks to discourage sexual encounters (Hart pp). The unanimous recommendations by six women and five men were surprising, considering the diverse makeup of the panel, a mix of retired military officers, a civil rights lawyer and three female college professors (Scarborough pp). After reviewing evidence of disciplinary problems and lack of teamwork, the panelists urged the military services to kee
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p the sexes in separate barracks at the platoon level for the ten-week of basic training, yet, men and women would still train together, sometimes, when small same-sex unites join to make up larger companies (Scarborough pp).

There were so many female recruits who were unable to pass hand grenade tossing tests at one Army base that authorities simply changed the standards, setting different requirements for male and female recruits, reports analyst James Anderson of the Heritage Foundation, in his paper, "Boot Camp or Summer Camp? Restoring Rigorous Standards to Basic Training" (Hart pp). Anderson says that in an effort to entice and retain women, basic training has become much more feminized, de-emphasizing toughness and rigor (Hart pp). At Great Lakes Naval Training Center, recruits are now shown a video that tells them that "anyone can make it through boot camp," when actually the point should be that not everyone can make it (Hart pp). According to one Army recruit who expected boot camp to be tough, said, "this is like summer camp" (Hart pp). Anderson states that "all the emphasis on physical and mental toughness that would enable a soldier to outlast or outperform a capable enemy on the field of battle is being systematically removed from U.S. armed forces basic training" (Hart pp). It appears that political correctness now rules the Pentagon (Hart pp).

After more than forty years of effort, the military appears to have become a model of racial tolerance for the rest of society, yet, efforts for gender tolerance has come to resemble a minefield at numerous military bases and posts (Berg pp). During the past decade, there has been a myriad of allegations that male instructors, including drill sergeants, have raped and sexually abused young women trainees, and conversely, that several women recruits may have… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Coed Military Training Imagine a Father" Assignment:

I would like an argumentative essay discussing coed training, I do not agree to coed training and would like this essay to convince others that it should not be continued with. It must incorporate outside source material with at least four separate sources published since 1995 and correctly documents this source material using both in-text citation and a works cited page. Thank you!

How to Reference "Coed Military Training Imagine a Father" Essay in a Bibliography

Coed Military Training Imagine a Father.”, 2005, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Coed Military Training Imagine a Father (2005). Retrieved from (2005). Coed Military Training Imagine a Father. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Coed Military Training Imagine a Father” 2005.
”Coed Military Training Imagine a Father”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Coed Military Training Imagine a Father”,, 2005. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Coed Military Training Imagine a Father [Internet]. 2005 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Coed Military Training Imagine a Father. Published 2005. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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