Term Paper on "Coaching and Development"

Term Paper 7 pages (1860 words) Sources: 7

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Coaching and Development

The two scenarios are highlighting the overall challenges that preceptors will face inside a health care facility. To help them adjust with these issues requires examining each situation and understanding the most effective approaches for troubleshooting the different problems. This will be accomplished by focusing on: creating an orientation / development guide for preceptors, developing a set of guidelines for them to follow, creating an incentive program, designing a performance improvement plan and creating a strategy for addressing preceptor's specific educational needs. Together, these elements will highlight the underlying challenges impacting everyone and the way to most effectively deal with them over the long-term.

A brief orientation and development guide for the preceptors.

A preceptor is an individual such as doctor or nurse who has the responsibility of overseeing and training students. This means that the example and advice they provide will determine the quality of education everyone will receive. Inside a health care environment, these experiences will determine the way they deal with patients and handle medical emergencies. (Flynn, 2006)

Discuss the role of a preceptor.

The role of a preceptor is to use their training and expertise to teach students the proper techniques in working with patients and other health care professionals. This means that they have a responsibility of setting a good example for everyone to follow. Moreover, they need to carefully monitor the activities of students and other staff members to ensure that they are practicing the highest levels
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of safety at all times. This requires them continually watching what is taking place and intervening in situations where they see the potential or actual problems occurring. (Flynn, 2006)

Explain the guidelines for working one-on-one with the students using a competency-based approach.

When working with students, a preceptor must be able to serve as bridge between: the academic training they received and the real world challenges they will face in a health care setting. This means that they must serve as a role model, coach, provide effective demonstrations and encourage dialogue. To achieve these larger objectives they should concentrate on a number of areas to improve competency. The most notable include:

Establishing a strong personal relationship with students.

Focusing on awareness and taking into account their learning styles.

Illustrating how to apply knowledge-based practices to a variety of patients.

Building confidence and encouraging the student to ask questions throughout the process.

Providing the student with hands on experience in working with patients and learning how to troubleshoot problems.

Teaching them about how legal and ethical issues apply to a variety of situations they are dealing with. (Silverstone, 2009)

These different guidelines are important, as they will create a relationship of understanding, open communication and support for the ideas of the preceptor. When they are working one on one with the student, this will enhance their levels of learning comprehension. (Silverstone, 2009)

Explain the supervision of students, including ethical and legal issues.

During the supervision of students, it is imperative for the preceptor to monitor what is happening and teach them about the ethical / legal issues they will face in the process. This means that they must teach them the most effective practices and ensure that they are following these guidelines at all times. A few of the most notable include:

Protecting the patient's right to privacy.

Ensure that they are psychologically and physically fit when providing care.

Preventing any kind of psychological harm to include: verbal or physical abuse.

Always practicing family and patient confidentiality.

Preventing activities that are illegal or dishonest including: falsifying records, stealing or cheating.

Notifying the proper personnel before leaving the nursing station or department inside the hospital. ("Preceptor Manual," 2010)

These elements are important, as they will teach the student the best practices for following different ethical and legal standards. The supervision of the student by the preceptor, will train them in the most effective tactics for dealing with these issues over the long-term and how to remain in compliance with various guidelines. This means that they have to take a proactive role in monitoring the situation and ensuring that everyone is following these principles without question. ("Preceptor Manual," 2010)

Explain the reporting requirements for preceptors.

Preceptors have a responsibility of reporting any kind of changes in the condition of the patient to various stakeholders including: their supervisors, regulators, the family and the individual themselves. At the same time, they have a responsibility of removing any person who they deem is a hazard to the health care environment. This means that they must monitor for issues such as absenteeism, physical / emotional problems, impaired personal relations and difficulty concentrating. ("Preceptor Handbook," 2011)

Moreover, they have an obligation to monitor what is happening on the floor and report any kind of violations of these standards from colleagues. As a result, their overall focus must be on ensuring that different legal, ethical and industry practices are continually enforced at all times. Anyone who is in breach of these requirements must be relieved of their responsibility and authority to work with patients. ("Preceptor Handbook," 2011)

Develop a set of guidelines for a performance appraisal of the preceptors at the end of the students' rotation.

At the end of student's rotation, it is imperative for preceptors to establish a set of guidelines in effectively determining if they are following the different standards, policies, procedures and practices. This will help them to objectively evaluate their own performance and ensure they are meeting these objectives with everyone they are working with. When this happens, they will be more effective in providing them with the proper training and creating a program. That is taking into account the changing dynamics of any health care environment.

Discuss the baseline measurements / parameters that will be used to evaluate the preceptors.

To evaluate preceptors, a program should be implemented that will focus on a number of different objectives. These include:

If the individual's philosophy is in accordance with state and federal guidelines.

Their ability to supervise students and ensure they are maintaining a safe / healthy environment.

Providing objective feedback regardless of their personal feelings or clinical performance.

Collaborating with other faculty to determine the student's ability to meet critical objectives.

Working with administrators and staff to create effective written evaluation procedures for the student.

Possessing positive communication and management skills.

Ensuring they have the ability to teach other critical ideas and practices.

Maintaining strong supervisory procedures and making certain they are a strong role model for everyone.

Effective management skills. ("Handbook for Preceptors and Students," 2011)

These different areas will establish practices that will help students, other staff members and administrators to objectively evaluate preceptors. When this happens, they can ensure that these individuals are taking into account the needs of stakeholders and providing the facility with positive influences inside the health care environment. This is the point their practices will increase, through their ability to work with everybody and create an atmosphere that is helping them to adjust with new challenges. ("Handbook for Preceptors and Students," 2011)

Explain the consequences of the performance appraisal.

The consequences of the performance appraisal are it will establish accountability inside a health care facility. This is when preceptors must act and engage in specific practices that will support the highest quality of standards for everyone. Those who are following these guidelines can develop an effective leadership role and make a significant impact on students, staff members and in the lives of patients / their families. This is when quality and safety will improve. (Myrick, 2005) (Young, 2007)

At the same time, these procedures will punish someone who is not following these guidelines. This is when they will face a warning to correct their behavior, removal from the position and eventual termination. These tools will force preceptors to continually follow the different regulations to the best of their ability and create an environment that is supportive of stakeholders. This is the key to ensuring that a health care facility can remain in compliance with various laws and changing standards inside the industry. (Myrick, 2005) (Young, 2007)

Develop an incentive program with limited funding available to reward preceptor performance.

A possible incentive program for rewarding preceptors is to offer them more positions of authority inside the hospital. This will give them the ability to create an atmosphere that is conducive of their beliefs and shape the quality of health care that is being provided. For instance, one possible strategy is to have someone who is an excellent preceptor to take their skills and create policies that will improve the safety / operating efficiency of the various departments. This will offer them the ability to work with different stakeholders and have more of say in how the facility is managed over the long-term. For preceptors, this can enhance their ability to work with stakeholders and address critical challenges. It is at this point when they can make a difference in the quality of care that is provided to patients. (Myrick, 2005) (Young, 2007)… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Coaching and Development" Assignment:


As a faculty member, you have a number of clinical preceptors working under your direction. In this task you will first develop a set of guidelines for conducting a performance appraisal for these preceptors. You will then develop an incentive program to reward preceptor performance. Finally, you will be asked to deal with two different issues that involve two of your preceptors.

Scenario 1: You have a new group of clinical preceptors who report to you on the medical surgical unit. Within the first two weeks on the unit, one of your preceptors has arrived late three days in a row. On further investigation you find that the preceptor has told the students to go ahead and start the patient*****s care alone. This is the first medical surgical experience for this cohort of students.

Scenario 2: Often nurses who are preceptors are RNs but do not have a BSN. The hospital is applying for magnet status and is encouraging RNs to continue their education and obtain their BSNs. One of your preceptors has just spoken to you about wanting to go back to school to complete an education. The preceptor is a full-time nurse at the hospital and supports a family, and therefore cannot take time off to go back to school at the local university.


A. Write a brief orientation and development guide (suggested length of 3*****4 pages) for the preceptors.

1. Discuss the role of a preceptor.

2. Explain the guidelines for working one-on-one with the students using a competency-based approach.

3. Explain the supervision of students, including ethical and legal issues.

4. Explain the reporting requirements for preceptors.

B. Develop a set of guidelines (suggested length of 1*****2 pages) for a performance appraisal of the preceptors at the end of the students***** rotation.

1. Discuss the baseline measurements/parameters that will be used to evaluate the preceptors.

2. Explain the consequences of the performance appraisal.

C. Develop an incentive program with limited funding available to reward preceptor performance.

D. Design a performance improvement plan for the preceptor who arrives late, based on the issues in the first scenario.

E. Create a plan for addressing the preceptor*****s specific educational needs in the second scenario.

F. If you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Note: Please save word-processing documents as *.rtf (Rich Text Format) or *.pdf (Portable Document Format) files.

Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the attached Rubric Terms.

Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the paper or project.

Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. For tips on using APA style, please refer to the APA Handout web link included in the General Instructions section. *****

How to Reference "Coaching and Development" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Coaching and Development.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2013, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/coaching-development-two/9867217. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Coaching and Development (2013). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/coaching-development-two/9867217
A1-TermPaper.com. (2013). Coaching and Development. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/coaching-development-two/9867217 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Coaching and Development” 2013. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/coaching-development-two/9867217.
”Coaching and Development” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/coaching-development-two/9867217.
[1] ”Coaching and Development”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/coaching-development-two/9867217. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Coaching and Development [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/coaching-development-two/9867217
1. Coaching and Development. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/coaching-development-two/9867217. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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