Case Study on "Coaching"

Case Study 6 pages (1679 words) Sources: 6 Style: APA

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Coaching Case Study

In this text, I concern myself with Joe; an employee of Techno Corporation who seems frustrated given the recent re-organization of the firm which has brought with itself a greater need for collaboration between the business and marketing teams and the technical teams. Joe is currently the corporation's systems analyst. As Joe's supervisor, I will utilize the Five Elements Model to highlight the scenario and come up with the relevant suggestions by amongst other things describing Joe's specific areas of growth and strength, identifying the various concerns likely to be addressed in a coaching relationship and lastly; coming up with an action plan incorporating measurable goals that can be followed by both Joe and I.

Joe's Specific Areas of Growth and Strength

It is important to note from the onset that Joe's performance in the past cannot be overstated. It is by drawing on some of his key strengths that Joe managed to perform awesomely as an information systems team manager. Here, he was largely successful in embracing a proactive approach while seeking to address issues revolving around quality control. Further Joe managed to ensure that his team brought fourth outcomes in a timely manner. These are no mean feats. As I have already stated above, Joe managed to achieve all this by drawing on some of his key strengths. His specific areas of strength as highlighted in the case study include a rare ability to organize his thoughts in a systematic way, enhanced technical skills as well as ability to handle unique challenges under conditions regarded high-stress scenarios. Further, Joe has superior organizational skills given how he handl
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ed teams at each project's outset. His unique approach to team management can be gleaned from the superior track record of his team.

However, given Joe's areas of strength, it would also be prudent to highlight his specific growth areas. To begin with, given the recent re-organization, Joe has experienced some difficulties given the suspicions he has had of the business and marketing functions. Joe's current frustrations stem from what he calls the uncooperative nature of the business and marketing functions of the entity. Further, he believes that the same functions have been deliberately blocking him from decision-making especially in regard to personnel allocations. With a keen emphasis on this scenario, interpersonal and negotiation skills development could be taken as one of Joe's specific areas for growth. In my opinion, in addition to helping him relate better with other departments, interpersonal skills will in a way also better Joe's professional performance by helping him handle conflict in a more interactive way. In this case, instead of being overwhelmed by emotion, Joe can be well prepared to handle and respond to difficult situations. Further, negotiation skills could benefit Joe by enhancing his persuasion abilities. My assertion in this case is largely founded on the fact that he needs to present a strong case to the business and marketing functions so as to enhance the chances of his requests going through. I am also convinced that the development of key management skills presents Joe with yet another specific area for growth. This will in a way ensure that Joe is relatively comfortable with the apparent corporate emphasis being placed on both innovation and marketing. These management skills coupled with Joe's technical skills will equip him will all the necessary tools as he scales the corporate ladder.

The Coaching Relationship: Concerns Likely to be Taken into Consideration

Confidentiality is a key concern which could be considered in a coaching relationship. Indeed, according to Goldsmith and Lyons (2006, p. 113), "coaching is a very personal relationship and it needs to be completely confidential and totally voluntary." Hence in our case, I need to make it clear to Joe that the nature and specifics of the coaching undertaking remains largely confidential except in instances where he expressly waivers such a provision by granting explicit permission that the same be disclosed. This is important as according to Peltier (2001, p. 228), "most people are happy to cooperate with the confidentiality arrangements that coaches and clients establish." Further, Joe should also keep in mind that his participation in the undertaking is also voluntary. The next concern which might be addresses in a coaching relationship has to do with boundaries. As Hernez-Broome (2010) notes, during the coaching relationship, it is possible for either the coach or the individual being coached to cross the established boundaries in relation to the scope and nature of coaching. Guidelines here could relate to professional codes of conduct which should ideally be respected. It is however important to note that in most cases, regulations come across as being rather weak whereas guidelines are in most scenarios inadequate (Hernez-Broome, 2010). This must however not be taken to mean that establishing boundaries early in the coaching relationship is of no value.

It can also be noted that during the coaching relationship, the need to understand and appreciate the individual being coached cannot be overstated. In our scenario, it is possible to utilize the Five Elements Model to help identify some of the key concerns to be taken into consideration or be addressed in the coaching relationship. These elements are presented by Flaherty (2010) as mood, personal and cultural history, future possibilities, commitments and immediate concerns. When it comes to immediate concerns, Flaherty (2010, p. 62) notes that the same relates to "what the client has on his mind at the moment…" Applying this to our case, Joe's immediate concerns regard his relations with his peers whom he accuses of being unresponsive to his requests. Further, Joe is of the opinion that his business and marketing peers are deliberately refusing to make him part and parcel of their decision-making undertakings especially in regard to personnel allocations. Joe's immediate concerns also have got to do with his feeling of being devalued given the seemingly significant emphasis (corporate) being placed on both innovation and culture. Such a move has left him confused regarding his place in the new setup of things. Lastly, Joe's reservations regarding how his family life will be impacted upon by his moving up the corporate ladder can be considered yet another immediate concern.

When it comes to commitments, Flaherty (2010, p.63) notes that "anybody who we coach will be in the middle of dedicating his life to something or someone." To further highlight this, the author gives an example of a salesman who is relatively hardworking and hence one of the highest earning employees. However, the salesman in this case could be working hard so that he or she can retire early and traverse the globe. This is what this salesman is committed to. In our case, we cannot be certain where exactly Joe's commitment lies. But we can establish that for a fact, he has a deep commitment to the well-being of his family given both his willingness to spend more time with it and his involvement in his son's sporting activities.

Next, we have personal and cultural history. According to Flaherty (2010), this element mainly concerns itself with the diverse interaction histories individuals have with both circumstances and people. However, in our case, what mainly comes to play is Joe's personal history. Here, Joe as a team manager is largely used to exercising his full control over both the financial as well as the human resources required to see projects through. However, given the reorganization, Joe now has to not only work but to also plan with peers across the board. This will in turn mean that he has to get used to negotiating budgets in some instances. Hence given Joe's personal history, the new scheme of things will call for a readjustment on his part.

Regarding mood as yet another element, this can be taken to be that emotional tone… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Coaching" Assignment:

Case Study Utilizing the Five Elements Model

Using the Five Elements Model (I will be submitting the model as an attachment) please study the *****"Coaching Case Study*****" outlined below and then submit your ideas for the following 3 areas : (1) describe the client*****'s (Joe) specific areas of strength and specific areas for growth, (2) identify concerns which might be addressed in a coaching relationship, and (3) develop a proposed plan of action, with measurable goals, for you (coach) and client (Joe) to follow.


Joe R. is 42 year-old systems analyst who, over the 16 years of his career with the Techno Corporation, has taken positions which have drawn on his technical skills, strong ability to think systemically, and willingness to take on new challenges under high-stress conditions. Until recently, Joe was doing an effective job as a team manager in the information systems arena. He was able to drive his team to both produce outcomes in a timely manner and address quality control issues proactively. His style of working the team is consistent with his background. He would bring the team together at the outset of each project, provide numerous diagrams and visual representations of the work to be done within timelines, make assignments, and schedule regular meetings to review the progress of the work. Given the record of the team*****s success, his style seems to have been effective with his staff, most of whom had similar backgrounds and training.

The organization in which you and Joe work has recently undergone a significant re-organization, moving from a project team model to an integrated matrix model. This means that the technical teams must work collaboratively with the business and marketing teams. Team managers who used to have full control of the human and financial resources necessary to carry out projects must now plan and work across the board with peers. In some instances, this means that a team manager must request personnel from another area or negotiate budgets with their internal *****customers*****. The shift has been very difficult for Joe, who has habitually regarded the business and marketing functions of the corporation with some suspicion. In his first quarter review with you, Joe expresses great frustration with the changes. He complains that his peers in business and marketing have been uncooperative, arguing with his every request and failing to include him in decision-making on personnel allocations. He is asking you to exert some influence to back him up.

As his supervisor, you want to help Joe develop the next-level skills of management and leadership that will help him to move upward in the organization. You want to enable him to resolve his differences with peers in a constructive way and to acknowledge and help him work with the impact the organizational changes have had on him. As you continue the conversation with Joe, several other considerations come to light. Joe is married, with two boys who play softball. He regularly coaches their team and has placed a high priority on time with family. While Joe does want to move forward in the organization, he has some reservations about the commitment of time and concern about how this might affect his family life. He is also uncertain about how he fits into the new structure, confessing that he feels somewhat devalued by the heavy corporate emphasis on marketing and innovation. Joe wonders if his college degree (a bachelor*****s degree in computer science) is sufficient to carry him forward.

This is a 6 page paper. Please use APA style and American Syntax. Please ensure the all resources identified in the body of the paper are listed in the reference page and are complete. If you use direct quotes, please include the specific page number or paragraph is there is no page number. Please provide at least one reference per page either direct quote or paraphrased. Double space and use Time New Roman/12 point font. PLEASE USE CURRENT RESOURCE MATERIAL, preferably textbooks.

(Just For Your Information, the following resource books are used in this course:

Flaherty, J. (2010). Coaching: Evoking excellence in others (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN: 9781856178167

Hudson, F. (1999). The handbook of coaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 0787947954

Peltier, B. (2009). The psychology of executive coaching: Theory and application. (2nd ed.). New York: Taylor & Francis. ISBN: 9780415993418

Goldsmith, M., & Lyons, L. (2006). Coaching for leadership (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 0787977632)

If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at Thank you for your ideas and help concerning this assignment.

Best Regards,




How to Reference "Coaching" Case Study in a Bibliography

Coaching.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Coaching (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Coaching. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Coaching” 2012.
”Coaching”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Coaching”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Coaching [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Coaching. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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