Term Paper on "Cloning Today Man Has Progressed"

Term Paper 12 pages (3309 words) Sources: 1+

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Today man has progressed so much in the field of science that it has claimed to possess the power and knowledge to duplicate any living organism. In the year 1997, scientists at the Roslin Institute, Scotland, announced that they have successfully cloned a sheep. Proudly naming it "Dolly," this event led to a series of concerns all across the globe. Many rejoiced at this effort and were supportive while others felt that man was trying to play God. Debates on ethical and moral aspects of this achievement were conducted and people including religious sectors denounced this process. It should also be noted that Dolly was not the first animal to be cloned. The first animal to be cloned was a tadpole done more than four decades before Dolly. Cloning however does not only mean to clone man or animal but is also the term given to techniques that do not require the production of a genetic twin. DNA cloning as an example can be used in gene therapies to treat genetic conditions. Reproductive cloning comes under the category of asexual reproduction and is conducted by removing the DNA, thus the genetic information, from the ovum or the egg cell and replacing it with the genetic information of the father's cell (BBC).


The news about the successful cloning of a sheep spread across the globe like fire in a forest. The first reaction of people was regarding the concerns of human cloning and one could only imagine how long it would be till scientists experiment on human clones and producing a successful genetic twin. After the cloning of the sheep, scientists have successfully cloned cows, goats, mice, cats, pigs, rabbits, and a gaur.
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Animal cloning brings up concerns regarding the meat of the genetically produced animal. It has now been established that the meat of a cloned animal is safe to consume and no evidence to suggest otherwise has been discovered. Further, an animal that is genetically engineered does pose a threat to the environment. If such an animal introduces their genes into wild populations then that would be hazardous to the environment. Such concerns are present for all types of genetically engineered animals including fish (Cat Lazaroff). Transgenic animals that would be more adaptable and fit would naturally replace the others. Environmental imbalance would be seen in cases where there is competition for a limited food source. If the rate of mating success is high in such transgenic animals for example a fish, then it would result in increased likelihood of the spread of the engineered genes in the ecosystem. This would be harmful if the transgenic animal, though have a high mating success, has a low survival rate. Further transgenic animals can have increased adaptability for example in cases where its tolerance to cold temperatures increase or its increased immune system. Such genes when introduced in the natural ecosystem can widen the adaptability of the animal thus altering and creating an instable environment.

The ethic of environmentalism also preaches a respect for nature as we find it, and argues that the complex structure of the natural world has much to teach us. It opposes the hubristic overconfidence inherent in the cloning project, and fears that such a project may erase the boundary between the natural and the technological." (Staff Working Paper 3b)

Human cloning and cloning in general brings a lot of ethical and moral issues. People and religious institutions brand this as man interfering with nature or man trying to play God. They feel that the act of producing life belongs to God alone and cloning should be avoided and not conducted under any circumstances. Christianity believes that man is made in the image of God and is created in uniqueness hence they say that if human cloning would be practiced then that would be man being created in the image of man rather than God. Hence they along with nearly all the major religions condemn the act of human cloning.

Moreover an important fact is that many might not take clones to be actual real people and they might be discriminated and treated to be inferior or expendable or replaceable. Human cloning is also looked upon as something that breaches human dignity. "In explicating the problem with cloning-to-produce-children based on control of the whole genotype and the production of children to selected specifications, the report notes that 'human dignity is at stake'. As a result, such cloning would constitute 'an injustice to the cloned child,' who would be 'seriously wronged,' not only harmed" (James F. Childress, p.15). People would not be 'people' anymore but will be replaceable products and therefore the society will not care much about other people are they will have a tendency to think that a person is substitutable. This type of thinking is naturally not right and life should be valued. Having a twin does not mean that one of them is expendable. Moreover governments or if terrorists get hold of such a technology, an entire army could be made by this. Governments could use such "expendable" people to conduct the clandestine operations and other underhanded businesses. One can only imagine how easy it would be for terrorist organization to increase the number of suicide bombers that they already have. They would be able to possess a fleet of suicide bombers and terrorists. This would take the world straight to the mouth of destruction. More abuse of such a technology would be seen if clones are made to be potential workers whose job would be to work for others. Additionally they might even be paid less that a normal human. This would again be morally wrong as it would be the practice of slavery.

Human cloning will bring forward another problem, the lack of genetic diversity. The purpose of sexual reproduction rather than asexual reproduction and its benefit is that the new genetic combinations give a species the ability to react and respond to the changing environmental conditions and "would endanger the ability of our species to survive major environmental changes." This diversity is achieved by the combining of the haploid gametes from the father and the mother to produce a diploid. "The deliberate imposition of a restriction on human genetic diversity would violate the very biological principles basic to the evolution of our species" (Michael C. Brannigan, p.25). Cloning which is asexual in nature would not only reduce the genetic diversity but also cause unlooked-for weaknesses and diseases.

The question that arises is that if embryos are frozen for later use and then it is decided not to use some, what will be done to them? Naturally they will be disposed of. Further embryos would require a definition as to whether they will be considered as individuals or just private property. Major religions like Islam and Christianity both consider the destruction of embryos to be nothing less than murder and as the process of cloning does include destroying embryos, a large majority of people do consider it to be a crime and therefore the act to be immoral or it being a sin. The act of human cloning is far from perfect and no human clone has been yet made, thus during the process of making this act a hundred percent, there will be many mistakes on the way which might include human beings with defects of a serious nature. This is in direct violation of human rights. For personal gains such experimentation on human life is not only unethical but a barbaric behavior and should never be allowed. "The human body is not a commodity or a collection of spare parts. All organisms belong to the integrity of nature, and we have no right to redesign them for our own profit or convenience" (Richard Heinberg).Cloning also brings about the fear that if the cloning of animals or humans is allowed and practiced, then it would lead to an imbalance in the natural cycle of life and would only add on to the already present problem of population explosion. They prefer to let nature handle this rather than man intervening and treading on the sanctity of life. Another aim to produce human clones is the fact that a medium should me made available to provide others with body organs or body parts with no fear of the recipient body rejecting the organ. People who have lost a limb in an accident or whose face is completely deformed or burnt would be able to have these repaired or regenerated with this breakthrough in the scientific world. This again raises many questions whether killing a clone which is also human is allowed to ensure that you continue to live. Many consider this as slaughter while others always have means to justify their intentions and purposes.

Where some fear that it would cause an imbalance in the web of life and the population, some scientists voice that cloning animals would actually help solve one of the major environmental problems. This… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Cloning Today Man Has Progressed" Assignment:

The written report should be typed and should contain:

A cover page

An introduction

The body of the report - (References: Use APA style when quoting or describing the thoughts of others)


A list of references (Use APA style)


The problem; what is currently being done about it by the industry involved, the government and private citizens; and what you think should be done to solve it.

Issues of Environmental Ethics; identify any ethical issues and controversies that have been discussed in class.

Identify and analyze if there are any occupational health and safety implications (problems, accidents, potential worker issues, potential public health issues, successful mitigation/controls connected with your problem.

Identify persons or conditions responsible for the problems, provide your thoughts on how the problem should be addressed and include a solid argument supporting your position.)

Identify and analyze if there are any air pollution aspects connected with your problem.

Identify and analyze if there are any water quality problems associated with your environmental problem.


My submitted abstract: Please try to work close to this as possible but not required.

Scientists have recently declared that the flourishing idea of cloning a sheep as well as the prospect in cloning a human being is one of the most exciting and shocking examples of scientific innovation. The same scientific innovation has also become one of the largest and controversial issues today. An assortment of scientists, legal professionals, physicians and mass media figures have been adding fuel to the fire by revealing issues of fear and apprehensions on the ethical and moral side of the topic of cloning and the cloning of a human being for the purposes of losing a loved one or even building extra body parts. Since the discovery of stem cells and other scientific improvements in cellular biology, lawmakers have been urged to sign letters of petition to ban such research of using stem cell research to create new body organs for the purposes of transplantation.

Utilizing ordinary cells, scientists have been able to avoid the controversy concerning the use of aborted fetuses and discarded embryos for organ development. The current technology of tissue creation has allowed scientists to help people across the United States with items such as skin patches that have successfully healed skin sores. These same scientists have engineered ways to use polymers to form molds into where the cells can continue to grow and eventually take shape. Francois Auger, a disease specialist and inventor of artificial blood vessels states that “cells will do the prescribed work if they are treated properly”. The issue aside from ethical and moral issues concerning cloning in the creation of extra body parts currently is conceiving ready-made organs that can be genetically created that would block the signals that create immune responses and not cause infection and rejection.


My submitted thesis statement: Please try to work close to this as possible but not required.

When the idea of cloning first started to be reported in the news there was a mixture of emotions, both positive and negative from society. Some felt it was the greatest scientific accomplishment ever and others felt as if it were opening Pandora’s Box. Of course the thought of cloning human beings was one of the first things on everyone's mind. Currently the idea of cloning is not as shocking as it once was due to the recent cloning of pigs, goats and of course Dolly the sheep. Some worried that if we continue to clone animals; wouldn’t there be an issue with the rising population of these animals that would make the cycle of life unbalanced? What about human beings, what if we started to clone them, wouldn’t the same issue be there, especially in a society where population control already seems to be an issue.

I feel that cloning should have strict limits and codes in its use. The reasoning behind the cloning must be looked at very closely as to why in fact the need for cloning is there. Would it be to clone a human to reproduce organs to save another persons life? If so, what happens to the rest of the cloned human? Do we kill it without being morally wrong to both society and religious rules and expectations? Also, what if the success of cloning gets into a persons grasp that has nothing but bad intentions with evil motives? Then what do we do? Again, I feel that cloning is not something that should be used frequently and there should be very strict limitations on its use.

How to Reference "Cloning Today Man Has Progressed" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Cloning Today Man Has Progressed.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/cloning-today-man-progressed/4577796. Accessed 30 Jun 2024.

Cloning Today Man Has Progressed (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/cloning-today-man-progressed/4577796
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Cloning Today Man Has Progressed. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/cloning-today-man-progressed/4577796 [Accessed 30 Jun, 2024].
”Cloning Today Man Has Progressed” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/cloning-today-man-progressed/4577796.
”Cloning Today Man Has Progressed” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/cloning-today-man-progressed/4577796.
[1] ”Cloning Today Man Has Progressed”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/cloning-today-man-progressed/4577796. [Accessed: 30-Jun-2024].
1. Cloning Today Man Has Progressed [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 30 June 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/cloning-today-man-progressed/4577796
1. Cloning Today Man Has Progressed. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/cloning-today-man-progressed/4577796. Published 2005. Accessed June 30, 2024.

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