Assessment on "Barriers and Challenges to Learning and Training in Clinical Settings"

Assessment 3 pages (1164 words) Sources: 6

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, 203; 101). The aspect of working in a different culture requires people to learning it as a way of understanding them. This may be tough and time-consuming in many cases. Cultural variations in the field of academics have been studied since time immemorial. The culture of the U.S. teaches students about the importance of individual efforts or independence. Other countries insist on the need for teamwork in academics and work. These two conflicting cultures are likely to affect learners and workers in the field of nursing. An American nurse working in a Chinese city finds it hard cooperating with other workers in the country. Similarly, a nurse from China and Japan may find working in the U.S. A very challenging experience. In order to handle this issue, nurses are trained on the various cultural backgrounds prevailing in each location and regions across the world.

Question 3

Time is also a serious barrier in the field of nursing. Nursing is one of the professions that require maximum and appropriate timing for the learners to understand well the concepts being taught. Poor timing implies inadequate delivery of nursing services. First, nursing is one profession that does not require fixed schedules among the workers for executing their roles. In nursing, the main idea is to ensure that the patients or clients are well handled. In most health care institutions, nursing is like other professions whereby nurses are not allowed to perform their duties according to the requirement by the nursing principles and ethics. Reasonably, many healthcare organizations are owned by individuals whose aims are making profits, thereby coming up strict timing and schedules not appropriate for
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excellent delivery of nursing services (Howe & Strauss, 2000; 121). Furthermore, nursing requires that the caregivers stay close to the patients in order to ensure maximum delivery of their services that aims at changing the lifestyles of the workers. In learning institutions, learning requires that the learners understand certain crucial concepts of learning. Learning syllabus requires that students practice what they learn in class outside the school by attending to some sick people in hospitals and homes. This way, they can appreciate what they learn (Gabberson et al., 203; 122). Strict timing may give them less time interacting with the clients and learning about the various problems that they face. This is a barrier to successful nursing practice. In addition, nursing is one profession that requires individuals to offer services with no schedules. A nurse delivers his or her services to a patient at night or in the wee hours of the morning (Oermann, 2012; 85). Most organizations and societies are not used to this, and it obviously affects nursing students and professional nurses.


Bastable, S.B. (2008). Nurse as educator: principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice. Sudbury, MA, Jones, and Bartlett.

Finkelman, A.W., & Kenner, C. (2010). Professional nursing concepts competencies for Quality leadership. Sudbury, Mass, Jones and Bartlett Publishers. (Finkelman & Kenner, 2010; 67)

Gaberson, K.B., Oermann, M.H., & Shellenbarger, T. (2013). Clinical teaching

Strategies in nursing. New York: SAGE.

Howe, N. & Strauss, W. 2000. Millennials rising: the next great generation. Vintage Books;

New York, NY: SAGE.

Oermann, M.H. (2012). Teaching in nursing and role of the educator: the complete guide to best practice in teaching, evaluation, and curriculum development.

Timby, B.K. (2009). Fundamental nursing skills and concepts. Philadelphia, Walters Kluwer

Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Barriers and Challenges to Learning and Training in Clinical Settings" Assignment:

This assessment requires you to discuss three barriers/challenges that are common with learning and teaching in the clinical setting, particularly in nursing. You are also to provide solutions and strathegies to minimise this barriers/challenges.

1- Generational (age) differences can be a barrier/challenge with learning and teaching in the clinical setting, as student nurses and new graduate nurses can be of any age. Provide a brief discussion on the matter and provide solutions and strategies to minimise/overcome this barrier/challenge ( 300 words).

2-The environment (phisical and culture) where we work can be a barrier/challenge with learning and teaching for the nursing students and new graduate nurses. Provide a brief discussion on the matter and provide solutions and strategies to minimise/overcome this barrier/challenge (300 words).

3- Time can be a barrier/challenge with leaning and teaching student nurses and new graduate nurses, as they will take that time that nurses need to do their own work. Provide a brief discussion on the matter and provide solutions and strategies to minimise/overcome this barrier/challenge (200 words)

Please provide references from current literature (up to 5 years).

How to Reference "Barriers and Challenges to Learning and Training in Clinical Settings" Assessment in a Bibliography

Barriers and Challenges to Learning and Training in Clinical Settings.”, 2014, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Barriers and Challenges to Learning and Training in Clinical Settings (2014). Retrieved from (2014). Barriers and Challenges to Learning and Training in Clinical Settings. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Barriers and Challenges to Learning and Training in Clinical Settings” 2014.
”Barriers and Challenges to Learning and Training in Clinical Settings”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Barriers and Challenges to Learning and Training in Clinical Settings”,, 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Barriers and Challenges to Learning and Training in Clinical Settings [Internet]. 2014 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Barriers and Challenges to Learning and Training in Clinical Settings. Published 2014. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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