Term Paper on "Advanced Clinical Practice With Individuals Critique"

Term Paper 10 pages (4351 words) Sources: 8

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Clinical Practice with Individuals Critique of Practice

Behavioral change theories and designs mainly allow an individual to adapt and change a negative or damaging habit into a positive and healthier one. All behavioral change theories help the researcher to categorize the changes that individuals go through and the behavioral change designs help the individual to have basic guideline form where they can start to initiate the change themselves. The main aspects in the behavioral changes theories are internal factors like the confidence, behavior, attitude and beliefs of the individual and the external factors like the social structure, family and environment that surrounds the individual (Maurer, 1996).

Purpose of the Paper

In this paper we will analyze the behavioral changes that a teenager, 19-year-old Sarah, is going through as she lives through the foster care system in Miami. Her foster care structure is similar to almost any other foster care structure and leaves her feeling lonely, depressed and anxious with her life. The depression is the main cause of worry for the client as it disallows her to feel good about her achievements. She constantly finds herself breaking down in tears because of depression. She has been my patient for nearly two years now and whenever in such circumstances she comes to my clinic, I make sure that she is always made to feel welcomed and is surrounded by a calming influence and atmosphere whether she is in the waiting room or in my office. She usually is very reclusive whenever she comes for regular session and complains subtly about her depressive state. But at times, she does get overwhelmed and breaks down. I've us
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ed the findings of many behavioral studies to help her calm down and try to get herself out of her depressive inclinations.

It has been a very recent development that the behavioral changes theories have started incorporating the health maintenance strategies for individuals who do not have serious diseases like AIDS, but instead suffer milder diseases like depression; this has helped me deal with my patient a lot better than before. Furthermore, there are many researchers who believe that the behavior change models can provide important information on why certain individuals and certain societies undergo a higher percentage of depression. This is so because all behavior change models tend to categorize behavior patterns in clusters which can help present statistical information of the lifestyles and life choices of societies all over the world (NIH 2003).

In this paper we will mainly highlight how the different behavior change models has and will impact the chosen individual suffering from depression when she chooses to change her lifestyle. The paper will highlight the five important stages of change that the individual will go through in order to accurately apply the behavioral change method required to help her alter her depressive inclinations. The research will mainly use two behavioral change methods: the Stages of Changes Method and the Health Belief Model (HBM).

Methods Applied

The method applied in this study is the "Stages of Changes" procedure. This was a combination of interpersonal and environmental intervention and the first thing I did in this when altering the clients' depressive behavior was that I observed the patterns of behavior as they existed before the change process is initiated so that comparison of results could be evaluated accurately. In this way, I observed the resilience and willingness of the individual to adapt to change that would better her lifestyle. This I did through observing Sarah's attitude towards her peers, her social attachments, the willingness of the individual to stand up for her and for what's right in a tough spot, the food preferences, etc. All of the observations were recorded and documented with reasons for the preferences i.e. all of the actions and addictions to certain situations that could possibly instigate depressive inclinations.

The next step included the planning of the change process, risk assessment and recognition of protective factors. First thing done here was the recognition of unhealthy patterns in the current habits and the appropriate solutions that could bring about the necessary change in them. Second thing in this stage was the designing and distribution of the five methods explained below over a period of six to eight weeks which included all changes being made in the prior behavioral patterns. The five methods implemented in the behavioral pattern for this study include:





Maintenance (Prochaska et al., 1992).

In the first stage of the pre-contemplation, the problem with the depression is obvious, whether or not it is recognized by the individual. If the individual does acknowledge the problem, she does not really resolve to take steps for its solution. In this stage, the individual (Sarah) mainly recognized the problem and gathered all knowledge that was directly or indirectly linked to the problem as well as recognized how her problem affected her environment through the process of observation (Prochaska et al., 1992). Here the method applied basically was aimed to increase the awareness of the individual to the problem through indirect, subtle and at times direct dialogue. This was chosen as the line of action due to the individual's episodic refusal towards therapeutic solutions; it was important that Sarah realized what she needed instead of me telling it to her.

In the second stage of contemplation, the problem was considered to be a serious yet solvable one by the individual and she took the necessary steps to engage herself in a process of change that were designed to help her resolve this depression issue. This is the stage where, for this paper, Sarah was able to recognize the root causes of the problem within her lifestyle and living patterns by researching the impact that each choice has on the overall mental and physical fitness of the individual. Here, the issue of depression is the lack of support from peers. Hence, the method used helped Sarah analyze all aspects that will increase the daily support, her confidence in her ability as well as the ability to trust in others who want to help while simultaneously decreasing the amount of depression or loneliness that she feels (Prochaska et al., 1992).

The third stage of preparation is usually the toughest stage because while people might recognize the problem and the need for a change, they might not always be mentally prepared to take on such a task because behavioral patterns are not easy to change especially if they have existed or been built up for many years as was the case of the chosen individual.

This is where the importance of the first step comes; if the awareness and knowledge of the individual acquired in the first step is thorough and detailed then the overall adaptation might prove to be a little easier. Here the most important task for the individual is to form a self-belief on the personal abilities to not only be able to apply the behavioral change plan but the belief that she can not only apply it but also get the desired results from it (Prochaska et al., 1992). Here, the method used included most psychological techniques used to enhance the self-confidence, self-esteem and self-belief of the individual (Sarah) by beginning with conversing about the completion of tasks in the past or the completion of smaller tasks that had been given within the psychological sessions. This is the stage where the client was in our last session. Interesting to note here is that Sarah took a long time in this particular stage and even though at times her self-esteem seemed to be high, mostly it was here lowered levels of self-esteem that delayed her progression from this step to the next. The next stage will be the focus of our future session.

Process Recordings and Analysis of Practice:

Below is a table where some of the client's responses, my own reactions and supporting theory have been represented from the sessions that have taken place thus far. These transcripts were chosen because they helped me to better understand my contributions through my interactions with Sarah.

Goal or intended focus:

The intended focus of this particular session was to help the client deal with her depressive inclinations in a positive and constructive way.

Aspects to consider when tuning in:

During the session, the client seemed very vulnerable towards what fear in general made her feel and act thereof. She seemed really nervous, finicky and apprehensive about how the fearful energy around her made her feel more depressed. She was definitely looking for psychological input and a solution she could apply in the long run.

Client / Worker Transactions (C)

Skill Name

Worker Reflections (Gut level) (W)

Supervisor's Comments

C: Hi! It's a weird day huh?!

W: Hello! Well, it depends on how you define weird! (Smiling) how would you define weird?

Displaying understanding for the client's feelings

Please let it not be a depressive breakdown, not after the progress we've made!

C: It's just that I feel traumatized and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Advanced Clinical Practice With Individuals Critique" Assignment:


PART I. Identifying The Problem, The Client, The Setting


Identifying and Labeling Areas of Life Challenge: Identify particular areas of challenge for a client with whom you are presently working. Locate these by filling in the appropriate cells of a diagram similar to the one below. Include this graphic representation of you client*****s situation as an attachment (or appendix) to your paper.




Protective Factors and Buffers




2.Setting the stage: Begin by setting the stage for the instructor*****s reading of your paper and your practice illustration. You should:


Briefly describe your client and her/his present life circumstance.


Describe the client*****s primary *****complaint***** and how it was communicated to you.


Provide a succinct portrayal of your practice setting: agency, services offered this client, how specific agency policies support or hinder your work with this client, etc.


What session is it? (Summarize what has happened so in your work with this client and what has happened up to this point in the session.)


Assessing Resiliency, Risk, and Protective Factors: Provide a brief summary of your basic client assessment and identify your primary focus or target for intervention (i.e., intrapersonal, interpersonal, person-in-environment, environment?). In addition, provide a thorough exploration that demonstrates your ability to:

Conduct an assessment of client resiliency.


Identify and describe specific risk and protective factors, vulnerabilities and hardiness evidenced by the client located in his/her situation.


Demonstrating Competence with Diversity, Difference, and Sensitivity to Client*****s View. Explain the impact of the diversity (yours and the client/client system) on your work and especially on YOUR CHOICE OF INTERVENTION.

PART II: Process Recording & Critique Of Practice


Process Recording and Analysis of Practice: Present a section of a process recording (8-10 transactions) from the work phase of an interview with your client in which you address at least one of the particular areas of challenge identified in your grid. Your practice excerpt and analysis should show your advanced practice skills at work and should be identifiable as interventions associated with the practice approach your work with this client represents. (You*****ll find a template to use on BlackBoard).


Include the words verbatim said by the client and by you (the worker.)


Label the skills and/or your clinical intent.


Identify your guess about the client*****s viewpoint at the time, and identify your own gut level feelings you had in the moment (use *****I***** and present tense for both the client view and for your view.)


Express your belief about why you feel your action was truly responsive to the client*****s perspective and/or skillfully utilized the client*****s resilient attributes.


If your response was only marginally responsive, awkward, or only questionably demonstrated the skill you intended, then make another try (use the actual words you*****d say if you were there).


Identify the new skill or intent being used.


Critique of Practice: Evaluate your work by summarizing what went well, what positive effect it had in helping the client, what your struggles were, and what you wish you had done differently.


Differentially Applying Advanced Practice Skills and Theory: Describe the practice theories, approaches, techniques, and specific skills you decided to use with this client situation. How do you feel these choices are ample demonstrations of your ability to differentially apply advanced practice knowledge?


Ethics: Identify any ethical issues client cases like these might suggest. (Use the NASW Code of Ethics to support your ideas.)


ASSIGNMENT #1 SW 621 Individuals

Meets Course Objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,


PART III: Literature Review


The literature: Select one of the issues your client is facing (as represented on your grid.) Complete a mini-literature review of this issue that identifies what seem to be the most effective methods of dealing with the issue and the most salient supportive research.The first assignment, Critique of Practice, asks students to identify areas of challenge for a client and to conduct an assessment of resiliency by identifying specific risk and protective factors, vulnerabilities and hardiness. This assignment requires students to analyze a process recording based on a client they are currently seeing and to critique their practice skills and interventions associated with a particular practice approach. This assignment requires students to discuss practice theories, approaches, techniques, and specific skills that demonstrate the ability to differentially apply advanced practice knowledge. Included in this discussion is an identification of potential ethical issues or dilemmas associated with the students***** work with their clients. The books being used in class are Gitterman, A. (2001) *****"Handbook of practice with vulnerable and resilient populations. Columbia University Press and Walsh, J. (2010) Theories for direct social work practice 2nd edition.

Ideas to consider for selecting your client transcript:

1. The focus of your transcript and analysis section of your assignment is aimed at helping

you to better understand your contributions to your interactions with your clients.

2. The transcript is to show an incident that has significance for you; something that has

made you stop and think or that has raised questions for you. It may have made you

question your beliefs, values, attitudes or behavior. This is the kind of client-worker

communication which in some way has had an impact on you and your professional

learning; a significant incident.

3. You are to select something that occurred in your client transactions that increased your

awareness or challenged you.


Process Recording and Analysis of Practice



Skill Labeled:

Provide a verbatim account

beginning with the client

a) Reading the client (latent


b) Reading your reactions

c) Another try ***** provide

comment word-for-word

d) Label new skill

Label the skill you used for each


Example of Transcript



Client # 1: I just don*****t know how

I*****m going to figure this out


W #1: Are there times when you

do feel a little more certain about

what direction to take?

a) This client sounded


b) I felt nervous trying out a

new skill

c) I was working too hard

to help and that got in

my way. Another try

would be, *****This problem

must feel really tough

right now.*****

d) New skill ***** reaching for


Open ended question focusing on

looking for exceptions

*****¦and continues for 8 to 10

transactions. BE SURE TO USE



How to Reference "Advanced Clinical Practice With Individuals Critique" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Advanced Clinical Practice With Individuals Critique.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2010, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/clinical-practice-individuals-critique/636814. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Advanced Clinical Practice With Individuals Critique (2010). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/clinical-practice-individuals-critique/636814
A1-TermPaper.com. (2010). Advanced Clinical Practice With Individuals Critique. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/clinical-practice-individuals-critique/636814 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Advanced Clinical Practice With Individuals Critique” 2010. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/clinical-practice-individuals-critique/636814.
”Advanced Clinical Practice With Individuals Critique” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/clinical-practice-individuals-critique/636814.
[1] ”Advanced Clinical Practice With Individuals Critique”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/clinical-practice-individuals-critique/636814. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Advanced Clinical Practice With Individuals Critique [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/clinical-practice-individuals-critique/636814
1. Advanced Clinical Practice With Individuals Critique. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/clinical-practice-individuals-critique/636814. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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