Essay on "Clinical Knowledge, Is Essential Within the Paradigm"

Essay 4 pages (1314 words) Sources: 4

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clinical knowledge, is essential within the paradigm of nursing. It is a foundation upon which one builds a toolbox of materials, designed not to treat every situation in a similar manner, but to have a means and template from which to help make decisions for the patient. It is a given that the modern nurse will have a far greater exposure to new medical methods, pharmaceutical interactions, and techniques than many nurses of the past. In fact, "the use of clinical judgment in the provision of care to enable people to improve, maintain, or recover health, to cope with health problems, and to achieve the best possible quality of life, whatever their disease or disability, until death" is one of the definitions of modern nursing (Royal College of Nursing, 2003). In fact, with such a vast amount of clinical information needed, combined with the stress of a busy hospital, and the various insurance and legalities to be considered, many contemporary nurse managers find that it is helpful for the modern nurse to utilize a "medical checklist" to improve patient care (Hales, 2008).

General Systems Theory - One theory, the General Systems Theory was proposed by Karl Ludwig von Bertalalanffy, an Austrian Biologist. This theory is an interdisciplinary practice that describes systems that have numerous spokes, or interacting components. The origins of the theory came from Bertalanffy's view that the basic laws of thermodynamics (i.e. temperature, energy and entropy) work better for closed systems. Open systems, like living things, show different patterns and tendencies.

GST and Healthcare Delivery- GST tells us to think in a whole system fashion. Thus, for the healthcare profession, GST t
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akes a more holistic approach to healing and the body than looking at individual organs, disease, or symptoms. In other words, GST thinking would look at nutrition, lifestyle, psychological factors, genetic factors, and the environment when dealing with patient concerns. It would ask that we look at the human body as a complex organism that operates as a whole, in synergy, with a number of issues that make up the way the body works. For instance, treating Type-II diabetes without looking at diet and exercise only treats symptoms; not the root cause. This changes the medical paradigm drastically and requires a more multidisciplinary approach to healthcare.

GST and Current Nursing Practice- Contemporary nursing requires much more than clinical theory. We have seen example after example of theoretical processes that have improved the profession yet the crisis in health care and nursing continues. Often at the crux of the matter is the nurse's responsibility to their employer, to the fiscal needs of the clinic or hospital, or even the constraints that modern medicine has placed on them also form a very real conundrum within the paradigm of philosophical ethics. This question is, as well, one of balance -- balancing the human need with the need to stay solvent. Often at the crux of the matter is the nurse's responsibility to their employer, to the fiscal needs of the clinic or hospital, or even the constraints that modern medicine has placed on them also form a very real conundrum within the paradigm of philosophical ethics. This question is, as well, one of balance -- balancing the human need with the need to stay solvent. The holistic continuum that truly defines the new model -- the new model focuses on interaction, focuses on holism, and focuses less on simply the cause of disease, but ways to improve the quality of life to prevent disease. In fact, building a truly holistic approach to nursing theory, practice, pedagogy and implementation can change the critical juncture of nursing to fit more of the 21st century needs of combining various healthcare models.

Diffusion of Innovation Theory -- This theory, expressed by sociologist Everett Rogers, seeks to explain how and why new ideas and technology spread through culture. The theory holds that diffusion is a process in which innovation is… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Clinical Knowledge, Is Essential Within the Paradigm" Assignment:

A. Use the Google search engine to find one credible article on Ludwig von Bertalanffy*****s systems theory and one credible article on Everett Rogers*****s diffusion of innovation theory.

B. Use the CINAHL online database to find one credible article on Ludwig von Bertalanffy*****s systems theory and one credible article on Everett Rogers*****s diffusion of innovation theory. If you don*****'t have access to CINAHL please let me know asap!


Using the articles found in parts A and B, write an essay (suggested length of 3 pages + 1 page for the Annotated Bibliography) relating systems and diffusion of innovation theories to healthcare delivery and nursing practice. In your essay, be sure to do the following:

1. Discuss the relationship between Bertalanffy*****s systems theory and healthcare delivery in the U.S.

2. Discuss the relationship between Rogers*****s diffusion of innovation theory and the change process within healthcare delivery in the U.S.

3. Discuss the relationship between Bertalanffy*****s systems theory and current nursing practice.

4. Discuss the relationship between Rogers*****s diffusion of innovation theory and current nursing practice.

5. Summarize the search strategies you used to acquire information on the specified theories.

6. Include an annotated bibliography of the four online resources you found in parts A and B.

Note: An annotated bibliography is a list to which you add (in your own words) other relevant information and comments about the book or article for future reference. For this assignment, your annotations should include Author, Title, Publication date, date retrieved, and URL in APA format plus a summary of the article, an assessment of the article, and your reflection of the value of the article.


How to Reference "Clinical Knowledge, Is Essential Within the Paradigm" Essay in a Bibliography

Clinical Knowledge, Is Essential Within the Paradigm.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Clinical Knowledge, Is Essential Within the Paradigm (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Clinical Knowledge, Is Essential Within the Paradigm. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Clinical Knowledge, Is Essential Within the Paradigm” 2012.
”Clinical Knowledge, Is Essential Within the Paradigm”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Clinical Knowledge, Is Essential Within the Paradigm”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Clinical Knowledge, Is Essential Within the Paradigm [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Clinical Knowledge, Is Essential Within the Paradigm. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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