Term Paper on "Leadership and Strategy in Clinical Audit"

Term Paper 10 pages (3002 words) Sources: 6 Style: APA

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Clinical Audit

The concept of clinical audit was introduced in 1993 as a quality improvement process aimed at improving patient care and outcomes through a systematic review of care according to or against explicit criteria and the implementation of change (United Bristol Healthcare Trust 2005). It is distinguished from financial audit, organizational audit and internal audit. Financial audit looks at accounts. Internal audit is an internal activity on non-clinical systems through audit paths to see if things work as they should. Organizational audit is an external, independent and voluntary audit of the whole organization according to explicit standards. It traces if the organization is set up and runs on a daily basis according to those standards. Clinical audit focuses on the details of processes and the outcomes of specific healthcare interventions (United Bristol Healthcare Trust). The head of the clinical audit can carry his functions and duties out satisfactorily if he possesses the necessary attributes and uses effective strategies of an effective leader. Among these attributes are credibility, influence and communication. Among the effective strategies he can use to discharge his functions and responsibilities are in the pursuit of the principles of personal vision, interpersonal leadership and emphatic communication.

Leadership Attribute of Credibility

Organizational surveys say that the two most consistent and most critical organizational challenges today are improving customer service and product quality (Riley 2007). The explanation is that, even when these challenges are achieved to perfection, they persist because customers continually ra
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ise their expectations. Leaders must, therefore, establish directions on anticipating needs and meeting rising demands. The organization should be one where employees will want to stay because they have a leader with the capability of effectively enlisting them in supporting his inspiration. While it is the customer who decides if the quality of a product or service is satisfactory and if the leader possesses the qualities worth following, constituents get things done. Constituents are employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, business partners and community members. Surveys say that most people look for honest, forward-directed, inspiring and competent leaders. These qualities constitute credibility. It is the ability to inspire belief or trust that he has what is required to get things done. People will not follow a leader without credibility. Competence is the key element of credibility. A leader cannot reform a department if he is incompetent or lacks credibility. It is not only worthwhile to possess credibility, it is also essential in engaging in any meaningful work. A credible leader sets up positive work attitudes, organizational pride, strong team work, personal responsibility and continuity between personal and organizational values (Riley)

Application of Attribute - in cases of delayed admissions, the clinical head can exhibit credibility by frankly going to the root cause or causes of the delays and confronting them head-on. If a lack of personnel is the cause of the delays, he promptly takes action on it by recruiting qualified employees to fill the vacancies or assigning other employees to the vacant posts. If the cause is inefficiency on the part of the employees involved, he confronts them and corrects the problem adequately. If the cause is poor logistics, he makes the appropriate recommendations to management. But under all circumstances, he must himself be responsive and responsible as well as efficient in order to accomplish these.

Leadership Attribute of Influence

This consists of using proper interpersonal styles and methods in inclining and guiding employees to take a certain course of action or accomplish a task (Farrell 2007). He asserts sway in establishing and maintaining group cohesiveness and cooperation, enabling group process and in obtaining commitment to plans, ways and courses of action. He possesses the capability of causing his followers to accept his ideas and ideals. It is not out of force or coercion that he is able to assert this sway but because he is able to accurately assess the skills, feelings, concerns and needs of his subordinates or employees. Seeing him as a model of enthusiasm, hard word, competence and commitment, employees or subordinates reward him with their willingness to be affected by him and what he stands for. They feel his capability and sincerity and trust him to take the initiative for them. They willingly acquiesce some of their powers to him. The key behaviors of an influential leader include the eliciting or soliciting of feedback or information, securing of help in solving problems, communication of vision, modeling commitment, acts in building trust and unity, honoring commitments, providing direction, setting measurable and achievable results, providing feedback, sharing feelings and thoughts on issues, checking for understanding, enhancing others' self-esteem and acknowledging subordinates' concerns and responding to these with empathy (Farrell).

The ability to influence is a key core leadership competency (Schneider and deNij 2006). Research shows that managers and leaders who assert excellent influence also excel in employee development, team development and customer relationships. Increasing influence through powerful relationships accounts for a 25% improvement in performance and productivity. Influence is said to be a foundational tool in establishing powerful conversations as well as difficult conversations and in developing a powerful leadership presence needed for development and success (Schneider and deNij).

Application of Attribute

The effects of genuine influence can be very helpful in times of steep work pressure. The leader or manager can set up guidelines on priorities, methods and other aspects most critical to the tasks. He can show and encourage by example on how to streamline a particular task by establishing the main objectives or directions, setting up an appropriate schedule of attaining these objectives, listing expected results and identifying a suitable evaluation process or system. He can also apply influence over the employees by assessing their capabilities and responsibilities and streamlining these as well. And while the work is being done according to schedule, he can monitor and supervise to insure that the objectives are achieved and the proper methods are used. He can also direct some of the employees to take in other responsibilities and encourage poor performers to do better.

Leadership Quality of Communication

Nothing makes for failure better and more surely than the lack of communication or poor communication. The advent of the computer may have blessed the world but it has also debited a lot from the need to communicate personally. Employees still much prefer to communicate face-to-face with their supervisors or leaders than through print or over the video (D'Aprix 1993). With the current communication gap created by high technology, it is most welcomed and necessary for a leader to communicate personally. Communication is an un-ending process, especially within an organization. Newsletters, memorandums and the products of high information technology do not fulfill the purpose of a leadership. The effective leader is one who orchestrates clear issues and messages directly and not through channels. That quality or attribute is the preference for face-to-face and direct communication, which should be a priority consideration in confronting disruptive work conditions or when the organization is striving to be more competitive in the market. A study of 1,000 British companies showed that, while these companies recognized the value of an integrated and consistent approach to communication, few of them have been able to put this conclusion into practice in any appreciable measure. Communication is seldom restricted in senior management. It is not even discussed during the planning process (D'Aprix). In the healthcare industry, communication is a particularly important quality in the leader or manager of a section performing clinical audit. He needs to and must rely on listening, explaining perceptions, acknowledging and discussing the differences and similarities in views, in recommending appropriate treatment and negotiating agreement (Geriatric Interdisciplinary Team Training 2001). The attribute becomes even more critical in our increasingly diverse workplaces where language and cultural barriers can and do exist between the section and the healthcare facilities under it and between the employees and the patients and their families. This attribute can save a lot of misunderstanding concerning meanings, intentions and reactions. In decision-making and conflict resolution, the attribute is most valuable

The leader who is also a habitual and effective communicator prevents, closes or reduces the communication gap, which pervades in many organizations. He endows himself with reliable information from regular and direct feedback from his subordinates and other staff. In the process, he also makes his thoughts and feelings clear by communicating back to them during their meetings and encounters. The habit or attribute of communication also prevents, solves or reduces conflict with subordinates because communication lines are open.

Application of the Attribute of Communication

If the health care organization has placed greater emphasis on the staff and services than the patients' needs, the situation can be helped if the leader possesses the quality of communication. He can express his observation to top management and seek out a dialogue with the officials. He can point out the significance of shifting organizational focus from the staff and services to the patients who are the direct beneficiaries of the organization's services and manpower. All the leadership and staff training and improvement… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Leadership and Strategy in Clinical Audit" Assignment:

The paper is about the importance of leadership & strategy for clinical audit head.

assume you are a head of clinical audit section in the departement of Health and medical services, the paper is about how can the head of the section make use of leadearship attributes and strategies in his current work. The task is to identify and discuss some instances at work where you have to exhibit some of the said attributes to solve a problem, resolve an issue or provide advice to senior management/superiors.

(information about the section and head responsibilites will be attached)

so in summary, you have to write 10 detailed and consiced pages contains: three attributes of leaderhip AND three strategies (see below), that the head of clinical section can use at his current work with relation to his duties.

Choose any three of the following attributes to write about it in details in relation to clinical audit section:

1. Credibility

2. Influence

3. Personal vision and ability

4. Power/Coercion

5. Communication

6. Consultation

7. Delegation

8. Organization

And choose any three effective strategy to write about it in details with relation to clinical audit head:

1. Principle of personal vision

2. Principle of personal management

3. Principle of interdependence

4. Principle of interpersonal leadership

5. Principle of emphatic communication

6. Principle of creative cooperation

7. Principle of balanced self renewal

Please be specific, consice and focus in 3 attributes and 3 strategies in regard of clinical audit section and its relation and importance to the head of the section.


How to Reference "Leadership and Strategy in Clinical Audit" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Leadership and Strategy in Clinical Audit.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/clinical-audit-concept/1773731. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Leadership and Strategy in Clinical Audit (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/clinical-audit-concept/1773731
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Leadership and Strategy in Clinical Audit. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/clinical-audit-concept/1773731 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Leadership and Strategy in Clinical Audit” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/clinical-audit-concept/1773731.
”Leadership and Strategy in Clinical Audit” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/clinical-audit-concept/1773731.
[1] ”Leadership and Strategy in Clinical Audit”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/clinical-audit-concept/1773731. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Leadership and Strategy in Clinical Audit [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/clinical-audit-concept/1773731
1. Leadership and Strategy in Clinical Audit. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/clinical-audit-concept/1773731. Published 2007. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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