Term Paper on "Managing Across the Organization"

Term Paper 5 pages (1629 words) Sources: 1+

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Classroom Management Across the Organization

Managing Across the Organization

The purpose of this work is to conduct research and then to assume through a scenario the identity of a CEO or an organization which has been effectively managed including the relationship processes across the organization. The Senior Manager left the organization it was discovered that he had left a bad legacy through controlling information in an attempt to gain control and power over his peer and insubordinates. The new manager must be prepared for this situation so that it may be effectively dealt with. Through conduction of research regarding power and politics and employee involvement in the organization the basis for a confidential memorandum to the new manager will be constructed giving a description of the successful management of a cross-functional team across a manufacturing organization. The following questions will be addressed:

What critical internal partnerships and alliances must a new R & D. leader maintain in a manufacturing organization?

How does the formal power structure assist or deter cross-functional team effectiveness?

What information should the team leader be in possession of about the informal political landscape? In a system with a strong informal culture, whose help and support should the new team leader cultivate and why?

What strategy should be suggested to the new team leader to ensure success?

Subject: Effective Leadership in an Organization

Resulting information from two Gallup Organization studies which took place over a 25-
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year period and involved more than one million individuals identified the elements that they believed were most relevant to great management. These elements relate to the relationships between bosses and employers and the quality of those relationships. According to these two polls high-performing employees are in possession of the following:

Knowledge of their boss' expectations

Evidence that their bosses care about them as an individual

Experience that their opinions count

Regular praise or recognition for good work

Encouragement for their ongoing development

Also identified in the two polls were key behaviors of great managers which are:

Assessing individual talents and aspirations, and;

Providing the support that matches each person's specific needs

Information is an asset as important as any other kind. The ability to find and analyze the required quality information management information quickly and cost-effectively, even as the business and market change will be one of the critical competencies of successful enterprises in the 21st century. Wong and Kwock (2004) According to Wong and Kwock in their work "The Adaptive Enterprise" it is vital in the competitive environment of today's business that the ability to access information that is accurate and to do so from any level, from any perspective and as often as needed. There is also a need to "keep this high visibility across the entire organization through major changes in the internal and external environment. Wong & Kwock (2004) There is a need to employees to grasp the fact that information "important to the organization as a whole and to be prepared" Wong & Kwock (2004) While gathering the appropriate information while the organization needs to be "structured and have the infrastructure and processes to share that information effectively and efficiently." Wong & Kwock (2004)

I. Collaboration: A Powerful Tool in the Social Structure of the Organization

Collaboration is described as cooperative participation in a joint effort. Collaboration is when individuals from different organizations or units within an organization combine their efforts, time and resources toward the achievement of a final product, service, or result. The obstacles or barriers which will arise in the R & D. position are those of the nature of Individual, Organizational, Societal and Systemic with the specifics listed below:

A. Individual Obstacles in the Organization:

There are obstacles for collaboration such as the individual obstacles which are as follows:

1] The need for power, 2] Fear of losing control, autonomy, quality, identity, and/or resources

3] Lack of trust, and;

4] Turf-protection concerns.

B. Organizational Obstacles:

There also exist "organizational hurdles" which are:

1] The costs are clear and borne up-front, the benefits are unclear and come later, 2] Different goals among parties

3] Little organizational credit or reward for collaborating

4] Individual orientation of human resources (HR) systems for hiring, training, measurement, evaluation, promotion, and so forth.

5] Different cultures among the units involved.

C. Social Obstacles in the Organization:

Societal obstacles are the following:

1]The American ethic of individualism makes collaboration difficult, and;

2] The societal emphasis on competition creates a win/lose mindset for many.

D. Systemic Obstacles:

Systemic Obstacles are the fragmented government systems such as the separation of administrative from operational units, the separation of policy from administration, the power of the oversight boards, and the separation of federal, state, and local levels of government and the Categorically funded programs which are usually defined narrowly as initiatives with a single problem focus which results oftentimes in further fragmentation and duplication.

In order for an idea to become widely deployed, it must first become widely accepted. Wide acceptance, in turn, implies acceptance by groups and whole social systems. The process by which new knowledge is formulated by individuals, validated by communities, and embraced into practice by organizations is what we call innovation"

McElroy (2000)

II. Human Social & Political Systems within the Organization:

McElroy (2004) relates the fact that predisposition exists in human social systems in making knowledge in accordance with the "same endemic social patterns" which are present in all "complex adaptive systems. " McElroy (2004) Knowledge is made by "mutual consent." McElroy (2004)

In an effort to improve any aspect of business the focus must begin on the social patterns of behavior which will reveal or account for the knowledge production, diffusion and the use of that knowledge within the organization. McElroy states that all organizations are endowed "hereditarily with the same basic patterns" and that the approach to take is the adoption of: "policies which are aligned with these innate patterns of behavior, and which support, strengthen and even amplify them. Policies which fail to meet this test (of alignment) are doomed from the start, and can only be expected to engender temporary behaviors of an disingenuous kind." Exposure of the organizational social system to that type of stress will: "invariably return to their natural state, in which knowledge making, diffusion and use are carried out in the form of unmanaged social processes." McElroy (2000)

The "politics of knowledge" is an element described as having the ability to have a dramatic effect on the overall rate of business innovation as well as the quality of ideas. According to McElroy:

Most organizations tend to be organized oligarchically around these functions. Management teams and their administrative designates, including R&D functions, Product Planning and so forth, tend to monopolize innovation while the rest of the organization is relegated to knowledge following and a regimen of obedience. Intellectual Diversity supported within a business is supportive of each individual's idea, even those which are dissident in nature which will have "a material impact on its overall performance..." McElroy (2004)

Connectivity" refers to the degree that communications are valued within the organization. The fourth of what McElroy terms as being: the "Four Areas of Organizational Life" is the "embryology of knowledge" which refers to the "extent to which individuals in an organization are free to pursue their own learning agendas, and the degree to which they are further free to self organize into knowledge-making communities of interest, or practice. These four elements are stated by McElroy (2004) to be "the most important variables in human social systems when it comes to how well an organization learns and produces new knowledge."

Therefore as you can see it is vital that you form partnerships and alliances with all team members within the organization as well as familiarize yourself with the "cultural and social" hierarchy within the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Managing Across the Organization" Assignment:

Managing Across the Organization

Imagine that you are the CEO of an organization. You’ve managed the organization effectively, including managing the relationships and processes across the organization. However, when the Senior Manager, R & D left the organization, you discovered that he had left a bad legacy in the organization as he attempted to gain power over his peers and subordinates by controlling information. This left the team in a quandary. In order to prevent this from happening again, you want to prepare the new manager as she takes on her new responsibilities.

Conduct research regarding power and politics, as well as on employee involvement. Write a confidential note of 700-1,050 words to the new team leader describing what you know about how to successfully manage a cross-functional team across a manufacturing organization. Address the following questions in your note:

a. What critical internal partnerships and alliances must a new R&D leader maintain in a manufacturing organization? Explain.

b. How does the formal power structure help (or hinder) cross-functional team effectiveness? Explain.

c. What kinds of things should the team leader know about the informal political landscape? In a system with a strong informal culture, whose help and support should the new team leader cultivate and why?

d. What strategy would you suggest the new team leader employ to be successful?

e. Be sure to support each of your assessments from the libraryand recommendations with sound research

Please write in APA writing style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How to Reference "Managing Across the Organization" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Managing Across the Organization.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/classroom-management-across-organization/896162. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Managing Across the Organization (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/classroom-management-across-organization/896162
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Managing Across the Organization. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/classroom-management-across-organization/896162 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Managing Across the Organization” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/classroom-management-across-organization/896162.
”Managing Across the Organization” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/classroom-management-across-organization/896162.
[1] ”Managing Across the Organization”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/classroom-management-across-organization/896162. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Managing Across the Organization [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/classroom-management-across-organization/896162
1. Managing Across the Organization. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/classroom-management-across-organization/896162. Published 2005. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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