Essay on "Justice Clarence Thomas"

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Essay 5 pages (1450 words) Sources: 6 Style: MLA

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Clarence Thomas: Personhood and Politics

For those old enough to remember the extreme controversy surrounding his nomination process in the early 1990s, Clarence Thomas is undoubtedly one of the most well-known Justices currently sitting on the Supreme Court, though perhaps not for the best reasons. His fame -- or infamy -- has certainly diminished in the nearly two decades he has spent on the bench in the highest court of the land, but he remains a somewhat controversial figure for many of his decisions, and especially for his decision making process. An examination of Thomas' biography as it pertains to the Court, the press coverage concerning his appointment and subsequent decisions, and especially the decisions themselves all lead to a very interesting and comprehensive understanding of his character and politics both as an individual person and as a sitting Supreme Court Justice.

Confirmation Controversy: Anita Hill, Sexual Harassment, and Credibility

Though many issues were raised during the Senate's confirmation proceedings regarding Justice Thomas, by far the most famous and controversial were the allegations of sexual harassment brought by Anita Hill. Nominated in 1991 by President George H.W. Bush and eventually confirmed in October of that year, Thomas was replacing the well-respected Thurgood Marshall, and though he was eventually exonerated of Hill's allegations, public opinion in that matter weighed heavily on the Senators involved in the confirmation hearings (Overby et al. 1992; Fraser 1992). His confirmation, in fact, has led some political scientists to note a shift in the confirmation process and its implications on the democratic sys
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tem (Fraser 1992). Others claim that the hearings simply brought to light issues that had long existed (Overby et al. 1992).

Background and Experience Prior to Supreme Court Appointment

The controversy surrounding Thomas' appointment and confirmation to the United States' Supreme Court was not limited to his alleged harassment of a female co-worker. Thomas had faced a Senate hearing only a year before when accepting his first-ever judgeship, on the U.S. Court of Appeals on the District of Columbia Circuit (Overby et al. 1992). Prior to this, Thomas had served for nearly a decade as the Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity, which is where the alleged harassment of Anita Hill occurred (Fraser 1992). The fact that he had only been a judge for a year certainly added to the controversy surrounding his appointment, though regardless of one's view of his politics this lack of experience has not been considered overly present in his jurisprudence (Gerber 1999).

Despite his recent comments that the Court is too packed with Ivy League graduate who do not represent the broad spectrum of the American people, Thomas himself is a graduate of Yale Law School, one of the top law programs (and one of the oldest Ivy League schools) in the country (Klonick 2009). His career in politics began as an Assistant Attorney General in Missouri, and this position led to his continued advancement through the political ranks until he reached the pinnacle position in the American legal system, the Supreme Court (Overby et al. 1992). Throughout his advancement, his Southern and Catholic heritage have been linked to his political views by many analysts (Klonick 2009).

Clarence the Conservative

Justice Thomas' views are decidedly conservative, showing a clear belief that the federal government should be weakened in order to strengthen state and local power, while at the same time upholding the strength of the executive branch within the federal government (Gerber 1999). He is also a stalwart advocate of the need for complete judicial independence from the legislative and executive branches of the government and even from public opinion, a stance which was no doubt affected by his own highly political confirmation hearings (Thomas 1999). A stated attempt to depoliticize judicial decisions, in fact, has been a running theme with Justice Thomas, to the point that he does not even see any necessity or even any benefit to hearing oral arguments in cases that come before the Court, and Thomas himself has not actually asked a single question of attorneys on any side of any issue being argued for more than four years (Klonick 2009).

Evidence of the limits that Justice Thomas believes should be imposed on the federal government can be found in most cases in which he has published an opinion. In Staples v. United States (1993), Thomas wrote the majority… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Justice Clarence Thomas" Assignment:

you will be writing a paper using primary (written opinions by the justice you will be *****playing***** in the simulation) and secondary (journal articles, biographies, articles from newspapers/news magazines etc., books) sources that analyzes the judicial philosophy of your justice.

For this paper you will want to address the following questions:

1. When was the justice appointed? Who appointed the justice? Was the appointment controversial?

2. What is his or her professional background (i.e. previous occupation, previous legal experience, previous judicial experience, educational background etc.)?

3. Has the justice been described as liberal, conservative, or moderate? How can you tell? What written opinions provide clues about the justice*****s ideology? Has the justice*****s behavior corresponded well with the ideology of the president who appointed him or her?

4. Where does your justice fall along the judicial restraint to judicial activism continuum? How can you tell? What written opinions provide clues regarding the justice*****s positions?

5. Is your justice a strict constructionist or one that views the Constitution as a living document that must change with the times and also looks to the context and purpose of a law when making an interpretation (i.e. a broad constructionist)?

6. Of all of the opinions written by your justice, which are considered the most significant? Explain.

Paper Specifications

1. Papers should be double-spaced.

2. Font size should be 11 *****“ 12 point, 1 inch Margins

3. There does not have to be a cover or title page but your name should appear on page one.

4. Please include page numbers in your paper

5. Your paper should include at least 5 sources NOT posted:

6. You must include appropriate footnotes/endnotes, or in-text citations AND a Bibliography at the end of the paper.

7. Wikipedia, however will not be considered a reliable source and your paper will be marked down if you use Wikipedia as a source for researching information regarding your justice.

How to Reference "Justice Clarence Thomas" Essay in a Bibliography

Justice Clarence Thomas.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Justice Clarence Thomas (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Justice Clarence Thomas. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Justice Clarence Thomas” 2009.
”Justice Clarence Thomas”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Justice Clarence Thomas”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Justice Clarence Thomas [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Justice Clarence Thomas. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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