Essay on "Church Leadership"

Essay 5 pages (1390 words) Sources: 1+

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Church Leadership

What is leadership? Firstly we could say that it is the act of someone guiding the rest to accomplish particular tasks or to attain certain goals and objectives in a group setting. The person, who does this, is practically practicing leadership. On the other hand, leadership could also be taken as the art of motivating a group and getting people to see things in a particular same point-of-view and get them to achieve a common goal.' (Patrol, Troop, 1972).

It is also the act of serving people in different capacities, either in an organization, school institution, church, public office, etc. The leader makes important decisions, inspire, communicate, and supervise the activities in the group. One may born with leadership skills or acquire them in life

Apart from that leadership could be taken to literally mean the act of showing the way. This means you direct the way for others. In most cases you have to be a good inspiration, have better skills, generally you're better than the rest.

It could also be described as the process in which one person enlists the help and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. It could also be taken to mean creating a way for people to contribute to making things happen. The people in this case work as a group with someone leading them to work to accomplish the task at hand.

It also a situation of standing out amongst the other and yet not turning against others with the uniqueness but making people want to copy you or follow what you do. This means you show the way as others follow your actions, performances, or efforts. Incase of such a situati
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on you have to be better than others so you are higher than them or have something that makes you better than the rest

Question four. You are the Pastor of a small church in a growing area. You moved into this church six months ago. The former Pastor died of a heart attack during worship one year ago. The congregation says they want you to lead them to grow. They say they want to reach out to newcomers. However, when new families come to visit, they report back to you that they felt left out and cold. You are on salary support from your judicatory for two years. The assumption is that you can grow the church enough by then so that the church can pay your salary. What are you to do?


This paper reflects on the facet of leadership in a church milieu. My argument is on why there is need for church leaders to change from their accustomed leadership tactics and delve deeper into leadership complexities as they discover what's new and imperative while re-drawing their leadership maps and aspirations of leadership. I belief it is time church leaders practiced transformational leadership, servant leadership, perpetuation of values and principles, management of ethical issues, and have the tenacity to handle contradictions and confusions of leadership.

It is evident that the world is changing fast and the assumptions are that church leadership has to change in the process, because it is an integral part of society. The challenges of leadership in the church are also becoming diverse and require great skill to resolve. 'It is becoming apparent that as we feel our way to the 21st century, pastors are in the midst of a crisis. Being a pastor today is more difficult than anytime in memory,' (Kuhl, 2005).

In order to experience church growth, you have to keep people and especially transform the newcomers into long life members. It is not an easy task especially if you do not have the necessary skills required. (Rickards, Clark, 2011). As a pastor this translates to great leadership skills and a clear cut generally accepted conception of leadership in the church. Transformational leadership has to be adopted because the congregation needs and expectations are ever changing.

Some church leadership skills could be incorrect for the context in question. One of the reason why newcomers may not feel part of the crowd is it still is operating in old fashioned ways and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Church Leadership" Assignment:

Hello, There are two tasks here: First write a one page definition of leadership. And second choose ONE of the questions below. Write a 4 page, double spaced, response to your chosen question. Include in your response your understanding of your role as a church leader; your basic principles and values; and the leadership skills most necessary in the given situation. You can assume that the church is of your denomination. (The situations are actual church situations.)

I am a female Episcopalian who is liberal and stands for social justice issues.

1. You are the Associate Pastor in a large church. You have served for 1 year in this congregation. Your job description includes youth and Christian education with an additional requirement of pastoral care when requested. You become aware that the Senior Pastor (who has been in the congregation for 4 years) is not functioning. For example, he is not hospital visiting when he says he is. He preaches on most Sundays, but that is all. The attendance and activity in the church is declining rapidly. He blames you for the decline. Several leaders in the Church know the problem, but are as yet unwilling to bring the issue of the Pastor*****'s dysfunction to the official board of the church. As an Associate you do not have access to the official board. You wish to remain in the congregation for at least another 3 to 4 years. What will you do?

2. You are the Pastor of a church with an average Sunday morning worship attendance of 150. You are in your second year of ministry with this congregation. You find out that the married lay leader of the congregation who is related to 1/4th of the congregation is having an affair with the church organist who is married and a member of the congregation. The organist is also related to several other families in the church. The lay leader is the largest giver in the church. Many of the church members know of the affair and are choosing to remain silent. The lay leader and organist spouses are seemingly unaware of the situation. The town gossip line is hot with the news that the lay leader and the organist were seen going into a motel room in a near by town. You and your family like the church. Everything is going well with the church. You wish to remain in the church for at least 5 more years. The Pastor of the church down the street calls to tell you of the *****"hot gossip*****" he just heard in the local restaurant. What do you do?

3. You are the Pastor of a medium sized church (average weekly worship attendance of 175 persons). You have been in the church for 8 years. You wish to remain. The church is growing. You are enjoying your ministry. There is a conflict between the organist and the choir director. You are seeking to resolve the problems. You are working with the music committee to establish clearer job descriptions with stated expectations and procedures. In the midst of this process, a member of the congregation calls to share a rumor with you. It seems the choir director has suggested to her neighbor that the organist is a child sexual abuser. This neighbor who is also a member of the church has children in the children*****'s choir that is lead by the organist. You know, and the choir director knows, that this single parent mother and her children are in counseling because of the sexual abuse by their father. You are the second person to be called about this issue. The caller wants to know what you will do? Is the accusation true? Did the church interview and question the organist concerning child sexual abuse before he was hired? The issue is not yet public, but could be very quickly. What do you do?

4. You are the Pastor of a small church in a growing area. You moved into this church six months ago. The former Pastor died of a heart attack during worship one year ago. The congregation says they want you to lead them to grow. They say they want to reach out to newcomers. However, when new families come to visit, they report back to you that they felt left out and cold. You are on salary support from your judicatory for two years. The assumption is that you can grow the church enough by then so that the church can pay your salary. What do you plan to do?

How to Reference "Church Leadership" Essay in a Bibliography

Church Leadership.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Church Leadership (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Church Leadership. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Church Leadership” 2011.
”Church Leadership”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Church Leadership”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Church Leadership [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Church Leadership. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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