Essay on "Personal Christian Theory of Counseling"

Essay 8 pages (2458 words) Sources: 7

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Personal Christian Theory of Counseling

My Personal Christian Theory for Counseling

This essay is going to involve my personal theory on Christian counseling. It will start with what is called a word study of some words such as counsel, help, counselors, and advice. The paper also will cover things like character, purpose, human development, individual dissimilarities, health and disease, methods, and more. This essay is going to let the reader know in the future, how I am planning to practice. According to Hathaway (2004, p.218), "Whatever else a Christian psychology should be, it should advance methods of knowing that are sufficiently rich and varied to contribute to our redemptive task.

Word Study

Doing the word study came into fruition when I had made the choice to start taking courses because I was interested in seeing what the Bible had to mention regarding counselors and counseling. I had discovered that it was extremely convenient so everything was then written out to be utilized for other resolutions also. This study for me was very informative. According to Crabb (1977) " One likely technique to border Scripture and psychology is to endeavor to merely define sections that Scripture has engaged in human life deprived of making any specific normative or theological ruling that is regarding the scripture."

The NIV Sword Bible Concordance (1999) provides counselors as becoming part of counsel. A lot of the verses which are up under counselors are like: John 14:25, John 14:16, John 15:26 and John 14:16 Romans 11:34. (New Living Translation) says "And I will ask the Fathe
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r, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever -- 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be[a] in you." And John 14:26 (King James Version) says "But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. In Alexander & Alexander (1973) it talks about how that in John 14 Jesus is very concerned regarding the consequence his death will bring to the disciples, so Jesus starts lecturing about the powers of the Holy Spirit, and about going to arrange a place for them when they come to heaven. The Spirit will instruct and counsel them.

The Spirit is the guide will counsel and instruct them. In Church (1984), it mentions for John 14:16 that Jesus had made a promise that he was going to deliver the Spirit that would turn into be the disciples' comforter and the Spirit will be a support. The Spirit of truth is what the spirit is called. In John 14:26, Still Jesus is talking of the Spirit, when he converses with the disciples regarding how the Spirit will be given to them which will enable these men teach you all things, and Jesus moreover allows his peace to stay behind with the disciples. In John 15:26-27 (New living Translation) mentions, When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father -- the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father -- he will testify about me. 27 and you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning. For John 15, in Alexander & Alexander (1973), it talks about how Jesus mentions that he is the true vine and that the believers are what considered being his branches. If a branch bears fruit it is pruned, but if a branch bears no fruit, it is cut off and burned. All who belong to Christ will encounter hatred from the self-centered non-believers, and the Holy Spirit convicts men of the truth. In Church (1984), for John 15:26-27, it states that Christ talks about the hostility that His gospel will encounter and allows the Spirit which is seen as the counselor and a promoter.

Romans 11:34(New Living Translation) says "Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?" In Church (1984), for Romans 11:33-36, it mentions the fact that Paul talks about the secret great advices of God, and that the people cannot completely understand the secret of the gospel. The gospel has much complexity. The counsels of God purpose are as unsearchable as are the pathways of how the counsels operate. It is clear that all of God's counsels are independent. Backus (1980) verse for help is 1 Thessalonians 5:14. In 1 Thessalonians 5:14 it mentions "And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone. In Adams (1986), for 1 Thessalonians 5:11-15, it brings up the point that the person should ease and urge everyone but not to forget about themselves. Those that are Ministers should be the ones to labor with Christ and need to be able to live in peace, and caution people who are lazy. It is important that you rebuke those who are walking down the path that is wrong, and make each other feel good about them. They need to assist those that are not as strong and try and have patience with people. Adams (1990) verses for counsel are 1 Kings 12:8. 1 Kings 12:8 (New Living Translation) says, "But Rehoboam rejected the advice the elders gave him and consulted the young men who had grown up with him and were serving him." In Church (1984), for 1 Kings 12:1-15, it makes the point that the tribes of Israel went to Rehoboam and demanded that he lessen the taxes. They petition reprieve and on that complaint assured promise to the house of David. Rehoboam referred with those around him regarding the response that he wants to provide to the people. The men that were thought to be the ones that were much older and mature and also with a little more experience as men counseled him to provide an answer that was much kinder that would redress all of their protests. The method to decree is to help, to do well and lower yourself to do it, to be whatever is necessary in for all men and in order that their hearts be won. The young men were mean and prideful and counseled the king to give a stark and intimidating answer. When the king did it that way, it really did show that as a king that he was not cut out for the job. Why? Because it showed his weakness since he did not favor the elderly counselors but the younger men that happened to be his peers. The king chose to select counsels that were very much inexperienced but were immature and also was agreed that he should put more pressure on the people by doubling the taxes. The king replied to the people conferring to the counsel of the peers, and end, God allowed his the counsel to backfire on him. In Alexander & Alexander (1973), for 1 Kings 13, mentions that this is when the brotherly nations of Judah and Israel split over Rehoboam's resilient arm strategies, and there has been continuous conflict among the two kingdoms.

In review of the biblical characteristics of counseling, it is vital that people should go along with the counseling of the word of God's and the guiding of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is what will lead everyone into all truth because it is the Spirit of truth, and is here as our counselor, consoler, and supporter. God's gospel is extremely profound and marvelous so that we cannot completely recognize it. The counsels of God are unsearchable and independent. People need to understand that not going along with the principal of what the bible tells us and the leading of the Holy Spirit, and then we will have difficulties. The story of King Rehoboam gives us a very good example of this.

It is important that the Counselor understand everything that they need to know about the Bible in order to help the client absorb Biblical values to aid them with the difficulties going on in their life. The client could possibly not recognize an adequate amount of the Bible to practice the philosophies in it for their good. If the counselor aids the client in learning these ideologies from the word of God for their own life, then they should be capable to retain absent from sin a whole lot better.

Wilson (2001) encompasses the process of thorough change methods in her labor. The particular change stratagems aid individuals in turning into those that will helper instead of those that will hurter. Wilson's (2001) basically talks all about how hurt people. The change strategies permit a client to do things on their own, but they will also include God's assistance. I reason that change strategies are all figured out for nearly whichever problem a client can have… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Personal Christian Theory of Counseling" Assignment:

Your Personal Theory Paper should reflect your current integration of counseling theory from a Christian perspective, with emphasis on how your Christian beliefs and values impact your theory and practice. The paper should incorporate references to several of the theorists discussed in this course, showing how you are influenced by their contributions and thinking.

The paper should be 8 typed, double-spaced, pages in length and should meet the requirements of the Personal Theory Paper Grading Rubric. It must be typed in Microsoft Word, with one-inch margins and follow the style laid out in the APA Manual.

You will prepare a Title Page, Abstract, and Reference Page.

Please see attached Word.Doc for more information


Crabb, L. (1977). Effective Biblical Counseling: A Model for Helping Caring Christians

Become Capable Counselors. Grand Rapids: Zondervan

Adams, E. J. (1986). How to Help People Change: The Four- Step Biblical Process.

Grand Rapids: Zondervan

Backus, W., Chapian, M. (1980). Telling Yourself the Truth: Find Your Way Out of

Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Anger and Other Common Problems by Applying the

Priciples of Misbelief Therapy. Grand Rapids: Bethany Publishing Group.

Wilson, D. S. (2001). Hurt People Hurt: Hope and Healing for Yourself and Your

Relationships. Grand Rapids: Barbour Publishing, Inc.

Hart. D. A. (1999). The Anxiety Cure: You Can Find Emotional Tranquility and

Wholeness. Thomas Nelson: Thomas Nelson, Inc.

H., Townsend, J. (1999). Boundaries in Marriage: Understanding the Choices

that Make or Break Loving Relationships. Grand Rapids: Zondervan

Anderson, T. N. (1990). The Bondage Breaker: Overcoming Negative Thoughts,

Irrational Feelings and Habitual Sins. The Hawkins Children*****s LLC: Harvest

House Publishers, Inc.



How to Reference "Personal Christian Theory of Counseling" Essay in a Bibliography

Personal Christian Theory of Counseling.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Personal Christian Theory of Counseling (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Personal Christian Theory of Counseling. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Personal Christian Theory of Counseling” 2012.
”Personal Christian Theory of Counseling”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Personal Christian Theory of Counseling”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Personal Christian Theory of Counseling [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Personal Christian Theory of Counseling. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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