Research Proposal on "Autistic Spectrum Disorder Meets Christian Counseling"

Research Proposal 4 pages (1406 words) Sources: 1+

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Christian Counseling for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism is a very serious medical condition that manifests itself as a brain disorder, effecting the normal development of the social and communication skills. Autism usually showing up in the first two or three years of a child's life. According to Google Health pages, the cause of autism has yet to be pinpointed, but "genetic factors seem to be important" because, for example, identical twins "are much more likely than fraternal twins or siblings to both have autism" (

Research on Christian Counseling for Autism

One of the frequently used interventions for autism is called Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA). Dr. O. Ivar Lovaas, a behaviorist who practices in the B.F. Skinner genre, developed it. The ABA intervention involves a series of "drills," according to Dr. Laura Hendrickson, writing in the Christian Counseling Web site. The drills used in ABA basically take complex skills and break them down into "smaller pieces that are easier to learn," Hendrickson explains. And when the autistic child has learned all the steps of the skill, the process is put together, all the little steps practiced as one drill. When spirited praise is given to the child -- who is often "preverbal" and says very little -- that child then is "motivated to participate enthusiastically" and the process continues.

What does ABA have to do with Christian counseling -- is there a connection? In Hendrickson's essay she explains that her son Eric was diagnosed with autism at the age of two. He was "mute" and he did not understand the language others were speaking. Before
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the autism was diagnosed Hendrickson was told Eric was "retarded" but the family was eager to learn about this problem and because she was living in Southern California, she took Eric to the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) to visit Dr. Lovaas' clinic. At this time (1990) the ABA intervention was regarded as about the only treatment that was "proven" to be effective with autistic children. But wait, Hendrickson was skeptical because B.F. Skinner -- whose behaviorist theories Lovaas followed -- was an atheist. This was an important decision to make because, as Hendrickson writes, many Christian parents do not enroll their autistic children in ABA since it does have "behavioral roots." However, Hendrickson's pastor told her that ABA was effective not because of any connection with Skinner's atheism, but rather because "…the technique is consistent with biblical principals."

God created man and some animals with the ability to be "trained to perform tasks on command by using rewards and punishments," Hendrickson writes. In the Bible God uses his "blessings and sanctions to train His people to obey Him," the author continues. For example, in the New Testament the deaths of Ananias and Sapphira -- and the "sanctions applied to those misusing the Lord's Table -- make it clear that rewards and punishments are part of God's plan, Hendrickson asserts. She believes that God intends for parents to train children to obey, to show obedience when leaders (parents) demand it, and to back up her assertions she references Proverbs 22:15: "Foolishness [is] bound in the heart of a child; [but] the rod of correction shall drive it far from him" (King James Version). She also references Ephesians 6: 1-3: "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right; 'Honor your father and mother' (which is the first commandment with a promise) so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." (New International Version).

Hence, Hendrickson believes that ABA is a good source of potential therapy for autistic children, since it echoes the pronouncements in the Bible. It may be difficult at first, and not all autistic children will respond to ABA, but belief in God's Word can help the parents summon up the patience and faith they need to help the child overcome the disability. How can counselors and pastors help? A Christian counselor must be prepared to "…help bewildered parents whose faith is severely shaken grapple with the question of why God permitted autism to touch their family" (Hendricks). It must be shown to the parents that "autism spectrum children aren't outside of God's… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Autistic Spectrum Disorder Meets Christian Counseling" Assignment:

Hi there

I had previously written to you but unfortunately my payment was rejected. I have re-written to your personnel dept and they tell me that my bank debit card is fine, as long as it shows a VISA logo - mine does, so I*****'m trying again!

I would like a research proposal written on the specific topic for my Christian Counselling PhD which I am studying for online - I am completely stuck!

The title is:

Christian Counselling

*****'Are We Nearly There Yet?*****'

A Journey with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

I realize that this is somewhat unusual, but I have a special interest in ASD and want to incorporate it into my dissertation, when that comes....

I would like the proposal to be 4 pages long and don*****'t really wish for anything extra, apart from what is above.

Thanking you for your time.


Dorothy Melville

How to Reference "Autistic Spectrum Disorder Meets Christian Counseling" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Autistic Spectrum Disorder Meets Christian Counseling.”, 2010, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Autistic Spectrum Disorder Meets Christian Counseling (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Autistic Spectrum Disorder Meets Christian Counseling. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Autistic Spectrum Disorder Meets Christian Counseling” 2010.
”Autistic Spectrum Disorder Meets Christian Counseling”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Autistic Spectrum Disorder Meets Christian Counseling”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Autistic Spectrum Disorder Meets Christian Counseling [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Autistic Spectrum Disorder Meets Christian Counseling. Published 2010. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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