Research Paper on "Chinese Acquisition of Nuclear Weapon"

Research Paper 19 pages (5510 words) Sources: 110 Style: Chicago

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Chinese acquisition of nuclear weapon, which may cause national security threats against the United States, is a matter of much concern. The research addresses the following research question:

What are the national security reasons for the U.S. involvement and political strategy in discouraging the implosion of a nuclear war with China?

The research question is important to address because recent Chinese modernization of nuclear weapons may lead to act of aggression on the United States. With potential destructive nature of nuclear weapons, it is critical for the U.S. To formulate appropriate foreign policy in discouraging the implosion of nuclear war with China since U.S.-China relations have been cordial in the recent years. More importantly, the research question is important to address because of the growing competitions between the U.S. And China with relation to the nuclear weapon acquisitions because China is trying assuming position of nuclear parity with the United States.

What is the preliminary answer to the research question?

The study argues that the U.S. foreign nuclear policy position to China with reference to discouraging the implosion of a nuclear war with China may partially work since fundamental goal of China nuclear policy is achieve nuclear parity with the United States. Moreover, China aim on recent nuclear weapons modernization is to serve as deterrence in case the United States may decide to attack China in the future. Although, China remains firms to its policy of no first-use (NFU) of nuclear weapon, however, China approach to the ballistic missile defenses and Chinese view towards the strategic arm con
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trol demonstrate a significant gap between Beijing's word and its acts. Beijing NFU policy could be undermined if it is strategically advantageous for China to make use of nuclear weapon against potential adversaries. Although, economic interdependence between the U.S. And China may encourage both states to purse non-nuclear war conflict and discourage both states from the implosion of a nuclear war, however, Beijing nuclear armament continues to change and China intent is to achieve a state of nuclear parity with the United States.

With reference to the organizational framework, Section 1 provides the literatures review that discusses realism and idealism model. Section 2 reveals the case study. Section 3 provides the summary of the central findings of the study.


Restatement of the Problem Statement

A) the debate on the recent Chinese acquisition of nuclear weapon, which may cause national security threats against the United States, is a matter of much concern. The research addresses the following research question:

B) Organization of Literature Review

Part 1 reviews realism and Part 2 examines Idealism. Part 3 summarizes the findings.


The practice of realism in international relations starts as far back as several centuries. However, there is still a commonality between ancient state practice and modern thinking in international relations since it has been revealed that modern diplomacy is often based on the realist theory. Realists' thinkers include:

Hans J. Morgenthau of USA in 1950s

Thomas Hobbes during torn civil war in England.

Thucydides of Ancient Greece.

Machiavelli of (Medieval Italy.

Mao Tse Tung of Communist China.1

Sun Tzu of Ancient China.

All these realists have all concluded that realism guides the overall conduct of international relations. Realists base their ideas on power politics, which found its landscape in international politics, and they base their premises on the following important assumptions:

States are important actors in international politics.

Anarchic is the feature of international system

All states in international political system pursue power in order to survive.

Morality has no room in international politics. 2

Realists consider states to be the principal actor's international relations, and the states principally exist to pursuit their national interests and their national securities. 3.Typically, states demonstrate unethical behaviors and emphasize on power and self-interests when pursuing their national interests. 4. Realists argue that human beings are inherently self-interests and egoists, and there is absence of morality in international politics, 5 making the realists to believe that there is no place for morality in international politics.6. Cozette adds argument of realists by pointing out that,

"man being primarily driven by the lust for power, and man being the primary actor who, within a state, takes decisions, it logically follows that 'the essence of international politics is identical with its domestic counterpart. Both domestic and international politics are a struggle for power, modi-ed only by the different conditions under which this struggle takes place in the domestic and international spheres." 7.(P 431).

The theory of realism reveals that absence of international government makes human beings to be egoists and the factor leads to the conflict-based paradigms among states. Typically, realists believe power, security, and egoism become the main issues in international relations, there is a little place for morality, and if there is any moral practice at all, it is only used as an instrument to justify the state conduct. 8.However, there are realists who still believe that there is ethical practice in international relations. Carr challenges pure realism on the ground that there is a still an idealist dimension in international politics.9. Mearsheimer illustrates the argument of Carr by pointing out that states main preoccupation are their national securities and are only committed to amass weapons in order to deter the aggressors.10. Carr argues that states are preoccupied with power calculation and amassing the military ammunition to achieve supreme importance in international relations. However, Carr still maintains that there is still idealist dimension international politics.11.

For several decades, realism has been a dominated concept in international relations. From classical realism point-of-view, the behavior of states is the same, states often defend themselves in the absent of hierarchical international order leading states to defend their national interests.12. States exist to defend their interests and evidence of history reveals that statesmen pursue powers with the aim to pursue their interest. In the view of world politics, realism is driven by the competitive self-interests. 13.

In international relations, realism is placed in priority over ideology and it is often synonymous with power politics. 14.Costalli also contributes to the argument by pointing out that the classical realism is very useful in explaining the states foreign policy in term of pursing of economic and military power.15. States tries to perceive the behavior of other states with relative to power conflicts 16 and statesmen view power, as necessities, which should be, 17 maintain at all time. Classical realists further argue that the central concept of international politics is power, 18 and the level of power that a state possesses usually affects the state's strategy and it is the outcome of various military and economic conflicts. 20.

Despite the argument of classical realists with relation to the states behavior, the twentieth century classical realists attacked neo-classical realists on the ground that states ought to avoid power conflicts and respect the international law, and there is a need to build international order in order to prevent world conflict.21. The twentieth century realists believe that the cause of the First World War and Second World War was due to the pursue of power among nations, and the thinking of twentieth century realists gave birth to the idealism.22.


Idealism originated as far back as 14 century when Dante, an Italian poet envisaged unified world state. Idealist follows Dante doctrine by challenging realism in the sense that power politics pursued by the states led to the outbreak of the First World War. The theory of idealism emerged after the World War 1 and during 1920s and 1930s; idealists preached cooperation among states and believed that world should be in form of association where the international order should prevail in order to prevent another world conflict. 23. Idealists argue that the solution to the inter-state conflict is to respect international law, which should be backed by the international organizations. Idealists further believe that states could avoid conflicts if they choose to pursue common interests that could unite humanity.24. Unlike realism that argues that morality has no place in international relations, idealists focus on morality and believe that war emerge because of the imperfection of political arrangements and this could be improved by avoiding egoism in human nature.25. Idealists challenges realists on the ground that nation-states could move beyond power politics and significant cooperation and peace among states is the key assumption of idealists. While realists believed that states were the only important actors in international relations, however, idealists argued that the interdependence should be the dominant features of international politics and creation of republican government such as international organizations was critical to check the power of nation states.26.

To enhance cooperation within international political system, idealists focus on legal aspect of international relations leading to the formation of international organizations and promotion of human rights. Prominent proponent of idealism was Woodrow Wilson, a former president of the United States.27. Wilson had been influenced by the destruction of the American Civil war in 1856. Wilson was born in Virginia and graduated from Princeton University… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Chinese Acquisition of Nuclear Weapon" Assignment:

Requirements for the Research Paper

You are asked to write a 20 page research paper. You are expected to show your ability both to organize and implement such a robust research agenda. This paper is designed to challenge you to apply relevant knowledge systems and theories of international relations and comparative political science that you have learned and synthesize them to produce new insights.

Attached is the MIT Dissertation model, which you must use to structure your critical arguments. Please use the Chicago Manual of Style (University of Chicago Press, 1969, 1982, 1990, 2003, and/or the latest edition) for your footnotes, bibliography, and the crafting of your paper. Please use the research libraries at CSULA, UCLA, UCR, USC, Occidental and their government repositories for both Congressional and Executive branch sources on the U.S. defense establishment, as well as defense and military science journals, books. You are also expected to access all available international and comparative politics and security journals, including International Security, World Politics, Survival and Aldephi Papers, Comparative Politics, Journal of Strategic Studies, Defense Monitor, Orbis, Strategic Review, Security Studies, the Washington Quarterly, Comparative Strategy, Nonproliferation Review, and Armed Forces Journal International.

Paper Topic

National Security reasons for the U.S. involvement and political strategy in discouraging the implosion of a nuclear war with China.


What am I trying to explain to the reader, and how can I construct a good argument to explain this analysis.

Important Notes (All must be followed precisely)

- Separate 110 source annotated bibliography comprised of: 70% Reference Journals, 20% Newspaper Articles, and 10% Books. Use Sources from 2006-2012 only.

-New section starts on a new page(Sec 1,2,3, Endnotes)

-Double spaced

-3rd person active tense only, no *****I***** no 1st person

-Number pages starting on 2nd page. (No need to number annotated bibliography)

-12 ft text


-No indentions

-Use footnotes in text. (60-70 should be included). You can use each source twice.

footnotes will go like this: come to end of sentence. (then footnote) Use numbered subscripts

-Endnotes will go at back in 14 ft

-This paper must be formatted me for me to revise, as instructor wants revisions, no hardcopy only. This professor has multiple PHD*****s and is pretty serious about getting Ivy League Paper quality and will use multiple plagiarism checkers and expel students caught cheating. I know of someone personally who he did this to, so if it can*****t be done legit, please just let me know and not ruin my life:)

-Instructor said a good point to emphasize would be that with the navy, air force, and army all growing, what are the nuclear capabilities of China. US methods of deterrence, effective or not?

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY (110 sources) (New page) (14 FT ALL CAPS)

Use Chicago Manual of style (No variations from format.)



Notes- Should be 4 paragraphs of at least 2 sentences (No footnotes in introduction).

Intro page has no arguments. It is a 1-2 pg. general problem statement.

-What is the general (theoretical) problem that you see out there? Write exactly as follows: *****The debate on the effectiveness of the hedgemon*****s foreign security diplomacy policy in convincing a rising hedgemon to reduce its strategic nuclear weapons is a matter of much concern.*****

-What is the research question? (universal that arises from the general problem.) Immediately follows problem statement. Thesis- How effective has US foreign policy been?

-Why is this research question important to address? and/or why does it arise? Why should the reader read your work? *****This question is important because it helps us understand...*****)

-What is your preliminary answer to the research question that you raised?

-Tell your reader how you are going to organize your paper. *****Section 1 will be the literature review....Section 2 will be the case study...and finally section 3 will summarize the issues involved in the conclusion.


Notes -Theory only, no case study. No indention, very clear, use footnotes. 15 sources on realism, 15 sources on idealism. No definition needed. 3 pages on realism, 3 pages on idealism.

A) Repeat/restate the general problem statement from the introduction.

B) Tell the reader how you are going to organize your literature review. Include the various sub-headings. (Should only be two things here, problem statement and the following in exact words... *****By way of organization, Part 1 examines realism. Part 2 reviews idealism. Part 3 summarizes the findings.*****)

PART 1-REALISM (3pgs) (12ft ALL CAPS)

Present both sides of the theoretical arguments. (Realism argues that....Some experts argue that...Others believe that...) In the text you will mention which side/theory you are going to use to defend your argument and why. Use national security as a basis.

PART 2-IDEALISM (3pgs) (12ft ALL CAPS)


Should only be a couple sentences. The literature review has examined idealism/realism. Tell the reader what case you are going to use in your research, in order to illustrate the theoretical ideas in the literature review.

SECTION 2 CASE STUDY (12pgs) (14 FT ALL CAPS) (New page) (use 30-40 sources)

Repeat the research question raised by the general problem. Do this verbatim.

An example would be *****By way of organization, Part 1 provides a historical overview of Ethiopia*****'s approaches to democratic governance and economic development in the cold war environment between 1958-1989.


Paraphrasing, no quotes. This will be pre 2007-2012. Background of problem. Don*****t go too far back. You can include time, place, policies. Extra information goes here.


Answer the research question. Present evidence for your argument. Bring in your specific findings. It is a good idea to include in your case study third party sources: what a country thinks about the former.

SECTION 3-SUMMARY (1pg) (14 FT ALL CAPS) (New page)

Repeat the research question. Restate central findings in the case study. What were the central findings in your case study related to the research question? Your informed analysis of part 2 of your case study.

ENDNOTES (60-70) (New page) (14 FT ALL CAPS)

***I will attach all the handouts provided from the class with examples of how the paper is to be written. Please do not deviate from the format. The format for font, spacing, new title sections, ect, all must be followed precisely. A large part, including cover page and lines of text are already filled out. Letters such as (A, B, C, D, E) I*****ve included as sub headings need not be repeated in text.


How to Reference "Chinese Acquisition of Nuclear Weapon" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Chinese Acquisition of Nuclear Weapon.”, 2012, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Chinese Acquisition of Nuclear Weapon (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Chinese Acquisition of Nuclear Weapon. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Chinese Acquisition of Nuclear Weapon” 2012.
”Chinese Acquisition of Nuclear Weapon”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Chinese Acquisition of Nuclear Weapon”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Chinese Acquisition of Nuclear Weapon [Internet]. 2012 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Chinese Acquisition of Nuclear Weapon. Published 2012. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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