Term Paper on "Chinchua Achebe's Things Fall Apart"

Term Paper 5 pages (1433 words) Sources: 0

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Chinchua Achebe's Things Fall Apart is a story about many things, but primarily about a man trying to hold his family and life together in Nigeria during the time of colonization. History, and indeed any fair application of moral sentiment or an ethical system, has determined the acts of the colonization efforts to be unjust, and in no way is this exercise meant to veer away from this view. Yet it must be acknowledged -- and is so by Achebe in the novel, according to fair reading -- that the individuals are often involved in unjust acts without themselves being unjust people. This is true not only of Okonkwo, but also of the individual representatives of the colonizing force, typified in the person of the District Commissioner.

Given the increasing globalization of the world, coming to an understanding of how culture and ethnocentrism works is essential. This novel is in part an attempt to show the effects of colonization on a particular locale and population, and a key for the Western mind to follow in attempting to understand the tribal mentality the Western world has so arrogantly replaced. Equally important however -- arguably more important -- is attempting to understand the mind of the colonizer. That is my attempt in the following alternative telling of the novel's final chapter. By using the first-person perspective of the District Commissioner without changing the details of the plot, I hope to shed light on the aspect of the colonizing force in the novel.

My aim in retelling this passage is to remain objective as possible; neither to apologize for nor satirize the character of the District Commissioner, but rather to present a view of him that reflects his own moral
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belief in what he does, while at the same time illustrating the mindset that leads to the colonial impulse. No attempt has been made to match the style of Things Fall Apart; the tone is that of a story Okonkwo would tell, and the District Commissioner's story must necessarily have it's own voice. This voice is one of optimism mingled with frustration, passionately baffled and academically detached by turns, and displaying a slight arrogance throughout.

Things Come Together: Chapter Twenty-Five of Things Fall Apart as Told by the District Commissioner

He killed him. He was sent a simple message to stop their collective meeting and peacefully disperse, and this one simply couldn't get it. All these people know how to do is react with violence.

And that's why I find myself on the way to what passes for their village. It is an opportunity for further research; I shouldn't look at it so pessimistically. These people are fascinating, savage though they may be -- fascinating because they are savage, I should say. It is the violence of their temperaments and their seeming inability to control their passions that makes them so ripe for research, and which lends itself quite nicely to the title of a volume such as my own.

The Pacification of the Primitive Tribes of the Lower Niger. I really can't think of a more engaging or informative title. And certainly, all these people require is pacification. I think that has been sufficiently demonstrated by the events of the past few days. Burning down a Church, the House of God! I understand that these people do not yet realize the error of their heathenish ways, but surely they can keep themselves from desecrating a holy place. I know they have a concept of consecration; their practice regarding their own idols and other peculiarities of worship prove it.

First the Church, and now an official whose only crime was trying to instill a little order into this chaotic country. For the life of me, I cannot understand why these people cannot see what we're trying to do for them. No one in their right mind would choose to live the way these people do; though their licentiousness might be pleasing to the more prurient proclivities among them (and, to be frank, there are some back home that might also persuaded to the pleasures of such a lifestyle), the compete lack of decent infrastructure that has been the result of their constant warring and extremely pervasive superstitions leaves much to be desired.

Perhaps this murder should not… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Chinchua Achebe's Things Fall Apart" Assignment:

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I am currently in my last year of my IB (International Baccalaureate) diploma and need help with my World Literature Two assignment. The assignment should be of between 1000-1500 words, based on the world literature text studied in our course: Chinua Achebe "Things Fall Apart" 1994. It is important that the asignment does not include any information taken from any websites or so, but is only based on own knowledge and the book itself. The assignment can be written as an imaginative/creative writing OR as a detailed study as further on described below:

2b: Imaginative or Creative Assignment (Works: I WL or I WL & Language A 1 )

Assignment 2b is an imaginative or creative piece of writing based on one World Literature work or a combination of a World Literature work and a Language A1 work, chosen from any part of the syllabus.

An imaginative or creative assignment is defined as an assignment, other than a conventional critical essay or commentary, which allows the candidate to apply the principles or techniques of literary criticism or appreciation in an informed, imaginative manner.

The Statement of Intent

A statement of intent must immediately precede the body of this type of assignment and must include a brief explanation of all of the following:

the work(s) on which the assignment will be based

The nature of the task to be engaged in, including considerations such as audience, register, form

the aspects or elements of the work(s) on which the candidate intends to focus

how the candidate intends to explore these aspects or elements.

The statement of intent must be included in the word count. The length of the statement will depend on the nature of the piece attempted and should, normally, not exceed 500 words. However, where the assignment takes the form of a single piece of writing, such as a short poem, the statement may be longer than the body of the assignment and longer than 500 words. Whatever the length of the assignment itself, the total number of words must be between 1000 and 1500.


There are many possibilities for creative approaches to World Literature assignments which, while giving the candidates an opportunity to exercise imagination and ingenuity, bring them to a deeper understanding of the work(s) being explored and to an increased appreciation of the *****. The following list of suggestions, while not exhaustive, provides some ideas for assignments.

The diary of a character accompanied by critical comment by the candidate.

A director's letter to the actor playing a particular role or scene.

An exercise in which the candidate turns the 'story' or a portion of it into another form such as dramatic monologue, biblical parable, folk tale or myth.

A critic's review of a dramatic interpretation/performance.

An editorial objecting to censorship or exclusion of a work from a school syllabus.

A letter to a publisher outlining the merits of a work to be published and reasons for publication.

The creation of dramatic monologues that play the self-perception of the characters against the view of other characters or the author.

A transcription either of an imaginary interview with the author about the work in question or of a conversation between two authors about their respective works.

A postscript to a novel, or an extra chapter.

An additional scene for a play.

A pastiche (an imitation or re-creation of an already published work). In this assignment, candidates are encouraged to demonstrate their sensitivity to, and understanding of, a work by providing an original composition after the manner of that work.

2c: Detailed Study (1 WL work)

Assignment 2c is a detailed study based on an aspect of one of the World Literature works studied in Part 1, Part 3 or Part 4 of the syllabus.

If extracts are chosen for analysis or commentary they should not be included in the word count, but copies must be attached to the assignment when submitted for assessment.


There are a number of possible approaches to this type of assignment.

A formal essay--A formal piece of writing which follows a logical sequence.

Analysis of a key passage--The most important word here is 'key'. The passage for study, whether a paragraph, a page, a chapter, or an extract from a poem, should have major significance for any of a variety of explorations that the candidate might choose to make, for example, prose or poetic style, character study, plot development or theme. The reason why the candidate has chosen the passage should be briefly explained and the body of the assignment should explain the significance of the passage to the larger work from which it has been taken.

Analysis of two key passages--Two significant passages from the same work could be selected in order to explore, for example, contrasting prose styles, descriptive method, character presentation and a range of other aspects. The candidate needs to justify briefly the pivotal nature of the passages chosen, and to demonstrate their particular similarities and differences which the candidate considers interesting.

Commentary on an extract--In this exercise an extract, of approximately 30 lines of prose or the equivalent in drama or verse, is taken from a work for an in-depth analysis. Candidates should justify briefly their selection of the particular extract; the body of the assignment should explore how language, imagery, organization of ideas, and stylistic and thematic aspects work in the passage.

It is important that ONE option of whether 2b or 2c (as listed above) is chosen.

Furthermore, i don't really mind what the specific topic for the essay is (I hope that is not a problem, for i believe it would make it much easier for the ***** to write a good convincing essay if he/she can chose the topic himself/herself; one thats of interest to the *****), as long as it is written in one of the listed forms above, about the book "Things Fall Apart" and it fullfills the criteria for the IB World Literature Assignments. The criteria is furthermore listed as follows:

World Literature Assignment

A: Selection of the Aspect and its Treatment

The achievement level for this criterion is determined primarily by the treatment of ideas, not the selection of the aspect.

How well has the candidate defined the aspect chosen?

How appropriate is the aspect chosen to the assignment?

How well has the aspect chosen been explored in relation to the assignment?

To what extent has the candidate expressed a relevant personal response?

Achievement Level

0 The candidate has not reached level 1.

1 Little attempt to define the aspect chosen; the treatment of ideas is generally inappropriate to the assignment

-- the aspect chosen is generally not appropriate to the assignment

-- the aspect chosen has little focus

-- the treatment of ideas is generally not relevant to the aspect chosen or

-- the assignment consists mainly of paraphrase.

2 Attempt to define the aspect chosen; the treatment of ideas is to some extent appropriate

-- the aspect chosen is to some extent appropriate to the assignment

-- the aspect chosen has focus, but it is too wide

-- the treatment of ideas is sometimes not relevant to the aspect chosen or

-- the assignment consists in part of paraphrase.

3 The aspect is defined and followed by a generally appropriate treatment of ideas

-- the aspect chosen is appropriate to the assignment

-- the aspect chosen has a specific and generally relevant focus

-- the treatment of ideas is relevant to the aspect chosen, and includes a personal response to the work(s).

4 Clearly defined aspect followed by an appropriate treatment of ideas

-- the aspect chosen is appropriate to the assignment

-- the aspect chosen has a specific and relevant focus

-- the ideas show independence of thought and their treatment is relevant to the aspect chosen.

5 Clearly defined aspect followed by a highly appropriate treatment of ideas

-- the aspect chosen is highly appropriate to the assignment

-- the aspect chosen has a specific and relevant focus

-- the ideas show independence of thought and their treatment is highly relevant to the aspect chosen.

World Literature Assignment

B: Knowledge and Understanding of Work(s)

How well does the candidate know the work(s) studied?

How much understanding has the candidate shown of the work(s) studied in relation to the assignment?

To what extent does the candidate appreciate the cultural setting relevant to the assignment, where appropriate?

Achievement Level

0 The candidate has not reached level 1.

1 Little understanding of the work(s) studied

-- knowledge but little understanding of the aspects of the work(s) most relevant to the assignment

-- a few links between works, where appropriate

-- little appreciation of the cultural setting relevant to the assignment, where appropriate.

2 Some understanding of the work(s) studied

-- knowledge and some understanding of the aspects of the work(s) most relevant to the assignment

-- a link between the works, where appropriate

-- some appreciation of the cultural setting relevant to the assignment, where appropriate.

3 Adequate understanding of the work(s) studied

-- knowledge and satisfactory understanding of the aspects of the work(s) most relevant to the assignment

-- meaningful linking of works, where appropriate

-- appreciation of the cultural setting relevant to the assignment, where appropriate.

4 Good understanding of the work(s) studied

-- detailed knowledge of, and good insight into, the aspects of the work(s) most relevant to the assignment

-- clear and meaningful linking of works, where appropriate

-- good appreciation of the cultural setting relevant to the assignment, where appropriate.

5 Excellent understanding of the work(s) studied

-- in-depth knowledge of, and very good insight into, the aspects of the work(s) most relevant to the assignment

-- meaningful and perceptive linking of works, where appropriate -- excellent appreciation of the cultural setting relevant to the assignment, where appropriate.

World Literature Assignment

C: Presentation

Levels 3-5 are awarded only to candidates who have remained within the prescribed


. How effectively has the candidate presented the assignment?

. How precise and relevant are the candidate*****s references?

. How detailed and meaningful is the statement of intent provided, where appropriate?

. Has the candidate remained within the prescribed word-limit?

Achievement Level

0 The candidate has not reached level 1.

1 The formal structure and/or development of ideas are generally not effective

-- little evidence of a structure to the assignment selected

-- a few references to the work(s), but they are generally not pertinent to the assignment

-- where appropriate, the statement of intent provides few details about the aims of the assignment.

2 The formal structure and/or development of ideas are to some extent effective

-- evidence of a structure to the assignment

-- references are occasionally to the point

-- where appropriate, the statement of intent includes a few details about the aims of the assignment.

3 The formal structure and/or development of ideas are effective

-- adequate structure to the assignment

-- references are generally to the point

-- where appropriate, the presentation of aims in the statement of intent is generally clear and includes some details

-- the candidate has remained within the prescribed word-limit.

4 The formal structure and/or development of ideas are very effective

-- clear and logical structure to the assignment

-- precise and pertinent references to the work(s)

-- where appropriate, the statement of intent is clear, detailed and relevant

-- the candidate has remained within the prescribed word-limit.

5 The formal structure and/or development of ideas are highly effective

-- purposeful and effective structure to the assignment

-- precise and highly pertinent references to the work(s)

-- where appropriate, the statement of intent is clear, detailed and highly relevant

-- the candidate has remained within the prescribed word-limit.

World Literature Assignment

D: Language

How clear is the candidate*****s written expression?

How well has the candidate observed the conventions of written work? (The conventions of written work relate to elements such as paragraphing, grammar, spelling, citation of references.)

How appropriate is the register selected by the candidate for the particular assignment? (Register refers, in this context, to the candidate*****s sensitivity to elements such as the vocabulary, tone, sentence structure and idiom appropriate to the task.)

Achievement Level

0 The candidate has not reached level 1.

1 Little use of appropriate language

-- generally inappropriate register for the assignment selected

-- frequent lapses in the conventions of written work.

2 Some use of appropriate language

-- generally appropriate register for the assignment selected

-- some lapses in the conventions of written work

-- some consistency or clarity of expression.

3 Adequate use of appropriate language

-- appropriate register for the assignment selected

-- the conventions of written work are generally followed

-- consistency and some clarity of expression.

4 Good use of appropriate language

-- the register is effective and appropriate for the assignment selected

-- the conventions of written work are closely followed

-- clarity, consistency and general fluency of expression.

5 Excellent use of appropriate language

-- the register is highly effective and appropriate for the assignment selected

-- careful attention is given to the conventions of written work

-- clarity, consistency and fluency of style.

If anything is still unclear about how the essay should be written, on the website: http://teach.beavton.k12.or.us/~jonathan_stoner/ib/wl/wl2.html

are some examples of some highly marked world literature two essays.

It would furthermore be appropriate if one or two paragraphs would briefly outline:

-which type of assignment (1, 2a, 2b or 2c) will be attempted

-the work(s) on which the assignment will be based

-the area and focus of the assignment, defining the specific topic

-the proposed title of the assignment

-imaginative or creative pieces: the form of the assignment (poem, diary, letter, etc.)

The essay should be written in the MLA format, however, please do not forget that the only source used is the book "Things Fall Apart". Furthermore, the essay is marked externally so plagarism CANNOT be the case for that will cost me my diploma. Well, I believe that should be everything that needs to be mentioned about the essay. Everything else I will leave up to the *****; thank you very much.

How to Reference "Chinchua Achebe's Things Fall Apart" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Chinchua Achebe's Things Fall Apart.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2009, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/chinchua-achebe-things-fall-apart/146615. Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

Chinchua Achebe's Things Fall Apart (2009). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/chinchua-achebe-things-fall-apart/146615
A1-TermPaper.com. (2009). Chinchua Achebe's Things Fall Apart. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/chinchua-achebe-things-fall-apart/146615 [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”Chinchua Achebe's Things Fall Apart” 2009. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/chinchua-achebe-things-fall-apart/146615.
”Chinchua Achebe's Things Fall Apart” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/chinchua-achebe-things-fall-apart/146615.
[1] ”Chinchua Achebe's Things Fall Apart”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2009. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/chinchua-achebe-things-fall-apart/146615. [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. Chinchua Achebe's Things Fall Apart [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2009 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/chinchua-achebe-things-fall-apart/146615
1. Chinchua Achebe's Things Fall Apart. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/chinchua-achebe-things-fall-apart/146615. Published 2009. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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