Research Proposal on "Controversial Mass Media Argument"

Research Proposal 4 pages (1386 words) Sources: 6 Style: MLA

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Children and Television

Violence in American society is a public health problem, according to author W. James Potter, who researched hundreds of existing empirical studies about violence (Potter, 1999, p. 1). Potter claims that "most" of the 2,000 teenagers in a national survey said they had a degree of fear for crime and violence that affects their "everyday behavior" (Potter 1). The author blames the media -- and in particular television -- and asks (Potter 2) "…What strategies can we use to protect children from the negative effects of exposure to violence" on television? This paper reviews current literature relating to several problems connected to excessive television watching by children including: excessive violence; obesity and a lack of fitness; dissatisfaction with one's physical appearance (that can lead to eating disorders); and poor literacy development. The position of this paper is that television is harmful to children in many instances, and that it is up to the parents to take control away from children when it comes to the remote channel changer.

The Literature on Television and Children:

On page 29 of his book, Potter asserts, "…Boys and younger children are more affected" by violence on television; boys "pay more attention to violence" and that may be part of the reason they are affected to a greater degree, he explains. But the fact that younger children have more trouble "following story plots" (in other words, children at a young age have limited attention spans) leads them to "drawn into high-action episodes without considering motives or consequences" (Potter 29). Moreover, children from low-income families and chil
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dren from minority and immigrant groups are "vulnerable" to the violence because they are "heavy viewers of television" (Potter 29). There are studies that show children living in households where they are abused "watch more violence, and identify more with violent heroes" (Potter 29).

Potter points out (Potter 30) that studies conducted by developmental psychologists have revealed that age 3, children begin watching television "using an exploratory approach" in which they are searching for meaning; and prior to reaching age 5, children are "attracted to and influenced by vivid production features" which of course include violent action (those kinds of features are in many cartoons).

Studying the negative effects of television violence on children is not a new concept; there are published studies dating back to the 1950s on this subject. Researchers were already conducting a great deal of research work in the 1980s. In a 1983 article in the NASSP (National Association of Secondary School Principals) Bulletin the writers claim too much television "retards the language development of viewers who are middle level age and older" (Van Hoose, et al. 1983). Typically, middle level youths begin watching television after school at about 4:30 P.M., the article explains, and while a break is taken for dinner and homework, many youths go back to the tube for several hours. What they watch during those hours are "large doses of violence and sex" (Van Hoose).

Poor fitness and obesity among children are serious issues for families and communities, and an article in the journal Behavior Modification points to children's use of media (including video games, phones, Internet and television) as a "primary contributor" to those health problems (Larwin, et al. 2008). The study done by Larwin in this journal pointed to the need for parents to require children to spend more time doing physical activities, and less time using media, including television. The authors assert that childhood obesity and the lack of fitness that goes along with obesity are a "national epidemic" (Larwin 938). So there is clearly a need for research that provides data along with answers and ideas. This article points to the fact that according to the Kaiser Family Foundation report ("Kids and Media Use") today's youth aren't just sitting in front of the television, they are texting and chatting on cell phones and they are online at the same time with the television nattering away in the background (Larwin 939).

Indeed, children are spending as much time online as they are watching television; and meantime the television is on, so children are being exposed to it even though… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Controversial Mass Media Argument" Assignment:

Paper should be an argument that is made on a controversial mass media issue - 4-5 pages long typed and double-spaced, have a references page (bibliography) consisting of at

least 6 outside sources other than or in addition to classroom book "Taking Sides" Mass media and society tenth edition - authors Alison *****, Jarice Hanson. It should also follow APA or MLA citation and style rules.

I would like the paper written on ISSUE 2 pg 26 (Taking Sides) Is Television Harmful for Children? I chose YES pg 28 authour W. James Potter "On Media Violence"

How to Reference "Controversial Mass Media Argument" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Controversial Mass Media Argument.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Controversial Mass Media Argument (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Controversial Mass Media Argument. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Controversial Mass Media Argument” 2009.
”Controversial Mass Media Argument”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Controversial Mass Media Argument”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Controversial Mass Media Argument [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Controversial Mass Media Argument. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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