Research Paper on "Children in Foster Care and the Early Stages of Coping Behavior"

Research Paper 4 pages (1277 words) Sources: 5

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Children of Incarcerated

Children on Incarcerated

CHILDREN of Incarserated Parents

Children of Incarcerated Parents

Coping with Separation

Children of Incarcerated Parents

This paper will show the issues children face when their parents are arrested and consequently incarcerated. Children are not all the same, and it shows that younger children can easier cope with this issue, while older children are in need for help. Is our system set-up to allow for this help to be provided? Can we ensure that our foster system works the way it should work? All these questions will be answered in the following pages.

We all have seen the scene in a movie or a TV-Show where a person is arrested and brought to jail, and their children are taken away. Children whose parents have been arrested and incarcerated face unique difficulties. Many have experienced the trauma of sudden separation from their parent, and most are vulnerable to feelings of fear, anxiety, anger, sadness, depression and guilt. They may be moved from one foster family to another foster family (Wear Simmons, 2000). What happens next? Without the proper help those children will end up most likely the same way as their parents.


While our legal system does not seem to care about these children and their future, our foster care systems does not provide the necessary care and treatment for these children. As Charlotte Weldon writes in her article "Effects from foster care, focusing on the psychological development of childhood, are severely untreate
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d. Consequently, children placed in foster care suffer from emotional scars that, when left untreated, have great effects on the remainder of the children's lives." In other words, it becomes clear that children of incarcerated parents have to cope with a high load of issues (mainly loss or separation) and the fact that their parents, whether liked by society or not, are not around for a possible long period of time. Every child needs its parents and as the saying goes "You can't replace your parents."

How do these children cope with the loss of their parents?

"Every child undergoes challenges from different stages of psychological development. In addition to the normal obstacles, foster children are faced with other psychological demands to master. In order to experience all the emotions presented in changing homes, foster children must master and deal with feelings provoked by separation from their biological parents and the feelings resulting from being presented with new parents." (Weldon, 2001).

The issue is with separation is less evident in younger children due to the lack of time perception and the struggle of placement (Weldon, 2001). Children at a younger age have the capability to accept the current situation there are in since it will appear to them as this would be normal. Furthermore, younger children do not have the attachment to their biological parents as older children will have. This is because younger children can conclude that the current home is home by relinquishing emotional ties to the previous home (Weldon, 2001). While older children are aware of the loss of their parents and are trying to find a replacement or substitute to associate with and to do what they had done with their parent


Children in foster care are usually replaced about 3 times into different environments. These children will develop a resistance toward new environments, new foster parents, and a new family. It will definitely not be easy for these children to adapt to this ever changing environment since they do not know when it will be the last time they have to move. While younger children can easier cope with these situations, older children cannot. We have to understand that these changes can lead in the long run to a serious problem with and for the child. Scars resulting from numerous… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Children in Foster Care and the Early Stages of Coping Behavior" Assignment:

THIS MUST BE AN ARGUMENTATIVE PAPER!!!! Please and thank you.... Also can you please send it so I can go in and turn it into my own style of writing please?

APA Research paper Requirement

Here is the best and most useful link I have to help you from start to finish.

Please link to here and find all the answers you have. You don*****'t need to buy the book, just follow the directions in this workshop and you will get a good grade. Below is a chart of the breakdown of how I am grading this research paper.

Total points possible: 200

APA formatting of the document: 40 points

* cover sheet

* abstract/conclusion

* body

* references

Thoughtfulness and thoroughness of the paper: 20 points

Title (10 Points)

Provide a meaningful title that lets the reader know what the paper is going to be about. For example, don*****'t just call it *****"Memory and the Brain.*****" Instead, use a more informative title like, *****"The functional architecture of spatial memory in the brain: Converging evidence from neuropsychological, animal, and imaging studies.*****" Think about how much you rely on informative titles when you are browsing through journals or using bibliographic databases.

Introduction (Abstract) 10 points

Your paper should include a clear and concise introduction that sets up the reader for what to expect from the paper. Introduce the pieces of evidence you are going to consider and briefly describe how they relate to each other. Identify your thesis statement for the paper-- what are you attempting to demonstrate with this paper, what is the argument of your paper? Basically, tell the reader what your conclusion is, based on your reading and integration of the literature. Briefly suggest how you are going to go about explaining your argument and what kind of evidence you will use. Then use the rest of the paper to convince the reader of that conclusion by providing the relevant evidence.

Body (100 Points)

Ideally, the body should reflect integration of the material that you*****'ve read. In other words, a summary of the material that you*****'ve read. You should make every effort to relate the material to concepts that we have been discussing this course (or in other courses).

I do allow quotes, but remember that your task is to learn the information to the degree that a quote should be unnecessary.

You may also include throughout the paper some ideas, reflections, criticisms, etc., not contained in the readings themselves. For example, you may want to critique ideas presented in some articles, give evaluative comments about methodology or conclusions, raise questions about the topic that the articles did not consider, generate experimental ideas, connect the ideas presented in the readings to other things you know, etc.

Conclusion (10 Points)

Finally, your paper should include a strong conclusion that briefly reiterates the main take-home messages from the paper. What do you want the reader to take away from the paper? What new information did you learn by integrating the readings?

References (10 Points)

Include a reference page at the end of the paper listing the articles cited in the paper. APA-style references are required. Using APA-style referencing is actually fairly painless and, once you get used to it, easier than many other referencing styles. Make your references meaningful. I don*****'t accept Wikipedia or other online encyclopedias.

How to Reference "Children in Foster Care and the Early Stages of Coping Behavior" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Children in Foster Care and the Early Stages of Coping Behavior.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Children in Foster Care and the Early Stages of Coping Behavior (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Children in Foster Care and the Early Stages of Coping Behavior. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Children in Foster Care and the Early Stages of Coping Behavior” 2010.
”Children in Foster Care and the Early Stages of Coping Behavior”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Children in Foster Care and the Early Stages of Coping Behavior”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Children in Foster Care and the Early Stages of Coping Behavior [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Children in Foster Care and the Early Stages of Coping Behavior. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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