Business Plan on "Child Care Facility Business Plan"

Business Plan 10 pages (2964 words) Sources: 6 Style: APA

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Child Care Facility Business Plan

Location and Regulations to be Met

As the contemporaneous society evolves and develops, the needs of children and parents increase exponentially. A most relevant example in this sense is the emergence of more and more specialized and well equipped day care centers. Just like any other businesses, opening a day care center has to follow certain specifications, which can in the end generate significant profits.

The new day care center would handle a total of 84 children, out of which 12 are toddlers and 72 are preschoolers; no infants will be accepted. It will function in the New York City, a highly modern city and with increasing needs for day care centers. New York has a population of over 8,274 thousand individuals and it is one of the most crowded cities on earth, with a density of 27,147 citizens per square mile (Census, 2000). The New York City represents the ultimate intersection of fashion, trends, technology and culture. They are the home of numerous sports events, arts events and movements, but also technological innovations.

New York hosts about 550,000 children under the age of five and providing specialized care for them is turning into a real problem. "Some people stay home with their children or turn to relatives or neighbors for child care. A few workplaces provide day care for their employees, but many New Yorkers turn to private centers, which can be a costly option. [...] for those who qualify, the city currently provides some kind of day care funding or program for about 1 in 5 of the city's children" (Stohr, 2002)

The educational facilities in the city gen
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erally care for the economically disadvantaged children, but most such initiatives are obvious in the schooling system, rather than kindergartens. More than 100,000 children are currently on waiting lists to be enrolled in the state system.

The requirements to opening a day care center in New York are provided by the Bureau of Day Care, the "regulatory agency for child care services (public and private) operating within New York City. The Bureau is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy environment for all children in child care" (the City of New York, 2008). They could be succinctly summarized as follows:

DOH (Department of Health) permits must be obtained for services operating with more than 6 children under the age of 6

If the children are younger than two, special DOH permits must be obtained

To get the permits, the day care must meet specifications of "space, equipment, program/group size, teacher/child ratios, educational background of teaching personnel and Education director, health examinations and immunizations for the staff and children, food service, admissions policies, and transportation" (the City of New York, 2008)

The employees at the day care will be screened as to identify their eventual involvement in criminal activities

The facility needs the written approval of the Bureau of Day Care, the Building Department and the Fire Department (the City of New York, 2008)

Opening and managing a successful day care center depends highly on the skills and capabilities of the employed individuals. Most day care centers operate with less than 20 employees. The average age of the child carer is of 34, as compared to 44 for other workers. 21% of the workers are younger than 24 (as opposed to 16% in other industries), revealing "the minimal training requirements for many child day care positions" (U.S. Department of Labor, 2008).

Section 2: Local Community and Day Care Philosophy

The need for day care centers is increasing and it is expected to maintain its course in the following years as well. This increasing need is basically fuelled by two forces. The first one is that the young parents have pleasant memories about the time they spent in day care and wish for their children to experience the same moments. Secondly, more and more young mothers choose to work outside the home, having as such to place their children in day care centers. These mothers understand the importance of socializing with other children and agree with the findings of social workers, which state that the years one to six are the most important in the future development of the child. "Social researchers have found that the most important years in a child's development are those from one to six. Thus, the exposure to the world in which he lives, the instruction he receives, and the habits he forms during those years, definitely affect his ability to learn and properly adjust as he progresses on through his years of formal education. For mothers of today - usually better educated than their mothers - are more aware of these factors and wanting the best for their children, are demanding the structured pre-school education and learning stimulation offered by modern day care centers. This is an honest desire of the mothers of pre-school age children - even those who aren't forced to work outside the home" (Power Home Biz, 2008)

As a result, the demand for day care centers is increasing as the demands of the local communities increase. In New York for instance, there are about 47,000 officially estimated children, still waiting to be enrolled in the preschool program within the state facilities; the non-state organizations have estimated much larger numbers. "The number of child care openings has not increased since 1998, and children's advocates estimate that an additional 100,000 New Yorkers are eligible and in need of affordable day care. The situation will likely get worse" (Stohr, 2002). The number of state owned day care centers has been recently decreased as New York's debt increases. The large employers have opened day care centers for the children of the employees, but these are far from solving the issue. It is also true that the new day care center could encounter competition from these large corporations, which open day care centers where the employees can leave their children. However, two facts make the day care centers in corporations less of a threat. First of all, only few companies offer this benefit. Secondly, most parents have revealed a tendency to take their children in day cares far away from their work place, rather than near it or within it (Power Home Biz, 2008). From this standpoint then, combined with the local needs, the new day care center stands increased chances of retrieving a positive outcome.

Once the decision to open the day care center has been made in the context of the needs and wants of the community, the founders have to set a mission and a philosophy. In doing so, they could study the philosophies of other centers. Among the preschool centers in the New York City, one could point out Bright Horizons or the Building Blocks Play Group. "At Bright Horizons, we develop programs to make sure we work together in the exciting adventure of growing a great child in a caring and learning community. The World of preschool children builds upon established foundations for learning while focusing on the children's newly emerging and advanced use of language, mathematical reasoning, and scientific thought" (Website of Bright Horizons, 2008). The founder of Building Block Play Group stated: "I and my assistants will be conducting special lessons and projects where the children will learn through several mediums such as cooking classes, science exploration and arts and crafts. I value and understand how important individual care and small group size are to the education and well being of children, so I maintain a very low student to teacher ratio" (Website of Building Blocks Play Group, 2008)

The two philosophies are both attractive, but also different, one emphasizing on creativity and fun and the other on discipline and performance. The philosophy of the new day care center should state that the focus is at all times on the child and his educational and emotional development.

Section 3: Budgeting

The budget planning part is crucial for the ultimate success of any business. The estimates have to be as close to reality as possible and objective. These have to take into consideration the real costs of caring for a child. Children Now estimated that in 2005, the costs of caring for a preschool child within the family was of $7,730 per year; caring for a preschooler within a specialized day care center totalled up to the annual amount of $6,940 (Children Now). The lower cost of taking the child to day care rather than keeping him at home is yet another reason why the day care will be successful.

Start-up Budget



Personnel (costs prior to opening) 25,000

Occupancy 58,000

Down payment or purchase of building 85,000

Remodelling costs

Rent deposit

Utilities deposit




Installation fee


Program 1,000


Housekeeping (toilet paper cleaning supplies) 50,000

Food service



Food (first month)

Legal and professional fees

Operating cash





The day care will employ 28 staff members, each one of them to care for three children. The costs… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Child Care Facility Business Plan" Assignment:

This paper calls for you to develop a business plan for operating a child care facility in New York City.

The paper will be comprised of five components that can form preliminary sections to a business plan to open an early child care center. The paper includes: feasibility/needs assessment, statement of philosophy, goals, objectives, budgeting, policies and procedures manual, staff manual, enrollment policies, and evaluation plan, while using the governmental and state rules and regulations of the state of New York.

Toward this end, for each section you are to develop a component to a business plan and develop it within a particular context. Some operating constraints within the particular context are:

that your center will provide services to no infants, 12 toddlers, and 72 preschoolers

two of the pre-schoolers are special education children with ADHD

This will have a bearing on the state licensing requirements, staffing, and budgeting. Also, you should select one state's early childhood education guidelines and regulations to work within and develop the components according to those guidelines and regulations. If desired you may select an area or region within one state for your center. Be aware of any local constraints on operating a business as well.

Section 1

2 page narrative essay discuss your response to the following topics. Respond to the following assignment criteria.

-Name the state and Location within the state.

-Locate and determine the guidelines and regulations that must be followed to operate a child care facility.

-Discuss the state and local region. Include a brief mention of the state labor statistics and economic outlook for this field.

-Discuss the state's licensing and certification requirements.

-Explain the state's Department of Human Resources requirements as they apply to the operation of a childcare center, e.g. hiring practices, teacher/student ratios, licensing, etc. Recall that our SLP constraints are that your center will provide services to no infants, 12 toddlers, and 72 preschoolers.

Section 2

In a 2 page narrative essay discuss your response to the following topics. Respond to the following assignment criteria.

Childcare centers can become a nexus point where many societal, personal, and cultural issues and ideals merge and manifest themselves in day to day reality. The last module provided you an overview of socio-cultural issues within which we understood the larger dimensions to the need for child care. we explored the local dimensions to the need for child care, i.e. family and community.

For this section you will explore local needs assessments and how they relate to a program's philosophy. You will develop your own child care development center philosophy.

Determine some aspects to family and community needs in your region. This may be by talking with a few families, by getting local census, and/or demographic information, etc..

Locate two child care centers in your local region that have websites. Explore their websites and look for their program philosophy and information on who they serve. Respond to the following assignment criteria.

-Describe what you have done, comparing the local region needs assessment and family needs to the two programs philosophies.

-Critically analyze the philosophy statements and how they meet or do not meet the family and community needs.

-Evaluate if you agree with the program approach of each center. Explain, if so, why? If not, why not?

-Develop a philosophy for your child care development center based on the needs assessments conducted.

Section 3

Prepare a 2 page narrative essay and complete two tables. In the essay discuss your response to the following topics.

-Begin to address the budget and finance issues that will undoubtedly arise for you. Complete Table 1 with best estimates for your hypothetical Child Development Center in your selected state and region.

-Modify Table 2 to meet your hypothetical center's constraints on child enrollment. Compute an estimated cash flow calculation for one month.

-After you determine your operating costs and estimated income, determine best sources of funding to begin the start-up phase, the development, and the operation of your Child Development Center for the first year. Keep in mind the general 60/40 split for revenue sources noted on the homepage.

-Describe the budget and finance process followed for your child care development center, include a brief description of the tables' contents, and discuss possible sources revenue for your center.

-Include the tables with the narrative.

Table 1 -- Start*****‘up Budget

Expenses Amount

Personnel (costs prior to opening) _______

Occupancy _______

Down payment or purchase of building _______

Remodeling costs _______

Rent deposit _______

Utilities deposit _______


Office _______

Program _______

Installation fee _______


Program _______

Office _______

Housekeeping (toilet paper cleaning supplies) _______

Food service _______


Advertising _______

Food (first month) _______

Legal and professional fees

Operating cash _______

Insurance _______

Depreciation _______

Expenses Total _______

Income Total _______


Table 2

D:modulesmodule03 esourcesSampleBudget.pdf

Section 4

Prepare two 1 page policies and manuals. Respond to the following assignment criteria.

-Prepare two policy / procedure manuals, and complete a staggered enrollment chart for the toddlers only in your center. Merge the three parts into one final document. For this section prepare two brief policies and procedures manuals, one for staff and one for enrollment practices, that could be used in your child care center. Each should be 1 page long, e.g. could be a bullet list of practices and expectations.

-Complete the Staggered Enrollment Plan for the toddlers only. D:modulesmodule04 esourcesCaseStudy.pdf

-Prepare a short statement on roles and responsibilities of different staff members

Section 5

In a 2 page narrative essay discuss your response to the following topics. Respond to the following assignment criteria.

-Prepare an essay about an evaluation plan that would address staff, curriculum, and health related needs. The plan should include reference to formative and summative evaluations for teaching and learning, make reference to health and safety concerns, and discuss how staff could be evaluated.

How to Reference "Child Care Facility Business Plan" Business Plan in a Bibliography

Child Care Facility Business Plan.”, 2008, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Child Care Facility Business Plan (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Child Care Facility Business Plan. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Child Care Facility Business Plan” 2008.
”Child Care Facility Business Plan”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Child Care Facility Business Plan”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Child Care Facility Business Plan [Internet]. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Child Care Facility Business Plan. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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