Term Paper on "Child Adoption"

Term Paper 10 pages (4497 words) Sources: 10 Style: MLA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Child adoption is a process sanctioned under the law which makes a new and permanent parent-child relationship. The proceeding of adoption is normally done in front of a Judge. And adoption confers on the parent who adopts all the rights and obligations of that a legal parent and present the adopted child all of the emotional, social and legal duties and rights of a member of the family. Often, the court may use in its language the terms of "as if born to" to define the relationship of the new child-parent. Prior to the assumption of the parental rights by the parents who are adopting, the court finds out that the biologically related parents have in legal terms and with complete appreciation, either willingly renounced their parenthood rights, or these rights could have been stopped by the court. Based on the situations as also the laws of the state, these actions, i.e. The severing with regard to the parental biological rights as also the conferment of the rights of the parents on the adoptive parents might be completed simultaneously during finalization. (What is adoption?)

The judge during the period of final process in the court, makes an evaluation of the information regarding the child, the natural parents and also the adopting parents which might include among other things the 'home study' as also other assessments of the parents who are adopting as also their applicability for the child. It would also include reports relating to pre-adoption as also education with regard to placing as well as adoptive parents, notes of the case workers as also suggestions as also other types of reports. The persons appearing during the final process of hearing would be alone or together apart from the judg
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e, might cover, however are not restricted to the (i) adoptive parents and their attorneys (ii) placing parents and their attorneys (iii) the child and the legal advocate and case workers (iv) case workers of the adoptive parents (v) case workers of the placing parents. The Judge makes a review of all the supporting knowledge regarding the placing as well as adoptive families and might interrogate all parties, inclusive of the children in case they are capable of communicating their desires as well as feelings. Based on that, the judge might disapprove or provide approval to the petition for adoption. In majority of the U.S. jurisdictions, during finalization of the adoption, the name of the child is legally altered, and the court makes an order of new issuance of a changed birth certificate in case of the child who is adopted. (What is adoption?)

2. What is a child adoption as a business?:

Under the veil of adopting parents acting as the benefactor of the child, adoption is seemingly as big business as any other commodity business. Majority of the people looking for adoption, want to have a baby and practically few of the actual orphans are available who are 'young' to be desirable for people looking for adoption. It follows that the so called "orphans" are created falsely to serve as a supply for the market for the babies. The adoption industry runs through creation of a cultural expectation of adoption for the sons and daughters of non-conventional mothers and thereafter exploits that very expectation for purely personal as well as monetary gains. The important players in adoption assume the tasks of "(i) client (ii) broker (iii) product and finally (iv) the source." (Adoption is big business) and the client in adoption happens to be the customer or in other words the prospective adopter. Facts reveal that majority of the prospective adopters are infertile while some have been unsuccessful to be parents because of multiplicity of factors including "obesity, STDs, unhealthy forms of habits such as drugs, smoking, drinking as well as environmental toxins." (Adoption is big business) the remaining has an inescapable medical state, or is single, gay or would choose to buy a child instead of experiencing the hassles of pregnancy. (Adoption is big business)

And the broker in adoption might be an organization, social worker, professional such as doctor, lawyer, spiritual minister, or might be a person seeking to have a child for his personal benefit. Normally the broker gets advantages via payments or by means of donations for the generous task of locating children for the purpose of adoption. The "price" of infants are anywhere between $10,000 to hundreds of thousands of dollars. It is hardly surprising that brokers are regarded as 'angels' apart from the financial benefits they enjoy. The "product" which is sold by the industry relating to adoption is that of children with the veneer of "real parenthood." (Adoption is big business) Several of the clients even come to enjoy the status of "liberator" because of the adoption that appears to have been shunned by the biological mother of the child. Healthy infants, particularly white infants are topmost in demand. There are instances, where the babies have been taken away from families as a means of creating genocide on societies. "The Native Americans in the U.S. And Canada and Aborigines in Australia are some of the examples." (Adoption is big business)

It is important to note that it was to "expected have various generations of interbreeding" in order to vanish them and be invariable from the whites. The product source often is the mother who would be inexperienced or has scanty resources in her possession. These families sometimes have more children and adoption in this situation will result in separation of brothers or sisters, besides causing a trauma for the mother over the loss of her darling child. Worse still, some of the mothers are enticed to the websites of the adoption industry at the time of searching for information pertaining to scholarship available over the net. Some are attracted by means of "newspaper advertisements, business cards, or through 'Dear Birthmother' advertisements." (Adoption is big business) the moment a mother would be target of business, she experiences a harrowing period in trying to get her liberated from the clutches of brokers or individuals. No mother can envisage beforehand the joy of caring and holding her child or regarding how traumatic it would be in her case when the woman's child would be compelled to leave her for good. Her 'disgraceful' motherhood might have been legally made useless, but she would always be the child's mother. (Adoption is big business)

Judging from the sheer numbers which is 1, 40,000 annually, infant adoption is big business in America. But it is not certain regarding the number of infant adoptions and the number of older children who are adopted by relatives or foster parents. If the figures released by Marketdata Enterprise, Inc. situated in Tampa, Florida are any indication, in the year 2000, adoption provider revenues were about $1.44 billion having an yearly industry growth level projected to be about 11.5% in the year 2004. Although, outright sale of children is unlawful, money is taken regularly from adopters to make the adoption legal. There are some agencies that pass a fee structure having children being listed in the sections by sex as well as race having prices in proportion to their desire. Prices could vary from $25,000 - $50,000 as well as more. Even though adoption providers maintain that fees are never a child's payment, but is the amount to deal with the expenses of the services being offered, parents who want to adopt "are not being deceived" as they have full knowledge regarding what they are making payments with regard to a child. Hence the adopting parents having the maximum money get possession of the child regarded as the most desirable. Because of the lucrative nature of the adoptive business, it has drawn several professionals who were never having an interest in the adoption. (Infant Adoption is Big Business in America)

During the past 10 years, the amount of attorneys implicated with regard to adoption have since almost doubled. And adoption has since transformed from being a professional structure, wherein the providers of service dispense their "shingles and seek to defer the self-interest to that of a business structure" which belligerently inducts clients on a caveat level. There have been even instances where adoption brokers puts advertisements on a national level looking for women who are pregnant, and thereafter auctioning their children to the top bidder available from the adopters maintained in his listing. Rates have been seen to change from $75,000-$25,000 in case of white kids who are healthy. The persons who rake in profits as well as facilitators who are unlicensed give assurance to link the probable adopters to their preferred child and ask for money according to market rates. Because of market competition, a wide gap lies with regard to supply and demand of the babies that forms frantic as well as huge competition within the adopters. (Infant Adoption is Big Business in America)

It has been observed that presently there are more than forty adopters competing for each white child who… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Child Adoption" Assignment:

Child Adoption as a Business

There is a huge need for child adoption in our society. Many couples go through the long, stressful and expensive process to adopt a child. But what is it from the other side: What is a child adoption as a business? In my research paper I would like to try to answer some questions: What kinds of organizations are involved in this business? Who gets the profit if there is one? What kind of problems is this business having? How does this business impact our society, science technology etc.?

Please use no more then four sources from Internet Web site.

How to Reference "Child Adoption" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Child Adoption.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/child-adoption-process/64497. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Child Adoption (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/child-adoption-process/64497
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). Child Adoption. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/child-adoption-process/64497 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Child Adoption” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/child-adoption-process/64497.
”Child Adoption” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/child-adoption-process/64497.
[1] ”Child Adoption”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/child-adoption-process/64497. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Child Adoption [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/child-adoption-process/64497
1. Child Adoption. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/child-adoption-process/64497. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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