Term Paper on "Online Multitasking"

Term Paper 40 pages (11474 words) Sources: 30 Style: APA

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Change Management

Online Multitasking

Perhaps the very best question that you can memorize and repeat, over and over, is, what is the most valuable use of my time right now?'" - Brian Tracy, Motivational Coach and Author (Tracy, N.d.)

Eons of Multitasking

College students, as well as, businessmen/women, and parents, particularly moms, practiced multitasking eons before the Internet came into their lives and individuals attempt to realize more from their valuable time. One study, the Internet Goes to College, by Pew Internet Projects (Jones, 2002), suggests that the multitasking behavior students currently present online is not a new technique, but rather a supplementary method to reproduce types of multiple interactions students previously performed offline. Researchers report that currently, a number of college students use multiple programs at once, e.g., logging in to an instant messaging program while they worked on papers, and browsing Web pages while completing a class assignment. The study by Jones (2002) Students' use of such tools as IM clients and email as new media reproduces social interactions students previous experienced. The rapid spread of wireless access on and off college campuses is expected to contribute to an increase in multitasking as students and other individuals are able to utilize email, IM and other Internet tools any time; anyplace, on and/or off campus.

Although media multitasking among younger generations currently nets popularity, human communication research and cognitive psychology contend that in regard to simultaneous multitask processing: humans possess relatively poor s
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imultaneous processing skills. These skills, noted to be finite and rather inflexible, prove to consequently be limited in how and where a person may effectively apply them. When an indivdiaul receives a number of varying messages via different information channels, such as through visual and auditory channel, Cocchini et. al. (2002) stresses, the simultaneous multitask processing presents a more difficult than "normal" challenge for the person. The concept of attending to something, Posner (1999, 2000) notes, is anchored in a hierarchical selection process, not in some notion of parallelism. In addition, a myriad of dual attention studies in mass communication strongly suggest viewers' attention tolerance for multiple information inputs ranks much lower than efforts mandated to effectively perform tasks. (e.g., Grimes, 1991; Lang 1995, 2000) the convergence of information processing and communications technologies, plainly projected by the Internet, reflects one primary change affecting individuals, organizations, and societies during recent years. As various forms of new communication mechanism emerged, a number of these strongly impact human interactions. The rapid growth of digital technology, particularly with the computer as not only an information processing machine, but also as the communication medium constitutes a contemporary multimedia station. As the computer can currently perform numerous functions, also served by other traditional medium, including, but not limited to, radio, telephone, CD/DVD player, and TV, a person can increasingly use information resources and perform technology-supported tasks with a diverse set of tools through the computer. In addition, devices with customizable interfaces, often mobile, may be utilized online in a variety of contexts. Contemporary developments such as these mandate that individuals learn more about the relationships between an individual's characteristics of individuals and technology's ever increasing features. Ensuring a "good fit" between technology and individual preferences potentially proffers numerous benefits, including improved productivity because of a better focus on the actual task and fewer distractions evolving from a mismatch between technology and the user. As new technology enables an individual to customize the tools he/she uses, it becomes vital users understand as much as possible about the interaction between individual characteristics and technology.

Generation Y and Multitasking the young Americans, aged between 18 and 25, maintain a myriad labels, including "Generation Y" or "Generation Next." These individuals constitute the cohort of young adults who, growing up with personal computers, cell phones and the internet, now claim their place in a world where some contend constant, rapid changes constitute the primary constant in their world. (Pew Research Center, 2007) Along with constant changes, albeit, one more reality this generation realizes is that they qualify as the most avid multitaskers in both online and offline activities. Studies focusing on media multitasking emerging recently, include two Middletown Media Studies (Papper, Holmes, and Popovich, 2004; Papper, Holmes, Popovich, and Bloxham, 2005), Kaiser Family Foundation Studies on American Youth Media Exposure (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2005), and numerous Pew Internet & American Life Project Studies. Middletown Media Studies found it appears much more extensive simultaneous multiple media use exists than may be realized. In this expansive realm of multiple media use, individuals frequently use some types of media more frequently, in conjunction with other forms. Instant messaging, for example, along with telephone and/or newspaper often occurs along with other media forms. When Kaiser Family Foundation examined the full pattern of media use among a representative sample of U.S. youth, their study revealed U.S. youngsters are immersed in media. In 1999, the average youth devoted 6.75 hours to media; with simultaneous use of multiple media (i.e., media multitasking) increasing exposure to 8 hours of daily media messages. Studies five years later, report that in the U.S., 8- to 18-year-olds reportedly spend in excess of eight and a half hours daily, exposed to recreational media content.

However, as many youth frequently utilize two or more media simultaneously, it appears they engage in media multitasking during at least one fourth of their media exposure time. Even though, overall media exposure time increased from 1999 to 2004 by more than an hour, albeit, media use only increased two minutes. In other words, as media exposure increased, the proportion of time devoted to media multitasking also increased, to the extent the actual amount of time devoted to media use remained constant. (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2005)

Theoretical Issues and Literature Review

As noted at this study's start, contrary to the popularity of media multitasking among younger generations, human communication research and cognitive psychology clearly contend that humans do not possess strong simultaneous processing skills and components of skills readily limit in and where and these sills may be applied.

Kahneman (1973) argues that when auditory and visual channels complement one another, they create a "superordinate [semantic] structure" which basically constitutes a semantic blend of message channels, which blend as an intact semantic unit, due to the viewer's perceptions. The less they semantically complement one another, however, the less successful they become in building this superordinate structure, with more attentional effort then required to selectively allot priority to the components to later, be processed further. Kahneman's basic findings are supported by more recent, and methodologically sophisticated investigations of this phenomenon. (e.g., Posner, 1999) Although many aspects of the networked life remain scientifically uncharted, substantial literature relates how the brain handles multitasking. Basically, the process involves rapid toggling among tasks, not simultaneous processing. A user does not actually do more than one thing, but orders tasks and decides which one to work on at a particular time. According to a functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study Grafman's team (Knutson, Wood, & Grafman, 2004) completed, (Knutson, Wood, & Grafman, 2004), the switching of attention from one task to another occurs in Brodmann's Area 10, a region directly behind the forehead, in the brain's anterior prefrontal cortex. Brodmann's Area 10, part of the frontal lobes, is vital for maintaining long-term goals and achieving them. The most anterior part allows one to leave something when it is incomplete and return to the same place and continue from there. This gives individuals a "form of multitasking t," even though what is done is actually sequential processing. Because the prefrontal cortex constitutes one of the last regions of the brain to mature and one of the first to decline with aging, young children do not multitask well. Neither do most adults over 60. The limited capacity theory of information processing provides another perspective to studying media multitasking, Lang (1995) notes. Variables within the theory consist of the medium, the content of the message, and the goal of the message. Different media, contents, and goals reportedly lead to viewers' various patterns of motivational and cognitive responses. The individual differences of the media user or viewer interacts with the messages' structure and content determine much about how he/she processes a message during multitasking. This includes which parts of the messages he/she will attend to, encode, and store, as well as how he/she will evaluate and link the message. Individuals reportedly possess limited capacity information processors, Basil, 1994; Schneider, Dumais, and Shiffrin (1984), along with Shiffrin and Schneider (1977) purport. They also only have a limited number of cognitive resources they can apply to tasks of perceiving, encoding, understanding, and remembering in their world. When insufficient resources are available for attempted tasks, in turn, an individual's processing suffers. The two underlying systems motivating individuals, the appetitive (or approach) system and the aversive (or avoidance) system (Bradley, 1994; Cacioppo and Gardner, 1999; Lang, Bradley, and Cuthbert, 1997) automatically activate in response to motivationally relevant stimuli in the individual's environment and influence his/her ongoing cognitive processing. As the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Online Multitasking" Assignment:

Order details

This Order is for 2 chapter of the dissertation that includes 1) introduction/problem statement and 2) literature review/theoretical framework. It must follow the APA style on format. I will email an old proposal and research protocol to be used as reference. The 2 chapters will be followed my research method and findings/conclusion chapter later. The first two chapters should be based on the information described in research proposal and protocol and other supporting information can be found from the bibliography or other related sources. The ***** needs to rewrite and put more content related to Limited Capacity Theory of Annie Lang, Communication co-orientation theory, and Divergent perceptions regarding self and others. I will send over a table of content that can be used as a reference when lay out the structure of these two chapters. The main goal is to revise the research proposal to a better organized structure and add a bit more muscle to it. The ***** can keep using the citations that have been used in the proposal, but other parts needs to be paraphrased since some parts are copy and pasted from other sources.

In general, all content in the first 2 chapters of the proposal can be re-used (paraphrased), then about 20% more content needs to be added for the 3 areas mentioned above, i.e., Limited Capacity Theory of Annie Lang, Communication co-orientation theory, and Divergent perceptions regarding self and others. The ***** can use bibliographies to find more related studies/information.

The third chapter of research design in the old proposal has been changed and don*****t need to be used for the rewriting of chapter 1 and chapter 2. To help the ***** understand the new experiment better, here is some information:

Basically, there are 4 different groups/conditions:

1) Single Task (ST): subject and collaborator working together through online chat to discuss and decide final answers on multiple choice survival questions;

2) Multiple Task Same Distraction (MS): subject and collaborator working together through online chat to discuss and decide final answers on multiple choice survival questions. In addition, subject and distracter also work together through online chat to decide answers on worst scenario questions. Both collaborator and distracter did not know that the subject is working simultaneously with other people.

3) Multiple Task Different Distraction (MD): subject and collaborator working together through online chat to discuss and decide final answers on multiple choice survival questions. In addition, subject and distracter also work together through online telephone (Skype) to decide answers on worst scenario questions. Both collaborator and distracter did not know that the subject is working simultaneously with other people.

4)Single subject: subject work on his/her own to finish the multiple choice questions that have been used for subject and collaborator communication in other conditions. This group will be used as a baseline to compare independent working with collaborative working with others. (this is a condition that was not mentioned in the research protocol)

The goal of this study is to compare the performance and perception difference among different groups under 4 above mentioned conditions; compare self perceived performance and partner perceived performance and experience. Since the study design has been change a little, the ***** needs to put in new information regarding the single subject condition. Whenever there is a extra student, he/she will be signed to the single subject condition so we don*****t lose data and participants.

Both pre and post experiment questionnaires are on surveymonkey.com The link is Pre questionnaire:


Post questionnaire:


The questions used for this experiment came from the book called The Worst-Case Scenario Book Of Survival Questions:


The above information will give ***** a better idea of the whole study so that the first 2 chapters will be closely linked together with research questions, hypothesis, relevant theories, and later data analysis and discussion. When the data collection is done in mid May, I will place the order for last chapter on findings and conclusions.

Please email me if you have any questions regarding the study design or related theories. I will provide all the information available to help.


How to Reference "Online Multitasking" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Online Multitasking.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/change-management-online-multitasking/734028. Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Online Multitasking (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/change-management-online-multitasking/734028
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). Online Multitasking. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/change-management-online-multitasking/734028 [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Online Multitasking” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/change-management-online-multitasking/734028.
”Online Multitasking” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/change-management-online-multitasking/734028.
[1] ”Online Multitasking”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/change-management-online-multitasking/734028. [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Online Multitasking [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/change-management-online-multitasking/734028
1. Online Multitasking. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/change-management-online-multitasking/734028. Published 2008. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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