Business Proposal on "Present Caterpillar to an Investment Group and Convince Them to Invest in the Company"

Business Proposal 5 pages (1328 words) Sources: 7

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Caterpillar (Private Equity)

Caterpillar has a rich history in the United States as one of the remaining engineering and manufacturing firms from the immediate post industrial revolution. The monolith has obtained a global sphere of influence, and has products penetrating and obtaining market share throughout the world. Given the recent quantitative easing from the U.S. In the form of buying bonds that were outstanding, the fed created liquidity in the market and therefore flooded the market with dollars.

Subsequently, the inflationary pressure pushes stock prices higher as the value of the dollar has declined and therefore more dollars are needed to purchase a share of stock. To purchase the stock at its current price would be foolish given the inflationary effect. Caterpillar is an attractive company that should be purchased as an investment. However, the valuation of the company will price its assets at a premium given the cost of capital and the rate of inflation.

There are various ways of acquiring Caterpillar. Should the acquiring company use equity shares to purchase Caterpillar, the shares will likely trade at a premium to Caterpillar. Additionally, the acquiring company can use cash and equity as a combination along with issuing debt to acquire Caterpillar. Well, given the strength in the appreciation of the stock market and the positive sentiment to market conditions, the unwillingness of the market to give up returns as a function of inflation, the equity price of Caterpillar is likely to rise higher and therefore an acquisition target price of $90 USD to $115 USD is advised. The equity value is likely to retract from its current trading patt
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ern to allow for buying opportunities in this range.


Caterpillar is a global supplier of heavy machinery such as tractors and augers that are used at building development sites for construction purposes. The company facilitates the supply of high quality machinery to assist in the various construction projects associated with commercial and residential building development, parking garages, and similar construction projects.

Caterpillar profits have taken a dip over the recent year of operations however strong global demand is expected to lead to growth for the company over the long-term. The stock price has not reflected the weakness in the global market nor the lack of positive sentiment in the markets as well as in industry. Caterpillar continues to pay a high dividend and invests its retained earnings into R&D.

Company background

Caterpillar is a 20th century company with 19th century beginnings and ties to the late period of the American Industrial Revolution. The company was forged in 1925 by two conceptual thinkers whom envisaged the vision of what would become known as the Caterpillar Company (CAT, 2011). The men, Benjamin Holt and Daniel Best, were engineering and manufacturing professionals that had an extreme commitment to quality, innovation and customer value (CAT, 2011).

"The Holt Manufacturing Company and the C.L. Best Tractor Co. merge to form Caterpillar Tractor Company" (CAT, History, 2011) The merger of these two companies amalgamated the two businesses into one unified firm that manufactured "tractors, motor graders, generators sets and a special engine for the M4 tank." (CAT, 2011) The major customer of the newly formed firm in the early period was the U.S. government to which Caterpillar provided parts and machinery to feed the proverbial 'war machine' during World War I and World War II.

The second half of the 20th century poised Caterpillar for further growth as the global market expanded into the foreign markets to include Asia and Asia-Pacific. A joint venture between Caterpillar and Mitsubishi was formed to concentrate on pursuing Caterpillars interests in Japan (CAT, history, 2011)

The early 1980s was a period of a global recession that affected CAT's global operations (CAT, history, 2011), "costing the company the equivalent of $1 million a day and forcing it to dramatically reduce employment." (CAT, history, 2011) Although periods of recession were somewhat cyclical throughout the history of Cat, except for the period between 1929 & 1933, CAT… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Present Caterpillar to an Investment Group and Convince Them to Invest in the Company" Assignment:

The Final Report is a comprehensive application of everything that has been covered in the course. Your assignment is to prepare a formal business report according to the requirements described below.

Imagine that you are a consultant hired by the Embry Investment Group (EIG) to analyze a company and make a recommendation about whether or not EIG should acquire it. You may choose any company of any size for consideration, as long as it is a public company that issues annual reports.

Content Requirements

Your report will not only offer a recommendation regarding acquisition, it will also provide an abstract, an executive summary, background information about the company, an assessment of the company*****s future performance, a description of the analysis methodology, supporting details and data, and references.

Technical Requirements

The final project must be at least 2,000-2,500 words excluding front and back matter, double spaced, with 1-inch margins. You will use *****Times New Roman***** 12-point font. You must use at least one table (or chart) and two graphics within the body of the report.

You must use at least five (5) references within the body of report, with proper APA citation format. No more than 20% of your paper should be direct quotes. Any direct quotes should be used to support your own analysis and recommendations. Do not copy large sections of content verbatim from other sources.

NOTE: While preparing your Final Report, be sure that you fully understand the APA citation guidelines in Module 10 (there are additional links on the course Resources page). You must properly cite your required five (or more) references both in the body of the report--including quotation marks for direct quotes--and at the end. You must also cite where you obtained facts, ideas, images, and any other content, even if they are not direct quotes. Failure to properly cite sources will open you to serious charges of plagiarism and academic fraud, which could result in unwanted disciplinary action. Don*****'t take a chance. Cite your references correctly.

Your report must, at a minimum, incorporate the elements of a formal report that are listed on page 571 of the textbook. Use good document design and usability principles regarding headings, sections, use of bold text, etc.

Grading criteria

Content Requirements: 50%

Technical Requirements: 30%

Grammar/Spelling/Style: 20%

Total: 100%

The final report represents 30% of your grade and is due the last week of the term.

How to Reference "Present Caterpillar to an Investment Group and Convince Them to Invest in the Company" Business Proposal in a Bibliography

Present Caterpillar to an Investment Group and Convince Them to Invest in the Company.”, 2011, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Present Caterpillar to an Investment Group and Convince Them to Invest in the Company (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Present Caterpillar to an Investment Group and Convince Them to Invest in the Company. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Present Caterpillar to an Investment Group and Convince Them to Invest in the Company” 2011.
”Present Caterpillar to an Investment Group and Convince Them to Invest in the Company”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Present Caterpillar to an Investment Group and Convince Them to Invest in the Company”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Present Caterpillar to an Investment Group and Convince Them to Invest in the Company [Internet]. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Present Caterpillar to an Investment Group and Convince Them to Invest in the Company. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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