Data Analysis Chapter on "Computer Forensics Computers"

Data Analysis Chapter 4 pages (1280 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Indeed, many people have active disdain for laws regarding national security and state secrets. Some go so far as to say that there should be nothing withheld from the public while others insist it is necessary to ensure that other nation state government and/or terrorists do nto use the information to exploit the country it comes from and/or pertains to and/or to hurt the people impacted by the information. For example, the location of ICBM missile launchers may seem like fair game to people that are against the manufacturing and use of those missiles but this could absolutely be hurtful to the United States, just as one example, if a country like Russia, North Korea or Iran were to come across the information.

In the case of John Deutch, the idea that a director of one of the, if not the most, premier intelligence agencies in all of the world and over the history of all mankind to have state secrets on an unsecured computer that is not widely used (not even today) like Windows computers and Microsoft Windows is woefully negligent. In addition, to have people with no security clearance or other permission to have unfettered access to those computers is equally insane. Any computer connected to the internet can be exploited at any time given the right technology and such. In addition, it was no secret that Deutch held the position he did so it makes him an easy target and it makes it easy for people to get the information if they know where to find his computers online. Often times, it is as simple as knowing where he is physically located and what network(s) he uses to communicate online. It is right up there with the seemingly non-existent security at the Los Alamos nuclear facility over the last
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decade or two whereby several hard drives went missing and magically were found later with no surefire way to know what was exploited and who did the exploiting.

The implications and potential problems with the Deutch case are equally vesting. It's extremely hard for a hacker, especially now, to cover their tracks when hacking a computer but in the day in which this happened and given that the computers were not secured with proper protocols makes it impossible to know who exploited the data, how many times it happened or even if the family themselves knowingly or unknowingly released or saw things that can be insanely damaging to the United States or allies like those in NATO and otherwise.

While it may seem like overkill, especially to much less sensitive situations like those in the private sector and personal computer security, anyone and anything can be exploited if there is any information related to credit cards, social security numbers, home and business address information, phone numbers and so forth. Business, government and personal users alike need to be vigilant and careful about how they act online, how secure their computers are and what they choose to store on computers or things like flash drives that can be easily stolen or lost. Top-shelf firms like Target and TJX Corporation have found out the hard way what happens when they get lazy or lackadaisical about their IT security and none of those two firms protections were in place on Deutch's computers.


Drogin, B. (2000, June 17). Lost Los Alamos Hard Drives Found Behind Lab Copier. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved February 1, 2014, from

Mann, C. (2011, June 15). Casey Anthony Trial Update: Anthony got "Bella Vita" tattoo while Caylee was missing. CBSNews. Retrieved February 1, 2014, from READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Computer Forensics Computers" Assignment:

Case Analysis. Computer Forensics.

Identify two reported cases that have impacted the evidentiary process or analysis in digital forensic cases; student will cite the case and summarize the issue before the court; the majority of the analysis should be dedicated to the impact the cases had on the application of digital evidence in the criminal justice system or the manner in which the digital forensic analyst performs his/her function

Students may use an unreported case with the instructor*****s approval; instructors may pre-identify the cases, and the project will begin with the summarizations

Project Requirements:

4 full pages minimum (approximately 2 pages per case)

Paper should be initiated with an introductory paragraph and ended with a conclusion

Cover page (not included in page count): course number, course title, title of paper, student*****s name, date of submission

Format: 12 point font, double-space, one-inch margin

Bibliography/reference page (not included in page count): APA citation style, textbook included as a reference

Case #1 Casey Anthony.

Case#2 John Deutch: One high-profile case is that of ex-CIA director John Deutch. He stored over

17,000 pages of classified documents on unsecured Macintosh computers

in two of his homes. National security secrets were stored where almost anyone

could access them. His computers, designated for unclassified use only,

were connected to modems and regularly used to access the Internet and the

Department of Defense (DoD). Family members were also allowed to use those

same PCs.


How to Reference "Computer Forensics Computers" Data Analysis Chapter in a Bibliography

Computer Forensics Computers.”, 2014, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Computer Forensics Computers (2014). Retrieved from (2014). Computer Forensics Computers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Computer Forensics Computers” 2014.
”Computer Forensics Computers”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Computer Forensics Computers”,, 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Computer Forensics Computers [Internet]. 2014 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Computer Forensics Computers. Published 2014. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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