Business Proposal on "Carbonless Global Warming"

Business Proposal 6 pages (1546 words) Sources: 2

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Carbon Reduction Business

Approach Statement for Carbon Neutral Business Strategies

The major practical objective for our firm needs to be the creation of an altogether more fuel efficient standard of operation. This will require a significant investment in many of the tangible and structural dimensions of our operation, including the way that we maintain our warehouse facilities, the way that we dispatch our vehicles and how we treat energy use in our administrative offices. Here, an article about similar efforts by the massive Canadian financial firm, TD Bank, indicate that a great deal of the carbon emissions created by outmodes operations can be eliminated thusly. Accordingly, Cram (2010) reports that TD Bank "retrofitted lighting, upgraded data centres, improved heating/cooling systems, and introduced a new fleet policy to improve fuel efficiency." (p. 1)

This points the way for similar changes to take place at our facilities. Additionally, we will improve the weather stripping on our windows and the lining used to block external airflow through the garages in our warehouses, where much heating or air-conditioning our lost. These measures denote the connection between improved carbon neutrality and reduced organization spending, demonstrating the positive impact which such changes will have on the company's bottom line as well as on the environment.

Dissemination and Replication:

In the current market, innovations in the area of carbon reduction are considered a boon to an organization's reputation and to its reception by consumers. Therefore, dissemination and replication strategies are to center aroun
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d public modes of verifying the reduction of energy consumption and emissions in both production and in the materials contained in the products themselves. Accordingly, Carlson indicates that "if the assessment has already been done, a business can complete certification and go to market in as quickly as a matter of weeks. The current political and economic climate indicates that carbon footprinting and labeling will soon be a reality for businesses everywhere. By taking early action your business can gain a first-to-market advantage, augment its sustainability efforts and have a proven platform to address climate change and environmental protection." (p. 1)


The timeline for making the improvements cited above would be divided into the following stages: Research; Development; Cost Analysis; Implementation; Evaluation.

Donor Recognition:

Donor recognition would be achieved by creating a grant named after the donor and available to one member of the organization annually that proposes a cogent carbon neutrality program that can simultaneously reduce company carbon emissions and improve economic performance. The grant money would be intended to allow the individual to focus his or her professional efforts on developing the program for actually implementation at an organizational level.


A plan for evaluation will go into place which is intended to subject all of our firm's facilities to efficiency reviews on an annual basis. These reviews will be conducted on three critical levels; facilities, personnel and processes. Each of these dimensions of the business operation would be evaluated with specific reference to the practical changes which have been made and their impact on costs of operation as well as on such environmental peripherals as fuel consumption, emissions, waste disposal, recycling and efficiency of machinery.

The evaluation would proceed with the intent of answering several basic question. Among them, we ask to what degree facilities have been altered and to what extent these alterations have impacted the economic performance and environmental performance of the firm. This would include a critical comparison of such financial measures as heating, cooling and lighting bills both before and after changes have been implemented. Another question would concern the procedural and cultural realities contextualizing personnel. The evaluation would ask to what extent processes and normative practices have changes, and would be measured according to both quantitative and qualitative personnel survey responses. Here, the measure would be based on survey responses indicating either comfort with or resistance to the various carbon reduction standards which have been applied.

A final question from which evaluation would be drawn would concern the actually processes relating to production and service output. This question would ask to what extent processes under the new strategy have rendered machinery more efficient, production activities less wasteful and labor less consumptive of fuel or energy. This would be measured according to changes in core output indexes.

In order to conduct a thorough environmental survey relating to all these aspects of our operation, it would be necessary also to bring an outside consultant on board during each evaluation. Here, we anticipate benefiting from the expertise of a consultant who can quantify and assess such indicators as levels of airborne emissions, fossil fuel consumption and the creation of physical waste. An environmental consultant or team of environmental consultants would be instrumental to each annual evaluation, and would help to supplement findings with a core set of recommendations for how to improve operational adherence in all of these areas. It may also be useful in this area to propose certain benchmarks for each annual evaluation so that the firm can project particular levels of improvement in gradually reducing pre-existing dependencies on carbon.

This indicates that the results of each evaluation question (as they relate to facilities, personnel and processes) and each annual environmental survey would be used to project goals for the following year. This would be detailed in a synthesized report for the consideration of the firm's leading carbon reduction donor. The report would present the evaluation as part of a continuing effort to always be in state of reducing carbon dependency. Thus, each report would frame the annual evaluation as taking place within the scope of a longer-term stage of constant transition.

In order to highlight this approach, each report would detail the current evaluation in light of improvements from the previous year and in relation to the projected goals for the following year(s). Additionally, this would be an ideal forum through which to report on the annual recipient of the donor-named grant as well as the innovation which earned the recipient this honor.


Our firm is particularly well-suited for many of the innovations recommended here because of its resource flexibility. Though our firm is modestly sized, ownership has recently reconsidered its budgetary and spending approach according to recent growth. In fact, recent years of economic growth have not yet been matched through the proper adaptations within the company. Now is the time for leadership and management to push forward with a facilities strategy that fits the level of growth, the wider customer base and the greater opportunity for profitability that we are currently achieving.

As this account notes, it seems only rational to use the growing company budget in order to improve efficiencies and significantly increase the productivity capabilities of the plant. By making some of the energy consumption and environmental changes discussed here, the company is essentially banking on turning improved growth into improved functionality. With sustainability and carbon reduction emerging as essential economic goals for the modern business, the company appears to now be in a prime position to capitalize in the long-term on its current good fortunes.

The structure of the organization would not change significantly with the exception of the creation of a sustainability management team and director. This would denote the creation of a new team with the prescribed responsibility of conducting regular, in-house evaluations of how well sustainability goals are being met. This group of personnel would become the key reference point for helping others to make decisions in their day-to-day labors that can help to reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption. This internal source for direction will change the nature of the organization on the whole by ensuring that there are members of the company whose goal it is to monitor, assist with and inform upon all the changes that will be occurring during this process of transformation.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Carbonless Global Warming" Assignment:

Building onto the organization from your Purpose/Needs Statement, create an Approach Statement.

Describe the strategies and methods to be used and justify why these are most effective. Show how your work differs from or complements similar efforts by other. Emphasize collaboration whenever possible. Discuss dissemination and replication. Include a timeline with major milestones. Mention how the donor will be recognized. Your Approach Statement should be 2 pages. The paper need to be double space 12 font Roman Times in APA style. Please provide two references.


How to Reference "Carbonless Global Warming" Business Proposal in a Bibliography

Carbonless Global Warming.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Carbonless Global Warming (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Carbonless Global Warming. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Carbonless Global Warming” 2010.
”Carbonless Global Warming”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Carbonless Global Warming”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Carbonless Global Warming [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Carbonless Global Warming. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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