Research Paper on "Buying Behavior of Organizations"

Research Paper 6 pages (2885 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

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Buying Behavior of Organizations

The advertising, promotional and selling strategies that are commonplace in consumer products are known for their reliance on evoking emotions, communicating the unique value of benefits, and seeking to create a unique identity for a given brand over the long-term. Business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing and selling, heavily reliant on their ability to create and sustain a strong emotional bond with prospective and current customers, are often considered the more visceral and emotionally-defined brands relative to their more logical and utilitarian-based business-to-business (B2B) counterparts (Bellizzi, 2009). The intent of this analysis is to evaluate four recent studies that illustrate how this balance of power is shifting from B2C-oriented brands to B2B, and how the richer, more unique non-utilitarian aspects of branding and marketing are impacting sales and customer relationships.

Assessment of Using Non-Utilitarian Factors to Encourage Business-To-Business Purchases

In the study, Using Non-Utilitarian Factors to Encourage Business-To-Business Purchases (Bellizzi, 2009) the researcher relies on a literature review-based methodology to evaluate the non-utilitarian factors that contribute to greater business-to-business (B2B) purchases or buying. The common research tools and platforms used in academia are seen in the bibliography of the cited article, which collectively served as the researcher's data collection instrument. The organizational and individual demographics reflect a cross-section of academic and B2B marketing and selling experts.

The study's findings suggest that B2B marketers need t
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o move beyond the rational, highly quantifiable aspects of their products and embrace more of the concepts of B2C marketers who evoke emotions with their brands. The study states that B2B marketers often are so engrained in the functional performance of their products that they do not anticipate or even make an effort to create a lasting brand identity that resonates emotionally with customers (Bellizzi, 2009). The authors recommend B2B marketers consider how best to bring greater brand identity and symbolism into their campaigns to more to align with how B2B customers are making decisions (Bellizzi, 2009). The author contends that the future of B2B marketing and sales will be more orientated towards its B2C-counterparts, where the emotions evoked by branding, intensive use of symbolism and continual progression of messaging dominate. There are several significant limitations of the study including its lack of empirical data, and the defining of recommendations based more on the authors' preferences and less on actual data. The author makes one convincing argument by the example of a B2B marketer of a business jet, yet many more are needed in order to fully humanize the more logical, clinical branding of B2B marketing more effectively.

Assessment of Building Customer Commitment in Business-To-Business Markets

In Assessment of Building Customer Commitment in Business-To-Business Markets (Chang, Wang, Chih, Tsai, 2012) the researchers evaluate how trust can be better initiated and maintained within business-to-business (B2B) selling and service relationships. The researcher specifically focus on the dimensions and perceptions of trust on the part of customers in long-term relationships with companies their firms have been working with on complex projects in some cases for years. In studying the stability and continued performance of complex B2B selling and service strategies, the researchers conclude that the most critical aspects of building trust must center on the evolving set of new needs and requirements over assuming a continuation of the past into the future (Chang, Wang, Chih, Tsai, 2012). The industry that forms the basis of the study is the Taiwanese timber distribution market.

The methodology is based on a sampling frame of 1,300 customers of timber suppliers throughout Taiwan, in addition to those customers who maintain relationships directly with timber suppliers (Chang, Wang, Chih, Tsai, 2012). This methodology is deliberately designed to take into account the value chain of timber producers in the island nation. To ensure a representative sample was achieved, the researchers randomly sampled 70% of customers in each district of the nation including the northern, middle, southern and eastern areas of the island. A total of 900 surveys were initially mailed with a response rate of 67% achieved (Chang, Wang, Chih, Tsai, 2012). Of the 900 initially sent out in the first phase, 78 were incomplete, resulting in 522 usable questionnaires overall. The methodology was also tested for response error and the researcher ascertained there wasn't any (Chang, Wang, Chih, Tsai, 2012).

The data collection used was a manually-administered survey packet that included a cover letter, survey booklet and postage-paid return envelope. These items were all mailed to the respondents along with remainder cards sent approximately two weeks after the initial mailing. The respondents were told this was an academic study to further assure them of the confidentiality of the data.

All respondents were business owners and senior management, with 74.7% being male and 25.3% being female. The distribution of respondents by industry demographic included 41.2% builders, 22.8% contractors, and 36% timber-related manufacturer companies (Chang, Wang, Chih, Tsai, 2012). Distribution of employee size by firm also showed the majority are small to mid-sized businesses with between 20 and 50 employees.

The study findings indicate that the greater a given salesperson's ability to inspire trust through transparency and authenticity, in addition to being trusted to fulfill commitments they make, the higher the level of customer bonding achieved (Chang, Wang, Chih, Tsai, 2012). The study looked at how the long-term relationships between customers and suppliers evolved over time. This aspect of the study showed how powerful trust is over the long-term, as suppliers and customers who had been able to create a highly trusted relationship had been able to overcome significant setbacks that impacted the industry overall (Chang, Wang, Chih, Tsai, 2012). The supplier and customers over the long-term in this industry forma very powerful foundation of trust that also accelerates the ability to deal with uncertainty on both sides of the purchasing relationship. These findings are very atypical in a traditional B2B relationship which is often driven by highly structured and logical approaches to managing relationships. The limitations of this study however include the lack of insight into how deal volumes and the construction boom that occurred in Taiwan affected overall trust. The study shows that in aggregate the greater the investment in authenticity and transparency the more of a trust-based foundation is achieved, yet there needs to be more of a specific series of scenarios to test this hypothesis more thoroughly. The study also only focused on one industry and didn't look at the ancillary businesses that also contribute to the Taiwanese timber value chain.

Assessment of a Framework of Brand Value in B2B Markets:

The Contributing Role of Functional and Emotional Components

Determining if effective B2B marketing and relationship-based selling can transform brand, goods and services value to relationship value is the premise of this study (Leek, Christodoulides, 2012). This is often the progression of business-to-consumer (B2C) brands that seek to associate a given emotion or symbol with their specific brand. The world's best known brands do this exceptionally well including Harley-Davidson, Nike and others. The researchers have completed a thorough literature review and a small sample of ten exploratory interviews with B2B supplier managers to define a framework of brand value applicable to brand value (Leek, Christodoulides, 2012). The framework includes the factors of quality, technology, capacity, infrastructure, after sales service, product capabilities, and depth of reliability technologies and processes. (Leek, Christodoulides, 2012). The researchers sough to also show how the orchestration of these factors together could lead to an exceptionally positive brand experience for a customer interacting with a brand from a business-to-business (B2B) context. This methodology of combining a literature review and ten exploratory interviews is unique in that the researchers seek to create a balanced qualitative and in-depth analysis of the most salient attributes that lead to long-term B2B purchasing satisfaction and the strengthening of relationships over time (Leek, Christodoulides, 2012). The ten in-depth interviews resembled a Delphi Sample in that the experts were asked for their specific viewpoints on B2B marketing and the continual strengthening of customer relationships.

The specifics of the methodology included the definition of five manufacturing and five service companies, obtained through a convenience sampling approach that specifically focused on the sectors of aluminum, safety systems, food suppliers, electronic equipment, IT systems, direct marketing services, financial services and personnel solutions (Leek, Christodoulides, 2012). The in-person surveys concentrated on how the emotional and cognitive elements of branding were used for creating an effective long-term level of trust and transparency in long-term B2B relationships. All interviews were completed face-to-face and lasted between 40 minutes and 1 hour. The interviews were recorded and transcribed for later use in the analysis, where content analysis was used for interpreting and classifying the results (Leek, Christodoulides, 2012).

Demographics of the respondents were senior managers and leaders of the respective manufacturing companies interviewed, many of them at the VP level or above. The study findings show that the linearity that the researchers assumed to be in place in the B2B markets did not match the level of performance in the B2C industries. It did show however that the longer-term aspects of B2B marketing and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Buying Behavior of Organizations" Assignment:

Assess the Buying Behavior of Organizations:

Read the Bellizzi (2009) paper on non-utilitarian factors to encourage business-to-business purchases, bring in other organization articles (business, government, and/or non-profit) and write a scholarly paper discussing trends in buying behavior of organizations. The paper must include:

� Include a minimum of three scholarly peer reviewed studies published within the past five years. For each of the studies in the literature review succinctly address/answer (maximum of one paragraph/half page) the following:

What is the study methodology? (Timeline, quantitative, qualitative, case study, etc.)

What is the data collection instrument? (Interviews, surveys, data analysis, observation, comparative test, etc.)

What are the organizational and individual demographics of the study participants? (What part of the world, type of organization, participant positions, age, gender, etc.)

What were the study findings?

Critically analyze the study in relation to limitations, whether the study appeared theoretically grounded, etc.

� Following the Literature Review, provide a Discussion section that includes:

Synthesize the findings in your own words to help the reader interpret the findings.

Use analogies and experiences as needed to discuss and analyze the study findings.

Explain the relevance of these findings to your argument.

� Provide recommendations on how organizations may address demographic influences impact marketing strategies and the study of consumer behavior.

Assignment Outcomes

Evaluate the role of consumers as organizations. *****


How to Reference "Buying Behavior of Organizations" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Buying Behavior of Organizations.”, 2013, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Buying Behavior of Organizations (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Buying Behavior of Organizations. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Buying Behavior of Organizations” 2013.
”Buying Behavior of Organizations”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Buying Behavior of Organizations”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Buying Behavior of Organizations [Internet]. 2013 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Buying Behavior of Organizations. Published 2013. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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