Business Proposal on "Master Project"

Business Proposal 14 pages (3942 words) Sources: 10

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Business Problem Proposal

Proposed Company: The Ford Motor Company

Business Related Problem

The automobile industry and in particular, the Ford must devise methods to remain competitive and increase market share. Current market analyses indicate competition is not just other automobile industry companies, but the global market for automobiles experienced an unhealthy growth over the past five years. Looking forward, while the pace of market expansion is anticipated to slow, annual growth will become more stable.

The Ford Company will maintain or improve its current industry dominance with research. By applying linear regression, the company can correlate market and financial statements, utilize multiple regression to interpret the output, and leverage the use of time series analysis and forecasting to make business decisions. Will annual revenue continue its current growth pace? The following research questions will provide a guide for this study. The motivation and purpose for this study and related research questions are also presented within the business proposal.

1) Will revenue increase with increased direct marketing efforts focused in the growth sectors of the automobile industry?

2) Will Revenue will increase by a greater proportion if the marketing efforts include a global span?

Purpose of the Study: Does Ford Motor Need to be More Competitive and Financially Stable

Revenue is the overall earnings of a company and for a large company such as Ford Motor, there are always competitive and strategic practices that are needed to increas
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e revenue.

However, marketing activities have focused on financial solvency and how to increase the consumer base and more importantly increase revenue. The crux of the paper is to get a clear understanding of how direct marketing efforts focused on growth can increase revenue. Similarly, there is the notion that global expansion to include areas such as China or other Asian nations can increase revenue exponentially.

Motivation of the Study

Ford Motor Company is the fourth largest automaker in the United States. The company is based in Detroit Michigan and began in 1903 with founder Henry Ford. The brands of Ford now include popular cars such as Lincoln, Volvo, and Mercury. Ford has been one of the largest family-owned enterprises and was one of the few companies to survive the Great Depression in the 1930s.

Ford has established clear objectives that include:

- Grow the value of our existing brands and expand their product portfolio

- Confront ongoing market challenges that have limited the growth. These challenges ? created by changing consumer tastes and an evolving traveling environment

- Seize share of this growth by achieving our goal and creating better balance in our portfolio.

- Work with affiliates and other services to seek opportunities for new brands and products.

The mission of the Ford can be summarized within the strategic principles outlined by the company below:-

To guide this effort, Ford's leadership team has identified three strategic priorities:

Strengthen brand portfolio by growing the value of existing brands and significantly expanding product portfolio;

Transforming the market model and improve efficiency and effectiveness;

Establish a winning, inclusive culture as Ford attracts, develops, and retains a talented and diverse workforce.

Ford Motor Financial and Strategic Analysis -- Background to Ford's Problem

The market place characteristics which make the research question suitable are:

> Stringent quality control systems in every plant

> 440,000 customers

> Consumer response mechanism in every country

> 84,000 suppliers

> Supplier Guiding Principles Program

Strategic Weaknesses and Threats

Within the automobile sector Ford Motor has outlined a strategic objective of increasing loyalty and profitability of customers by directly providing products that are useful to the organization.

The bargaining power of buyers is highlighted by the fact that Ford Motor wants to increase brand loyalty, hence the strategic marketing activities, which reinforces elements of the marketing mix and helps to alleviate the bargaining leverage of the buyer. In the automobile industry demand is highly elastic since there are many substitutes, Ford Motor minimizes the threat of the buyer power, by making demand more inelastic since they offer a wide array of products across different categories of goods and products that are different from competitors, this is unique and lessens the threat just being a similar product in a vast market and creates a unique product differentiability for Ford.

Based on the analysis of the buyer power above, it is clear that ideally the threat of substitutes exists, but Ford Motor minimizes this creating brand loyalty via their strategic business process which is the idea behind focusing on the investor only and removing the conflict of interest typical within the industry.

There are no serious barriers to entry in this market structure. This explains Ford Motor's integration of a strategic process, so that they can maintain their profitability from new entrants. There are very few absolute cost advantages, the inputs needed are not difficult to acquire, capital requirements are minimal, and Ford Motor's to distribution channels is easy. Ford exists in a market that has freedom of entry, hence they have to continually improve and maintain a competitive advantage.

More importantly, the analysis and research questions are grounded within the financial aspects of the company. As such there is a need to analyze the financial position of the firm to determine the motivation and purpose for the study and as well as the reason for analyzing a revenue equation.

Financial Woes of Ford

Ford Motor faces almost one-to-one current ratio; with 0.96 and 0.88 in 2009 and 2008 respectively. This is not surprising in a sector that has a lot of its assets in capital equipment and machinery -- however when compared to the industry average, it seems that Ford Motor will have problems with their short-term obligations.

The accounts receivable ratio fell slightly between 2008 and 2009, even though the overall sales/revenues increased. By maintaining accounts receivable, Ford Motor can indirectly extending interest-free loans to their clients. This high ratio implies either that Ford Motor operates on a cash basis or that its extension of credit and collection of accounts receivable is efficient.

The average collection period for Ford Motor is unfavorable since it takes customers 43 days in 2009 to pay their bills (up from 41 days in 2008), indicating the effectiveness of credit and collection policies of Ford Motor.

Inventory turnover is unfavorable. However the increase in inventory level from 2008 to 2009 may be unhealthy since it represents an investment with a rate of rerun of zero and it opens the Ford Motor up to trouble should prices begin to fall. However, the turnover statistics implies good sales and some level of effective buying.

Given that Ford Motor is in a more capital intensive industry the debt to equity ratio that is approximately 2 is unhealthy for Ford Motor. If a lot of debt is used to finance increased operations (high debt to equity), Ford Motor could potentially generate more earnings than it would have without this outside financing. If this were to increase earnings by a greater amount than the debt cost (interest), then the shareholders benefit as more earnings are being spread among the same amount of shareholders. However, the cost of this debt financing may outweigh the return that the company generates on the debt through investment and business activities and become too much for the company to handle. This can lead to bankruptcy, which would leave shareholders with nothing.

Similarly, the long-term debt to total assets implies that the company's reliance on debt for asset formation is not that risky and Ford Motor is less likely to have a repayment burden.

The times interest earned based on the trend from 2008 to 2009 is not stable, since the earnings before interest and taxes in 2009 was negative (a loss). However in 2008 the times interest earned was 2.2. This might be indicative of the fact that the creditworthiness of Ford Motor is depleting over time, especially in wake of the fact that they faced a loss in 2009.

The total margin comparison is done across industries rather than over time, given the analysis within the industry Ford Motor's currently operates faces similar percentages.

Return on assets and return on equity is unfavorable in 2008 at 2% and 9% in 2008. However, in 2009 with a net loss for Ford Motor, then the ratios are negative and this is similar across industries, as companies engage in expansion strategies that will benefit the industry overall but affects the measure of how well the companies used reinvested earnings to generate additional earnings.

The earnings per share in 2009 was unfavorable when compared to that of its major competitors. The significant drop in the price/earnings ratio has been associated with the new product lines that have attracted investors to the company.




Current Ratio



Quick Ratio



Comments: Ford Motor has a relatively high measure of liquidity, which indicates that the company may have some problem meeting its short-term debt. This becomes even clearer when inventories are included and the quick… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Master Project" Assignment:

Each student must email me (by no later than 6pm Weds, 14 April) the following details of their proposed business project

1. The Company they intend to investigate

2. The proposed business issue

3. A brief explanation of how you uncovered the issue and why you have selected it

4. Possible theory that could be applied to this issue

5. Possible benefit to the company if you can solve/uncover/research this topic

There is no need for any referencing or detailed analysis of any management theory/tools etc. The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that you*****'ve selected an appropriate project that can be done given the guidelines of the unit.

I will then confirm approval of this submission or suggest possible modifications. Once you have this confirmation you can then begin your project.

Dear my friend, if it possible can you please sned me

1. The Company they intend to investigate

2. The proposed business issue

3. A brief explanation of how you uncovered the issue and why you have selected it

4. Possible theory that could be applied to this issue

5. Possible benefit to the company if you can solve/uncover/research this topic

in 1 page on wednsady morning 14/4/2010. then after the Individual Business Proposal 2000 words and the

Individual Business Report 3000 words.

Assessment Type


1 Individual Business Proposal 2000 words

2 Individual Business Report 3000 words

Learning Outcome


1. Develop a project proposal outlining the research methodology for an in-depth investigation of an (international) business problem. real problem

Individual Business Proposal

2. An***** and interpret primary and secondary data gathered from the client organisation and marketing environment

Individual Business Proposal

Individual Business Report

3. Apply theories, concepts and tools of (international) business/marketing to the situation faced by the firm/industry in its (international) business activities. Individual Business Proposal Individual Business Report

4. Develop (international) marketing strategies based on the results of the analysis of data considering company objectives and resources as well as trends in the marketing environment.

Individual Business Report

5. Contrast the impact of the dynamic and complex nature of marketplaces and marketing strategies in uncertain environments. Individual Business Report



This assessment aims to begin the planning process and to encourage creative thinking as a means to developing and designing the final project report. It should be used to provide an opportunity for important feedback regarding the selected topic (or issues) which will eventually form part of the major assessment, the Individual Business Report.

The proposal should contain a significant amount of secondary data (e.g. academic literature, business reports, industry journals etc) which highlight and complement the selected Project Topic. This will be guide the student to determine their selected marketing/business strategy and how this will assist their selected industry/firm.


The proposal must include (but is not limited to) the following components

(1) Background Information

(2) Proposed Business Topic

(3) Situation Analysis

(4) Proposed Data Resources

(5) Proposed Modeling & Conceptual Tools

(6) Proposed Findings

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This assessment is due during Week 5 and may be handed in either during class time or by 6pm at the SGSM Client Services Officce if no consultation has been booked.

In the interests of being fair to all students, late assignments will be penalised by 10% per day unless you have applied for special consideration, and that application is considered acceptable. Applications for extensions must be made before the submission date, and will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.

WARNING: Since most of us suffer from constant pressure of work, submitting consideration based on *****˜work pressure***** would not be considered an *****˜exceptional circumstance*****!

WARNING: The maximum length for this assessment is 2000 words. Any reports longer than this may risk not being marked beyond this word limit. It is expected that no report would be less than 1500 words



The purpose of this assessment is for each student to be able to accurately identify a business issue, undertake quality research to uncover both external and internal influences in relation to this issue and then concisely develop a resolution for this issue.

Feedback from the Business Proposal should be considered when developing this report as it is expected that the strategy recommended in this earlier document will be translated into the final report. Whilst many items in the proposal are expected to be discussed in the final report, students may find themselves discarding others due to further insights being uncovered as their research and analysis continues. If this is the case, the report must include reasons why/why not any items were not progressed through to the final plan.

Marketing students must apply marketing strategy(ies) to their business report, whilst international business students should focus on more generalized business plans. The tools provided in the textbook are applicable for both streams of learning.


The final report should contain (but is not limited to) the following components:

1. Background Information

2. Business Topic

3. Situation & Market Analysis

4. Solution Generation and Evaluation

5. Findings and Recommendations

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Given the word limit of this assessment, it is recommended that students do not spend too much time explaining the history of their selected topic. Emphasis should be placed on evidence of planning and application of the business tools provided

HINT: To pass this assessment you will need to be able to demonstrate an ability to search for and use a wide range of literature. Reports that only make reference to your textbook, will not be deemed adequate. Likewise, only one type of literature will also limit possible marks (e.g. only academic literature or only one type of industry journal).

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This assessment is due during Week 10 and must be handed in by 6.00pm at the SGSM Client Services Office unless alternative arrangements have been made.

In the interests of being fair to all students, late assignments will be penalised by 10% per day unless you have applied for special consideration, and that application is considered acceptable. Applications for extensions must be made before the submission date, and will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.

How to Reference "Master Project" Business Proposal in a Bibliography

Master Project.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Master Project (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Master Project. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Master Project” 2010.
”Master Project”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Master Project”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Master Project [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Master Project. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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