Business Plan on "Marketing Plan of the Business of Web Media Contents Monetization Software B2b"

Business Plan 3 pages (1497 words) Sources: 10

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Business Plan

Section V. The Marketing Plan

Overall Marketing Strategy

The proposed new venture's Web content monetization system has the ability to quickly transform idle digital assets and content into cash. Differentiated from its competitors by the ability to personalize searches and define bundling of content on the fly with a personalization engine, which is a state-of-the-art technology developed recently (Ruokonen, Nummela, Puumalainen, Saarenketo, 2008) the proposed system will be able to determine pricing levels as well by visitor (Shapiro, 2009). The unique value proposition for the proposed venture is as follows: Turning digital assets and content into cash using state-of-the-art Web content monetization systems, our company seeks to be the leading provider of monetization solutions globally. At the center of any excellent organization is the integration of technology, content and innovation all focused on the customer (Slater, 2001). Selling the proposed system as a means to quickly gain incremental revenue for content producers will make the definitions of Return on Investment (ROI), even in pro forma levels, positive. Ultimately for the marketing strategy to be effective the value of a solution must be quantified in terms of dollars earned or saved, time saved, or significant reductions in process-related errors over time (Rosen, Schroeder, Purinton, 1988).

B. Pricing

The proposed price is $150,000 for each system. It is anticipated that an additional $600,000 in services will be required to install, integrate into content management repositories and databases, and customize the system for the
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unique needs of content producers. Total revenues per deal could potentially average $750,000, potentially a little less if less integration to content management systems are required. As this system is highly unique with its order capture and fulfillment front-end for selling content, the price is justified given the revenue generating potential. Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems from primary competitors including EMC (Documentum), Microsoft Corporation, Open Text and Oracle are all priced in comparable range of the $150,000 list price of the baseline system. Autonomy Corp PLC produces an enterprise search and knowledge management system that sells for $225,000, and its use of linguistic modeling, and no support for order capture as of today, make this a potential, not existing, competitor. The pricing strategy for the proposed system at $150,000 places in squarely against existing Web Content Management (WCM) systems, yet is highly differentiated from the with its order capture and revenue management front-end applications.

C. The Selling Cycle

Beginning with public relations and social media efforts to get the proposed venture known, the sales cycle will be organized into upper funnel and lower funnel sales activities. Upper funnel sales activities will concentrate on getting the brand of the company know its unique position in the market, its differentiation and unique value position. Weekly webinars will also be held to promote thought leadership in the industry, a key factor in successful high tech marketing (Rosen, Schroeder, Purinton, 1988). These upper funnel activities will be transitioned to lead generation through the use of webinars and opt-in e-mails, follow-ups from webinars, and the development of sales leads from events. Lower funnel activities in the selling cycle will be prequalification through a discussion of the content providers' monetization goals. The sales teams' discussion with prospects will work through an ROI Calculator that will also be used to calculate payback period based on their subscriber base, customer churn factors, pricing for content, and number of content items. A proposal will be generated, given to the prospect and followed up on periodically to close the sale.

D. Sales Tactics

The proposed venture will rely entirely on a direct sales force as the complexity of this solution requires excellent knowledge of its use, and its benefits. The initial plans for the sales force are to have four in the U.S. For Eastern Region, Southern Region, Central Region and Western Region. A Sales Vice President will be hired with expertise in enterprise content management (ECM) systems, and the sales representatives will spend a week every six months in corporate headquarters in training. Quotas will be assigned based on content provider count in territories.

E. Advertising and Sales Promotions

As this is an enterprise application aimed specifically at the CEO and CFO of content providers, the advertising and sales promotion will be highly targeted to their roles in organizations. The use of direct mail with innovative ROI Calculators that in an instant can be used to provide these executives with insights into how much revenue they can produce from using the system will be… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Marketing Plan of the Business of Web Media Contents Monetization Software B2b" Assignment:


This paper is from a enterprenuership class...

My company gonna make new software for web content monetization (target to B2B business not B2C )...

In this paper, you should write down the marketing plan for Web Media Contents Monetization software (B2B based)


Here is the question you should answer...Section A to I...

(Please try to answer every single thing if possible...)

Section V. The Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan describes how your projected sales will actually be attained. How will you make sales actually happen? A great idea is meaningless if you can*****t find customers. Thus, this section builds on the earlier Market Section, where you defined your market and outlined your targeted segments and their buyer behavior. The marketing plan needs to provide detail on the overall marketing strategy that will exploit the opportunity and your competitive advantages. Include a discussion of sales and service policies, pricing, distribution, promotion and advertising strategies, and sales projections. The marketing plan needs to describe what is to be done, how it will be done, when it will be done, and who will do it.

A.Overall Marketing Strategy:

1.Describe the specific marketing philosophy of the company.

2.How will your business be positioned in the marketplace?

3.How will you differentiate your product/service from your competitors?

4.Include, a discussion of the kinds of customer groups that have already placed orders, have expressed an interest, or will be targeted for either initial intensive selling effort. Explain how you will try to position your products or services in the marketplace and in the minds of particular target audiences.

5.Make it clear how your marketing strategy reflects the characteristics of the primary market segments you will be targeting.

6.Indicate whether the products or services will initially be introduced internationally, nationally, regionally, or locally; explain why, and indicate any plans for extending sales at a later date.

7.What is your firm*****s unique selling proposition---the central theme of all marketing communications?

8.From an overall standpoint, make it clear whether marketing efforts will center on personal selling, media advertising, or what (you will get into specific below).


1.Discuss pricing strategy, including the prices to be charged for your product and service, and compare your pricing policy with those of your major competitors, including a brief discussion of payback (in months) to the customer.

*****¢ Explain how the price you set will enable you (1) to get the product or service accepted, (2) to maintain an increase in your market share in the face of competition, and (3) to produce profits.

*****¢Justify your pricing strategy and differences between your prices and those for competitive or substitute products or services in terms of economic payback to the customer and value added through newness, quality, warranty, timing performance, service, cost savings, efficiency, and the like.

*****¢If your products is to be priced lower than those of the competition, explain how you will do this and maintain profitability (e.g., through greater value added vial effectiveness in manufacturing and distribution, lower labor costs, lower material costs, lower overhead, or other component of cost).

*****¢Discuss pricing structure, or how your prices will differ by aspect of the product or service, by customer group, and by time and form of payment (e.g., the discount structure).

*****¢Discuss the use of special price offers, rebates, coupons, and so forth. This can be done under price or under sales promotion.

C.The Selling Cycle

*****¢In the MARKET section you described the customer*****s buying process. Now, map out a selling cycle or process that reflects that buying process. How do you plan to move a customer from never having heard of you to being a loyal user?

*****¢Make it vividly clear how your overall use of personal selling, advertising, and publicity will reflect a blend of tools that moves your target customer through their buying process.

D.Sales Tactics

*****¢Describe the methods (e.g., own sales force, sales representatives, ready-made manufacturers***** sales organizations, direct mail, or distributors) that will be used to make sales and distribute the product or service. Also include both the initial plans and longer-range plans for a sales force. Include a discussion of any special requirements (e.g., refrigeration).

*****¢Describe how distributors or sales representatives, if they are used, will be selected when they will start to representatives by month, and the expected sales to be made by each.

*****¢If a direct sales force is to be used, indicate how it will be structured and what rate ( a head count) it will be built up; indicate if it is to replace a dealer or representative organization and, if so, when and how. How will you recruit, train and compensate the sales force?

*****¢Show the sales expected per salesperson per year and what commission, incentive, and/or salary they are slated to receive, and compare these figures to the average for your industry.

*****¢Present a selling schedule and a sales budget that includes all marketing promotion and service costs.

*****¢Discuss any seasonal trends that underlie the cash conversion cycle in the industry and what can be done to promote sales out of season.

E.Advertising and Sales Promotions

*****¢Describe the media approaches the company will use to bring its product or service to the attention of prospective purchasers. How will you inform your target market about the availability of your products/service and continue to communicate the benefits you are offering to that market

*****¢If direct mail, magazine, newspaper, or other media, telemarketing, or catalog sales are to be used, indicate the specific channels or vehicles, costs (per1,000), and expected response rates and yield (as percentage) from the various media, and so on, used. Discuss how these will be built up.

*****¢For original equipment manufacturers and for manufacturers of industrial products, indicate the plans for trade show participation, trade magazine advertisements, direct mailings, the preparation of product sheets and promotional literature, and use of advertising agencies.

*****¢For consumer products, indicates what kind of advertising and promotional campaign is planned to provided to dealers, what trade shows, and so forth, are required.

*****¢Present a schedule and approximate costs of promotion and advertising (direct mail, telemarketing, catalogs, etc.), and discuss how these costs will be incurred. Determine the total marketing budget required.

*****¢Note any viral or buzz marketing efforts you plan to employ.


*****¢What methods will you use to get free publicity for your business?

*****¢What sort of guerilla publicity tactics will you employ?

*****¢How might you create news?

G.Customer Service

*****¢How will customer service be defined and measured?

*****¢What system will you have in place to manage customer service and ensure service levels are consistent?

H.Warranty or Guarantee Policies

*****¢If your company will offer a product that will require service, warranties, or training, indicate the importance of these to the customers***** purchasing decisions and discuss your method of handling service problems.

*****¢Describe the type and terms of any warranties to be offered, whether company service people, agencies, dealers, and distributors will handle service, or simply return to the factory.

*****¢Indicate the proposed change for service cell and whether service will be a profitable or loss operation.

*****¢Compare your service, warranty, and customer training practices to those of principal competitors.


*****¢Describe the methods of distribution you will employ. Why is this best/better?

*****¢Discuss the value chain and the resulting margins to be given to retailers, distributors, wholesalers, and salespeople and any special policies regarding discounts, exclusive distribution rights, and so on, given to distributors or sales representatives and compare these to those given by your competition.

*****¢What distribution channel(s) will be important to your business? How will you gain access to these channels? Note any special issues that need to be resolved, or present potential vulnerabilities.

*****¢Explain any methods to be employed to obtain distributor cooperation and support.

*****¢If international sales are involved, note how these sales will be handled, including distribution, shipping, insurance, credit, and collections.

**I*****'m gonna send you additional files including the paper I already done (This gonna give you the big picture)

**Please use WEB RESOURCES not BOOK SOURCES if possible***



How to Reference "Marketing Plan of the Business of Web Media Contents Monetization Software B2b" Business Plan in a Bibliography

Marketing Plan of the Business of Web Media Contents Monetization Software B2b.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Marketing Plan of the Business of Web Media Contents Monetization Software B2b (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Marketing Plan of the Business of Web Media Contents Monetization Software B2b. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Marketing Plan of the Business of Web Media Contents Monetization Software B2b” 2010.
”Marketing Plan of the Business of Web Media Contents Monetization Software B2b”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Marketing Plan of the Business of Web Media Contents Monetization Software B2b”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Marketing Plan of the Business of Web Media Contents Monetization Software B2b [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Marketing Plan of the Business of Web Media Contents Monetization Software B2b. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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