Term Paper on "Business Model Innovation"

Term Paper 6 pages (1873 words) Sources: 10 Style: Harvard

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Business Model Innovation: MAERSK

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Innovation and Maersk

Innovation is defined as the act or instance of making changes. Also, the introduction of new things, techniques and ideas is known as innovation (Fuglsang, 2008). Innovation in business means the implementation of new techniques and ideas in the marketplace. This is done by introducing new services, products or features. Due to increasing competition in the market, innovation has become a crucial and vital part of corporate strategy for existing and emerging companies, to gain market shares. The bottom line of the business innovation plans is to move forward or block the competitor from succeeding.

The innovation market model suggests a few steps for the innovation process, namely:

The innovation challenge

Collaborative idea generation

Combination of complementary ideas

Scientific evaluation

Testing and development



Indication of new need(s) and inspiration(s)

It seems difficult for a company to survive without innovation. To attain the level of competitiveness, companies require technology and the management skills and corporate vision to implement the technology successfully (Branscomb and Auerswald, 2003). One such market leader company is a.P. Moller Maersk. It is one of the worlds leading shipping companies and has activities in many business areas, including oil and gas exploration and production, shipbuilding, industry, supermarkets
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and it services. The company has over 110,000 employees in more than 125 countries around the world, with the head quarters in Denmark (Maersk, 2012).

Innovation Strategy and Company Customers

At Maersk, innovation is seen as a key to improving virtually every aspect of their business. Innovation doesn't mean science fiction projects or directionless creativity but it's a highly focused discipline that enables the company to simplify its processes, improve the results and build a better company for all concerned -- the employees and the clients and above all, the world. This is emphasized by the strong focus towards energy efficiency, which goes hand in hand with improved environmental performance.

The innovative team at Maersk has come up with solutions that aims at reducing fuel consumption by approximately 20% -- and that means lower emissions, too. The innovation department works with all vessel types -- from container ships and tankers to smaller supply vessels.

The innovation department also solicits ideas from elsewhere in the company and beyond. In projects, the spirit of common ownership is strongly supported and everyone is encouraged to take part in the exciting process of bringing good ideas to life. To further impose this thought, the company often works with its customers and partners to develop new ideas -- frequently in special pilot projects.

Innovation Strategy and Business Processes

Maersk is a company that believes in a dynamic innovation process and has been on the move since. Their motto is

If you do not innovate you stand still, Maersk will always keep moving

For this, Maersk has a purpose built "innovation department" with the responsibility of coming up with new, out of the box ideas for the innovation process to continue. The prime area of concern for Maersk is energy efficiency. Also, they let ideas flow in the organization, encouraging innovating thoughts and ideas at all levels. A unique practice that is observed in Maersk organization is that they welcome ideas and suggestions from their clients, partners and individuals, too.

The innovation process is based on the strategies formulated to implement and make the change successful. At Maersk, innovation is taken as a critical tool for improving the services offered to the customers (Ulwick, 2005) and for boosting efficiency -- which is believed to be the best way for the company and its partners to move towards more sustainable technologies, operations and business practices. The innovation strategies adopted are:

Prioritizing and encouraging

Allow free flow of ideas

Timely introduction of the innovation in the market, i.e. It is not introduced too early that it does not catch much significance nor it should be brought in too late that no one cares.

Innovation Strategy and Company Staff

Diversity in workforce at Maersk, adds to the benefits of the innovation and innovation process on the whole. This is due to the fact that mixed workman force means an integration of people from different cultures with different level of innovative activity in mind. Thus, it creates a balance in innovation and management process (Ramus, 2003). The demography may be classified or categorized into three groups, namely,

1. Risk takers, the innovators

2. Care takers, the managers

3. Under takers, the resistors

Effects of Innovation on Company Internally

It is to be kept in mind that innovation many a times begins with trial and error process in the organization, internally. The main internal stimuli active at Maersk are:

Unexpected mishap or accident -- the discovery of the Penicillin is a great example to support this point.

Difference in company's perception and reality -- this states that the company might be perceiving things about the market trends, demand and competitors' strategies where as in reality, things could be entirely different.

Innovation inspired by need -- are usually the ones in support of other ideas or existing strategies.

Maersk looks at innovation as vital, critical, crucial and essential for growth, advancements, existence and survival in the world of cut throat competition. Although, it is the world's largest shipping company, and can be termed as the market leader, it stresses in having a dynamic innovation process. Internally, it aids in keeping the employees mentally alert and active. Although they have a separate department set up for innovation, they encourage and welcome new innovative and challenging ideas from employees at all levels. Regular brain storming sessions also let the top management observe and know the satisfactory level of their employees and hence, the company keeps moving ahead, crossing every hurdle with success (Gawarzynska, 2010).

Effects of Innovation on Company Externally

The following stimuli are considered to be external factors and affecting the Maersk from external perspective.

Demographic changes -- this is supported by urban migration, off shoring trends, increase in the number of multi-national companies all over the world. The thought is further strengthened by the advent of technology that has turned this world in a global village.

Shifts in perception -- this can be exemplified by a fact that the business strategies in work might not be fulfilling the targets set. For example, Maersk innovation was to launch shipment is smaller quantity so that they draw less attention from pirates and become time efficient.

New knowledge and technology -- any development and advancement in technology draws attention from the world over. Highly innovative companies like Maersk, get the first hold of it and utilize it to their need and requirement (Zerzan, 2010).

Maersk has many success stories to narrate and relate to inviting ideas from clients and customers for innovation. It is the key success point of Maersk. It not only gives an insight of what the exact market demands and trends are but also helps establish a personal relation with the customer, a necessity in today's marketing strategy for customer holding and customer retention. With such a huge business volume, extended in almost the entire world, the customer services offered by Maersk are mind blowing. Not all shipping companies offer a personal touch to their customers as Maersk does. Involving the external minds in the innovation process is a strategy that helps reduce costs in market studies and research -- an intelligent and innovative move indeed!

Innovation is also a critical tool for improving the services offered by Maersk to its customers and for boosting efficiency. By improving their business, the company intends to make it easier for their customers to extend their own reach, leading to more sustainable growth and development around the world.

Benefits of Innovation

The impacts of innovation on a company are numerous. Some major ones observed are, modular innovation -- it is the process of improving only the components and sub-systems without addressing the system architectural innovation -- effects the way in which all products are interlinked, without changing the core concept about the product and its components sustaining innovation is a predictable, conservative and risk-averse strategy allowing firms to reap maximum benefits out of the top end of existing markets (Andrew, Sirkin and Butman, 2007)

increased interdependence between different facets of the societies increase in the research and development to meet competitive challenges affect and impact on the environment product or service innovation means relating directly to the needs of the customers process innovation refers to process or production improvements that lead to greater efficiency and lower cost business model innovation represents innovations that relate directly to the design of operations to respond to customer needs

Risks of Innovation

Apart from the benefits that the company gets out of the innovation process, there are risks associated with the implementation. However, it is thought and applied that no risk means no innovation and no innovation means no advancements. Hence, companies willing to excel, dare to innovate and take the risks involved with innovation since innovation is nothing… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Business Model Innovation" Assignment:

Business Model Innovation

Innovation Topic is considered to be one of the key drivers of business post the Global Financial Crisis.

There are many aspects of innovation within business, including process, technological and application.

Businesses can innovate to provide a strategic move forward or to block a competitor.

* This is not a *****technology***** solution.

* It is not required to add any part about the company history, it would not count in your score anyway

* Its important to answer the *****"target points to be covered*****" in a separate secessions and paragraphs so it would be easy to

* You should look at the bigger picture implications of the case and provide focused on *****how to***** solutions by offering

relevant scenarios that demonstrate how not *****should do*****.

*****The target company to be analyzed is the *****Maersk *****which considered as one of the biggest shipping companies

around the world.

**************The target points to be covered in details****************

1- What are the benefits of the innovation process?

2- What are the risk associated to the innovation implementation and the rewards the company will get from applying

the innovative polices?

3- How the innovation will effect on the company internally and externally (for example the effect on the share price

and the market share and the competition, competition conditions and the other issues)

4- Are the company strategies are built over and based on the innovation or not and which part of the technology?

5- How the innovative strategy will look like in the company product, process and customer?

6- The answer should cover the following questions

why to innovate ?what are the motives?

How to innovate?

What are the *****ve and +ve of innovation on the company?

what are the risks associated with innovation to the company?

what is the effect of the innovation on the company competition?

what are the impacts on the company future and current position?

7-What are the different series of scenarios to potentially compete with the innovation as it enters any market. *****

How to Reference "Business Model Innovation" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Business Model Innovation.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2012, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-model-innovation-maersk-grade/4557340. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Business Model Innovation (2012). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-model-innovation-maersk-grade/4557340
A1-TermPaper.com. (2012). Business Model Innovation. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-model-innovation-maersk-grade/4557340 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Business Model Innovation” 2012. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-model-innovation-maersk-grade/4557340.
”Business Model Innovation” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-model-innovation-maersk-grade/4557340.
[1] ”Business Model Innovation”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2012. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-model-innovation-maersk-grade/4557340. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Business Model Innovation [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-model-innovation-maersk-grade/4557340
1. Business Model Innovation. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-model-innovation-maersk-grade/4557340. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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