Research Paper on "Business Law What Is the Relationship"

Research Paper 10 pages (3128 words) Sources: 5

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Business Law

What is the relationship between ethics and the law in business?

An association is present between law and ethics. In a number of cases, law and ethics overlap and what is professed as unethical is in addition illegal. In further circumstances, they do not overlap. In a number of instances, what is thought to be unethical is still legal, and in others, what is against the law is thought to be ethical. An action might be thought of as ethical to one individual or group but might not be looked at as ethical by someone else. Additionally obscuring this dichotomy of action, laws may have been passed, efficiently positioning the government's location, and seemingly the mainstream view, on the action. As a consequence, in today's varied business atmosphere, one must think that law and ethics is not automatically the same item (Anstead, 1999).

Ethical principles and lawful values are typically intimately related, but ethical commitment characteristically exceeds lawful responsibilities. In some instances, the law commands ethical behavior. Examples of the relevance of law or rule to ethics comprise employment law, federal rules, and codes of ethics. Although law frequently exemplifies ethical values, law and ethics are far from the same thing. The law does not forbid many behaviors that would be extensively damned as immoral. And the opposite is accurate as well. The law also forbids behaviors that some groups would see as ethical. For instance, insincerity or betraying the confidence of a companion is not against the law, but most people would think it to be immoral. On the other hand, speeding is against the law, but a lot of citizens do not hav
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e an ethical conflict with exceeding the speed limit. Regulation is more than just the codification of ethical principles (Anstead, 1999).

Ethics is not a new concept for people who do business. Nonetheless, until lately, responsibility for setting principles for the behavior of business and making sure that financial prosperity was justifiably shared was taken on by governments acting independently or communally by way of global institutions. This portion of responsibilities, though, is quickly altering under the pressures of globalization. Certainly, the Plan of Action of the Canadian

Summit of the Americas will now comprise a call to governments and private enterprise to promote corporate social responsibility. With the progress of globalization, the vision that the only accountability of companies is to make income for their shareholders is more and harder to uphold. The abolition of dishonesty, admiration for human rights, sufficient working circumstances for labour, and fit local neighborhoods are all stimulants to financial increase and expansion. Many foreign multinational corporations have a responsibility to unite with government and the unpaid division to elevate the values of business behavior and help in making sure that the profits of financial development are more reasonably shared by all sections of their society (Cragg, 2001).

The thought that business should be carried out ethically is not a novel one. Neither is the notion that business should be carried out in socially accountable manners. For many years, though, accountability for setting principles for the manner of business and making sure that financial wealth was shared in some manner across all sectors of civilization was understood by governments acting independently or communally. In the developed nations of Western Europe and North America, democratically elected governments have preserved human rights in law. Wellbeing security nets have been put in place to defend citizens from the worst effects of joblessness, and actions to defend standards of public health have been put into place. Acting communally by way of global institutions like the United Nations and the International Labour Organization, governments worldwide set global human and labour rights principles affirmed as having widespread applicability. By presuming chief responsibility for social apprehensions and ecological principles, governments left business open to center consideration on the generation of merchandise and services and the maximization of earnings (Cragg, 2001).

This separation of tasks has had important suggestions for the obvious role of business ethics and corporate social responsibility. It has tended to promote companies to define their social and ethical tasks closely. Where ethics is concerned, business has tended to center on principles significant to the conduct of business: truthfulness in monetary dealings, admiration for company possessions, and evasion of conflicts of interest, the honouring of contractual requirements, and admiration for the law and admiration for essential regulations of consideration. Corporations that have gone outside these somewhat fine restrictions have done so for obviously distinct public relations reasons. This strict focal point has resulted in corporate codes of ethics fashioned with an outlook for the most part to defending the company from the unethical actions of its workers (Cragg, 2001).

Nowadays, a lot of businesses are amending rather noticeably their formation of their social responsibilities. Ethics codes are a good instance. Big companies that have no code are at the moment more the exception than the rule. What is further prominent is that almost all model codes as well as the codes of top companies now include guidelines on human rights, child labour, working circumstances, and responsibility to a broad assortment of stakeholders. Similarly remarkable is the manifestation of ethics officers in the private segment whose main accountability is making sure that ethical responsibilities are appreciated all through their corporations operations (Cragg, 2001).

Globalization has undermined the ability of nation states to control business doings. The authority of national legal systems is surrounded by the standard of extraterritoriality restraining the capability of states to project their home law out of the country. The nations in which international companies are based have only an incomplete capability to manage their global actions. Further, the capacity of states to control worldwide business has been inhibited, although with the permission of governments, by free trade accords such as NAFTA and the WTO. While international companies are operating worldwide, there is no international lawful structure governing corporate actions (Cragg, 2001).

Many observers and opinion leaders have currently completed that if the corporate world is to react successfully to the altering surroundings of business, it must widen its area of concern to comprise not only shareholders, but also other stakeholders, people and groups who stand to increase or lose in important manners by their choices. A corporate stakeholder is anybody with a risk in how a company does business. A risk can be described as an interest, something to be gotten or lost or something at hazard. A corporate stakeholder, then, is any person or group probable to be involved either definitely or pessimistically, in the short or long run, by corporate actions, rules or choices (Cragg, 2001).

More and more, leading corporations are categorizing their social responsibilities by orientation to their shareholders, but also to their additional stakeholders. This has pushed corporations moving in this way to classify their principles and put them into action. To achieve this job, a lot of companies have turned to worth statements and codes of ethics. A code of ethics for a company is a multifaceted testimonial that does four things for its executives, supervisors and workers to administer themselves:

it recognizes as obviously and succinctly as likely the mission or guiding reason of the company it sets out the center principles necessary to attaining its mission it sets out the values that are to be appreciated in all connections with stakeholders, that is to say, its shareholders, customers or patrons, workers and pensioners, providers, the home neighborhood in which it does business and others influenced by what it does it sets out regulations that are intended to make sure that the values and standards are put into action (Cragg, 2001).

Quantities of governments have started to expand codes for the behavior of global business frequently in discussion with the business community and associations in the unpaid segment. A good example is the International Code of Ethics for Canadian Business which stresses admiration for human rights and social fairness. The U.S. government has also made available a declaration on Model Business Principles and has become deeply concerned in discussions with the American international corporations in the apparel business. While these labors cannot be said to have been chiefly significant to date, they do point toward a rising consciousness that ethics has a grave part to play in the private segment and that governments have a role in supporting their international companies to look at critically their social tasks (Cragg, 2001).

Does Canada have too much business law? Would we be better off with less regulation?

Laws may are often viewed as a compilation of policies and regulations intended to limit and direct human actions. By enforcement, such regulations or principles offer a gauge of expectedness and consistency to the limitations of adequate behavior within a culture. Countries have both official policies, that is, what are normally called laws, and casual or understood policies that come from a society's history, traditions, marketable practices, and ethics (Meiners, Ringleb and Edwards, 2009).

Law and the legal system… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Business Law What Is the Relationship" Assignment:

Choose any TWO of the topics below and write a two part paper based on them. Relate your topics to the text. Present a point of view on each topic based on your opinion supported by references to actual business situations and cases. Connect your two topics if appropriate.

Available topics:

* Why is knowledge of the law considered to be a business asset?

* What is the relationship between ethics and the law in business?

* Does Canada have too much business law? Would we be better off with less regulation?

* What is the most important aspect of the legal system for business?

* What is the most problematic aspect of the Canadian legal system for business?

Paper should be no longer than 10 pages in length (double spaced).


TitleCanadian Business and the Law

Author DuPlessis, Enman, Gunz, O*****'Byrne



Publisher Nelson Education

How to Reference "Business Law What Is the Relationship" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Business Law What Is the Relationship.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Business Law What Is the Relationship (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Business Law What Is the Relationship. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Business Law What Is the Relationship” 2011.
”Business Law What Is the Relationship”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Business Law What Is the Relationship”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Business Law What Is the Relationship [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Business Law What Is the Relationship. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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