Term Paper on "Business Ethics Mould the Manner"

Term Paper 9 pages (2610 words) Sources: 10

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Business Ethics

Ethics mould the manner in which we prefer to mutually communicate, in our business as well as our personal lives. (Hunkin, 2002) Ethics are concerned in a lot of aspects of a business: i.e. arriving at decisions, adjudication, marketing and sales, reporting of financial statements, human resources, evaluation and leadership issues. (Sims, 1994) a description of "Business Ethics" can be put forth as the "application of general ethical or honest ideals of human behavior in business functioning in an open or mixed market economy. Businessmen must be morally accountable representatives not simply in their responsibilities as citizens of a moral society, but in their responsibility as individuals involved in competitive ventures. (Frederic, 1995) the issue of business ethics concentrates on business performances in the wake of certain underlying human excellence, like satisfaction of investor, better services, or improved working environment. The ethical, appropriate matter to enact in business is that which caters to the principles of morality in the best possible manner and best management practices. Ethics is regarding the supreme moral good. (Sims, 1994)

What might be the reason behind the matters of ethical behavior in business that appear presently to be occupying a greater importance on the agenda of the common man? A lot of associated matters need to be found out in replying to this issue. To start with, business has come to be increasingly global and in this process, it is observed to be less answerable. The magnitude of answerability and the essentiality especially for big international corporations to be accountable is very much present. The ten biggest
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corporations in the world make direct recruitment within themselves 4.3 million people, and a lot more are in their payrolls indirectly, may be at the minimum two times that figure. Hence the manner in which they perform their businesses puts substantial social and economic value. (Megone; Robinson, 2002) the public pressure for ethical answerability from major social institutions needs businesses to undertake more dynamic action in building and sustaining ethical work atmospheres. (Frederick; Hoffman; Kamm; Petry, 1994)

Another factor regarding why governance has grown up the agenda has been the happening of catastrophe. The Exxon Valdez catastrophe, Maxwell, Bhopal corporate crumpling -- these incidents emphasize this issue of answerability. Thirdly, undeniably greater attention has been revealed by shareholder groups, and also governments themselves, in ethical and matters relating to environment. For instance, we have the Foreign and Corrupt Practices Act enacted. However the basic reality that government sensed that they were required to interfere in what was fundamentally an issue of how long a business should stretch in acquisition of businesses which is something novel. These interferences makes the problem to aggravate of attempting to outline the borderline with regard to conduct, of deciding the things that are tolerable and what is not, in a world in which the business dealings are traveling faster and coming to be more intricate always. It becomes extremely hard for them to cope with the trend. Fourthly, a lot of concern noticed by deregulation of the utilities, as also the elevated public anticipation of business, and rising attention from the media. These matters have made the issue of ethical conduct to arrive to the forefront. (Megone; Robinson, 2002) demand in business has been growing in the current environment to entice somebody to begin the gamut from ethical to unethical behavior. There is the rising demand on boards and CEOs to augment incomes on a quarterly basis in order to beat down the street. This demand sped up during the nineties when more people and institutions put their money in shares of companies. The demand has no point of time attained the highest level as presently it is. The arrangement of this demand, the market instability and considerable acquisition of shares and options by the experienced managers gives the requirement to urge violent and occasionally unethical behavior by the management of a company. Moreover akin to a bug which gets trapped on a Venus Fly Trap, the moment one begins the ethics continuum, one rapidly finds out that it is a very slippery rope. (Hunkin, 2002)

Nevertheless, considerable organizational price emanates from unethical behavior at the time when ethical misdemeanor by a company becomes public. Characteristically, due to this sales go down and the company loses it reputation. A typical case is the encounter of Beech-Nut Company. In this circumstance, the reputation of Beech Nut, a company selling to children and another one promoting a symbol of safety and care, has perhaps come to be unsettlingly tainted due to the behavior of some corrupt executives. There are also several costs for society due to the unethical dealings of firms. A lot of customers who are sweet-talked into purchasing a brand which the individual is not in need of or who eventually pays considerably higher price for a brand or service compared to its reasonable cost spends more in terms of economic cost as also certain dislike towards the marketing system of the organization. (Jackson, 2005)

Several groups, like the underprivileged, the elderly, the physically challenged, people having mental deficiencies, children, and the new immigrants, are especially susceptible to unethical business practices. Apart from that the financial or physical agony endured by the sufferers of unethical practice, overall destruction to the reliability of the present economic structure that needs a high intensity of confidence in order to function in an evenly manner. Irrespective of the fact whether a person subscribes in a free market economy or a planned economy, majority of the business researchers consent that it is the financially proficient establishment having a sophisticated product which must be given a reward, instead of the unscrupulous company that profits an apparent benefit through perversion. Nevertheless, whenever a rival circumstance occurs in which an unethical business practice spawns a benefit in the short-term for companies who are loss efficient, the benefits of the seemingly efficient marketplace are cut-short and transfer in the direction of the unethical company. (Jackson, 2005)

International companies presently function in countries in which speed money, sexual discrimination and harassment, ethnic prejudice, and a lot of other matters are not evenly considered as unlawful or unethical also. In case China which is growing at an enormous speed comes to become a powerful economy which a lot of people anticipate, for instance, a severe disagreement of business ethics among China and Western business concerns. (Vickers, 2005) in the U.S., it is required to be given attention that regardless of the Sarbanes-Oxley and other legal modifications, corporate cultures continue to be questioned with pessimism. (Frederick; Hoffman; Kamm; Petry, 1994)

The normative bill of particulars tabled against the American corporate business is elaborate, appalling, and a disgrace. Collective bellowing from a lot of places and for a long time has stated a derogatory condemnation of particular business practices and, in some instances, a denunciation of the institution itself. Voracity, self-centered attitude, ego-centered practices, overlooking the urgencies, and welfare of others, a constricted or absent social vision, an ethnocentric managerial faith put on non-industrial cultures, a discouragement of countervailing bodies like trade unions, and a procedure of self-reward which few within or outside business have bothered to safeguard as just or ethical- each of these characteristics have been given due credit to the business cause. Repeated case study has recorded these and a lot of other mistreatments, whereas innumerable meetings and seminars have expressed concern over lack of social responsibility and ethical misdemeanor of businesses in America. (Frederick, 1995)

Public assurance in business has not recovered from the loss created by a series of corporate scams like the major banks of America like the Citibank and Bank of America and the like. A lot of revelations of purportedly unethical or unlawful methods have shaken the mutual-fund industry and several of the top ranked companies: Putnam Funds, Strong Funds, the erstwhile Prudential Securities and several other financial outfits. (, 2003) These scams of unethical behavior revealed that lenient implementation of securities laws as also the lax penalty of white collar criminals of late made an atmosphere in which it was just to infringe the rules in search of huge assets, since not just the did the chances of anxiety appear low, but also did the chances of serious criminal punishment. (Callahan, 2004)

During February 2004, the Wall Street Journal stated that a huge three-fourths of Americans saw the representation of huge corporations to be "not good" or "terrible" (Swanson, 2005) Business to a greater measure has missed many of its culture, as per Lawrence Zicklin, Chairman of the Wall Street Company of Neuberger Berman. During a period of time, companies developed a culture that would prohibit them from behaving in an ethical manner. Among a lot of corporate leaders, the feeling of ethical restraint has been inundated by haughtiness and sense of privilege, assisting to explain not just the leader steered company scams of the recent years but even the reach of huge executive reimbursement schemes. During the bygone 5-10 years there has been socialization… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Business Ethics Mould the Manner" Assignment:

This essay must have a controversial element in which you formed an opinion on it as well. (I don't really care what it is) You also need to use at least ten sources; they must be academic, with a maximum of three Web-based links and at least seven other references. I also need an Annotated Bibliography with it as well.

How to Reference "Business Ethics Mould the Manner" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Business Ethics Mould the Manner.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-ethics-mould-manner/965251. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Business Ethics Mould the Manner (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-ethics-mould-manner/965251
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Business Ethics Mould the Manner. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-ethics-mould-manner/965251 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Business Ethics Mould the Manner” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-ethics-mould-manner/965251.
”Business Ethics Mould the Manner” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-ethics-mould-manner/965251.
[1] ”Business Ethics Mould the Manner”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-ethics-mould-manner/965251. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Business Ethics Mould the Manner [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-ethics-mould-manner/965251
1. Business Ethics Mould the Manner. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-ethics-mould-manner/965251. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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