Term Paper on "Business the Ethics of Executive Compensation"

Term Paper 10 pages (3372 words) Sources: 1+

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The Ethics of Executive Compensation:

What are the Lessons of ENRON

Corporations have been in the news a lot lately - and not necessarily for the best of reasons. Corporate scandal after corporate scandal has caused many in the public to take a closer look at just what it is that is going on in America's boardrooms. Companies like Enron, WorldCom, Global Crossing, and others have gone belly up while under the not so tender care of greedy chief executive officers. In the case of Enron, rank and file employees lost billions when the corporate pension fund simply collapsed. Apparently, the business giant was not worth as much as people thought. Yet even more galling than the discovery of endemic malfeasance and gross financial mismanagement, was the realization that what had happened to Enron was part of a larger pattern. Something was very wrong with corporate America. CEO's were raking in millions from corporate benefits and incentives packages. Company officers frequently helped themselves to huge amounts of judiciously manipulated stocks... And then sold just before the inevitable disaster. And while those at the top were enjoying this "corporate feeding frenzy," many at the bottom, and in the middle, were either being laid off, or outsourced; their desperately needed health care and pension packages slashed to the bone, or rendered worthless. The rulers of America's corporate kingdom had raised themselves so far above the level of their employees, that it seemed as if they were no longer bound by the same rules. At the top, it was anything goes; anything you can get away with; anything that will make money. The sudden collapse of Enron was a
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rude awakening for most Americans. The debacle forced both ordinary citizens and their political representatives to step back, and take a long, hard look at precisely what had been happening behind all those closed doors. The fall of Enron was the end of an era.

Looking back, the 1990s appeared a time of great promise. New technologies - in particular the Internet - were taking America and the world by storm. Experts spoke of a worldwide web that would revolutionize society.

The Internet would change the way companies did business. The possibilities were endless... And so too were the opportunities for making huge amounts of money. Enron was but one of many innovative, high-tech corporations that stood poised to reap the profits of the new age.

Prior to the boom, Enron had been a small, local pipeline operator. It was little know outside of Texas.

In the last decade of the Twentieth Century, Enron became the classic example of an American success story. Its management team made skilful use of new trends and technologies. Enron quickly became one of the world's largest private generators and suppliers of power.

The corporation's success was based largely on the work of Jeffrey Skilling, whom Ken Lay hired in 1985. Skilling's great contribution was to apply his financial training to create an entirely new field of operation, one that would take advantage of the recently-passed deregulation of the oil and gas industry.

The young consultant arranged to turn the fledgling company into what was, in effect, a "bank" that handled energy. Energy would be bought, sold, and distributed by Lay's company, with Enron guaranteeing the price and supply.

It was a fantastic new concept.

Enron did all it could to cultivate an upstanding public image. In 1997, the energy supplier was one of a small number of companies each of which donated more than one million dollars to the Nature Conservancy.

In regard to the Kyoto Accords that were being negotiated at this time, Enron planned to benefit in two ways. By supporting the Accords, Enron was placing itself on the good side of the environmentalist public, while at the same time endorsing a document that severely limited the use of coal in energy production. Since Enron dealt only in natural gas, coal would have been competition.

Though a praiseworthy idea at the time, the company's willingness to bend regulations to its own purposes might have given cause for alarm. Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling were not only innovative, but they were also increasingly creative when it came to figuring out ways to make money, and to expand Enron's horizons. The up-and-coming energy supplier also made sure to enlist the aid of well-placed "friends" in Washington. Former Secretary of State, James a. Baker III, and Robert Mosbacher, a former Secretary of Commerce, were among the notables involved in the Texas Corporation's rise to prominence.

Lawrence Lindsey, the president's top economic adviser, received $50,000 from Enron in 2000 for consulting fees, and Karl Rove, senior adviser to the president, sold "up to $250,000" in Enron stock to avoid a conflict of interest. Army Secretary and newly named Pentagon liaison to the Homeland Security Office Thomas White was vice chairman of Enron Energy Services in charge of commodity and capital management, among other things, and a member of Enron's executive committee and CEO for Enron Operations Corp. Sen. Phil Gramm (R-Texas), former chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, can claim Enron as his 12th-largest contributor during the same time that his wife, Wendy, who has been nicknamed "the Margaret Thatcher of financial deregulation," sat on Enron's board. She also was on Enron's independent audit committee.

Although Enron politics leaned to the right, it was during the Clinton administration that the Export-Import Bank (which is supported by taxpayer funds) subsidized Enron to the tune of nearly $630 million.

Connections can be useful!

As stated above, Jeff Skilling's master stroke to operate Enron as though it were a bank. This philosophy extended to all aspects of the operation. While shares of gas were bought, sold, and redeemed, the corporation itself branched out into the world of high finance. Enron made considerable use of Special Purpose Entities, or SPE's.

An SPE is an entity that works with a corporation for the express purpose of carrying out some aspect of that corporation's business. It is a legal, contractual arrangement that helps to ensure liquidity, guarantees financing, or protects the contracting party from the demands of creditors.

In effect, the contracting party is leasing back the services of the SPE. SPE's can also assist corporations that are seeking to invest in the stock or bond markets. Again, liquidity is guaranteed, and the contracting corporation is cushioned against the sudden shocks of trading, or against any direct and immediate loss to its balance sheet.

Companies also use SPEs to access capital markets and manage risk. For example, an SPE might issue debt or equity, using the proceeds to acquire financial instruments (such as home mortgages) from its sponsor. Such a transfer of financial assets, if it qualifies as a sale or purchase, lowers the sponsor's cost of capital, because it isolates the assets from the risk of sponsor bankruptcy. Loan underwriters and credit-rating agencies often require business entities involved in synthetic leasing and commercial mortgage-backed securities to be SPEs. Furthermore, the transferor generally derives a tax advantage because the SPE is a passthrough entity that does not pay its own taxes.

As can be seen, the SPE is a wonderful accounting tool, but like any "magic" formula, it can easily be misused. The numerous subsidiary entities that become attached to the parent company can come dangerously close to being little more than fronts for less-savory business practices. Also, the more elaborate the accounting methods employed, the greater the chance of error... purposeful or accidental.

The American Public was soon to discover Enron's bag of tricks - some dirtier than others. In 2001, Sharon Watkins, a company vice-president informed Ken Lay that something was very wrong with the corporation's accounting system - "the numbers just didn't add up."

Enron had clawed its way up the corporate ladder by engaging in what was essentially an exceedingly risky venture. By offering to guarantee future prices in the natural gas market, the Corporation was taking on a potentially enormous financial burden. Such an enterprise works well only when the company can regularly purchase its shares of fuel at a lower cost than that for which it later sells them. Furthermore, it requires quite a considerable amount of capital - just in case the corporation needs to cover any shortfall in sales, or any sudden rise in price. Enron played an even more dangerous game. During its initial expansion phase in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the company had assumed a huge debt: Beyond this already sizable amount,

It used SPEs to borrow funds directly from outside lenders, often supplying its own credit and stock guarantees. The use of these SPEs included many aspects of Enron's business: synthetic lease transactions; sales to SPEs of "financial assets" (i.e., debt or equity interests that Enron owned); sales of Enron stock and contracts to "hedging" SPEs in return for Enron stock; and transfers of other assets to entities that had limited outside equity.

By cleverly moving assets from one entity to another,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Business the Ethics of Executive Compensation" Assignment:

This is a Master's level research paper on "Executive Compensation" which is supposed to be of highest quality. The purpose of this research paper is to identify and correlate various issues (I would give the detail of the issues that can be covered) of external environment of business such as ethics, regulation, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, business environment etc.(I would include the topics as well)

I want to write this paper in reference to Enron's debacle. I want to identify, address and recommend the burning issues of Executive compensation. It would be good to pin-point the existing flaws in regulation or to see the limitations of SEC's regulation or Sarbanes Oxley's act in terms of corporate governance.

These are some of the topics that can be correlated in the research paper:

The Business Environment

Business Power

Corporate Social Responsibility


Government-Business Relationship

The Regulatory Process

Business in the Political Process

Global Implications

Corporate Governance

Human Resources

Critics of Business

I know it is not possible to include all these aspects in a limited page. So, WE WOULD CONCENTRATE ON AT LEAST 3 ASPECTS OF THE ABOVE TOPICS. Say, we can touch corporate governance issue, ethics issues and regulatory issues in this paper.Our purpose is to present the best research. Indepth research in at least 3 aspects would make the paper very strong.

Here are some of the aspects that i am thinking can be incoporated in the paper:

1)The role of executive compensation in Enron's debacle

2)Relationship between corporate governance and executive compensation

3) How members of compensation committee were resposible for the debacle-Why there is the need of independence in compensation committee

4) What are the regulation changes after Enron (in terms of executive compensation). How much have things changed? Are the changes adequate? What are the things missing in the present regulation? Are there any roles of lobbyists in the congress and senate that have made these regulations to the state it is in? It is good to identify important lobbyists and how they have influenced the regulation.

5) Is it ethical to pay the CEO's 475 times the earning of average blue collar worker? How about their expertise? Enron's experience?? Touch one of the ethical principals (such as organization ethic, the rights of ethics, the theory of justice, conventional ethic etc.) to explain how that ethical principal contradicted with the practices of Enron and their executives.. Did the CEO's of enron make the ethical decisions? How ethical was it for these CEO's including Kenneth Lay to be paid so much (including stock options) when their business practices were themselves unethical?

6) The cost of executive compensation to the firm: Is it worth it? How well does it work? Effects of it?? How much executive compensation is enough? How can it be improved? Fox example: we can give the example of how Disney shareholders reacted to the executive pay.

7) Concluding remarks- recommendation etc.

These are some of the suggestions that popped up in my mind. The most important thing is to state what issues we are addressing in "Introductory section" and go indepth from there.

I would really appreciate your kind help in this regard. The source citations from books, journals etc. would add more credibility to the paper.

It's important to have footnotes for all the citations. Good quotations-2 or 3 might be good.

How to Reference "Business the Ethics of Executive Compensation" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Business the Ethics of Executive Compensation.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-ethics-executive/830865. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Business the Ethics of Executive Compensation (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-ethics-executive/830865
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Business the Ethics of Executive Compensation. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-ethics-executive/830865 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Business the Ethics of Executive Compensation” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-ethics-executive/830865.
”Business the Ethics of Executive Compensation” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-ethics-executive/830865.
[1] ”Business the Ethics of Executive Compensation”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-ethics-executive/830865. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Business the Ethics of Executive Compensation [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-ethics-executive/830865
1. Business the Ethics of Executive Compensation. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/business-ethics-executive/830865. Published 2005. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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