Research Paper on "Business Environmental Responsibilities and Stewardship the Sustainable Approach"

Research Paper 15 pages (4956 words) Sources: 8

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Business' Environmental Responsibilities and Stewardship: The Sustainable Approach

The purpose of the present paper is to discuss the issue of environmental responsibility. The latest business and management trends represent a proof that business owners have started to realize that the manner in which their actions impact the surrounding environment plays influences the future development of the business itself. The positive and constructive attitude that most companies have shown towards the environment demonstrate that entrepreneurs all over the world are striving to be good stewards of our landscape.

However, it must be underlined right from the very beginning that this phenomenon is not being developed at the same pace everywhere across the globe. Nonetheless everybody realizes the advantages that a sustainable approach to business may have for both the organization, the community where it is located and the environment in general. This area of decision is clearly connected to that which we normally call "ethics."

Aristotle in his "Nichomachean Ethics" states that "virtue, then, being of two kinds, intellectual and moral, intellectual virtue in the main owes both its birth and its growth to teaching (for which reason it requires experience and time), while moral virtue comes about as a result of habit, whence also its name (ethike) is one that is formed by a slight variation from the word ethos (habit)." (Aristotle, 20) A business approach based on sustainability embodies both moral and intellectual virtue.

A further aspect that must be underlined right from the very beginning is that the ethic character of the decision making
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process includes all the varieties of options that the organization selects for its functioning. In other words, those decisions which concern the impact of the organization upon the environment are tightly connected with all the other decisions. Taking this into consideration we understand the fundamental importance of the ability to take wise business decisions with a powerful ethical dimension.

We can consider this ethical paradigm as a proper approach to business. This implies that there are both pros and cons as far as it is concerned. Before discussing the pros and cons we must underline that at least as far as developing countries are concerned, they do not tolerate business initiatives which exploit workers or harm the environment. Just like research in the area demonstrates it, such practices may have devastating consequences upon the reputation of the company at international level.(Kaufman)

Therefore, in a certain sense companies do not really have an alternative if they wish to be successful and make profit. According to various authors (Kaufman), "a commitment to improving social and environmental conditions in the developing countries where a company operates is the key to maximize the profits and growth of those operators" (this conclusion is based upon a study involving more than 200 companies).

But, since ethics and morality are closely connected, in the case of a business approach we might ask ourselves if the ethical dimension of a decision is brought about by its purpose or by the principle it stands for and supports? In this regard, Kant says "that an action done from duty derives its moral worth, not from the purpose which is to be attained to it, but from the maxim by which it is determined, and therefore does not depend on the realization of the object of the action, but merely on the principle of volition by which the action has taken place, without regard to any object of desire." (Kant, 11)

What does the sustainable approach actually imply? It implies that the company must use energy which comes from renewable sources and also that recycled or renewable materials are to be used. In addition, the old machinery and that which consumes too much is to be replaced. Pollution is another key factor and companies must make sure that they diminish their emissions which pollute air, water and the soil. Last, but not least waste management must be seriously taken into consideration.(Kaufman)

However, the sustainable approach is not limited to the management of the material resources. A second important element which it involves is represented by the human resources. As far as these are concerned, the company must provide proper "health insurances, retirement benefits and professional development" (Kaufman).

Furthermore safety standards must be enforced and constantly improved. This is where the local community comes in as a stakeholder. Supporting the community with initiatives varying from "education to health care, environmental protection and agricultural development" (Kaufman) has proven to be part of a strategic and profit enhancing strategy.

But things don't stop here. The company which has decided to do business and maintain a sustainability approach must be careful whom it makes business with. In other words, the company ought to monitor its suppliers and make sure that they follow the same business philosophy. Under these circumstances, the company and its associates collaborate in order to achieve the same sustainability goals.

Complying with all these standards is believed to result into six major benefits, as it follows: a sterling reputation, better employees, a production which is more efficient, a smoother relationship with the authorities, a better coordination both at internal and external level, suppliers that are more reliable and also more flexible. (Kaufman).

While this is the bright side of the story one must nevertheless realize the huge efforts that a company must perform in order to stay faithful to its sustainability goal. The main challenge is believed to be development. In other words, the companies ought to find the right path to make sure that while respect the environment and the community where they work, their profits continue to rise as well. (Richardson, 13).

Regardless of the advantages which companies might obtain from a sustainable approach in terms of marketing, it must be made clear from the very beginning that there are important ethical principles involved in the matter. For example, the resources of the world are used by man in order to satisfy his needs. It is very clear that these needs have surpassed the basic necessities which allow man to survive or to live in a comfortable manner. Taking a good look at the facts, we realize that man is destroying the earth's resources at an incredible speed and with no regard for the consequences.

Man often forgets that he is not the only inhabitant of the earth. In the race for a better human living, entire ecosystems are destroyed and many animals die. Among them there are valuable species which often become extinct. We could ask ourselves if this is fair and if it is not the case to change something. The debate on this argument is not new. Despite the fact that it has been lasting for years, nobody seems to pay much attention to it. The protests of the associations which defend the rights of the animals are considered somewhat boring, while the ethical dimension of the issue has been left to oblivion.

Just like some voices suggest, the planet has its own control mechanisms through which it prevents the uncontrollable expansion and dominion of a single species. In other words, if the human development does not impose itself certain limits, the only denouement it can meet is the destruction of the planet and with it, of itself. When dealing with sustainable development, it must be strongly underlined that it implies high costs which keep increasing in a constant manner. In addition there are the "diminished returns of extracting resources from greater depths of from lower concentrations"(Richardson, 54).

A further argument with a strong ethical dimension is represented by the distribution of the resources. It is a clear and known fact that the earth's resources are limited. It is also known that the access to them differs from population to population. Unfortunately the rich nations which have the necessary technology are also the ones which keep getting richer. The poor ones see their access diminished if not cut. In this manner, the state of unbalance is constantly maintained.

A third ethical issue might regard the future generations. The contemporary consumption pace and the rhythm in which the available resources are diminished could make one draw an alarm regarding the future. The resources of the planet are diminishing while its population is not. Taking into account the unfair situation in which we find ourselves, is there room for thinking about the fate of our children and grandchildren or not?

Energy is one of the most valuable resources for humanity. The development of technology has allowed for the possibility of using alternative energy sources such as biomass, water power, solar, wind and water power as well as geothermal energy. Naturally the prices of such alternative sources represent a problem, being high they are not accessible to everyone.

Under these circumstances one might realize that the present use of alternative energy sources does not really diminish pollution or the consumption of the earth's resources. Within the realms of ethics we might ask ourselves what is the actual difference between the wants and the actual… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Business Environmental Responsibilities and Stewardship the Sustainable Approach" Assignment:

Approved Paper Topic & High Level Outline:

Business***** Environmental Responsibilities and Stewardship: The Sustainable Approach

We live in a time where people and business are realizing the benefits of being responsible to our environment and are striving to be good stewards of our landscape. This is happening globally, however at differing paces. Stakeholders to a business are now recognizing the value of a business that makes ethical decisions about the environment that they impact. Businesses are also realizing the benefit of sustainability from these practices. The way in which a business makes decisions about the environment that they impact is often related back to the way in which they manage the many facets of their business. If done poorly it can affect the bottom line and sustainable health of the company.



Discuss topic: Business***** Environmental Responsibilities and Steward: The Sustainable Approach

Identify ethical issues surround topic

Identify pros and cons


Discuss ethical issues surround topic while incorporating ethical principals

Discuss how these ethical issues should be dealt with using ethical principals

Identify recommendations for ethical decision making regarding the topic


Recap topic and ethical principals used when dealing with the topic

Close with highlights of best practices and practical recommendations

Paper Requirements:

This paper is a maximum of 15 pages excluding bibliographies, appendages, and end notes. In addition to ethical principles we have studied this semester (from the attached documents), you must include in your research paper references to theoretical philosophic studies (classical authors). I have provided some recommended readings in the syllabus. Be sure to include in your paper principles the classical philosophers supported and how their thinking could be used to resolve your ethical issue. In other words support your recommendations with these ethical principles. Finally, be sure to provide a summary to your research paper clearly stating your issue(s) and what outcomes should be achieved through sound ethical perspectives. Conclude your paper with a specific plan for implementing your recommendations.

You must demonstrate that you understand the ethical principles we have been discussing in this course. These ethical principles are the ones discussed in the textbook/annual editions. (See attachments) These could include the following: Utilitarian, Deontology p 100-112, Virtue Ethics p 116-121, Social ethics p16, autonomy, normative ethics p 13, moral imagination p54, normative myopia p 49, moral rights and legal rights 114-115, and the CAUX principles for Responsible Business p130-131(attached as a scanned document from the Business Ethics text). In addition this paper should have in depth discussions of the principles and how you used the principles to justify your perspectives on your research topic. You must use the ethical principles discussed in the text/annual editions, plus use the classics and how these ethicist/philosophers would have viewed your issue. You must demonstrate that you can clearly define your research topic (ethical issue), discuss the ethical issues with pros and cons, and then support these issues with demonstrated use of ethical principles. This paper in essence has two parts: (A) identification of an ethical issue and how, with the use of ethical principles, you should deal with it; (B) what would be your recommendations supported by a plan to deal with the ethical issue.

Notes: I provided scanned copied of pages from the Business Ethics and Annual Editions texts that citations can be pulled from (attached files named Busssines Ethics Hartman DesJardins Text .pdf & Sustainable Success Article Annual Editions Text pdf). Please use the *****, Kant, and Mill texts to find applicable citations. These books are available at libraries. Also, supplement the paper with additional citations from associated business ethics peer reviewed journals. I will attach a few that could be of use. 10 References would be fine.

Required References

*****¢ Business Ethic,s Decision Making for Personal integrity & Social Responsibility, Second Edition Laura P. Hartman & Joe DesJardins, publisher McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, copyright 2011

*****¢ Annual Editions, Business Ethics 10/11, twenty-second edition, Editor John E. Richardson, publisher McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, copyright 2011

*recommended readings from paper requirements section

*****¢ Nicomanchean Ethics, *****

*recommended readings from paper requirements section

*****¢ Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals, Kant,

*recommended readings from paper requirements section

*****¢ Utilitarianism, Mill

Potential references based on my findings:

*****¢ Jonas, Hans: 1984, The Imperative of Responsibility (University of Chicago Press, Chicago).

*****¢ World Commission on Environment and Development: 1987, Our Common Future (Oxford University Press, Oxford).

*****¢ Students***** Perceptions of Forest Industries Business Ethics - A Comparative Analysis of Finland and the USA (see attachment for scanned article)

*****¢ Ethics And Energy Supplement (see attachment for scanned article)


How to Reference "Business Environmental Responsibilities and Stewardship the Sustainable Approach" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Business Environmental Responsibilities and Stewardship the Sustainable Approach.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Business Environmental Responsibilities and Stewardship the Sustainable Approach (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Business Environmental Responsibilities and Stewardship the Sustainable Approach. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Business Environmental Responsibilities and Stewardship the Sustainable Approach” 2010.
”Business Environmental Responsibilities and Stewardship the Sustainable Approach”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Business Environmental Responsibilities and Stewardship the Sustainable Approach”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Business Environmental Responsibilities and Stewardship the Sustainable Approach [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Business Environmental Responsibilities and Stewardship the Sustainable Approach. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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