Essay on "Business Communications the Company"

Essay 4 pages (1245 words) Sources: 4

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Business Communications

The company is currently considering an expansion of its operations into the global arena. As a result of the organization specific features, initial emphasis was placed on China, due to its ability to present the economic agents with cost efficiencies at the level of the labor expenditures. But a more thorough analysis has in fact revealed that the more appropriate destination would be India.

The company only intends to outsource a small percentage of its operations into the foreign country, and this specifically means that it requires the support of a country specialized in diversified, customized and particular operations. While China does indeed offer the highest cost efficiencies, it is traditionally characterized by mass production, whereas India offers operations on niche sectors, just what the company needs (Khanna and Mohan, 2006).

In order to further assess the implications of operating in India, it is necessary to assess the country from various angles, such as its economic status, its political features or its business characteristics. At a political level, India is a federal republic, organized into 28 states and 7 union territories. Its legal system is based on the English common law and the country has accepted the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice. An intriguing element at the political level is represented by the fact that the legislation is differentiated based on religion. In this order of ideas, the law codes have been personalized to apply differently for Hindus, Christians and Muslims (Central Intelligence Agency, 2011). India is headed by a president (Pratibha Devisingh Patil), a
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vice president, a government and a cabinet. The president is not selected by the people, but by representatives of the two houses of the parliament. The judicial role is played by the Supreme Court.

At an economic level, India has the fourth largest gross domestic product on the globe ($4.046 trillion). The country is an emergent one, with numerous economic reforms underway. Most of them focus on the liberalization of the economic sector and the sustained efforts of moving away from the enclosed and self-sufficient past of the state. In 2010, despite the internationalized economic crisis, India registered an 8.3 per cent increase in its GDP. Following the international trend, most of the national revenue is generated by the services sector, followed by industry and agriculture.

India has the second largest labor force of the globe -- preceded by China. At the level of the labor force occupation, most of it is employed in agriculture, followed by services and then industry. The income per capita is of $3,400 (one of the world's lowest) and the unemployment rate is of 10.8 per cent. One quarter of the Indian population lives below the poverty line (Central Intelligence Agency, 2011).

In terms of business, it has to be noted that the government in New Delhi has developed and implemented a wide array of strategic efforts aimed at liberalizing the business sector and as such transforming it into an engine of economic growth. Important reforms include the deregulation of the industry sector, the privatization of state-owned companies and the reduction of the state controls in processes of international trade (especially imports) as well as in the operation of foreign investors (Central Intelligence Agency, 2011).

The business legislation of India is often perceived as difficult, yet its elements are known to the western attorneys. An advantage is represented by its unification across states. Commercial lawsuits in India are rare as they are often counterproductive due to the fact that they can spread out across decades. Important issues are generally solved through arbitrage. Foreign law firms are not yet allowed to operate in India (Amritt, 2011).

The success to operating in India is as such directly linked to… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Business Communications the Company" Assignment:

Part 1

Format: Use the memo format

Length: 2 pages (not including bibliography)

References: Provide at least 4 footnoted or parenthetically cited references, and a bibliography. One of these references should come from one of Online Library databases (Lexis-Nexis, Ebsco, ProQuest, etc.). One reference must come from a government (.gov or .mil) site such as the CIA World Factbook or the Library of Congress. and one from a .com, .edu, or .org site. Do not use Wikipedia as a documented reference. Use MLA, APA, or Chicago style for your documentation format.

Potential audience: Your primary reader will be the company CEO, who is somewhat detail-*****, is very focused on the company*****s goals. The CEO is somewhat of a stickler about needing reliable and current information for decision making.

Background and Scenario: Assume that your employer, a North American company with approximately 300 employees, will soon begin doing business in a specific foreign country, and that 25 employees, including you, may be transferred there. The CEO has asked you to conduct research on the current conditions in that country, and report your findings in a memo to him.


Read four or more articles on that country from recent newspapers or magazines, or from other sources, especially online. Describe in a memo what you have learned about economic, political, business, and other current conditions in the country. Cover at least the current economic, business, and political, and business conditions in separate paragraphs. Do not report on cultural considerations for doing business in that country; you will focus on this in your next writing assignment.

NOTE: You may pick any country you like, and the hypothetical company may be involved in any type of business you like.

Two additional sites you*****ll find useful are:

The CIA World Factbook. This is an important site for information on countries. This site is especially good for support of research for doing business internationally.

The World Newspaper List. This site contains links to English versions of all of the major newspapers in most of the countries of the world. Be sure to check it out!

Be sure to document all sources you use ***** always ***** with both footnotes or parenthetical citations and a bibliography. The course *****Webliography*****" area has some guides on annotation (footnote/endnote) and bibliography formats.

Part 2

Format: Use the block letter format ; develop a letterhead for the hypothetical company

Length: 2 pages (not including bibliography)

References: Provide at least 3 footnoted or parenthetically cited references, and a bibliography. Use the text, Chapter 5, as one of your references.

Potential audience: Your primary readers will be the company CEO and the VP for Human Resources (HR), who is responsible for cross-cultural training and orientation.

Background and Scenario: The scenario for writing assignment #1 continues. The company CEO has read your memo and wants you to continue your research, now focusing on the cultural considerations of doing business in the country.


Read three or more sources that have information on the country*****s values, beliefs, and other cultural considerations as they involve business communications.

Explain in a letter what you have learned about how oral, non-verbal, and written communications practices in the country may affect business operations, social contacts, shopping, and other considerations if the company decides to move an operation to that country. Recommend any training or special preparation that you think employees should receive before representing the company in that country.

Use diagrams, photos, and other visuals where appropriate to increase your readers***** interest and understanding of non-verbal and other communications practices.

REMINDER: Use the hypothetical company and the country you selected for writing assignment #1 (Memo with documented research).


Be sure to visit the Cultural Savvy site featured , the U. S. government*****s site, and other Web locations for more information on cultural considerations when doing business with the country you have selected.

How to Reference "Business Communications the Company" Essay in a Bibliography

Business Communications the Company.”, 2011, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Business Communications the Company (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Business Communications the Company. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Business Communications the Company” 2011.
”Business Communications the Company”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Business Communications the Company”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Business Communications the Company [Internet]. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Business Communications the Company. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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