Research Paper on "Browne and S. Keeley"

Research Paper 7 pages (2535 words) Sources: 3

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Browne and S. Keeley

What are the issue and the conclusion?

The memorandum from Ms. Barbara Glenn intends to provide guidance to a pending decision to either support or reject the proposed privatization of the Department of Transportation (DoT) information management system. It addresses the issue on what ought to be done with Governor Sally Bernstein's proposal to privatize the DoT's information management system. Ms. Glenn recommends opposition to the purported action. Based on the author's assertions, it can be inferred that the governor's decision to outsource a service currently performed by 75 state employees, more than half of which are members of the Federated State Employees Union (FSEU) Local 343, is a threat to the union and its members' job security, and should be opposed and rejected.

What are the reasons?

This conclusion is based on the following reasons:

That the move is an assault on the FSEU.

That privatization of the DoT's information management system is anti-American.

3. That the privatization of the system will serve as a precursor to the lowering of wages not only in the privatized branch of the department, but also will result to a subsequent reducing wages as a matter of state policy.

4. That displaced workers will be forced to learn new skills or adjust in their new working environment in the event that they will be re-hired.

5. That the proposal is a violation of the Pendleton Act of 1883, which stipulates that hiring and firing of workers are based on merit (or demerit).

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/>6. That agreeing to the proposal would mean a loss of bargaining power for the union in future negotiations with the state if they allow this to happen.

7. That privatization is bad because of:

a. Loss of state control over the information system and data;

b. Profit as the sole of objective of the private sector, which will create instability as decision to pursue or terminate the contract will be based solely on whether the project is still profitable or not, regardless of who gets affected (displacement of workers, stoppage of service, etc.);

c. The additional hidden costs for the state in overseeing a third-party contractor;

d. Outsourcing is the cause of the recession; and,

e. Communications and culture clash problems resulting from outsourcing.

The subsequent section will further analyze the reasons and other assertions in the document to determine whether these will provide a strong basis for the conclusion.

3. Which word or phrases are ambiguous?

a. "This proposed privatization is an assault on our union."

The statement exposes an adversarial stance but does not necessarily expound on how the proposal can be an attack on the union. This statement can be interpreted in two ways: Is it an attack against the union itself or its members? The first interpretation can read as the dissolution of the union as an organized entity as a result of privatization. The second interpretation means that privatization may result in the dismissal of union members from service as a result of their association in the union.

b. "It is anti-American."

The term "anti-American" is not defined and carries loaded emotional language that does not provide strong objective justification to support the conclusion. Anti-Americanism as a manifestation of being anti-American is a much more complex phenomenon. According to Hollander (2002), "anti-Americanism is not easy to study given its diffuseness, varieties, endless sources, and the difficulty in locating it on the spectrum of political attitudes and positions." Likewise, anti-Americanism scholar Brendan O'Connor asserts that "anti-Americanism is not a comprehensive or coherent belief system or ideology, but rather a series of criticisms and prejudices regarding America that have haphazardly been labeled anti-Americanism." How can the action be anti-American? The statement likewise begs a definition what is pro-American or anti-American? Does provision of service by a foreign entity or the private demonstrate anti-Americanism? Thus, simplifying the term does not provide a solid verifiable explanation to justify the conclusion.

c. "Foreign agents will bid for this privatization contract…"

Who are these "foreign agents"? Does this mean foreigners from outside the United States (U.S.)? Or actors who are within the U.S. But are considered foreign because they do not belong to the public sector? Does this mean citizenship or nationality or ethnicity? One can consider, for instance, an ethnic Chinese who lives and grew up in the U.S., and is a citizen of the U.S. Ethnically, s/he is a foreigner but is legally an American by virtue of his/her citizenship?

d. "…we do a disservice to our members… "

How can the proposed privatization be a disservice to union members? What does "disservice" mean? The term can be construed in different ways. It assumes that all union members reject the proposal, thus, agreeing to it would mean that members' stand are sidestepped, thus resulting to a disservice to them. Another way of looking at the statement is that agreeing to the contract would put union members at a disadvantage, which could be loss of their jobs, slashed benefits, retrenchment, among many other situations that may be considered as a disservice to union members.

e. "I speak for truth and common sense…"

What is "truth"? What is "common sense"? Who defines what is truth and common sense? For whom does the author speak the truth?

f. "We have to be strong and show no weakness."

Being strong or weak can be contextual. How is union strength or weakness defined in the context of privatization? As the text Asking the Right Questions remarks, "multiple meanings can create serious problems in determining the worth of an argument" (Browne & Keeley, 2010, p. 52).

4. What are the value conflicts and assumptions?

Two major assumptions are put forward as a basis of the recommendation to reject the proposal to privatize the information management system of the DoT. First, it is presupposed that employees' job security, particularly of union members, is more important than the savings the state will be making and providing efficient service from the private sector. Another assumption is that the state is a better provider of service than the private sector.

The assumptions expose value conflicts between protection of American interests, in this case represented by union members' stakes, as against the opportunity for the private sector to participate in providing "state-of-the-art information systems hardware, software, and professional expertise." In addition, there is also value conflict on job security and service efficiency. What if the reader or listener believes that service efficiency and state savings are more important than retaining a service that bites into the government's coffers, which can be used for other social services such as education, health, etc. There is also conflict in placing value on retaining existing skills of workers vs. The possibility of upgrading the skills of the workforce as a result of a private-sector take over of the management. The idea of a more skilled workforce than manpower that is reluctant to learn new skills may be more agreeable to the reader of the piece. Assertions such as "[I]f you opposed this measure, they would vote for you," likewise show a contradiction between exercising objectivity in making the decision vs. relying on emotion and ambition to influence decision.

5. What are the descriptive assumptions?

To identify the descriptive assumptions in the text, let us take the statement:

"This proposed privatization is an assault on our union. It is anti-American. Foreign agents will bid for this privatization contract and accept wages lower than our members receive. This will set the stage for state government to decrease employee wages in the future."

The statement reveals that privatization that has been implemented in other services provided by the public sector has demonstrated that it is inimical to the welfare of union members in particular and workers in general, specifically on the prospect of the depression of wages. If this assumption is true and supports the reason that privatization is bad and, thus, supports the conclusion to reject the proposal to privatize the DoT's information management system. Another descriptive assumption would be with the service being provided by the state is pro-American, and that foreigners will not do any good to any undertaking as a result of privatization.

6. Are there fallacies in the reasoning?

The memorandum contains reasoning fallacies that weakens the substance of the arguments. The fallacy of ad hominem is committed when a claim "[t]he governor is a bully" is made. The attack is made on the proponent of an opposed proposition instead of confronting the policy. Secondly, in stating that a group of union members endorse the opposition to the privatization efforts of the states is pursuing a fallacious reasoning, ad populum. The claim that, "This will set the stage for state government to decrease employee wages in the future…. If we allow this to happen in the Department of Transportation, it will happen in all departments everywhere. The stage will be set," can be classified as slippery slope fallacy. In many instances, appeals are made to the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Browne and S. Keeley" Assignment:

This paper is to based on one book. The ***** will need to analyze the following memo, applying the 11-step critical thinking model discussed in Asking the Right Questions. Apply the 11 steps of the critical thinking model to assess the arguments made in the following critical thinking assignment document. It is important to include all of the steps and address them in order. The ***** will have to read the book which is will not take long.

The book is:

Browne, M. N., & Keeley, S.M. (2010). Asking the right questions: A guide to critical thinking (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

The memo to be analyzed is the following:

Federated State Employees Union

Local No. 343


To: Mr. Cesar Padilla (President, FSEU Local No. 343)

From: Ms. Barbara Glenn (FSEU Director of Human Resources)

CC: None (Confidential)

Date: May 25, 2010

Re: Illinois State Department of Transportation (DoT) Outsourcing

This is in response to your request for us to evaluate the notification sent to you by the governor indicating that she intends to privatize the state*****s DoT information systems management function. You wanted to know if the union should oppose the outsourcing proposal.

1.0 Background

Governor Sally Bernstein sent a letter on April 12, 2010 notifying our union that the state intends to outsource and privatize the information systems management function within the Department of Transportation. This function is currently being performed by 75 state employees, 43 of whom are members of FSEU Local 343. The governor indicated that this proposed transition to a private sector service provider would save the state approximately $250,000 per year in budgeted personnel costs and would help to ensure that the DoT would continue to receive state-of-the-art information systems hardware, software, and professional expertise. Finally, the governor promises that our union members will be offered similar positions in other departments within the executive branch of government as vacancies arise through attrition.

2.0 Discussion

This proposed privatization is an assault on our union. It is anti-American. Foreign agents will bid for this privatization contract and accept wages lower than our members receive. This will set the stage for state government to decrease employee wages in the future. Moreover, by dispersing our members to other departments, the governor is just trying to demonstrate that management controls the union. The governor is a bully. If we allow this to happen in the Department of Transportation, it will happen in all departments everywhere. The stage will be set. We must oppose this action now, or we do a disservice to our members and will regret it later.

The governor offers displaced union members so-called *****"similar*****" positions in other departments. What does this mean? Employees will be forced learn new jobs or *****"relearn*****" their jobs in a new environment. This is an attempt to drive out experienced older workers who won*****'t want to learn new jobs at this stage of their lives. And what assurance do we have that suitable vacancies will be available in sufficient numbers? Most likely it will mean that our members will be out on the street with no jobs at all. Outsourcing is the cause of the current recession; with the downturn in the economy and the rising gas prices, where are all these replacement *****"similar*****" jobs supposed to come from? My brother-in-law was downsized out of a job in Michigan last year and he is still unemployed. According to him, management uses a promise for rehire to gain union support for outsourcing and 80% of the time they don*****t keep their promise. Moreover, according to the online website Wikipedia, privatization is a potential violation of the Pendleton Act of 1883 which curbed arbitrary and capricious acts of management and established that civil servants will be hired and retained on the basis of merit.

Therefore, if you rebut the governor*****s proposal, you will win the admiration of all our members. I had lunch the other day with a group of our members, and everyone was in agreement that if you opposed this measure, they would vote for you. This will set the stage for your re-election next year at the end of your present term. We don*****t have to go along with this; the governor will respect our wishes. I speak for truth and common sense and advise you to resist allowing the state to privatize the DoT information systems management function. If we give in to this proposal, the government will also not respect our power in future negotiations of any kind. We have to be strong and show no weakness.

Finally, privatization of public sector responsibilities is a bad idea, not just for the union, but for the citizens of our state. The state will lose control of information systems and data will be compromised. Corporations are accountable only to the bottom line. Providers of public service should be accountable to the public. Outsourcing public services to private corporations creates instability. If corporate greed isn*****'t satisfied, the companies will pull out leaving the public high and dry. And it doesn*****'t save money either. According to a recent article posted in a prestigious Wall Street newspaper, the additional costs of overseeing third-party contractors adds 20% of hidden costs to the price of each government outsourcing contract. In addition, as anyone who has dealt with customer service outsourced overseas knows, if the contract goes to a foreign country, we will have to deal with communication and culture clash problems as well, which will add further costs. We can point this out in our reply to the governor.

3.0 Conclusion and Recommendation

FSEU Local No. 343 should challenge the governor*****s proposed privatization of the DoT information systems management function as an unfair management practice. Our members will lose their jobs not because of low productivity or malfeasance but merely to gain questionable -- and at most marginal -- efficiencies in government operations. This is unfair and violates the merit principle enshrined in the Pendleton Act of 1883. If the Governor wants to save money, she should abandon that wasteful convention center project, and leave our Union alone.

If the ***** has any questions or confusion about what I am looking for at all, please ask me via email.

How to Reference "Browne and S. Keeley" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Browne and S. Keeley.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Browne and S. Keeley (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Browne and S. Keeley. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Browne and S. Keeley” 2010.
”Browne and S. Keeley”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Browne and S. Keeley”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Browne and S. Keeley [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Browne and S. Keeley. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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