Thesis on "Bronte Wuthering Heights"

Thesis 3 pages (1120 words) Sources: 5 Style: MLA

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Bronte: Wuthering Heights

Beyond Social Convention: The Nature of the Love that Catherine and Heathcliff share

Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights is one of the most mesmerizing novels in the English Literature. The intensity of the story obviously comes from the extremely powerful and almost unnatural bond between the two main protagonists in the story, Catherine and Heathcliff. This relationship is particularly hard to describe, as Bronte sets the story over a rather long period of time, involving other characters as well, all of which serve as means to enhance the individuality of the two protagonists. The love that Catherine and Heathcliff share is an immeasurable passion, demonic and heavenly at the same time. If described from a strictly moral point-of-view, this love would seem unnatural and destructive. However, a more accurate view would be that the love between Catherine and Heathcliff is an absolute, primordial and uncouth passion that goes beyond social convention and its restrictions.

What is interesting about the story is the fact that it is projected in the past and recounted through the perspective of two unreliable narrators: Mr. Lockwood and Nelly Dean. This device distances the story from the reader at the same time allowing space for the imagination to bring its contribution as well. Nelly Dean especially is dispassionate, prejudiced and narrow-minded, therefore unable to seize the truth about the love she sees growing between Catherine and Heathcliff. Both Heathcliff and Catherine have a wild, uncouth nature and their passions are as strong and indomitable at the savage climate of the place they live in. The title of the book, "Wutheri
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ng Heights" is at the same time the name of the house where the two children grow up together and an allusion to the rough winds and tempests that shake this part of the country. It is as if Heathcliff and Catherine borrow their intensity and their tempestuous passions from the very natural environment in which they are raised.

Their love is therefore akin to the rasping and powerful winds that blow from the heights of the sky. Their nature and their passions are clearly misunderstood by the people that surround them and that find them uncivilized and wild. Both Catherine and Heathcliff are anti-social and almost savage in their behavior. While their natures seem wild and violent, it is obvious that this is so because they violate social conventions. They seem to personify the unleashed forces of nature through their instinctual and nonconformist behavior. This is the main reason why they cannot be fully understood by the others. The bond between them is further enhanced by the social environment in which they live. Both Catherine and Heathcliff are neglected as children and, after Earnshaw's death, persecuted by Hinley, and this only solders their bond even more.

It is not by accident that both Catherine and Heathcliff marry into the Linton family. Edgar and Isabel Linton are their opposites in every respect: they seem kinder, are more educated and able to behave exemplary in society. However, despite their mildness, they are selfish and superficial. Under the pressure of the social environment, Catherine marries Edgar knowing at the same time that her love for Heathcliff will always haunt her. Hurt by her choice, Heathcliff leaves mysteriously and returns extremely rich only to marry Edgar's sister. In all this time however, the love they share only grows… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Bronte Wuthering Heights" Assignment:

Writing Assignment 2 for English 262

Your second theme will be a research theme on Emily Bronte*****s WutheringHeights. The topic on your research paper will be "Analyze the nature of the love Heathcliff and Cathy share."


1. Heading, next to the left margin and consisting of your name on one line, English Literature 262 on the next, Writing Assignment 2 on the third, and the date on the fourth line:

John Doe

English Literature 262

Writing Assignment 2

April 6, 20042.

2. Double-spaced

3. Centered title

4. Standard theme structure: Introduction with thesis, body paragraphs, conclusion with restated thesis; five paragraph minimum. Note: Your introduction should include the title of the novel and the author.

5. Your primary source, the novel itself, should be cited two to three times in each body paragraph. Failure to do so will lower the content.

5. Three to five different critics (which must be obtained through a library, online or traditional) should be cited in addition to the primary source. Note also that if your critics are not obtained from a library, this will impact your ratings. Sources such as Sparknotes, Cliff Notes, Monarch Notes, Grade Saver, and others can be very helpful in understanding the work, but should not be used as one of the three minimum critics. This also holds true for Wikipedia. Avoid the free essay Web sites. None of these sources will count towards the required minimum of three critics.

6. Although a source is online, you still need to include a citation. Follow the standard format, but if you do not print out the online source to get the page from which you are quoting, then include the online paragraph number from which you derived the information. (See the FAQ and Research Help for more on this.)

7. Works cited page with a minimum of four entries, including the primary source; each critic cited should have a bibliographical entry.

8. minimum 900 words

9. Formal style: no first or second person and no contractions or slang

10. Use present tense in discussing the novel.

How to Reference "Bronte Wuthering Heights" Thesis in a Bibliography

Bronte Wuthering Heights.”, 2008, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Bronte Wuthering Heights (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Bronte Wuthering Heights. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Bronte Wuthering Heights” 2008.
”Bronte Wuthering Heights”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Bronte Wuthering Heights”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Bronte Wuthering Heights [Internet]. 2008 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Bronte Wuthering Heights. Published 2008. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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