Research Paper on "Individual Intervention"

Research Paper 4 pages (1346 words) Sources: 5

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Brian Cane has various challenges but we may formulate his primary issue to be that of sibling rivalry.. There are too little programs that deal with sibling rivalry, and even these are little explored.

Commenting on the need for an effective empirical, one-on-one intervention for the problem, Caspi (2008) suggested an exploratory design that can be effectively translated to Brian's situation. The model -- called task centered sibling aggression (TCSA) - focuses more on exploratory reasons for behavior and addressing these than on outcome-based response. The model is divided into five phases: problem analysis and project planning, information gathering and synthesis, design, early development and pilot testing, evaluation and advanced development, and dissemination.

problem analysis and project planning,

The first step is performance of a literature review in order to assess the possible reasons of sibling rivalry and to correlate with this particular instance. Caspi (2008) writes that reasons include perception of parental favoritism; parental-child conflict in relationships; lack of reinforcement of pro-social skills on parent's part; rejecting parents; polarized definitions of good and bad children; coercive parenting; over-controlling parents; abusive parenting; and lack of acknowledgment of child's concerns.

Family-as -a -whole factors include lack of resources; poor family cohesion; marital conflict; lack of family rules; parent child coalition; as well as family constellations such as gaps between siblings, gender; and birth-order configurations (see also Graham-Bermann et al., 2004).

Other factors, t
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oo may include poverty, boredom, parental support of violence, societal support of violence, and lack of diversity of interest for child. All of these factors are possible elements for Brian's issue of sibling rivalry.

Other elements that should be taken into consideration are characteristics of his culture, specific ways that this gender may add to his problem, and his developmental characteristics. (Means-Burleson, 2002).

Phase 2: Design

The literature research is correlated to Brian's history. Investigation are made into which factors may be most symptomatic of Brian's situation.

In this case, Brian experiences sibling rivalry between him and his twin brothers. He is a 15-year-old boy that's living with his step dad, step sister and twin brothers from a moms affair. From the mom's affair, she conceived 2 twin boys with a disability. Because of the two brothers, Brian feels resentment towards his mom. He also feels jealousy because, his mom is giving the kids more attention because they have a disability. Brian can't stand his brothers so he locks himself in the room thus making him lack communication with family. Sibling rivalry also has a negative effect on the marital status. Brian's step dad gets stressed because of the problems of the kids that he leaves the home to have the mom deal with it. Because he's locked up in the room, Brian probably feels depressed and feels isolated. He is also socially reserved and has few friends.

Other factors include the fact that Brian hates his biological father who is emotionally abusive and borders on physical abuse with much of this behavior being directed towards Brian. Brian is also diagnosed with mega-colon which correlates to an attempt to try and control things in his life. On the positive side, we know that Brian is smart and loves technology as well as that he has a close relationship with his younger sister Alana.

Brian occasionally loses his temper and explodes at his mother. On top of all of this, Brian has also been away form home for an extend period of time (6 months) for therapy. He has started taking medication for his depression.

Brian has many of the elements of conditions susceptible to sibling rivalry: he has a mother that apparently provides preference to other children as well as being detached form Brian; he has an abusive parent; there seem to be little rules; the family configuration is upset; there is family conflict; a history of marital conflict; poor family cohesion; perception of parental favoritism; parental-child conflict in relationships; lack of reinforcement of pro-social skills on parent's part; paucity of interests, and lack of acknowledgment of child's concerns.

Now that we… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Individual Intervention" Assignment:

Individual Intervention for Brian

Each student will be responsible for writing up potential interventions related to the areas of assessment/ explanation covered in his/her individual Assessment/Explanation section. To continue the above example about attention deficit , a student in his intervention section would describe various intervention for attention deficit, including any empirical support, or evidence , of positive outcomes related to the type of intervention. This is to be formally presented as a scholarly paper, reference and cited correctly ( ALL FACT NEED TO BE CITED).

The intervention part needs to be 4 pages.. not more then and not less then. exactly 4 pages or i*****'ll get marked down. =( My professor doesn*****'t like websites being used as reference. She thinks that it*****'s not professional.

** So this was a group project. We received a vignette about a pretend family. (pierce family) each group member then chose one person of the family and focused on an issue they had. THe person that I chose was BRian Cane the oldest son. The issue that I need to focus on is sibling rivalry between him and his twin brothers. He is a 15 year old boy that*****'s living with his stepdad, step sister and twin brothers from a moms affair. From the mom*****'s affair, she conceived 2 twin boys with a disablity. Because of the two brothers brian feels resentment towards his mom. He also feels jealousy because, his mom is giving the kids more attention becasue they have a disability. Brian can*****'t stand his brothers so he locks himself in the room. Thus making him lack communication with family. Sibling rivalry also has a negative effect on the marital status. Brian*****'s stepdad gets stressed becasue of the problems of the kids that he leaves the home to have the mom deal with it. Because he*****'s locked up in the room he probably feels depressed and feels isolation. The vignette does mention that Brian brian is smart and loves technology so maybe find an intervention that brian can do that also brings out his strengths and boost his self esteem. So an intervention that brian could do to help with sibling rivalry and the other negative effects that it has like i mentioned above.

This paper needs to be an individual therapy for Brian. No family intervention! That*****'s focused on a different section!

THis paper is also not a narrative. It*****'s a research paper. If you want to tie in brian, then you could tie it at the end where you tie brian to how it will help him with his issue of sibling rivalry.

In a research paper, every other sentences should be cited! all facts should be cited!!

My professor doesn*****'t consider websites as appropriate references in a graduate program. *****

How to Reference "Individual Intervention" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Individual Intervention.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Individual Intervention (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Individual Intervention. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Individual Intervention” 2012.
”Individual Intervention”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Individual Intervention”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Individual Intervention [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Individual Intervention. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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