Research Proposal on "Overcoming the BP Crisis"

Research Proposal 8 pages (2866 words) Sources: 15

[EXCERPT] . . . .

BP Crisis

The recent explosion and spill involving the Deep Water Horizon well that is owned by BP in the Gulf of Mexico; has created heated debate about how the company is handling the situation. What happened was various executives claimed before the accident that the techniques used for deep water exploration, were considered to be a safe and reliable way to drill for oil. The lack of regulation and number of short cuts that were used by the company; created a situation that would contribute to the accident, which helped cause the environmental disaster. (Jonsson 2010) to make matters worse, many of the company executives appeared to be out of touch with reality, as their actions or lack actions, would increase the overall amounts of criticism. At which point, they would only become more severe. A recent example of this kind of outrageous behavior can be seen with CEO Tony Hayward. Initially after the accident he was supervising the cleanup operation in the Gulf of Mexico. However, after having heated testimony with Congress, he decided to have Robert Dudley oversee what was taking place. The day after the announcement occurred, Hayward was attending a yacht race with his son in Southern England. (Robbins 2010) This is problematic, because from a public relations standpoint, the various executives and the actions that they undertake are: making the company appear to be unconcerned about the accident from their well. As result, since the incident has begun the image of the company has been severely damaged from these actions. To repair this damage, BP must engage in an unorthodoxed strategy to show that they are doing everything they can; while at the same time working with the Gulf Coast residen
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ts to effectively clean up the spill. Where, the company is facing the largest environmental disaster ever seen and large amounts of lawsuits, which could cause liabilities to rise to the trillions of dollars. As a Public Relations (PR) Consultant, your job is to take this situation and slowly rebuild a favorable image of the company. To achieve this objective will require: examining successful PR strategies used in the past (through a literature review) and how these ideas could be implemented into an actionable plan. Together, these two elements will provide the greatest insights, as to how the company can be able to slowly rebuild its image.

Aims and Objectives


The aim of this study is to determine how the BP can be able to overcome the disaster and improve its public image. To do this you would need to answer a number of different questions. The most notable would include: what are the possible legal ramifications that the company can expect if it does not improve its image? What strategies were used in the past to overcome major PR related issues? What elements should a public relations strategy contain, to show that the company is doing the best it can? The answers to these questions will provide: a general overview, as to how the company should move forward to rebuild it image.


To answer the various research questions, a literature review will be conducted using a variety of different sources. This will provide a historical perspective on what tools and tactics worked most effectively, in helping to restore the company image. At which point, a research analysis will be conducted that will examine the results using qualitative research. This is when researchers are examining various forms or research and data to see the true effect. (Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research 2007) in the case of BP, this information is useful in helping to indentify what types of actions, can be taken that can restore a favorable image of the company. The type of data that will be collected for the review is: though the use of various scholarly academic sources such as: journals and books.


'There's No Excuses', 2007, Petroleum Economist, pg. 1. Available from Proquest. [19 June 2010]

In this article, it talks about how the Exxon Valdez disaster was the result of a trend that has been occurring in the oil and gas industry, since the downfall of the Soviet Union. Where, various unproven reserves were opened up to multi-national corporations. While this produced inexpensive oil, it also set the stage for large environmental disasters to occur. As a result, the author calls for international standards that would apply to the oil and gas industry. (There's No Excuse 2007)

'Green Remediation Strategy for Superfund Sites', 2009, Hazardous Waste Consultant, vol. 27, pgs. 1 -- 6. Available from Proquest. [19 June 2010]

In this article, it shows how a superfund has been established and administered by the EPA to deal with a variety of environmental disasters. Where, since the 1980's this fund has been used to clean up various hazardous waste sites around the country. The fund is also used to help a variety of industries make a successful transition, in implementing various green technologies and reducing their overall environmental impact. (Green Remediation Strategy for Superfund Sites 2009)

'Issues and Crisis Management' 2007, PR Week, pg. S 57. Available from: Proquest. [19 June 2010]

In this article, it discusses a recent oil spill that occurred in the UK, which caused about 3 thousand gallons to wash up on the beach. According to the article, the company that was involved in the spill faced a major public relations and health disaster. Where, the spill made the company initially look bad, while large groups of volunteers would go to the affected beaches and begin camping out, to help the clean up efforts. To rectify the situation, the company began to coordinate efforts with government officials and local volunteers. The result of the increased amounts of transparency and cooperation helped the company to be seen more favorably. Where, they were viewed in this light because their response to the spill. (Issues and Crisis Management 2007)

"Boards of Directors Need to Oversee Corporate Sustainability more Effectively', 2010, PR Newswire, Available from Proquest. [19 June 2010]

In this article, it discusses how the majority of Corporate America does not have any kind of long-term environmental plans or accident contingency plans. Where, the Conference Board conducted a survey of 50 corporations, to determine how prepared companies were for various environmental or other kinds of crisis situations they could face. The results were: that 89% of corporations had either a generic plan in place or did not have a plan. The Conference Board also found, that the boards of directors of most companies never have any kind of discussions as to what to the long-term environmental impacts of their activities will be.

'Maritime Law Protecting BP', 2010, PR Newswire, Available from: Proquest. [19 June 2010]

In this article, it discusses how the Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA), limits the total amount of liability to $75 million dollars. This would include all available compensation for the families of the oil rig workers and the Gulf Coast residents who saw their livelihoods destroyed, by the accident. The article then, calls for this law to be amended to force BP to pay their fair share. (Maritime Law Protecting BP 2010)

Research Methodology

The above research indicates, that in order for BP to restore their image they must be engaging in a strategy that will address a number of different issues on multiple fronts. At the same time, they have to show flexibility and empathy for what happened. The actions that the CEO has taken during the crisis are showing; that he does not fully understand how important the public relations aspect is. As a result, the image of company continues to become worse, as the days to turn into weeks.

When you analyze the research that was conducted, it is clear that the company needs to use those techniques that have worked in the past, to help mitigate the potential fall out that will take place. This means, that they must consider using a number of different principals of various strategies that have worked in the past. The most notable would include: supporting international standards for drilling, improving transparency and taking the lead in establishing a fund to compensate victims. Obviously, the disaster shows how there are a lack of international standards in place for deep water drilling. This problematic, as reports are surfacing that the company knowingly cut corners and circumvented regulations, in order to achieve their production targets. From a PR standpoint, if the company actively supported efforts within the industry to create some kind of international standards, they could begin to start deflecting some of the criticisms. (BP Engineer Called Deepwater Horizon Nightmare Well Days Before Blast 2010)

The way that the company is handling the spill shows a lack of transparency in the process. Where, BP will provide periodic updates, yet beyond this point is when the company seems to be very secretive, about what actions they are taking to stop the leak and clean up the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Overcoming the BP Crisis" Assignment:

The project outline and the academic resources including passwords are listed below can also be sent as word documents if needed.

this is the feedback of my tutor to my topic proposal:


This could be a topic

BQ How can BP manage the negative fallout of the oil spillage? This could be a PR question or a crisis mmt question, or whatever other perspective you choose. There are plenty of historical examples of e.g. Exxon Valdez or Chernobyl etc. What strategies did the companies employ - very doable.

Think about the data that you may want to try to extract and let me know.



Project title: Business Research Proposal

Program: S6

Course: Business Research Methods

Project Overview:

To enable students to produce a business research proposal through the understanding and use of core research methods and philosophies.

Overall Aim:

To enable students to produce an individual business research proposal related to a focused and PATHWAY specific topic that is of a minimum standard to be used in the preparation for the Independent Research Study (IRS) to be carried out in semester 7.

Learning Outcomes: at the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to

1. critically define, design, develop a research process that would be applicable in a business context.

2. to evaluate the need for the understanding of the application of appropriate research approaches, methods and techniques to the development of evidence-based knowledge.

3. to evaluate the application of appropriate analytical and interpretive methods and tools to process and present data and information.

4. to recognise and evaluate the personal competence in structured research approaches in order to lead to the achievement of success in the hospitality, tourism, sport and/or event industries.

Organization of proposal

Title Page (no need, ill do it myself)

Background or Introduction

Aim and Objectives

Literature Review

Research Methodology


Project planning time management tool(again no need, got it already)

Assessment weighting: 80% of the total grade for the module.

Independent Research Study Proposal Marking Criteria:

*****¢ Presentation and Style 5 %

o Meets word requirements

o Meets recommended format and submission requirements

o Headings, Sub-headings, chapters, figures & tables are clear and consistent

o Good sentence structure, spelling, grammar and diction

o Precise and professionally laid out and presented

*****¢ Title Page, Background or Introduction 15%

o Title: specific and consistent with Aim and Objectives

o Background or Introduction

 Introduces the reader to the topic of research

 Gives background to the theory, concepts, and perspectives of the issues and problems considered.

 Claims and perspectives are referenced

 Provides the rationale from a business research perspective

 Identifies the organization and the rationale for selecting this organization to be used in this study.

 Explains the broad consultancy role that you would be providing in carrying out the research

*****¢ Aim and objectives 15 %

o Aim (Note: there should be only one aim to this research study.)

 Aim is clearly linked to the title, background/introduction, literature review, and research methods chapters.

 Supplementary Research questions are drafted and are questions stated in terms of an aim and objectives

 Precise and clearly written

o Objectives

 All objectives are clearly linked to the aim and consistent with the title, background/introduction, literature review, and research methods.

 Minimum of three (3)

 At least one theoretical objective, stating the theory/ies against which data collected in S7 may be evaluated

 Realistic, and feasible

 They should clearly identify the type of data to be collected and the potential sources of that data.

*****¢ Literature Review ��*****" a review of the THEORY 30 %

 A minimum of 1000 words or 15 references is the expected number to carry out an acceptable literature review

 Includes a wide variety of current and related academic literature

 Claims and assertions are supported with evidence that is referenced.

 Clear link between title, background/introduction, literature review, aim and objectives and research methods.

 Strong evidence of evaluation and critical analysis of the literature reviewed and how it relates to the study to be carried out

 Themes, concepts, main ideas, theories, etc. are organized through the use of headings and sub-headings.

 Limited use of quoted material.

 Good integration of quoted material into sentences.

 Clear transitions from paragraph to paragraph and section to section.

 CASE STUDY DATA should not be included in this section

*****¢ Research Methodology 20 %


o The student*****s understanding of the core issues surrounding the choice of research methods relating to the use of secondary research sources and its relativity to the study to be carried out is to be justified

o Data Collection

 All of the data collection methods and/or sources are explained in detail with references.

 The concepts of reliability and validity are addressed in relation to the sources of data proposed, with references.

o Data Analysis or Interpretation

 Data analysis and/or data interpretation process, tools and techniques are appropriately identified, defined and clearly stated with references.

 Statistical procedures to be used (if appropriate) to analyze and interpret data are appropriately identified and clearly stated with references.

*****¢ References 10 %

o Glion referencing style used throughout, as presented in the Student Handbook.

o All items on reference list to appear with corresponding in-text references

o All in-text referenced items to appear on reference list

o No evidence of *****˜cut and paste***** to be visible

*****¢ Project Planning time management tool 5%

o The student must produce a Gantt chart outlining the schedule within which their research will be undertaken in Semester 7.

o This will be in the form of an Excel spreadsheet (in landscape form) identifying the tasks and approximate, appropriate time frames during which these tasks may be performed

Total 100%

Special Instructions:

Word Limit: 2000 - 2500 words (excluding: title page, references, charts and graphs, appendix)

Note: exceeding the word limit by more than 20 percent will result in a grade reduction of one grade point.

Assignment Type: Individual assignment

Others: Please refer to the Glion Student Handbook for other rules regarding referencing style, writing style, plagiarism, late work submission, incomplete work, grading system, and presentation style. You must submit your assignment at the main reception, with a soft copy to be loaded onto the Moodle platform.

Additional requirements for presentation style:

*****¢ Font:

o Headings - Font 14 or 16;

o Main text - Font 12. Times New Roman is preferable.

*****¢ Space: Double-spaced throughout the paper except italicised quotations.

You must reference all the sources used (to form your ideas, arguments and analysis) throughout the Independent Research Study Proposal.

You must include a complete reference list of all references sources used in the text, to be placed at the end of the proposal. Failure to comply with these standards could indicate *****Bad Practice***** or worse Plagiarism.

Plagiarism is the presentation of others peoples words and ideas without giving credit, acknowledgment, or referencing to the original source. It is the presenting of others ideas as ones own. Correct referencing is the way to demonstrate that the original source of these ideas is acknowledged and honoured.

Common Skills Developed/Assessed:

MANAGING AND DEVELOPING SELF 1.Manages own role and responsibilities 2.Manages own time in achieving objectives.

3.Undertakes personal and career development 4.Transfers skills gained to new and changing situations and contexts. 5.Uses a range of thought processes

COMMUNICATING 9.Receives and responds to a variety of information 10.Presents information in a variety of visual forms 11.Communicates in writing

MANAGING TASKS AND SOLVING PROBLEMS 13.Uses information sources 14. Deals with a combination of routine and non-routine tasks 15.Identifies and solves routine and non-routine problems


AND TECHNOLOGY 16.Applies numerical skills and techniques 17.Uses a range of technological equipment and systems

Resources Available:

Student text: Maylor, H., and Blackmon, K. (2005) Researching Business and Management New York: Palgrave Macmillan

Library texts:

*****¢ Saunders, M., Lewis P. and Thornhill, A. (2007) Research Methods for Business Students. 4th edn. Prentice Hall.

*****¢ Johns, N., and Lee-Ross, D. (1998) Research Methods in Service Industry Management London: Cassell Wellington House

*****¢ Shank, G., (2006) Qualitative Research: A Personal Skills Approach (2nd edition) New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

Electronic Database:

*****¢ Mintel


*****¢ Emerald library


*****¢ The Economist

*****¢ Hotels

*****¢ International Journal of Hospitality Management

*****¢ Harvard Business Review

*****¢ Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research

*****¢ The Hospitality Review

*****¢ Hospitality Directions ��*****" Europe Edition

*****¢ Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly

*****¢ Other appropriate journals in the Glion Library



1) DATABASES: with articles, books reviews, a few statistics


Automatic connection from the school network (on campus or via SwissVPN)

OR possibility to connect with password : UserID: glion Password: library


To get the full text only, select the box: Limit your results to full text

To get academic results, select the box: Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals

There are 5 databases under Ebsco:

1) Business Source Complete

This is a scholarly business database, of business, including marketing, management,

accounting, finance and economics : Harvard Business Review , Knowledge Management,

Economic Development and Cultural change, International of Education development, International

journal of Consumer studies.

Additional full text, non-journal content includes:

Financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference

proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research

reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT an*****s.

+ FRENCH journals and magazines

2) Regional Business

With daily updates, Regional Business News provides comprehensive full text for

regional business publications (including titles from Crain Communications).

3) Hospitality & Tourism Complete

Hospitality & Tourism Complete covers scholarly research and industry news relating to

all areas of hospitality and tourism. Subject areas covered include the culinary arts,

demographics & statistics, development & investment, food & beverage management,

hospitality law, hotel management & administrative practices, leisure & business travel,

market trends, technology. Full text periodicals include Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism

Research, Current Issues in Tourism, Hotel & Motel Management, International Journal of Tourism

Research, Journal of Ecotourism, Journal of Leisure Research, Journal of Sport Tourism, Journal of

Sustainable Tourism, Leisure Sciences, Leisure Studies, Nation*****'s Restaurant News, Restaurant

Business, Tourism & Hospitality Research, Tourism Review.

4) Academic Search Premier


Contents :

This multi-disciplinary database in general education include areas : Aeronautics, Agriculture,

Health, Anthropology, Archaeology, Architecture & Design, Geopolitics, Arts, Biology,

Communications & Media, Socio- Economics, Education, Environmental studies, Literature,

Psychology, Sociology.

5) Professional Collection Development

Designed for professional educators, this database provides a highly specialized

collection of 520 high quality education journals, including nearly 350 peer-reviewed

titles. This database also contains more than 200 educational reports.



Automatic connection from the school network (on campus or via SwissVPN)

OR possibility to connect with password : UserID: 008BW87KK7

Password: WELCOME


To get the full text only, select the box: Limit your results to full text

To get academic results, select the box: Scholarly journals, including peer reviewed

ABI/Inform Global

This is a scholarly database in business conditions, management techniques, business

trends, management practice and theory, corporate strategy and tactics, and competitive

landscape.: Academy of Management Journal, Cornell Quarterly, Foreign Affairs, Nation*****s

Business, Thunderbird International Business Review, Journal of Marketing, Tourism and Hospitality


Additional full text, non-journal content includes:

EIU ViewsWire��*****"Coverage of business and economic events from across the globe

Going Global Career Guides��*****"Comprehensive overview for evaluating, selecting, and

transitioning into a successful career in a foreign country

ProQuest Business Dissertations��*****"Access to 14,000 full-text doctoral dissertations

and master*****s theses

Author Profiles from Scholar Universe��*****"Broad range of author and institution

information, with links to articles found in ProQuest




Automatic connection when recognized on the school network (on campus or via

SwissVPN) OR possibility to connect with password : Username: gihe

Password: 09chaoli05

Contents : 175 titles all peer reviewed management. We are only subscribing to the

Business and Management Suite and not to the journals in Technique and Engineering. :

British Food Journal , Corporate Communications: An International Journal Cross Cultural

Management , International Journal of Service Industry Management , International Journal of

Contemporary Hospitality Management, Management Decision, European Journal of Marketing,

Leadership & Organization Development Journal, The TQM Magazine.

Contributions from across the globe. Esteemed authors, such as Philip Kotler, Cary

Cooper, Peter Drucker, Edgar Schein, Malcolm McDonald, Péter Jacsó and Joe




Connection with passwords from any Internet access

1. Go to

2. Click on *****˜SIGN IN***** at the top of the Page

3. Here are the sign in details:

Username: gihech

Password: 09chaoli05

4. On the upper left of the page , click on *****Glion Hotel School***** to see the


You will find these academic journals in hospitality, which are not available on

another databases:

International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration

(available from vol. 1 issue 1 2000 ��*****" current)

Journal of Convention and Event Tourism

(vol. 6 2004 ��*****" current)

Journal of Convention and Exhibition Management

(available from vol. 1 1998 ��*****" until vol. 5 issue 2 2003)

Journal of Culinary Science and Technology

(vol. 4 2005 ��*****" current)


Journal of Foodservice Business Research

(available from vol. 5 2002 ��*****" current)

Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing

(available from vol. 1 issue 2 1992 ��*****" current)

Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism

(available from vol. 1 issue 1 2002 ��*****" current)

Journal of Nutrition in Recipe and Menu Development

(available from vol. 1 issue 1 1994 ��*****" current)

Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism

(available from vol. 1 issue 1 2001 ��*****" current)

Journal of Restaurant and Foodservice Marketing

(available from vol. 1 issue 1 1993 ��*****" until vol. 4 issue 4 2002)

Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism

(available from vol. 1 issue 1 2001 ��*****" current)

Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing

(available from vol. 1 issue 1 1992 ��*****" current)



Access only from the school network (On campus or via Swiss VPN

from home )

Focused on the arts and humanities, the Arts & Sciences III Collection contains 150

titles. The collection makes available additional journals in language and literature, as

well as important titles in the fields of music, film studies, folklore, performing arts,

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The Institute of Hospitality Library and Information Service is a unique

collection of resources in the field of hospitality, leisure & tourism (HLT), There

are 2 important access to the online journals and to the full content of electronic



1. Journals

1. Click on the link *****login***** at the bottom left of the page. If it is your first visit, login in

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2. Log in with your personal username and password.

3. Go to the e-journal Collection located under Information Services

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2. E-Books

1. Click on the link *****login***** at the bottom left of the page. If it is your first visit, login in

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2. Log in with your personal username and password.

3. Go to the Online Catalogue located under Information Services

4. Once logged into the Catalogue, click on OPAC (menu on the left); click on the

ADVANCED tab link.

5. On the right, click on the EBOOKS button (which places a green dot in the button)

and then hit the SEARCH button located in the lower middle part of the screen.

6. The full list of over 300 e-book titles will appear. To open an e-book, simply click on

the WEB ADDRESS for the book located under the e-book*****s title in the

bibliographic citation. The e-book*****s new page will appear; click on *****˜VIEW THIS e-


7. To print from an e-book, simply click on the SHOW ACROBAT TOOLS button

located to the upper left of the e-book pages, which allows various functions.

Printing of e-books is limited in accordance with copyright restrictions (no more than

a chapter is allowed). Some e-books do not offer a SHOW ACROBAT TOOLS

button or the print option because the copyright hasn*****t been obtained from the

copyright holder.

8. The Online Catalogue logs out after a certain amount of time as will an e-book*****¦if

you spend a bit of time in an e-book, you might find that you have been logged out

of the Online Catalogue. Try hitting the BACK button on your toolbar and you

should arrive back at the catalogue*****s search page with your previous results. If this

doesn*****t work you should login again and re-do your search.



This website allows you to know which journals in full texts are availble under which



2) DATABASES : Reports, Statistics


Click on *****campus log in*****" on the right side of the screen and sign in


Username: lesroches

Password: hotel

To see all the reports, click on *****"reports*****", then on *****"my reports*****" (upper side of the

screen), then *****"Show all travel and tourism: international reports*****" (right side of the





Access only from the school network (On campus or via Swiss VPN

from home )

Global Market Information Database

It is an online business information system providing business intelligence on countries,

consumers and industries. It offers integrated access to statistics, market reports,

company profiles and information sources, Global reports, Country reports, Company

reports, Market share and brand share rankings, 3,000 company profiles and Lifestyle




Access only from the school network (On campus or via Swiss VPN

from home )

This access to the Encyclopedia allows you to search for terms, definitions as well as

images and videos.


D) IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook

Connection with password

Username: Glion

Password: Library685

The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2006 is covering 53 countries and 8 regions, using 312

criteria. The criteria are grouped into the overall competitiveness ranking, made of 4 main factors:

1.Economic Performance, 2. Government Efficiency, 3.Business Efficiency, 4.Infrastructure.

There are 2 ways to access information:

- Country Profiles: Allows you to view one country or region / selected tables; to be used to display

several items for a same country.

- By Criteria: Allows you to view the result only for the selected criterion, eg . Education

- By Rankings : Allows you to view one table / selected countries and regions, to be used to compare





Free connection from any Internet

To have access to the catalogue of the Swiss French Universities:

To have access to the catalogue of the Swiss German and Universities of applied

sciences (including EHL)


How to Reference "Overcoming the BP Crisis" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Overcoming the BP Crisis.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Overcoming the BP Crisis (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Overcoming the BP Crisis. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Overcoming the BP Crisis” 2010.
”Overcoming the BP Crisis”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Overcoming the BP Crisis”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Overcoming the BP Crisis [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Overcoming the BP Crisis. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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