Term Paper on "Boundary of Art Andy Warhol"

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The Boundary of Art: Andy Warhol

In the middle part of the 20th century, Abstract Expressionism rules

the visual arts scene with a sense of serious experimentation that was in

its own way very constraining. The next generation of artists would appeal

to the media of popular culture as a way to simultaneously be liberated

from the prejudices of Expression and to broaden the palette of commercial

art. Turning concepts such as mass consumerism, the commoditization of

mankind and general materialism into a pointed philosophical statement, the

so-called 'Pop Art' movement would change significantly the both the visual

presentation and intended statement of the work dominating the scene in the

late 1950s and early 1960s. As our research shows, this would be a genuine

transition, as "n the later 1950s, Abstract Expressionism, which had

controlled the trend of art about ten years, ceded to a generation of

artists who experienced popular media: they were artists of Pop Art."

Where Abstract Expressionism was identified with such mercurial

figures as Jackson Pollock, famous for the shapeless splatter paintings

that represent his genre, Pop Art is more commonly associated with such

figures as Andy Warhol (1923-1987), who helped to popularize the theory

that those forms of visual expression often dismissed as commercial design

were in fact a valid form of artistic expression. Pop Artists would

proceed from the notion that the differentiation between fine art and

commercial art is a socioeconomic prejudice w
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hich inflates the value of

patrician visual expression over more popular forms. In demonstration of

this belief, Warhol would make himself the center of historical and

artistic debate by using commercial icons, images and media to provide

commentary on society.

1. Different ideas about essence of "art"

Like the Expressionists before him, Warhol attempted to create a new

use for art. In many ways, this was a more democratic way of looking at

artistic expression. Warhol perceived that art was a profession which

required financial compensation, not just for himself, but for purveyors of

visual arts throughout history. It would only be in the patronage of the

wealthy that 'fine artists' would be elevated in their compensation. To

Warhol, this excluded the common man both from creation and from ownership

of appealing artwork. Therefore, he determined to democratize the form by

creating works that could be mass produced. In this way, the earning

potential for the artist would be raised and the cost for the appreciator

could be lowered. Thus, it is understood that Warhol understood the

principles of classical art but philosophically eschewed them. According

to his biography, "it is firmly true that although Warhol studied Fine Art

in Pittsburgh, he was quite interested in advertising and its mechanisms

even as a student." In spite of the fact that Warhol was a successful

illustrator in commercial art, he wanted to create new work using mass-

produced methods, silk screen of illustration; he chose to use the

necessities of life in the mass-produced era. Therefore, Andy Warhol made

new perspective that has combination of both "art" and design.

2. Andy Warhol is an artist who creates and tries new things

One of Warhol's distinguishing features would be his boldness of concept.


he would observe the lessons given by the Abstract Expressionists and

through his own classical education, these would form a counterpoint as he

sought to introduce new ideas to the field. He would succeed in doing so,

not just drawing on the media and images of material culture for his

expression, but even copping its mass production theories in the mechanized

silk-screening that helped to spread his images epidemically through 1960s

New York Indeed, Warhol commanded his own scene where the novelty of his

ideas flourished, with his studio becoming "a favored meeting place for the

artists, actors, dropouts and photographers that Warhol knew, as well as

for other members of the glitterati." In the studio, a lot of works were

created. Andy Warhol expressed images of the canned goods and Coca Cola,

ordinary products for repetitive or reproducible image. John Coplans says

that "the money, Coke, airmail and S&H stamps, glass label and Campbell's

soup can paintings enforce the issue of multiplicity of the image itself,

which as a motif is endlessly repeated." This is demonstrated in the

analysis hereafter:

Image 1: Campbell's Soup Can, 1962 Image 2: 5 Coca-Cola

Bottles, 1962

Perhaps Warhol's most iconic image, the Campbell's Soup can is a statement

on the way that brand names and familiar labels have achieved a sort of

elevated status in society based on our dependency upon consumer goods.

More importantly, it disrupted the formalism and prejudicial seriousness of

the art community, inviting mass culture to understand and interpret his


Image 3: Marylin Monroe, 1967 Image 3: Double Elvis,


Andy Warhol's silkscreens were of a medium that he chose for several

purposes. "Ever since the Marilyn series, Warhol has always used

photographic silkscreens." The method of silk screen that is used to make

prints in quantity was his main method and connects important key points

between the business activity of a capitalistic age that gets profit by

making products in large quantities and selling Warhol's work. Starting

with her death in 1962, Marilyn Monroe became a familiar subject of

Warhol's work. He would use chromatic permutations to recast a nearly

identical image to reflect a limitless range of emotional possibilities.

Warhol's intention was to employ an assembly line effect to depicting

Monroe, who's succumbing to the inhumane pressures of her objectification

was precipitated by the iconography he elucidated. So was this true of

Elvis Presley, here depicted and similarly crushed under the weight of his

own celebrity. Warhol's perspective is distinguished from the conventional

glorification of Monroe or Presley's beauty, instead focusing on the

implications mass consumption and commodification are the primary means to

achieving happiness. Monroe's darling stature, social preeminence and

irreproachable achievement of perfect beauty had rendered her humanity a

separate being from the product for which she was the face. This is the

shred of the woman that Warhol seizes upon, screening the heavily

airbrushed headshot that adorned so many objects through filters of

pointedly unnatural color, presenting the heartbreaking bombshell in garish

fluorescence, absent of person

3. It is wrong to criticize the use of art for commercial value

Art may function without commercial support, but it is highly

unlikely that it will ever be appreciated. Artistic expression and

commercial enterprise are not to be seen as mutually exclusive from one

another. Quite to the contrary, these are often complimentary forces, with

the industrial artists finding ways to make a living in an era where

patronage is rarely done without commercial expectations. Warhol seemed to

predict this age, declaring, "I want to be a machine" and "paintings are

like stock a dealer is like a broker." So, "art" should think like

business if the artist is to survive.

The dismissal of Warhol's art, as well as of commercial design in a

more general sense, is a philosophical and economic prejudice that

overlooks the duality of his message. Indeed, Warhol broke down the

boundary between fine art and commercial art, revealing distinctions

between them as the invocation of false hierarchies. Thus, we can see that

"Warhol's art was never simply a reproduction of a commercial product,

which was a criticism made of his work during his lifetime. Years later we

can consider Warhol's art as one with a distinct style and radical choice

of subject matter and one which has withstood the test of time". As an

artist and as one of the great marketing ideologues in history, Warhol

changed the course of the artistic dialogue and broadened the scope for

that which can be appreciated on its artistic merits without being

discredited by its commercial context.


Bauer, Claudia. Andy Warhol. Nw… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Boundary of Art Andy Warhol" Assignment:

"i will use this paper,so don't change everything..

please change some such as words and grammar but same meaning..

my purpose is that it seems different person who write this paper..

you can use same Bibliography..and also i need footnote."

Artists who freed themselves from Abstract Expressionism tried to show popular images and chose television, comic books, and magazines of popular media to expand for commercial art that was appeared in social environments by mass production and mass communication. *****In the later 1950s, Abstract Expressionism, which had controlled the trend of art about ten years, ceded to a generation of artists who experienced popular media: they were artists of Pop Art.***** Abstract Expressionism is *****a movement in art associated above all with New York in the decade or so after the Second World and which is seen to have had its starting point in the work of the American painter Jackson Pollock.***** Pop art was the popular art of consumer culture that was made by capitalistic society and Commercial design has emerged as very important and influential design in the twentieth century. However, if the function of commerce is added, art works can be traded and bring social participation of a large population of people, dealing a heavy blow to the essence and value of fine art; but, the range of art shouldn*****t be limited for creation. Even though Pop art was *****art***** of a new form that is adjusted for the period, there is a controversy about whether commercial design that has purpose for money is *****art***** and Andy Warhol (1923 *****“ 1987), a famous commercial designer of the twentieth century is at the center of this controversy. While many artists and critics in the art community consider Andy Warhol to be nothing more than a commercial designer, Andy Warhol who creates a whole new form of pop media commentary and draws coexistence of both commerce and art is an artist.

1. Different ideas about essence of *****art*****

Warhol*****s work should be considered *****art***** because his work was tried to create the new function of *****art*****. Despite the fact that there are many opinions about the essence of art, art can be a kind of job. If the essence of art is approached with a fixed idea, Andy Warhol was not an artist but a marketing professional. However, art has creation which involves exploitation because artists give their own means for their works and they always want to create new ones; artists use new materials and expressions to find new things from the original work. When it comes to the essence of art, the art might be separated from money but the money that is earned by the ability and talent of artists is used for another creative works; so, artists cannot be separated from money. Actually, in the art tradition, money was an indispensable function of commission from patrons of a few specific classes who has desire for great works. In this way, Andy Warhol solved the little dream of customers who want to get art works using mass production of *****art*****. Even though artists create works that look similar, they have different inclinations, purposes, and thoughts. Artists who have a purpose for business should make works that customers want. This is consumerism. The design that is made by customers***** demands can also be a kind of ability of an artist for customers. For example, *****it is firmly true that although Warhol studied Fine Art in Pittsburgh, he was quite interested in advertising and its mechanisms even as a student.***** In spite of the fact that Warhol was a successful illustrator in commercial art, he wanted to create new work using mass-produced methods, silk screen of illustration; he chose to use the necessities of life in the mass-produced era. Therefore, Andy Warhol made new perspective that has combination of both *****art***** and design.

2. Andy Warhol is an artist who creates and tries new things

One of the most important things about *****art***** is creation and trying of new ideas. Andy Warhol made art from ordinary objects; his paintings shows quintessential images of the era as repeating and a great number of popular images which comes from modern times. Eventually, while he produced art work repeatedly through the mechanical method of silk screen, he broke from traditional art and changed the idea of the traditional artist and also widely expanded the range between art and artist. While Andy Warhol was still living with his mother, he started a work studio which changed locations several times. *****This new address soon became a favored meeting place for the artists, actors, dropouts and photographers that Warhol knew, as well as for other members of the glitterati.***** In the studio, a lot of works were created. Andy Warhol expressed images of the canned goods and Coca Cola, ordinary products for repetitive or reproducible image. John Coplans say that *****the money, Coke, airmail and S&H stamps, glass label and Campbell*****s soup can paintings enforce the issue of multiplicity of the image itself, which as a motif is endlessly repeated.*****

Image 1: Campbell's Soup Can, 1962 Image 2: 5 Coca-Cola Bottles, 1962

By drawing products that people use often, the formality of traditional art was broken for trying novelty and it had the effect that it accomplished concern and the participation of mass society in art. *****The first Campbell*****s soup can images, for example, were made with the help of an image projected in magnified from onto the canvas, and it is notable that any too great detail was altogether avoided (the medallion seen at the center of the label on the can should contain an inscription, but in Warhol*****s version it is empty).*****

Image 3: Marylin Monroe, 1967 Image 3: Double Elvis, 1963

The face of Marylin Monroe is sequentially arrayed and was independently made by silk screen, and the work was not perfectly painted colors for getting a picturesque feeling: Andy Warhol had developed a method in which original products and the specific face of famous star are repeated and arrayed using the power of machines. The pictures of his pop art that include famous people, Marylin Monroe and Elvis in particularly, are rendered in popular, provocative, and beautiful color. *****Ever since the Marilyn series, Warhol has always used photographic silkscreens.***** The method of silk screen that is used to make prints in quantity is his main method and connects important key points between the business activity of a capitalistic age that gets profit by making products in large quantities and selling Warhol*****s work. Therefore, he narrowed the boundary between traditional art and popular art.

3. It is wrong to criticize the use of art for commercial value

When a creative new idea is backed up, both commerce and art coexist. Society was suddenly changed by mass media and art should also change following the trend of the times. Various sources and materials appeared in mass media implies that art can be expanded more than before. Artists need much more money for new forms and work; so, money is essential while artists are working. Andy Warhol said *****I want to be a machine***** and *****paintings are like stock a dealer is like a broker.***** So, *****art***** should think like business. However, there is not a patron anymore who patronizes artists for his own satisfaction. These days, companies turn up patronage for artists and there is marketing and investment of companies at the back of the patronage; monetary value made commercialism of art. People want to appreciate and possess a new form of art and sometimes they invest for the value. This is a natural result of capitalism, an economic system that is controlled by money for pursuit of profits, and commercialism, that has as its purpose the pursuit of profits, period. Development of commercial art brought social participation of art and productive value. If *****art***** has social participation, artists can have another productive value because of not only pure desire about *****art***** but also craving of work that considers economic activity.

It is firmly true that works of Andy Warhol are very different with fine art that includes susceptibility and message: so, some critics say that Warhol*****s work is not fine art but design. However, the achievement of Andy Warhol in modern art was commercial conception and expanding the sphere of art. He broke down the boundary between fine art and commercial art and showed art market through marketing philosophy of business art. *****Warhol's art was never simply a reproduction of a commercial product, which was a criticism made of his work during his lifetime. Years later we can consider Warhol's art as one with a distinct style and radical choice of subject matter and one which has withstood the test of time*****. Therefore, Andy Warhol, who found an art market that nobody had recognized, was a cultural marketer and artist.


Bauer, Claudia. Andy Warhol. Nw York: Prestel, 2004.

Ratcliff, Carter. Andy Warhol. New York: Abbeville Press, 1983.

Coplans, John. Andy Warhol. England: The Curwen press, 1989

Revy, Louisiana. Andy Warhol and his world: Nykredit, 2000

Kinsman, *****, *****Soup can mania.***** Artonview, no. 49 (2007): 38-9.


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How to Reference "Boundary of Art Andy Warhol" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Boundary of Art Andy Warhol.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2009, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/boundary-art-andy/7258220. Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

Boundary of Art Andy Warhol (2009). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/boundary-art-andy/7258220
A1-TermPaper.com. (2009). Boundary of Art Andy Warhol. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/boundary-art-andy/7258220 [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”Boundary of Art Andy Warhol” 2009. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/boundary-art-andy/7258220.
”Boundary of Art Andy Warhol” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/boundary-art-andy/7258220.
[1] ”Boundary of Art Andy Warhol”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2009. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/boundary-art-andy/7258220. [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. Boundary of Art Andy Warhol [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2009 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/boundary-art-andy/7258220
1. Boundary of Art Andy Warhol. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/boundary-art-andy/7258220. Published 2009. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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