Term Paper on "Botticelli Sandro"

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Botticelli, Sandro

Sandro Botticelli

Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi or Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510), as he was known, was a Florentine artist who painted during the early Renaissance period. (Sandro Botticelli:Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi) He was renowned and extremely popular particularly for his Madonna paintings as well as for his interpretations of mythological, such as Venus and Mars.

He is also credited with "...pioneering new types of portraiture in Italy, influenced by Netherlandish art." (BOTTICELLI, Sandro) Botticelli was not well-known after his death but he was later recognized as one of the leading figures of the Italian renaissance.

Brief Biography and influences.

The name Botticelli was a nickname that meant "little barrel." This name was "... either the nickname of his elder brother or the name of the goldsmith to whom Sandro was first apprenticed." (Sandro Botticelli: 1445-1510) He was born in Florence and was the son of a tanner. He was later apprenticed to the painter and engraver, Antonio del Pollaiuolo. This was be an important influence on his life and art and critics are of the opinion that his sense of line, which was an important element of his style, came about as a result of this apprenticeship. (Sandro Botticelli: 1445-1510) Later he was to learn many of his artistic skills from Fra Filippo Lippi. He was also influenced by Andrea del Verrocchio.

By 1470 Botticelli had his own workshop. However he spent most of his time working for some of the most well- known families of the time - including the Medici family. Many of the people from this family appeared
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as figures in his painting and particularly in those on mythological subjects. For example, the Adoration of the Magi contains likenesses of the Medici family. He was especially connected to the Giuliano de' Medici.

In more philosophical and theoretical terms one of the major influences on his life and work was that of Christian Neo-Platonism. This was a theory or view that attempted to, "...reconcile classical and Christian views," and was to have a profound influence on the subject matter of his works, as well as on his style. (Sandro Botticelli: 1445-1510) The Christian Neo-Platonic attempt to bring together these different views of life and reality can be seen in famous works like Birth of Venus.

In other words, this was an attempt to bring together Christian and pagan subjects and styles.

This amalgamation of subject matter was also an aspect that is related to the philosophy of the renaissance. Renaissance means 'rebirth' and is seen as the rebirth of European art and culture. In particular the Italian renaissance which began in the 15th century can be seen as a "...reconnection of the west with classical antiquity." (Renaissance) This relates clearly to the aim that Botticelli had in his earlier paintings. Furthermore, the Renaissance was a time of new knowledge and experimentation in the arts as well as in the sciences. There was "...an explosion of the dissemination of knowledge brought on by printing and the creation of new techniques in art, poetry, and architecture, leading in turn to a radical change in the style and substance of the arts and letters." (Renaissance) One of the reasons give for the emergence of the Renaissance in Florence was that the "...patronage of the Medici allowed for the advancement of artwork...This in turn led to the Renaissance." (Renaissance)

In 1481 Botticelli received a great honor in being selected as one of a number of artists who were chosen to decorate the walls of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. In Rome he painted The Youth of Moses, the Punishment of the Sons of Corah, and the Temptation of Christ. (Sandro Botticelli:1445-1510)

After the Medici family was expelled from Florence in the 1909, Botticelli became extremely religious and his works reflected a new sense of piety and moral strictness. This can be seen in works such as Mystic Nativity and Mystic Crucifixion, which "... reflect an intense religious devotion." (Sandro Botticelli: 1445-1510) However the popularly of his works waned and he died in relative obscurity. He art however became popular in the nineteenth century and was to be a major influence on Art Nouveau. (BOTTICELLI, Sandro: Biography)

3. Influences, style and art

Botticelli trained with Filippo Lippi, who is considered to be an important influence on his style, as this style was a reaction against the formality of the scientific naturalistic view of painting and was more concerned with a revival of "...elements of the Gothic style - a delicate sentiment, sometimes bordering on sentimentality, a feminine grace, and an emphasis on the ornamental and evocative capabilities of line." (BOTTICELLI, Sandro: Biography) Filippo Lippi was also seen as an important in influence in that he showed Botticelli the "...synthesis of the new control of three-dimensional forms, tender expressiveness in face and gesture, and decorative details." (Sandro Botticelli.)

Botticelli's style also shows the influence of Platonic philosophy. Plato believed that the ordinary world that we experience through out senses is inferior and only a copy of the real or ideal world of reality. For example, there is a sense in many of the paintings, such as the Birth of Venus, of an ideal world as opposed to the ordinary world of common reality. This separation between the ideal and the ordinary is evident in the late paintings. "It has been suggested that it was this philosophy that prompted the new idea of large-scale pictures with a secular content; the classical deities represented are not the carefree Olympians of Ovid's tales but the symbolic embodiment of some deep moral or metaphysical truth. "(BOTTICELLI, Sandro: Biography.)

Many of paintings, especially towards the end of his life, are of religious subjects and motifs. Of particular interest are his paintings of the Madonna; such as the Madonna of the Magnificat, Madonna of the Pomegranate, and Coronation of the Virgin. (Sandro Botticelli: 1445-1510)

Critics state that the most famous of Botticelli's works is La Preirtervca.

This work can be found in the Uffizi Gallery.

This painting is also linked to the Birth of Venus in terms of its mythical references and style. The painting can be interpreted in terms of many complex mythical allegories and has been described as "Venus as a symbol of spring, being adorned with flowers by the Graces." (Primavera, 1482, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.) While there are many different interpretations and debates about the origins of the subject matter it is generally agreed that "...the work is inspired by the classical texts of Ovid and Lucretius." (Primavera, 1482, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.) painting that is easily recognizable by many modern people is the Birth of Venus. This is partly due to the way that this painting has been used in modern advertising. The painting is based on the classical writings of Virgil and Homer. (The Birth of Venus, 1484, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.) The painting depicts the story of the of Venus' arrival at the island of Kythera or Cyprus." The shell that she travels upon is pushed by the wind of Zephyrus and Aura and she is welcomed by a girl wearing a gown embroidered with flowers or daisies, possibly one of the Three Graces." (The Birth of Venus, 1484, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.) The Birth of Venus has become one of the most recognizable icons of renaissance art.

The Adoration of Magi is another famous work. The painting was created using tempera on panel, and is 50 x 136 cm is size. This work is in the National Gallery in London. It was painted for the chapel of Guasparre Lami in the church of Santa Maria Novella. (Adoration of the Magi) The painting includes the figures of the Medici's dressed as oriental kings. "Cosimo the Elder as the old king in front of the Child, his son Piero, called the Gouty, as the kneeling king with red mantle in the center, Lorenzo the Magnificent as the young man at his right, in profile, with a black and red mantle. The figure looking out at the spectator is probably the self-portrait of Botticelli." (The Adoration of the Magi) It should be noted that Botticelli painted an entire series of paintings under this tile. The one that is being discussed here was obviously painted specifically for the Medici family.

One of Botticelli's most impressive works is The Mystical Nativity.

What makes this painting so interesting is that if differs for the calm ordered structure of many nativity scenes and there is sense of disruption and struggle that is expressed in the structure of the painting. "A painting of Christ's Nativity is often a comfortable Christmas card. Botticelli's picture is the reverse. It is the record of a spiritual struggle, a pilgrim's progress in which the pain is remembered." (Botticelli, Sandro: The Mystical Nativity) This was also the only painting that Botticelli ever signed, which is possibly an indication of its importance to him. Critics also suggest that there is a struggle in the painting between a desire for physical, earthly beauty and the religious… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Botticelli Sandro" Assignment:

10th grade level please.Please include his paintings La Primavera, The birth of Venus, Adoration of the Magi. Please include something on the era, his birth, his upbringing, training, style of painting, other works of art,his life and death. Also, where one can visualize his work.Thank you.

How to Reference "Botticelli Sandro" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Botticelli Sandro.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/botticelli-sandro-alessandro/309935. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Botticelli Sandro (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/botticelli-sandro-alessandro/309935
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). Botticelli Sandro. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/botticelli-sandro-alessandro/309935 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Botticelli Sandro” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/botticelli-sandro-alessandro/309935.
”Botticelli Sandro” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/botticelli-sandro-alessandro/309935.
[1] ”Botticelli Sandro”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/botticelli-sandro-alessandro/309935. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Botticelli Sandro [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/botticelli-sandro-alessandro/309935
1. Botticelli Sandro. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/botticelli-sandro-alessandro/309935. Published 2006. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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