Term Paper on "Book the Book of Job"

Term Paper 3 pages (1035 words) Sources: 0

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Book of Job

Job's friend Eliphaz fails to feel any compassion for his friend. He tells Job:

Your guilt must be great indeed,

Your crimes must be inconceivable."

At first, Job's three friends come to comfort him. In fact, they seem enormously comforting:

They cried out, and tore their clothing, and sprinkled dust on their heads. Then they sat with him for seven days and seven nights. And no one said a word, for they saw how great his suffering was."

As Job's despair deepens, however, his friends drop away. Like Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar also neglect Job in his time of greatest need. They blame the victim for his problems and drive Job into deeper despair that causes him to question not only his faith but the goodness of God. Job's failing spiritual faith is exacerbated by his friends' lack of love or understanding for the essence of human suffering. Whereas Job's suffering ultimately strengthens his character and his faith, his friends did not grow from the experience. As someone who has reached moments of emotional despair and who has known the sting of fair-weather friends, I suspect that those who suffer most often have the greatest opportunities for growth and spiritual development. Suffering deepens the capacity of the spirit for compassion, and suffering emboldens spiritual faith. Job teaches us these core lessons.

However, Job also teaches us practical lessons about interpersonal relationships, trust, and friendship. These are the lessons that moved me to tears when I read Stephen Mitchell's translation of the Biblical book of Job. Job's predicament and hi
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s friend's reaction to it triggered memories of broken friendships that I am in some ways still recovering from. Job teaches us that faith in friendship is as significant as faith in God. Friendship is not just strengthened by faith -- it is defined by it. Without faith, a friendship is void. Friends who only care about having fun and good times can be called acquaintances but not true friends.

We have all heard about fair weather friends: the people who are only there for us when times are good. When times turn sour and we need a shoulder to cry on, the true friends show their merits while many of the people we thought we could count on suddenly vanish. Job learned this when his world crumbled around him and Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar shunned him. He believed these three men loved him and cared for him deeply. In fact, as I read the story I also believed they would be with Job no matter what because our true friends emerge during troubled times. I learned the same lesson Job did when a group of my friends failed to live up to their claims they would "be there for me." In fact, I have found few friends who I could count on through thick or thin. My friends have demonstrated remarkable superficiality. I believe that if they had suffered they might have been better able to show compassion. Job's story not only reveals the power of true friendship but also shows that God… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Book the Book of Job" Assignment:

First of all,Please do not copy and paste, and do not use this paper to any other places. Thank you

This is a reflection paper after read the book "The Book of Job"

Below Here is the specification and also i wrote little that my paper want it to be.

Reflection Papers:

In your reading and writing, be alert for moments that strike you in some fashion, and make marginal notes of these moments. Why do they ring a bell or jump out at you (for good or ill)? What triggers your imagination -- heart and mind? I have a special format for the three page (double spaced) papers.

Before your first paragraph begins, set out in bold the sentences from the text that contain the images, descriptions, phrases, actions, or situations that grab you.

The paper then becomes an elaboration, exploration, and clarification of that focus. You*****ll find yourself drawing on your own memories and experiences in this elaboration, exploration, and clarification. And you*****ll find yourself remembering other passages or moments in the text that work in tandem with whatever you put in focus in your opening sentences.

You can, of course, use the first person. And please, avoid anything that reads like a book report. The paper shows you -- your response. I should learn something about how your mind and imagination work as I read it. Let your voice and personality come out. The human condition, after all, is your condition.

Up there is what professor wants it.

And I would like you to write about Friendship, loyalty, and self-justification in the book(please make some quatations too)

From here--->

I will give you some of my point after i read the book. You can also see my writing skill too.

After i read the book, I was thinking of friendship, loyalty, and self-justification in my life. I could ask myself some questions. "Who can help me when i fail?; Am i always looking for GOD when i am in trouble?; Am i righteous person?; who are my best friends?; Does GOD listens and respond to all my questions?" I felt the same as Job did that even if i live in my life in innocece, humility, and do goodthings. I got into trouble. I did not understand why at that time, and i asked myself and GOd what i did worng befroe it happened. Through the book i could think of my friendship that i had some expieriences few years ago.(You can make it up what the happen was as you wish) you can test your friends when you are in seriuos trouble like Job in the book. Most people have many kinds of relationships with friend. But the most valuable friend is there for you when you are in bad situation. Three friends(Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar) in the book was not a good friend to Job. They try to understand and manipulate Job to repent his sin to God. But Job did not care about what they were saying he thought he was innocent. However Job responded to GOD finally with humility. job accepted that there was much he did understand when he met GOD in the whirwind.-> You can refer this part when you write!!!

And quatation to show Job's friends are bad;

(P.g 57 7-8line) when Eliphaz said

"Your guilt must be great indeed

Your crimes must be inconceivable"

This is jsut a reference for you.

i would like to use this quatation Loyalty.

I think you can use this quataton for Loyalty part. Please use this quatation.

(P.g8 bottom line)

"His wife said to him, "How long will you go on clinging to your innocence? Curse GOD, and die." Job said "Foolish woman, have you lost your mind? We have accepted good fotune from GOD;surely we can accept bad fotune too.""

I think this is when Job is really into GOD. But he cried out later in the book. However he realize about GOD again in the back of the book.

Other thought could be self-justification or what you want to write about.

Thank you.

How to Reference "Book the Book of Job" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Book the Book of Job.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/book-job-friend/5629988. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Book the Book of Job (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/book-job-friend/5629988
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Book the Book of Job. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/book-job-friend/5629988 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Book the Book of Job” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/book-job-friend/5629988.
”Book the Book of Job” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/book-job-friend/5629988.
[1] ”Book the Book of Job”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/book-job-friend/5629988. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Book the Book of Job [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/book-job-friend/5629988
1. Book the Book of Job. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/book-job-friend/5629988. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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