Essay on "Comparison on Boeing 777 and 787 Programme"

Essay 6 pages (2329 words) Sources: 6

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Boeing 777 and 787 Programs

Over the last several years, Boeing has a faced a number of different challenges surrounding the launch of the 787. As the construction of the plane and its management, has contributed to a number of problems. This has led to a host of delays and slowdowns, which has forced the company to address these issues. A recent example of this can be seen with the plane failing a preflight stress test of its wings. This is problematic, because it follows a host of other issues that have been experienced by the 787 (since it was first announced in 2005). (Mecham

2009) (Commercial Airplanes 2011) Evidence of this can be seen by looking no further, than the company being forced to examine a number of challenges they were facing, surrounding the stabilizers in the tail of the aircraft. Where, production was delayed in order to address a fatal flaw that affected the stability of the plane during flight. (Problem in the Workhorse 2009)This is important, because it shows how Boeing has clearly lost its focus, in comparison with other projects that they have worked on in the past. As the 777 was delivered, within four years of the announcement of the first prototype that was constructed. (Commercial Airplanes 2011) This is troubling, because it is highlighting a number of different flaws on the 787 in comparison with the 777. To determine the overall extent of the problems on the 787 requires comparing the production procedures surrounding the two aircraft. This will be accomplished through: examining the construction process, work sharing and looking at the parts / resources that were used. Together, these different elements will provide the greatest insights, as
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to the underlying reasons why the 787 has continued to face so many problems.

The Construction Process

The construction process for the 777 and 787 were different. In the case of the 777, the company wanted to create an aircraft that could address the challenges facing commercial aviation. What happened was many experts felt that the 747 was the answer to carrying large numbers of: passengers and cargo over vast distances. Since it was introduced in the late 1960's, it would become the preferred aircraft of choice for: a number of carriers around the world. However, Boeing executives believed that a new kind of plane needs to be created, to address the potential shortfalls in 747 production (as the model and the fleet were becoming older). To tackle these challenges and improve upon the innovations that have taken place from the 1960's onward. The company would involve a number of individuals during the design process to include: passengers, aviation experts, company executives, regulators and pilots. This was the first time that they were using collaboration, to design a plane that was going into mass production. The overall process would help to outline an aircraft that had a number of different state of the art features to include: a one of kind cross section of fuselage, the use of LCD crystals, two powerful engines and ensuing that the different components would not account for 10% of the weight of the aircraft. These elements are important, because they are showing how collaboration would help to identify a number of features that would make the plane so successful. Where, the company began to receive large orders for the plane; once the first prototype was announced. (the Making of the Boeing 777-2000)

The construction of the 787 involved the use of outside suppliers to build the majority of the parts for the aircraft (as the company would outsource nearly 80% this work). This is against the traditional policy that was utilized in the past, as Boeing would construct at least 51% of the parts in house. The idea was to have these different suppliers ship the parts to the Everett, Washington facility (where the actual plane would be constructed). At the same time, the company would create new manufacturing plants in: Italy, Japan and South Carolina to deal with various components they were producing. The reason why Boeing made such a dramatic shift from their traditional strategies is because the 787 was suppose to be a major breakthrough innovation wise. Where, the company would implement a number of different features into the aircraft to include: the use of light weight / durable materials, the latest technology, a streamlined air designed and greater amounts of in cabin comfort. This would reduce the costs of: the airplane, improve the overall quality and it became more fuel efficient. These different elements are important, because they are showing how Boeing wanted to create a light weight plane that had the same kind of durability as previous models. As a result, the construction of the aircraft was dramatically altered to be in line with these objectives. (Dream Liner 101-2010)

As far as the design of the aircraft is concerned, Boeing made a number of different changes. What happened is engineers would dramatically alter the blueprints of the new 787. As they would implement a number of different features that were suppose to make it more efficient and powerful. This meant that a various changes took place throughout the aircraft to include: modifications to the wings, the fuselage, the tail section and the nose just to name a few. A good example of this can be seen in the fuselage, where the plane was made with a special kind of aluminum that was designed to increase its performance. This would give the aircraft: better fuel economy, it could travel at higher speeds and further distances. As these new improvements were suppose to help make the plane one of the most state of the art designs that could compete directly against EDS. This is important, because it show how there were dramatic changes to the blue prints during the construction process (which had an impact upon the number of challenges it faced when it was manufactured). In many ways, one could argue that this is what is helping contribute to the inevitable delays. (Ostrower 2010)

When you step back and analyze the construction process, it is clear that Boeing was trying to continue to build off the success that it had with the 777 (when designing and constructing the 787). However, during this process the company did not use as much collaboration (in comparison with the 777) and they outsourced the majority of the component construction. This is problematic, because it shows how these two factors would contribute directly to design flaws in the 787.

Work Sharing

The work sharing process for both the design / manufacture of: the 777 and 787 has been different for each project. In the case of the 777, Boeing would use increased amounts of collaboration between the general public and various individuals inside the aviation industry. This helped Boeing to create a number of different design features; that would make the 777 a reliable aircraft that a host of carriers were continuing to utilize. The most notable include: improving the wing span (so that the plane can fly at higher speeds), using twin design engines (to reduce fuel consumption / noise), lighter designs and better weight distribution on taxing / landing (through an increased number of post / conventional wheel arrangements in the landing gear) just to name a few. At the same time, the company would focus the majority of the component production in house. This helped to improve collaboration, by bringing in employees who will be working on the plane, directly into the process. As a result, the use of collaboration helped to improve the design of the aircraft, by looking a variety of different factors that were important to various groups of people. In many ways, one could argue that this is one of the keys that helped to make the 777 such a success. (the Boeing 777 Family 2011)

The working sharing arrangement on the 787 was completely different. In this case, Boeing did not have as much collaboration with outside parties. Instead, there was a focus on designing a plane that can address the shortcomings of the 777 and make improvements upon the performance / operation of the plane. Where, company engineers and aviation insiders would play a major role in determining what features should be implemented. At the same time, they also would engage in a strategy of outsourcing various components to: streamline production and reduce costs. This is problematic, because when you outsource the design / manufacture of parts to third parties there is the possibility that there will be a number of flaws. The reason why, is because these companies are not focused on helping to improve the overall quality of the plane. Instead, they are concerned about producing the part according to the specifications outlined by Boeing. At which point, there is not as much emphasis on quality / control or how well the part will work on the finished aircraft. This important, because it shows how the lack of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Comparison on Boeing 777 and 787 Programme" Assignment:

Dear *****,

As you know, Beiong delivered its first 777 to United Airlines on the day agreed in the contract which was signed nearly four years earlier. However, in complete contrast, the 787 programme is currently running three years behind schedule.

I want you to focus the essay on the reasons (you should tell why) why the 787 programme so far behind schedule giving a comparison with the construction processes and work sharing used on both 777 and 787 programmes which may help to explain the problems with 787.

This could be an argumentative essay and please include in details the manufacturing problems and the parts of the world where parts are being bought by boeing company and the transportation of parts and just highlight on every aspect of the manufacturing project.

In short, focus on the project management and technological factors in your essay.

I think the video on manufacturing of 777 on google video would be useful for you. It explains manufacturing process in all the aspects.

Remember that this is not an essay to explain the manufacturing process of both 777 and 787 but this is an essay where you have to compare both the programmes in contrast with the manufactuing process and say why 787 programmes is running behind the schedule where 777 had been so on time.

Please be kind enough to include info as much as possible and make it a good one. Also, as English is my second language, please be kind enough not to make it so rich in vocabulary. and please put your maximum effort to make it an informative one.

Thank you

How to Reference "Comparison on Boeing 777 and 787 Programme" Essay in a Bibliography

Comparison on Boeing 777 and 787 Programme.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Comparison on Boeing 777 and 787 Programme (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Comparison on Boeing 777 and 787 Programme. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Comparison on Boeing 777 and 787 Programme” 2011.
”Comparison on Boeing 777 and 787 Programme”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Comparison on Boeing 777 and 787 Programme”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Comparison on Boeing 777 and 787 Programme [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Comparison on Boeing 777 and 787 Programme. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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