Case Study on "Bob Case Analysis of Anxiety Disorder"

Case Study 4 pages (1074 words) Sources: 3

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Case Analysis of Anxiety Disorder, OCD and Agoraphobia in Bob Wiley

Developing a treatment course for the multiphobic individual carries a number of inherent challenges. Particularly, the treating therapist must work to prioritize the issues of most pressing importance for the patient. This requires a comprehensive assessment of the presenting cognitive dissonances in the individual and some examination of the root causes of the subject's state of general phobic disorder. In the assessment below, the patient under consideration presents with a number of phobic disorders that imply some underlying trauma. The assessment will provide an appropriate course for diagnosis and intervention.

Short Synopsis:

At the center of the case assessment is a historical vignette which helps to contextualize the patient's set of interceding disorders. After a long and sustained period living as a recluse with no apparent source of employment and companionship only with his pet goldfish, Bob Wiley determined to seek treatment from the emergent therapist Dr. Leo Marvin. Over the course of a single session, the therapist provided sparse counsel through a methodology which he had coined, called Baby Steps. Due to the success of the text which shared that name, Marvin had been preparing to take his family on vacation. Mr. Wiley, instantly compelled by Marvin's philosophy of incremental steps toward mental health, develops severe and insecure attachment to his new therapist and consequently invades the private life of the therapist. This denotes a clear crisis situation and, in spite of the social and emotional progress which the subject appears to ma
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ke, the inappropriate nature of his behavior and relationship with the therapist denote that there is a need for treatment intervention at this juncture.


The crisis in question concerns Bob Wiley, a 41-year-old Caucasian male who is unmarried, unemployed and appears to have no significant personal social network of family for support.

Presenting Problem:

Mr. Wiley presents in his first meeting with Dr. Marvin as possessing a wide range of phobias with many overlapping dimensions. From the outset, it is clear that Mr. Wiley possesses some manner of general depression coupled with a persistent anxiety disorder. The subject's relative lack of professional or personal motivation, limited interest in his social appearance and a failure to interact on a functional and healthy level with other individuals all suggest depression. More specifically though, Mr. Wiley exhibits a number of characteristics that point to particular conditions on the depression spectrum

Many of the symptoms Mr. Wiley displays are classic indicators of an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). According to the DSM-IV (2010), behaviors such as Wiley's adherence to repetitive patterns, his preventative germ phobias and his avoidance of otherwise non-threatening and ordinary situations all denote a proclivity toward compulsion. The DSM-IV defines compulsion, in part, as a condition in which "the behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event or situation; however, these behaviors or mental acts either are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent or are clearly excessive." (DSM-IV, p. 1)

Among these excessive behaviors is the emergence of several phobic responses. These imply that the patient has begun to exhibit increasingly irrational and anxiety-driving… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Bob Case Analysis of Anxiety Disorder" Assignment:

Develop a crisis conceptualization plan of the character Bob Wylie from the movie What About Bob. The paper should contain the following:

*Short Synopsis of the book as it relates to the person in crisis.

*Write a short description of the person in crisis. Include the person*****'s age, gender, ethnicity/race, marital status, and any other relevant descriptive information.

*Describe the person*****'s presenting problem, the crisis event, and classify the type of crisis (developmental, situational, crisis of loss,ect.). Explain why the situation would be considered a crisis.

*Discuss how ethnicity, race, gender, age, class, sexual orientation, or other diversity issue may impact upon the client, help-seeking behavior, symptom expression, and the chosen mode(s) of crisis intervention.

*Provide a tentative crisis intervention paln. Be sure to detail type of intervention, length of intervention, goals of intervention, and objectives of intervention.

*Write a conclusion to your crisis intervention plan and tell at least two actions you would take to avoid personal burnout if you were to do this type of crisis intervention on a regular basis.

The DSM-IV-TR must be used as a one of the references. The other two should be peer reviewed articles.

How to Reference "Bob Case Analysis of Anxiety Disorder" Case Study in a Bibliography

Bob Case Analysis of Anxiety Disorder.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Bob Case Analysis of Anxiety Disorder (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Bob Case Analysis of Anxiety Disorder. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Bob Case Analysis of Anxiety Disorder” 2011.
”Bob Case Analysis of Anxiety Disorder”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Bob Case Analysis of Anxiety Disorder”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Bob Case Analysis of Anxiety Disorder [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Bob Case Analysis of Anxiety Disorder. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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