Term Paper on "Sowell Black Rednecks and White Liberals"

Term Paper 8 pages (2740 words) Sources: 1

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Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell. Specifically it will contain and analysis and discussion of the book and its thesis. Author Sowell states his thesis early on in the Prologue of his book. He writes, "The purpose of this book is to expose some of the more blatant misconceptions poising race relations in our time" (Sowell ix). His book is an attempt to dispel these misconceptions while he gives a unique and interesting history of both black and white culture as it evolved in the American South.

Sowell supports his thesis through his own 25 years of research on the subject, combined with numerous scholarly essays he has collected for this work. Another aspect of his thesis in preparing this work is to provoke thought and discussion, and because this book is decidedly different from many looks into southern history, it will surely do just that. Sowell's copious notes, which stretch nearly 60 pages at the end of the book, clearly show the intensity of his research and interest in this subject, and they also indicate how diligently he has researched and thought out his thesis.

First, it is important to define "cracker" or "redneck" culture as it is used in the book, and to look at the surprising origins of that culture. The original cracker or redneck culture did not evolve in the American South, as many might think. Instead, it originated in the British Isles and migrated to America. Sowell writes, "Most of the common white people of the South came from the northern borderlands of England - for centuries an no-man's land between Scotland and England - as well as from the Scottish Highlands and from Ulster County, Ireland" (Sowell 3). Not all of these groups, the
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author notes, formed the backbone of English culture; rather they were fringe or unorthodox cultures at odds with English tradition, and often English law, as well. In addition, these areas were much more uncivilized than other areas of Britain, and these are the major areas that populated the American South. Thus, "cracker" culture is actually an offshoot of uncivilized British culture, and it remained largely unchanged for centuries after the British came to the southern part of the country.

Sowell maintains these immigrants brought certain values, including lack of education, sexual promiscuity, alcoholism and drunkenness, lack of ambition and interest in work, violence, interesting dances and music, pride, vanity, a need to prove themselves (especially the men), and an outgoing type of religious oratory (Sowell 6). Because many of the immigrants were from the same area in Britain, and settled in the same areas in America, their customs remained with them, and more importantly, they were transferred to their black slaves when they acquired them. It is interesting to note that a majority of the people who settled the North were from different areas of Britain, and they would not allow some of the immigrants from the borderlands or Ulster to land in northern ports (Sowell 10).

Many of these characteristics have often been used in general terms to describe modern black ghetto dwellers, and this should come as no surprise after reading Sowell's evidence. Imported to the South as slaves, they adsorbed the culture surrounding them and of their masters, so much that they continue to mimic the culture long after it has died out in many areas of the South among blacks and whites. Sowell proves this thesis by introducing information on blacks from other areas, such as blacks who lived in the North or in the Caribbean, who displayed markedly different characteristics than southern blacks, including a quest for knowledge, higher IQs, and even more recently, higher income levels and skills (Sowell 32). In addition, there have long been "New England Enclaves" in the South where northern white teachers moved into the area after the Civil War to help educate black children. Sowell notes, "These teachers brought a wholly different culture into the South" (Sowell 36). Thus, in some areas, the New England influence changed the culture in that they grew an appreciation of education, they began to speak "proper" English, and they appreciated industry and innovation. Therefore, there were some enclaves in the South where the cracker culture did not take over, and many blacks resisted this culture or changed to represent a more northern culture. All this helps show how the cracker culture rubbed off on southern blacks, and it continues to motivate and dominate their culture today, but there are certainly pockets of blacks around the country who have many other influences in their culture and belief systems.

The author also notes that not all African-Americans are part of the ghetto culture, and that cracker culture is not the only factor in their continued life of poverty and violence. In fact, Sowell believes that white liberals and the liberalizing of society, including social reforms such as welfare and food stamps, help perpetuate these early southern values, as well. He notes that white liberals look at inner city black culture today and blame it on the effects of slavery, when in fact, black culture in the inner cities has deteriorated more since the 1960s, removing the people entirely from the effects of slavery (Sowell 34-35). By creating social reforms that support the traditions of non-work, violence, alcohol and substance abuse, and lack of education, white liberals are perpetuating the cracker culture of the South, only now they perpetuate it in the country's black ghettos. In addition, the liberal idea of "celebrating" black culture and beliefs has actually helped perpetuate the black condition in this country by attempting to accept the black cracker culture as morally acceptable because it is their "heritage," when clearly many aspects of the cracker culture are anything but celebratory or black heritage. In fact, the culture of the borderlands cracker from the British Isles died out long ago, and about the only place it remains is here in America, in black ghettos. Thus, white liberalism has simply perpetuated an undesirable culture, and now, it threatens the black ghetto communities and white communities, as well.

Sowell cites violent "gangsta rap" as another way black cracker culture is perpetuated by whites. He writes, "The thuggish gutter words and brutal hoodlum lifestyle of "gangsta rap" musicians are not merely condoned but glorified by many white intellectuals" (Sowell 55), another way liberal thought is perpetuating cracker culture, violence, and subjugation of women in the black community. Sowell believes whites have to stop looking at blacks as victims, and instead, give them the tools to help themselves, instead of perpetuating the very things that are keeping them in the ghettos.

All of this is incredibly important in the criminal justice system because blacks make up a majority of prisoners in the system, and whites are calling out that many police departments are unfairly targeting blacks as perpetrators of crimes. In reality, Sowell believes that white liberals are perpetuating this problem as well, because again, they are looking at blacks as victims, rather than as masters of their own fate. Instead of giving blacks education and the other tools they need to get out of the ghetto and the cracker culture, they instead give them social programs, teach Ebonics in the school system, and encourage them to explore their "heritage," which includes violence, excessive pride, and lack of ambition and innovation. The social programs seem to be designed to keep them where they are, rather than empowering them to change and grow, and so, the white liberal culture, no matter how "open and fair" it thinks it is, is really in the way of the cracker culture disappearing at all. Part of that white culture is the criminal justice system, which may treat blacks harsher than they treat whites, but still make it possible for the cracker culture to live in prison and in the system. Instead of accepting or punishing violent and other abusive behaviors, the system should attempt to change the culture and the individual, so they no longer respect violence, disrespect, and hatred, but instead respect education, positive growth, and non-violence, much as the New England Enclave teachers attempted to do when they went South to teach black children after the Civil War.

The history of slavery, as related by Sowell, is full of myths and misconceptions. When we think of slavery, we often tend to think of America's legacy of slavery and why it lasted so long. Little attention is given to slavery that existed all over the world, and in some cases, still exists today. In addition, we tend to think of slavery as racially motivated, but quite often, that is simply not the case. Sowell writes, "People were enslaved because they were vulnerable, not because of how they looked" (Sowell 113). That is certainly the case with African blacks that were imported to America. They were vulnerable, and did not know to fight the white men that herded them up and took them away, and so, they… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Sowell Black Rednecks and White Liberals" Assignment:

essay questions pertaining to t. sowell's book: black rednecks and white liberals are as follows:

to help guide the essey - at least address the following issues: def. of cracker culture, derivation of cracker culture, the role of migration (groups from Europe to the american south and of certain blacks from the americam south to the north). examine evidence to suooprt sowells thesis, such as the differences in performance among blacks exposed to "new england enclaves" and those who were not, and beyween west caribbean blacks and american born blacks.

1st question should be at least four double spaced pages

1. (50 pts.) what is sowell's thesis and how does he support his thesis? (few sentences or short paragraph). what role do librals play in peretuating "redneck culture" among some African Americans? Does he underestimate the role of poverty and the "enduring legacy of slavery?" should blacks be encourages to embrace "gangsta rap" as a valuable part of their African cultural heritage? how is all of this relevant to criminal justice? (chapter 1)

2. (50 pts.) discuss some of the myths and miconceptions associated with the history of slavery. be sure to describe how slavery was ended (for the most part) as well as the role played by the "founding fathers". how does Sowell argue that crime, poverty and broken families among African-Americans today have little to do with the "legacy of slavery". Why do some people distort the history and effects of slavery. what are the consequences of these distortions and what impact do such distortions have on African-Anericans today? How might these distortions play out in the realm of crine and criminal justice? (chapter 3)

3. (25 pts) bases on sowells essay, does poverty cause poor academic performance? discus the sorts of things that do and do not promote academic achievement. since we know what does work in education, why do so many people chose what doesn't work? (chapter 5)

4.(25 pts) why do liberals typically cite "oppression" as the cause of contemporary ptoblems (crime, poverty, etc.) in the African-American community? what are some alternative explanations?

5.(25 pts.) give examples of how western civilization has been misrepresented in history and why are these distortions perpetrated by certain parties?

6. (25 pts) what does Sowell mean by cosmic justice. is cosmic justice a realistic or worthy pursuit? what are some possible byproducts of the quest for cosmic justice?

How to Reference "Sowell Black Rednecks and White Liberals" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Sowell Black Rednecks and White Liberals.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/black-rednecks-white-liberals/950031. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Sowell Black Rednecks and White Liberals (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/black-rednecks-white-liberals/950031
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). Sowell Black Rednecks and White Liberals. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/black-rednecks-white-liberals/950031 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Sowell Black Rednecks and White Liberals” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/black-rednecks-white-liberals/950031.
”Sowell Black Rednecks and White Liberals” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/black-rednecks-white-liberals/950031.
[1] ”Sowell Black Rednecks and White Liberals”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/black-rednecks-white-liberals/950031. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Sowell Black Rednecks and White Liberals [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/black-rednecks-white-liberals/950031
1. Sowell Black Rednecks and White Liberals. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/black-rednecks-white-liberals/950031. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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