Term Paper on "Believability in Business Research as John Kmetz"

Term Paper 5 pages (1304 words) Sources: 4 Style: MLA

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Believability in Business Research

As John Kmetz implies, the information explosion and concomitant technological developments have had widespread implications for believability in research. Research has become both easier and more difficult as a result of the Internet. While many sources are more easily accessible, the fact that Internet publication has become widely accessible to the public often makes it difficult to find serious, valid research resources. The question of truth has therefore become central to research in any field. The result of this in turn is that an increasing amount of literature addresses the issue of validity and 'truth' in research. In addressing this issue, it is also important to consider how important the truth issue is in research. After all, research itself is focused upon studying questions and uncertainties rather than answers. Furthermore, the research findings of yesterday are more often than not either proved untrue by current research, or indeed become the questions as a result of new findings. Perhaps then the question is rather appropriateness than truth. These issues are addressed, as mentioned, by various authors, two of which include John Kmetz and Tony Oulton. Their different approaches to assessing research sources provide the researcher with valuable insight into the process of finding and selecting the most appropriate research sources in the management field.

Kmetz emphasizes that there are several fields in the management, each with its targeted literature. The important focus here is therefore to find the source that is most appropriate for the field and purpose of research. In this, five different categories are addressed, wi
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th a consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of each. Each source also has a different level of believability according to its nature and target audience.

The first category is the popular press. Kmetz includes Internet sources in this category. The major strength of this category is that it provides the reader with the most current information regarding a topic. While many have derided the Internet for its lack of credible sources, the author mentions that those sources targeted towards academic specialties such as management tend to be based upon accurate and credible reporting. In terms of believability however, the reader should distinguish between those sources whose sole purpose is to provide information and those also advocating their particular cause. Regardless of its role, the writing for popular publications is done in a very readable manner, and is therefore easy to understand and use for research purposes.

More than a possible lack of credibility in the information provided by the popular press, is its currency. The level of currency in the popular press makes for incomplete or fragmentary information. While therefore not lacking in believability as such, believability is indeed hampered by the incompleteness of the data, and the fact that the currency of the data may reflect bias. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the information provided is as such untrue.

The second source type identified by the author is practitioner books and compendia. These are popular books in the field of management. According to the author, assessing the truth of these is difficult, as there is such a wide variety of these sources.

Academic journals, books and compendia provide the researcher with greater scientific rigor than the popular press, while also being more consistent in the validity of their content than popular books. The availability of academic books and compendia may however be somewhat limited. In terms of the truth in research, these sources are therefore of the highest quality, although somewhat academic in language and expression. Academic literature tends to be conservative in terms of currency and position, but nonetheless is the most trustworthy in terms of truth.

The author suggests various ways of interpreting the above types of management literature in order to determine its level of truth and usefulness. The first evaluation criteria are time and timeliness. The author makes the point that timeliness is jeopardized by… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Believability in Business Research as John Kmetz" Assignment:

There are two sources for this Module's Case:

Tony Oulton has an interesting article about "management research for information" (Oulton, Tony. (1995) Management research for information. Library Management. Vol.16, Iss. 5; pg. 75-81 -- available through ProQuest); here's the abstract:

It is suggested that the conclusions of a research study, whether one's own or another's, have value as a source of information for decision making. Experienced managers and prompt students of management are reminded about various approaches to research. Research is defined, and an evaluation is made to determine its worth in terms of validity, reliability and generalizability. Various approaches to research, in particular quantitative and qualitative research, and the interpretation of findings are examined. The use of statistical inference, statistical expression of probability and nonparametric and multivariate statistics is explained.

Don't let the last part scare you yet; it's not all that technical.

A *****Consumer's Guide***** to the Business and Management Literature by Dr. John Kmetz of the University of Delaware (available at http://www.buec.udel.edu/kmetzj/PDF/Chapter1.pdf) is a very useful discussion of alternate kinds of sources of knowledge in the field of business.

When you've read through both of these sources, please compose a short (ca. 4-6 pages) paper on the general topic of believability in business research. The following questions are suggested as things to think about, not necessarily as point to be answered specifically in your paper:

What do each of these sources tell you about the basis for believing what you read in a research study? Do you believe them?

Are there any other insights into the question of believability that you've gained from the Background Readings? The General References listed at the top of the Background Readings page? Other sources? What are the insights?

We said earlier that this course was to cultivate in you twin capacities: to be practitioners capable of conducting research in your domain, and to be educated users and critics of the research of others. To what degree might these things require different skills? What might those differences be?

What's the current state of your thinking about believability? How can we ensure that we disseminate only truth in our own research? How can we be sure that we believe only the truth in others' research?

How important is truth, really, to the businesses and organizations with whom we work and on behalf of whom we conduct research?

When your paper is done, send it in to CourseNet.

Chapter 1

A *****Consumer's Guide***** to the Business and Management



This chapter began years ago as a short *****tip sheet***** for students who were often puzzled

and frustrated by their ventures into the academic literature. These experiences were

usually motivated by course requirements from faculty in our MBA program, most of

whom genuinely believed that the rigor and quality of the research reported in the

academic journals exceeded that from any other source. Students were therefore not only

encouraged but required to become consumers of material from the academic journals as

well as other more general sources of information.

The literature of management has been very much a part of the broader

*****information explosion***** of recent decades. Consumers seeking to use this material must

cope with a bewildering variety of information. This variety not only takes the form of a

huge number of sources, but differences along many dimensions*****”specificity, readability,

and applicability, among others. The *****quality***** of many publications is perceived

differently by different users, and advice from these sources on what to believe and to do

is often confusing and contradictory.

This chapter has two purposes. The first is to provide a guide to interpreting and

using the management literature, to help one search through the material, categorize and

sort it expediently, and make one*****s own decisions about the quality and utility of the

information found. If a consumer using information gathered and summarized by others in

the form of reports or reviews, these guidelines will help to formulate relevant questions to

ask of those who provide the original information. In that regard, the second purpose is to

provide a critical view of the management literature, to balance the arguments of the

*****champions***** of each category below.

The basic message of this chapter is quite simple: there is a lot of information out

there competing for attention, and there is a great deal of good material in that. At the

same time, every source of information has its limitations, and there is no single source

that either is without some drawbacks on one hand, or that can meet the information needs

of every consumer every time, on the other. Some means of making a decision about what

to use for different purposes is needed, and this chapter is intended to provide some help

toward that end.

Locating and Selecting What Is Needed

The ability to keep up with all the literature in even a specialized field is rapidly being

overwhelmed by the volume of material available. This is one of the key implications of

the information explosion. Fortunately, recent advances in electronic search and

information retrieval have at least made searching the literature much more efficient.


While electronic databases are not yet entirely comprehensive, almost all new material can

be located electronically (and a significant amount of older material is being added all the

time). Finding time to read it all is another matter, of course.

Databases are being created by individual libraries around the country, and most

now provide comprehensive lists of the holdings of these libraries. The University of

Delaware, for example, has created DelCat for its book holdings, similar to the electronic

catalogs at the majority of US libraries; Web links to the electronic catalogs of many other

libraries are available. There are extensive CD-ROM databases for journals and

periodicals, and these are of enormous value to the business researcher. The main

difference between the book and periodical databases is that abstracts or descriptions of the

contents of books are not provided, so that the user cannot make a preliminary evaluation

of the contents. This is particularly unfortunate in the case of the specialized books, which

often provide excellent summaries of particular areas of research; this is also changing.

Access to these resources at Delaware is available through campus terminals or an outside

modem at (302) 831-0100 (up to 33000 bps). Modem settings are No parity, 8 data bits,

and 1 stop bit (N-8-1). A Web browser is needed to use the Library databases, and for the

Web version of DelCat. Browsers may be obtained for free by University students from

the Smith Hall computing site or by downloading from the University technology support

Web site.

The other type of information which is not always located through a database

search is from the proceedings of the professional societies. Unlike most professional

groups in the physical sciences and engineering, not all of the social sciences abstract and

keyword the majority of their papers, and so many do not appear in the databases. There

is a major difference between the types of materials covered in proceedings, depending on

the discipline. In the physical sciences, proceedings carry summaries of the most current

materials being presented at a professional conference; in the management literature, they

either carry developmental or preliminary work or papers not considered good enough to

submit to journals.

In addition, there are rapidly-growing numbers of Web sites which also provide

information directly from the source (for example, the International Standards

Organization and the World Trade Organization, both located in Geneva, Switzerland,

support excellent Web pages). Given the diversity of sites and flexibility of access and

operation, the Web has become a major gateway for information that fits into all of the

categories below.

Types of Literature

At first glance, the management literature may appear to be much more homogeneous than

it really is. There are actually several different management literatures, and each of these

occupies a specialized niche. Thus, an important problem is how to find the appropriate


material for the consumer*****s needs. To a considerable extent, this requires some idea of the

content carried in each of the different categories of material.

I will begin by categorizing the types of literature in the field, and then offer

suggestions on methods to locate, select, and interpret the types. The management

literature can be roughly divided into five groups:

1. *****Popular press***** and electronic documents

The *****popular press***** refers to general readership publications, including such well-known

names as The Economist, Business Week, Fortune, Inc., and many others. Also included

in this category are business newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal and Barron*****s. A

lesser-known set of publications in this group comes from various government or serviceorganization

publishers, including publications such as Business America from the US

Department of Commerce, and materials from the Chamber of Commerce. Most are

distributed nationally, and many of them are also distributed electronically through the

World Wide Web.

The familiar trade publications found in nearly every industry in the US and

elsewhere also fall into this category. These are valuable sources of information specific

to an industry, and many carry articles on broader management practices similar to those

found in the national publications. These are increasingly being widely distributed through

electronic media, and have become much more accessible than in the recent past.

The most current *****newsworthy***** information on matters in the business world is

found in the popular press. If the researcher wants current information on the Pacific Rim

or Europe, it is most likely to be found in this category. The market niche these

publications target is the business or technical reader; they differ in orientation, in that the

mass-market publications aim for general information while the trade journals are highly

specific to industries. Their values are for practical, hands-on, applicable information that

will be useful to their readers. *****Reportage, not analysis***** is the simplest characterization

of material carried in these outlets.

2. Practitioner books and compendia

The type of book found here is practitioner-*****, such as Blown to Bits, Competing for

the Future, The One-Minute Manager, and countless others. They are found in

bookstores, newsstands, and airport terminals all over the world. Two examples of these

types of books are Goldratt*****s (1986) The Goal, which has been both a commercial success

and has had wide impact on manufacturing management in the US and abroad; another is

Peters and Waterman*****s (1982) In Search of Excellence, which has been a commercial

success and very influential, but has also been roundly criticized as being a poor

prescription for many firms (and equally poor at identifying *****excellent*****companies). These

books emphasize readability and applicability, and target the executive and professional


markets; indeed a large part of this category is made up of the *****professional***** press. *****A

book for every occasion***** might characterize material in these publications.

3. Practitioner journals

These are journals written primarily by academics and published through universities or

academic outlets, but with content ***** toward practitioners. Included in this group

are The Academy of Management Executive, and others such as the Harvard Business

Review, California Management Review, and Organizational Dynamics.

While the number of these journals is relatively small, they have a well-defined

niche, being written primarily for executives and management professionals. They also

serve as outlets for academics who want to write for executives and colleagues, but in

executives***** terms. The practitioner journals serve as a bridge between the popular press

and academic materials, in that many ideas from the theoretical world can be made

accessible to potential users. What appears in these journals is less likely to be as current

as the popular press, but it is still topical. Articles on new theoretical or other academic

developments are often covered; they provide some insight into the current thinking in

academia, but are not necessarily as concerned with theoretical developments or technical

issues as the academic literature. The values reflected in these journals are also those

common to both the practitioner and the theoretician*****”both want fresh information and

new ideas, but want some objectivity and closure as well. *****Bridges, not new roads***** are

characteristic of the material in these journals.

4. Academic books and compendia

Literature in this category comes from specialized academic publishers of books and

collections of materials, principally to provide outlets for research summaries, essays,

theoretical articles, and similar materials. (This may be changing*****”in recent years

competitive pressures have forced many o f these houses to offer more professional titles.)

Publishing houses such as *****, JAI, Lawrence Erlbaum, and Ashgate are well-established

in this area. While these are ***** toward academics and researchers, these compendia

are generally made up of chapters and essays by well-established scholars in the field, who

provide an overview of the area and point out its strengths, along with its limitations and

shortcomings as well. Most of these summaries are based on journal publications, but are

not journal publications themselves.

Additionally, of course, there is the college textbook, by no means a homogeneous

type itself, but sharing a common orientation to the undergraduate or graduate student.

Texts are highly variable with respect to the depth of coverage of material and orientation

(theory versus practice), but they usually value clarity and are aimed at the mass market

for students. Texts therefore are valued for readability as well as for scholarly criteria, and

do not assume familiarity with the field. The purposes and values of these publications are


similar to those of the other three categories, respectively, for each type of publication. *****A

book for every discipline***** is the characteristic of these publications.

5. Academic journals

These are journals which publish academic theory and research. They carry articles

almost exclusively written and read by academics. Several kinds of articles are published,

but most are either theoretical papers or literature reviews, or the results of empirical

research itself. These are highly specialized, and assume that the reader is familiar with

previous research done in specialized fields on which articles are written. Most

professional organizations publish proceedings of their major meetings, and these include

material similar to the professional journals. Both frequently require expertise in

complicated statistical and mathematical procedures, and give much detail on the steps

taken in the research being reported. Because of these properties, their articles have highly

selective audiences, and usually do not report information in a way which lends itself to

direct application.

In the academic world, where much of one*****s career depends on *****publish or perish*****

criteria, there has been a tremendous expansion of these journals and outlets. The market

niche these journals occupy is almost exclusively the academic world, with very little

readership among practitioners. The purpose of the journals is to enable scholars to

communicate their theories and findings with each other; of equal importance is to enhance

the prestige of the contributing authors and their institutions. Their nominal values are

those of science and the scientific method. *****Analysis, not reportage***** is the characteristic

of these journals.

Survey Research

One other popular type of research has generated many questions from students over the

years, and this is the survey. While not a category in their own right, surveys are a

popular way to gather empirical data on many subjects, and are widely used to evaluate

many questions, both for academic research and for practical matters in industry and

elsewhere. While they are relatively easy to do and are very flexible, those same

properties make it easy for them to be done poorly. Statistical significance is not so much

the issue with surveys, but two problems afflict many of them: (1) wording of survey

questions, and (2) the nature of the sampling and data collection.

A good survey always follows three guidelines: (1) it uses neutrally-worded

questions; (2) it uses a random (probability) sample; and (3) data are collected from all

sample members. The last part is often the hardest, and the most important*****”if the

researcher does not get all the members of the sample, a survey cannot be truly considered

as representative.


The divergence between the categories of literature also reflects the diversity of

topics in the field. There is an abundance of interesting things to write about in business

and management, and each category of literature carries information which is *****valid*****

within its own sphere. However, readership studies and reports (Buckley, Ferris,

Bernardin, & Harvey, 1998; Byrne, 1990; Gopinath & Hoffman, 1995; Hambrick, 1994;

Thomas & Kilmann, 1994; Lorsch, 1979; Oviatt & Miller, 1989; Price, 1985; Kilmann,

Thomas, Slevin, Nath, & Jerrell, 1994) consistently show a nearly complete divergence

between those who read popular press versus academic journals (categories 1 and 2 vs. 4

and 5), and only limited integration of these materials through the practitioner journals in

category (3). This is even true in education (Miller, 1999), and is evidenced by the July

14, 2000 introduction of a bill by Delaware*****s US Representative Michael Castle to require

scientific standards for education research. What is *****current***** or *****useful***** or *****good***** is

therefore by no means similar between categories, and there is every reason to expect that

what is considered valuable by those who read one category will not necessarily even be

known to other consumers.

However, from the perspective of what the different types of materials try to

accomplish, it should be borne in mind that each has its special contribution to make. The

popular press is invaluable for current information in a rapidly changing, time-driven

business environment, and not everything that business does lends itself to scientific

investigation. Those interested in underlying, deeper trends and phenomena must detach

themselves from the everyday din of business to look more carefully into data specifically

gathered to address those issues. Thus, the reality is that no single source or type of

literature can do everything that all consumers might need, and materials from the different

sources are not interchangeable. Each category of the business and management literature

has its strengths and weaknesses, and the next section will summarize these.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Literature Types

1. The popular press. The major strengths of the popular press and Internet sources are

that they are current, keyed to the specialized interests of their readership, and highly

readable. More than any other category, quality of writing is important to most popular

publications, and the information in them is much more comprehensible, and therefore

useful, to readers. The major publications in the field have highly accurate, credible

reporting; this may not necessarily be true of all Web sources, however, since many of

them have advocacy roles as well as simply providing information.

The problem inherent in the popular press is the same as its strength*****”currency.

This means that much of the information in this category is incomplete and uneven, in the

sense that some aspects of an issue may be very well developed while other parts are only

fragmentary. Usually this is the nature of *****news**********”the story is only partially complete.

On a few occasions, this unevenness may reflect conscious or unconscious biases from

authors or editorial staff. Coupled with these limitations is the lack of scientific rigor*****”

measures and criteria, other than relatively standard financial and physical performance


data, are often not provided or well explained. In some cases, reports of outcomes are not

well substantiated. *****Faddishness***** is one of the inherent risks of reliance on popular

reporting*****”concepts of what is ideal, or even workable, may come and go very rapidly,

with little solid evidence of utility, acceptability, or economic payoff.

The World Wide Web is a particularly interesting case. The freedom and ease of

access inherent in the Web allow one to find anything from jumper settings on computer

hard disks to restoration of the American chestnut tree. It also allows hate groups and

terrorists to communicate freely at the other extreme. With its appetite for timely

information, the business community depends on the Web increasingly, not only for

conduct of its B2B transactions, but for more general information as well. Some of this,

from professional news sources and reporting organizations, is monitored and subject to

editorial controls which place a premium on accuracy; other information sources place a

premium on image. For one example, I have yet to read a clear description of the details

of the Procter & Gamble matrix organization on their website; for another, I have students

do country reports on European nations for one of my courses, and despite the fact that

unemployment in the European Union hovered around 11 percent for much of the midand

late 1990's, it was nearly impossible to find any member of the EU 15 nations which

reported unemployment higher than that average on their official national websites!

2. Practitioner books and compendia. The diversity of this field makes generalizations

about strengths and weaknesses very difficult. The popular-market books are of such

variable quality and diverse focus that they cannot really be summarized. The best advice

one can give is to read reviews of them, if available, and to maintain a healthy skepticism

about them. Many of these books are written from the point of view of one individual*****s

beliefs and experiences, and no matter how heartfelt the author*****s convictions that these

personal lessons represent generalizable truths, the validity of this view is hard to establish.

These books can be as subject to faddishness as the popular press, and are often the

primary vehicle for new fads. Caution is the watchword.

Having given that caution, it is only fair to note that many very high-quality books

and compendia have been generated within this category, particularly the professional

press. Anyone who has uttered the words, *****core competence***** has been influenced by

Competing for the Future (Hamel & Prahalad, 1994); A Future Perfect (Micklethwait &

Wooldridge, 2000) is one of the most lucid and balanced examinations of globalization to

be found anywhere; The Fifth Discipline (Senge, 1990) has arguably done more to make

managers aware of the complexities of organizations than anyone before in the field of

systems theory. Consumers can get major value from sources like these, but there are

many volumes in this group which are thinly disguised *****pitches***** for a new fad, many of

which can be damaging to company health; one is inclined to think of reengineering as a

case in point (Hammer & Champy, 1993).

3. Practitioner journals. The strengths of the practitioner journals are that they usually

are less subject to faddishness than the popular press, and that their articles undergo a


review process similar to the academic journals. These journals are also highly readable,

and do not presume expertise (or much interest) in methodology or theory. They deal

with current events, but often with more objectivity than the popular press.

The weaknesses of the practitioner journals are that they sometimes drift in the

direction of philosophy and generality, and that they have limited immediate application

potential for either practitioners or academic researchers. This lack of direct utility is a

function of the *****bridge***** role that these journals play: they typically try to avoid

involvement in short-term trends and industry-specific issues, but also avoid reporting

many of the theoretical and research-methodological questions of greatest interest to

academics. Partly because of this breadth of interests, they can sometimes fall prey to

faddishness*****”arguments long on philosophy and short on validity have found outlets here:

the end of nationality-based consumer preferences (Levitt, 1983), organizational

reengineering (Hammer, 1990), and the death of hierarchy through computers (Leavitt &

Whisler, 1958).

4. Academic books and compendia. Compendia and annual editions are very similar to

the academic journals in both their strengths and weaknesses. One of the major

advantages of many of these works is that they summarize and evaluate progress in whole

areas of academic research*****”often some of the best literature reviews of a field are to be

found in these publications. But as was noted above, the fact that these are not *****journals*****

means that many of these items slip through the databases, so that their availability is more

limited. Also, these materials are usually prepared from a research perspective, and thus

tend to be technical and presume familiarity with the research area. Because their

readership is academic, there is a tendency to present materials in academic terminology,

which may result in the reviews being far less useful to non-expert consumers than they

might otherwise be.

5. Academic journals. The strengths of the academic journals, grounded in the traditions

and value system surrounding academic research, are that they try to avoid the pitfalls of

popular literature through application of relatively more scientific rigor. While academic

research may not reflect current events, and may be very conservative in its willingness to

advocate a position (or even a firm conclusion, in many cases), the objectivity of the

research, the scrutiny of reviewers before an article is published, and the reliance on more

rigorous methods all reduce subjectivity, faddishness, and unclear thinking, especially in

the empirical research literature. The primary safeguard against such errors is the use of

quantitative measures and careful data collection, along with statistical analysis to analyze

and evaluate the data. The assessment of *****meaning***** is fundamentally shaped by what

empirical data say.

The weaknesses of the academic literature, as with other literatures, are the obverse

of the strengths. The social science model that predominates in management research is

far less mature than the model of the *****hard***** sciences. Thus, while the traditions and

values of the scientific approach are adhered to as far as the field will allow, much


improvement in the social science model in management research is needed before this

literature can be considered truly *****scientific.*****

An irony in this connection is that while many individual studies in the social

science tradition are quite good, the literature as a whole falls far short of achieving

scientific credibility. Generally speaking, the more closely the academic literature

approaches the methods and procedures of the *****soft***** social sciences, such as

communication, decision making, motivation, leadership, team building and group

behaviors, school psychology, and the like, the more unlikely it is that individual studies or

the literature as a whole have scientific validity (Meehl, 1967). This weakness will be

discussed in more detail below.

Suggestions for Interpreting Management Literature

Interpretation is the hardest part of the job in using the management literature. Each of the

different categories above has at least one unique strength not found in other categories,

and at least one major drawback or limitation which is not offset by any of the others. The

short answer to the question of what to accept or believe, then, is that it falls to the user.

At present, none of the categories provides completely reliable or generalizable


Two general points should be kept in mind when evaluating information from any

of these sources. The first concerns time and timeliness. In general, the more rigor

involved in publishing anything, the less timely it becomes. Thus, one is always faced

with a tradeoff between timeliness of information and something approaching more

*****scientific***** rigor. However, this is not a simple time-vs.-quality tradeoff; each category

contains examples of high and low quality relative to others within its group.

The second point is that there is an underlying economic motivation to all of these

types of publications. In the case of purely commercial publications, the motivation is

simple and direct*****”sell copies. In other cases, and particularly the academic literature, the

motivation is indirect. Journals and books may be used to build personal and institutional

prestige, which results in pay raises and the ability to attract good faculty and students. In

my first academic job at the University of Southern California, a wise senior colleague

once advised me that there are only two questions that really matter in academic

publication. If the publication is a book, the question is *****Will it sell?;***** if an article, the

question is *****Will it impress?***** I have never found reason to discount that wisdom, and I

would recommend that it be borne in mind by any consumer.

By this point, the reader may have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to

find anything that can be believed, and to trust nothing, no matter what the source. That is

far from the case. It is important to bear in mind that in nearly any kind of serious

literature the author or researcher is not intending to deceive. Even when errors are found,


they are usually the result of misinformation, miseducation, often with the best of

intentions, or simply an honest mistake.

Fortunately, the increasing ease of access to information provides opportunities to

cross-check and broadly evaluate material and ideas. In addition, we can formulate some

guidelines to help interpret these literatures, once we are aware of their relative strengths

and weaknesses. In fact, many of the limitations in one category often suggest some of

the precautionary steps we should take in another.

General Suggestions for Interpreting Information

MAGIC. One excellent general set of guidelines for the evaluation of information comes

from Abelson (1995), a source which is really intended for more technical academic

audiences but in my view has wide applicability in all categories. He refers to the

following five criteria which are summarized by the acronym *****MAGIC:*****

Magnitude (of effect or outcome)*****”*****how large?,***** *****how often?,***** *****what percentage

of events?***** *****what are base rates?***** are the kinds of questions we should ask to see

how large an effect is.

Articulation (of argument, including possible opposing positions)*****”is the research

story told well, and does it consider both sides of an argument in reasoned form?

Generality (breadth of applicability)*****”is the argument something that has wide

implications, or is it very specific to a time or set of circumstances, and how is that

claim supported?

Interestingness ( the argument has the potential to influence someone, perhaps to

even change beliefs)*****”this is usually a matter of having compelling support for an


Credibility (whether the argument is methodologically or perhaps theoretically

sound)*****”have alternative arguments been confronted? Are the data *****too good to

be true?***** Is the conclusion based on a small difference of one out of 100 findings

or only on personal experience?

Although Abelson addresses an academic audience whose interests are in using

statistical information most effectively, his ideas strike me as having much applicability to

many questions we face in business, where cause and effect can never be that clear and

every story might have another side we have not yet considered. Without too much effort,

it is easy to apply MAGIC criteria to many kinds of questions.

Measurement. In any of the categories of literature (not just empirical studies and

surveys), *****results,***** *****findings,***** *****payoffs,***** and similar things are often reported. Thus,


another very useful question to ask is *****How was that measured?***** Often the details are not

supplied, or the *****result***** is not supported. Whether someone claims that there was a huge

benefit from a new information system or a huge unrecovered cost, it is always a good

idea to ask how that result was obtained. Measuring most things, even the seemingly

obvious ones like costs and returns, is often harder than it first seems. For that reason, it is

worth keeping in mind that most surveys are not cheap or simple, and are not undertaken

out of disinterest in the outcome.

This is an area where the academic research literature has a lot of value. Whether

we think a particular theory or idea is worth studying or not, we usually can tell how data

were obtained. It is common to publish the actual measures used, no matter what the

variables being studied. This is very unusual in the other categories of literature. Once

again, however, be wary of the claims of what those measures *****show**********”this is the

interpretational problem.

Advocacy and Generalizability. Any item in the literature must be evaluated carefully for

its generalizability. The primary question is the extent to which a finding can be

considered to be representative of a large group*****”does the result apply in general? In the

popular press, many single-case or single-company studies are reported, and the extent to

which the conclusions from one study might apply to a broader population of

organizations is always an open question.

A common characteristic of materials which are argued to be generalizable is the

advocacy of some position, whether intended or not. A problem or an opportunity may be

widespread; convincing people that it is also huge is much more likely to evoke action

than something widespread but small. Since the time and energy to do a study or an

article showing some effect is usually not trivial, there is a vested interest in having some

impact when the story comes out. This can easily lead to the kind of sensationalism that

Stossel (1997) calls *****junk science.*****

Multiple Sources. One of the benefits of having several different categories of material to

draw from is that they allow consumers to cross-check arguments. This may not always

be possible because some topics tend to be specific to one or the other of the categories,

but over time a topic usually generates multiple papers and studies, and even within a

category some *****triangulation***** is possible. With the increasing ease of literature searches

through databases and the Web, finding multiple items is less of a problem than before.

For any kind of material, it is always useful to avoid extremes, either in sources we

select, or in criteria we use to accept material of a specific type. Just because some

advocacy researchers are prone to overstatement in their zeal, it is not necessarily true that

advocacy of a particular position is unwarranted. Neither is it true that *****objective*****

researchers have no stake in the outcomes of their research. We might value experience

more than experiment, and therefore tend to disregard academic research in favor of

*****stories from the trenches.***** But it is hard to generalize from one experience to another,


and so we might do well to take a more dispassionate look at a subject if we can, and

academic research often meets that need very well.

Suggestions for Interpreting Academic Research Information

The academic literature is harder to evaluate because of its specialized nature and the

persistence of many of the limitations discussed earlier. In many cases, to be quite frank,

there is little reason for the research consumer to go into this material directly unless

needing some very specialized information in the field being investigated, and frequently

with the help of a knowledgeable assistant. Given the specialized nature of this body of

literature, it is necessary to go into some additional details on the problems inherent in it,

particularly the empirical research in the field.

Limitations of the Academic Literature. In the academic world, the professional

journals and materials are valued above all others. They are considered to provide the

most rigorous analysis of important questions and serve as communication media among

professionals. However, the primary weaknesses to guard against in the academic

literature are those inherent to the *****soft***** social sciences, which are weak sciences at best

(Meehl, 1986; Meehl, 1990) and in my view are not yet fully *****science***** at all. Those

wishing to go into this question in more detail should read Chapter 4.

The majority of my comments in this section are related to the empirical research

literature in management. A bit of background or review may be helpful. Empirical

research is usually conducted by forming a theoretical model, stated in the form of one or

more hypotheses; gathering data to measure the variables in the model; and then

examining the results. The paper derived from this process is then submitted to a

professional journal. It is almost certain that it will be subjected to blind peer review;

unlike the physical sciences, it is likely to be revised one or more times on the basis of

reviewer comments before finally being accepted for publication. However, the large

majority of articles submitted to the most prestigious of these journals are rejected.

The questions we ask in empirical research studies can almost all be reduced to

one of two forms*****”whether one group of items is different from another, or whether two

groups are associated with each other. All that we really measure in research are these

two things*****”differences or associations. Differences are usually measured as the

difference between averages or means, and association is usually measured as a

correlation. We refer to the difference or the association as the effect, and to its

magnitude as the effect size (technically, this is a *****raw***** effect, not *****standardized,***** but this

point need not concern us here).

For example, we want to know whether classroom training for workers actually

improves job performance. We may sample people given classroom training and people

not given classroom training, and compare their job performance to see whether there is a

difference. We could also see whether people given more hours of training perform better


than those with fewer hours, to see whether the amount of classroom training is associated

with job performance. The research question is to see whether differences in training are

related to differences in performance, i.e., a performance effect.

Since we call this kind of question an hypothesis, the overall process of collecting

data and analyzing it this way is hypothesis testing. Also, we almost always base our

studies on samples of people, rather than a whole population. We state our hypothesis in a

form known as a null hypothesis, which proposes that the groups to be evaluated are

assumed to be drawn from the same population, even if we really do not think they are.

For example, even though we sample people given classroom training and people not

given classroom training, the null hypothesis says that we assume there will be no

difference in performance between them, as if they came from the same untrained

population*****”this is why we call the hypothesis *****null.***** The objective of testing the null

hypothesis is to see whether we can reject it*****”the null hypothesis is a *****straw man***** we try

to knock down. If the difference is big enough, or the association strong enough, we reject

the null hypothesis, and conclude that we cannot say that classroom training did not make

a difference in job performance (but we still cannot say with certainty that it did). This

may seem a strange way to do empirical research, but this method lets us use some very

powerful statistical tools.

How do we know if we found anything? To answer that question, we need to look

at the effect size, and that is straightforward: if there is a difference between things, or an

association between things, how big is it? The problem is deciding when an effect is big

enough to be meaningful. There are no short, good answers to that question*****”in the end, it

falls on the researcher to conclude that the effect size is meaningful, and on the consumer

to decide if the researcher has made a convincing case.

So far, this all sounds very good, and these general methods can be applied to

many different kinds of data. This analytical technique can be a very powerful tool if used

correctly. Unfortunately, there are several problems in the soft social science model which

greatly limit the utility of much academic business research. Although I am treating them

separately, they are highly interdependent. Three problems in particular are endemic to

the soft social science research tradition: (1) the lack of research replication; (2) the

inability to cumulate or generalize the results of research; and (3) the incorrect

interpretation of statistical significance.

These problems are discussed in more detail in Chapter 4, but the practices of the

*****soft***** social science model are such that virtually no research is ever replicated, so that

errors may go undetected, challenges to published interpretations of findings are not likely

to be reported, or failures to replicate a published study are not reported. For a number of

reasons, there is a premium placed on novelty and originality in this research tradition, so

that nearly every study published is dissimilar in some respects to previous work (even on

the same subject), so cumulation of research toward reasonably firm conclusions is not



Finally, statistical significance has effectively become a substitute for effect sizes,

meaning that many conclusions based on *****support***** from statistical significance are highly

questionable, and any finding based on a large sample will be able to claim *****support***** for a

theory based on *****rejection***** of the null hypothesis. This is simply an error, and is a very

serious limitation to the credibility of research based on soft social science methods. For

present purposes, the only thing we need to be aware of is that the p level tells us the

likelihood that we got the data we did as a result of sampling error, or P(D|H), and nothing


The consumer should always be mindful of an obvious but crucial difference

between the social and physical sciences*****”the physical world can be counted on to behave

in ways determined by physical forces, and the world of human behavior cannot. In the

business world, this is especially true since organizations strive to differentiate themselves

from others, and to find a niche where they can succeed. This precaution becomes very

important when reading popular-market books *****based on the research.***** But because of

the limitations of academic research based on statistical significance, just about any

position on any argument can be *****supported***** in that literature as well. Most academic

researchers make the statistical misinterpretations discussed above, and the *****best***** journals

are filled with them.

Effect Size Is What Matters. How should we evaluate an empirical study if we need to?

The answer to that problem is straightforward: the user should consider the effect size, and

can use that to further evaluate the power of the test. *****Power***** in the broad sense (i.e, not

strictly just 1 - $) depends on three things: (1) the effect size, (2) the level of statistical

significance, as a check on P(D|H), and (3) sample size.

For example, if we measured two groups on a five-point scale of performance on

some task, is it important that the average for Group A is 3.87, and the average for Group

B is 3.99? On a five-point scale, a difference of 0.12 units (the effect) is so small we

would probably conclude it means nothing; on the other hand, means of 3.13 and 3.99 are

far enough apart to indicate that these groups probably differ in some material way. This

is exactly what *****effect***** means.

Effect sizes in tests of association are usually expressed as correlation coefficients

(r for simple correlation and R for multiple correlation). Correlations are best interpreted

conservatively as squared values: that interpretation is literally *****the percentage of variance

in the dependent variable explained by the independent variable(s).***** An r of .21 explains a

little more than 4 percent of the variance in the dependent variable (.0441, to be exact)*****”

the other 96 percent is unexplained.

The interpretation of findings through statistical power makes very good sense: we

consider sample size (and method, by implication) to determine if we have enough of the

right cases to measure what we want; we check statistical significance to estimate the risk

of sampling error; and then we see how big the effect is. Based primarily on the latter, we


make our call as to what the results tell us. (Although it is never seen in the management

or social sciences, I agree with Cohen (1990, 1994) that confidence intervals should be

reported as well.) When reading a paper, look for direct reporting of effects*****”usually

mean differences or correlation coefficients (there are also specialized and standardized

measures of effect size, but these are rarely used). Since results reported in many studies

are not measures of effect size, be prepared to simply disregard them.

There has been a recent important improvement in the reporting of results. Since

1995, the American Psychological Association has required publication of R2 and adjusted

R2. Shortly thereafter, the Academy of Management followed suit, and an article by

Waller, Huber, and Glick (1995) actually discussed the importance of Type II error (an

important source of error which is completely ignored when the criterion of merit is

statistical significance); there was even a short discussion of the issue of statistical power

in that article. In addition, there are some journals where publication of data to support

meta-analysis has been encouraged, to allow better accumulation of studies (see Hunter,

Schmidt, and Jackson (1982) for a clear and convincing explanation of meta-analysis, or

Schmidt (1992) for a briefer discussion; like Cohen (1990, 1994), I am a big fan of metaanalysis).

The American Psychological Association Task Force on Statistical Inference

(Wilkinson & the Task Force on Statistical Inference, 1999), about which we will hear

more in Chapter 4, also recommended some positive changes in reporting and discussing

research results. But unfortunately, the Task Force failed to fully confront the limitations

of significance testing, and that problem persists and in fact, is spreading and

contaminating other areas of research outside the soft social sciences.

Interpreting Survey Results. I noted earlier that if a researcher does not get all the

members of a survey sample, the results cannot be truly considered as representative. This

is where many surveys get into trouble, and can become misleading. Allowing

respondents to select themselves (actively or passively*****”i.e., allowing some participants to

not participate, or simply not chasing down the final hard-to-reach subjects) creates what

Norman Bradburn of the National Opinion Research Centers calls *****SLOPS**********”Self

seLected Opinion PollS (Tanur, 1994). However trendy or otherwise interesting, these

are not representative surveys. An example of a SLOPS survey is the famous *****fax poll*****

of Ross Perot during the 1992 Presidential campaign. He reported that the overwhelming

response of the *****survey***** (*****50 percent of the American people*****) was in favor of an

immediate balanced budget. While half of the people who faxed may have stated that

opinion, this was by no means a representative survey*****”only those who were already

watching, a self-selected audience, knew there was a survey being done, and of those the

only respondents were those with a fax machine (which the majority of the population has

never owned).

The problem of wording of survey questions often produces results which are very

good at attracting attention, but very poor at providing information. Daniel Koshland,

editor of Science, refers to these as *****Oy Veys,***** rather than true surveys (Tanur, 1994).

Either of these can yield results which are fun, exciting, sensational, and often the raw


material for a book or an appearance on a talk show, but they are not science. An example

of this (and a SLOPS as well) was the famous Shere Hite survey of women*****s relationships

conducted through Redbook magazine. She asked readers to complete an eight-page

longhand form describing women*****s problems in their relationships with men, and then

published it as representative of the whole population. She made claims such as *****98

percent of the women in the US feel men treat them in demeaning ways in their

relationships.***** The criticism of her incorrect methods became so intense that she

eventually left the US, and now lives in Switzerland (doing the same thing, by the way).

The recent popular book Stiffed (Faludi, 1999) makes an equally serious error of nonrepresentative

sampling of American males, many of which would be considered fringe

groups. All of these are fun to read, but none of them are *****science,***** any more than the

conclusions one might reach by surveying customers as they enter a Wal-Mart.

Learning from Surveys*****”Four General Questions. The discussion of surveys

earlier also suggests four very good questions to keep in mind in evaluating nearly any

item from the management literature: (1) Who sponsored the survey (or study, or

article)?; (2) How was the sample determined (or source of any kind)?; (3) How were the

data collected?; (4) How were the questions worded? For cases involving specific survey

questionnaires, we might also ask, (5) How were options for responses arranged? The

first four questions are useful for just about anything in the literature*****”books and articles

from descriptive and non-research literature, as well as surveys and academic research.

*****Keep It Simple, Stupid.***** Another guideline is to place relatively more weight on

conservative statistical procedures, simple designs, and simple methods when making

judgements about the reliability of research claims. It is also completely appropriate to be

skeptical of studies relying on multivariate methods. This is contrary to much of the

conventional wisdom that leads to a bountiful career as an academic researcher, but

multivariate methods often produce statistics which are difficult to interpret clearly, such

as interaction effects. Many multivariate procedures rely on model assumptions which are

frequently unmet, and multivariate methods always capitalize on any form of random

association between measures, no matter what the source. Abelson (1995) points out that

many of these rely on omnibus tests and are about as precise as *****playing a guitar while

wearing mittens.*****

In contrast, tests of differences between group means and tests of association

through correlation or contingency tests are robust, well understood, and have meaningful

interpretations. In a literature review, findings based on these simpler procedures should

always be given more weight than results from complex or multivariate procedures.

Simple procedures are always the most powerful.

If these guidelines are followed in evaluating the academic research, using it will

be much easier for the simple reason that the majority of it will be rejected as inconclusive.

And that is completely appropriate*****”no user wants to base important decisions on

ambiguous information, and if that is all there is, then we want to develop our own.


On the other hand, while the null hypothesis is something we continue to use in the

academic literature despite its flaws, it suggests a good approach to interpreting much of

what we read from any source: assume it is no different from anything else you have read

before. If you are convinced it had value at the end of the item, then it probably did. But

a willingness to ask hard questions, and a healthy skepticism, is a good perspective for any

consumer or any researcher.


Much of this chapter has focused on the limitations of the different categories of

management literature rather than the relative advantages. In part, I have chosen this

because any of the sources tend to be championed by those who find them most helpful, of

course; there is, in other words, an inherent form of *****advocacy***** which characterizes all the

different types of literature. Those who favor the richness and currency of company case

histories prefer the popular and *****bridge-journal***** presses; scholars and academics favor the

academic research journals; and so on.

But while I have been critical of all of these sources, each also has its advantages,

and no single source can provide all the information consumers might want for different

purposes. The point is that we need to look at both the roses and the thorns to have a

balanced view of what the literature has to offer. We are fortunate to have rich

information resources available to us, and we want to use that resource as intelligently and

effectively as we can. I hope this guide will provide some assistance in that direction.

Beware the *****Canals on Mars*****

There is a famous story about Sir Percival Lowell*****s study of the canals on Mars, based on

his years of observations from the Lowell Observatory. He saw them because he *****knew*****

they were there from the 1877 work of Giovanni Schiaparelli, and carefully documented

and mapped how they changed over the seasons. He also found almost four times as

many canali as Schiaparelli! Having our present knowledge of Mars***** topography from

unmanned landings and close satellite photography, we now know there are no such

features at all. True believers in a particular management approach (or anything else) will

always *****find***** support for it. This is true for any kind of literature at all, and if even the

most careful of hard scientists can fall prey to it, the popular press and social sciences are

even more prone. Beware of the canals on Mars!



How to Reference "Believability in Business Research as John Kmetz" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Believability in Business Research as John Kmetz.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/believability-business-research/782618. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Believability in Business Research as John Kmetz (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/believability-business-research/782618
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Believability in Business Research as John Kmetz. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/believability-business-research/782618 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Believability in Business Research as John Kmetz” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/believability-business-research/782618.
”Believability in Business Research as John Kmetz” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/believability-business-research/782618.
[1] ”Believability in Business Research as John Kmetz”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/believability-business-research/782618. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Believability in Business Research as John Kmetz [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/believability-business-research/782618
1. Believability in Business Research as John Kmetz. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/believability-business-research/782618. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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