Essay on "Behavioral Change"

Essay 5 pages (1308 words) Sources: 4 Style: MLA

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Behavioral Change - Red Bull Conflict and Controversy

Soft drink companies cashed in on caffeine addiction, a number of critics of energy drinks argued during 2005.

Energy drinks have as much sugar and roughly three times the caffeine of soda, and some experts peg their popularity to their addictiveness," (Shepherd)

Dr. Roland Griffiths of Johns Hopkins University, advised. Griffiths also noted later that energy drink cynics: "contend that much of the skyrocketing growth of energy drinks comes because consumers are getting physically addicted." (Shepherd)

During 2003, individuals consumed 213 million cans of Red Bull, Britain's best-selling energy drink. Claims regarding Red Bull, dubbed the "clubbers' drink," contributed to this highly caffeinated, fizzy beverage earning the title of "the Porsche of soft drinks."

As it is frequently mixed with vodka, some consumers purport that "Red Bull 'gives you wings." Several deaths have also, however, have been linked Red Bull. A number of experts have criticized the beverage's high levels stimulants which include caffeine. Due to health concerns over Red Bull, Europe's highest court upheld a French ban on the energy drink during 2004. (Nordqvist) spokeswoman for Red Bull, albeit, which reported sales of 1.6 billion cans worldwide during 2004, insisted the energy product was safe, that no proof existed that the soft drink contributed to any unhealthy affects, and that it would continue to be marketed in 100 countries across the world. (Nordqvist) Prior to his 2005 declaration relating Red Bull to addictions, during 2004, Dr. Roland Griffiths of Johns Hopkins Universit
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y hesitated to classify caffeine dependency as an addiction. (Shepherd)

Along with conflicting ideas regarding what does or does not qualify as an unhealthy and/or addictive substance, a myriad of opinions abound relating not only to addictions, but also to the withdrawal from addictive substances and common relapse.

Through this paper, this researcher explores these three factors relating to behavior change.

Addiction to help avoid confusion in the field of addiction, researchers and clinicians crafted practical operational schemes to try to reduce inconsistency. Consequently, the following basic model for understanding addiction, the application of the three C's, evolved:

Behavior that is motivated by emotions ranging along the Craving to Compulsion spectrum

Continued use in spite of adverse consequences and Loss of Control. (Shaffer)

As addictive drugs alter their brain's pleasure circuits, according to Begley, an addicted individual's brain begins to differ physically and chemically from a normal brain. Through repeated use/abuse of addictive drugs, a dearth of dopamine receptors occurs. Experiences that previously brought pleasurable feelings to a person become impotent.

Stages of Change

For various problem behaviors, the following five stages of change have been conceptualized:

Precontemplation: During this stage, many individuals are not aware or under-aware of problems they are experiencing. They do not intend to change their behavior in the foreseeable future.

Contemplation: In this stage, individuals have not committed to take any action, even though they understand a problem behavior exists and they contemplate ways to overcome their problem.

Preparation: Individuals in this stage unsuccessfully attempted to change in the past year. They unite intention and behavioral and fully intend to take action in the next month.


Individuals modify their behavior environment or experiences, in this stage to overcome their problems. This stage includes overt behavioral changes as it mandates that a person invest and commit considerable time and energy to change their behavior.

Maintenance: During this final stage, individuals deliberately work to prevent relapse and consolidate the benefits they achieved during action. This stage varies in length and may last from six months to an uncertain period past the initial action. (Stages)

Withdrawal quit...."

Contrary to the common consensus that quitting reflects a negative action, when an individual determines to quit using a substance he/she is addicted to, the "I quit...," denotes a positive step.

Dependency and withdrawal, while symptomatic of heavy caffeine use, do not necessarily imply a hopeless addiction, just the need for a change in… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Behavioral Change" Assignment:


Due July 8, 2008 10:00 PM

My behavioral change was the removeal of Red Bull. I did do so then I completely removed myself from caffinie all together! I would liek to see the research of withdrawl, addiction, and relaspe. I will add in my own journal to the essay as well. thank you

NAME:_________________________________ Date________________

Behavior Change Assignment: Identify an activity or a substance that you use on a regular or daily basis, preferably something that helps you cope with life. You will be asked to discontinue use and then refrain from this activity or substance for two weeks of June 26 *****“ July 20th. During this period of time, journal your experiences and then prepare a written paper of your adventure. (You do NOT need to turn in the journal. The journal is meant to simply be a tool for you to better write your paper).

Your papers should include information and your experience as related to:

2) Stages of change,

2) Symptoms of Post Acute Withdrawal,

3) Relapse Prevention Strategies,

4) Incidences of relapse and how you tried to intervene,

5) Your thoughts/feelings about giving something up,

6) What you learned and how it applies to the overall concept of addiction.

7) Did you have symptoms of addiction?

8) Was your behavior change easy or difficult and why?

9) What did it teach you about people who have to give up chemicals?

10) Did it change your view of addiction and willpower?

In order to receive all your points you must cover all 10 objectives listed above!!

(1) Have you completed the learning objective as indicated above? Yes / No

(2) Is your paper 5 typed pages, double-spaced, 12-font? Yes / No

(3) Have you checked spelling, punctuation, and grammar? Yes / No

(4) Are you turning your paper in on time? Yes / No

(5) Review your paper and indicate the grade you believe your work reflects based on the degree to which you completed the assignment with resourcefulness, effort, & creativity.

POINTS AND RATIONALE: _______________________________________________

INSTRUCTOR COMMENTS_______________________________________________


How to Reference "Behavioral Change" Essay in a Bibliography

Behavioral Change.”, 2008, Accessed 2 Jul 2024.

Behavioral Change (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Behavioral Change. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jul, 2024].
”Behavioral Change” 2008.
”Behavioral Change”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Behavioral Change”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 2-Jul-2024].
1. Behavioral Change [Internet]. 2008 [cited 2 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Behavioral Change. Published 2008. Accessed July 2, 2024.

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