Research Paper on "Barbas, M.P. Expanding Knowledge: From the Classroom"

Research Paper 5 pages (1596 words) Sources: 5

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Barbas, M.P. Expanding Knowledge: From the Classroom to Hyperspace. Educational Media International. 43 (1): 65-73, 2006. Retrieved from: ttp:// / search/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=EJ729235&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=EJ729235.

Relationship to Social Sciences: Teaching and learning in the 21st century are quite different than the past. Distance and online learning allow materials to be communicated to a larger audience, faculty can teach more courses, and courses may encourage new types of learning and self-discovery, directly impacting the social sciences.

Annotation: This source primarily examines the relationship between teaching approaches and online learning outcomes using a sample of forty MBA level courses. Data suggests that most students have significantly higher scores in courses in which objectivist teaching approaches were supported by collaborative learning techniques, thus sometimes making it difficult or challenging in an online environment. Rigorous research and a unique paradigm combine to increase our understanding of the subject matter, albeit with a rather limited population of MBA students and a similarly limited breadth of attention to particular types of courses. Strongly academic in nature, this work challenges conventional thinking about online education and sees that online learning can be challenging as long as three criteria are met: 1) Features- Objective and constructivist approaches compared to find the most effective in an online learning environment; 2) Faculty Motivation -- Faculty have a more difficult task in designing course materials that can be adapted to c
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ollaborative learning; 3) Course Design -- Courses should have a significant component of collaborative learning; whether through a Blackboard approach or at least online meetings between students.

Source: Guo, G., The VNTR 2-Reteap in MAOA and Delinquient Behavior in Adolescence and Young Adulthood Associations. European Journal of Human Genetics. 16 (5): 626-34. Retrieved from: %202R%20aggression%20EJHG.pdf

Relationship to Social Sciences: Genetic studies have increased the understanding of the biological basis for human activity; but have significant impact on the social sciences, in more than the nature nurture hypothesis. Instead, we can look at the basis of human behavior being channeled through quantitative science, and molded within qualitative science.

Annotation: One of the more perplexing questions about human psychology revolves around the role of deviance. For instance, from centuries of observation, we know that if rats are placed in crowded conditions, they become more aggressive. Our own history is rife with examples of both extreme beauty and extreme evil: Bach, Leonardo, Mother Theresa vs. Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Through animal experimentation, we know that it is possible to select for genes that lead to more aggressive behaviors in animals -- this has been done with bulls for the ring, and with mice in the lab. We now understand more by using reverse genetics, and the DNA of genes of many neuro-transmitters have been cloned and sequenced and identified as having a role in aggression (increased serotonin, etc.). In human studies (twins and adoption) there is some correlation shown based on parental behaviors (even when children are adopted) to criminal behavior and deviance. It now appears that there are not only specific proteins that genetically "code" for aggression, but these parts of our genetic history may have been part of the reason humans evolved into a more cooperative and tool-making society. It is only the unchecked, or wanton, aggression that becomes problematical for societies, accentuated by urbanization.

Source: Kurth, J. Religion and Globalization. The Review of Faith and International Affairs. 7(2): 15-21, 2009.

Relationship to Social Sciences: As a whole, studies of religion have a unique, multidisciplinary approach within the social science realm. Religion deals with culture, sociology, anthropology, history, and now, in the global world, both politics and economics.

Annotation: One of the ways in which the late 20th century evolved was the change in economic, political, and cultural movements that, through technology, seemed to move countries of the world closer together. This idea, broadly called globalism, refers generally to the idea that as life becomes more technologically complex, people in various countries are tied together, regardless of their government, culture, religion, or specific country. Similarly, the 21st century has already seen the resurgence and globalization of religion; moving from more strict and inward center philosophies to a more outward and global approach. Globalization is changing how humans live at a very rapid, and sometimes unpredictable, rate. Some of this change revolves around the shift in values from individual cultures and the anger and uncomfortability humans are left with when faced with change. The material examines Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Baha'i, tribal religions and Protestantism to explain how each view the economic, social and religious aspects of globalism. The major point focuses on how the social constructs that tend to arise out of spirituality can not only enhance the prospect of globalization on a macro scale, but also aid those with doubt and discomfort in the inevitable journey globalization provides. In an interdisciplinary context, then, the material focuses on the dynamics, rather than the practice, of the major religious traditions, the way these traditions are adapting to a new "globalized" world, and potential future philosophical changes that may need to be made vis-a-vis a changing global congregation.

Source: Nilsen, D., Kowske, B., Anthony, K. Managing a Diverse, Global Environment is Critical. HR Magazine Review. 50 (8): 41-9. Retrieved from: / hrmagazine/EditorialContent/Pages/0805tools.aspx

Relationship to Social Sciences: Globalization has clearly changed the way humans interact. As economic boundaries shift, it is important to combine social science with a broader approach to management and business theory; using sociology, anthropology, history, leadership studies in psychology, etc. In order to develop a robust model that tends to be mutli-cultural in approach.

Annotation: A critical task will be to use global knowledgeable to identify opportunities in the growing global world. Global leaders must then focus on how the market changes, but how individual uniqueness remains, and how those relationships are fostered. The company mission and values must also become part of the overall guide to marketing. Since globalization is a fact, not a theory, it will be important for all levels of management to "manage" a diverse and culturally different, group. These leaders must be proactive in their educational, cultural, and managerial roles, understand there are greater opportunities, but also ensure that by hiring and training a multicultural workforce, they are in fact improving current and future relationships. By doing this large companies poise themselves to become successful in the emerging globalize culture of the 21st century. Globalism, especially as expressed in economic terms, has an important effect on lifelong learning, multidimensional dna multicultural management and personnel, and the needs of a diverse population to build a global organization. Not only are developing nations being asked to rethink and revamp their economic and political systems; their populations are finding that in order to be more successful within the developing global economic paradigm, they must acquire skills throughout their adult lives.

Source: Siminoff, a., Death and Organ Procurement: Public Beliefs and Attitudes. Kennedy Institute for Ethics Journal. 14 (3): 217-34, 2004. Retrieved from: http://130.102. 44.246/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/kennedy_institute_of_ethics_journal/v014/14.3siminoff.pdf

Relationship to Social Sciences: Humans often use the social sciences to help explain culture, wisdom, and the manner in which technology impact society. As humans become more technologically competent, ethical, philosophical, moral, and even structural questions abound.

Annotation: The goal of this empirical study is to evaluate the level of general public awareness of the concept of "brain death" and extrapolate its implications into broader public policy. To measure the level of public attitudes and beliefs about the determination of death and its relationship to organ transplants, a random digital dialing (RDD) method was used to contact 1351 Ohio residents 18 years of age or older. A dozen focus groups combined with a questionnaire study helped develop this survey instrument. Three scenarios based on hypothetical patients were presented: "brain dead," in a coma, or in a persistent vegetative state (PVS). Test subjects… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Barbas, M.P. Expanding Knowledge: From the Classroom" Assignment:

Unit Two Library Internet Research Assignment

Annotated Bibliography

(due at the end of week three)

Find five research quality* library Internet resources as detailed below dealing with the social sciences.

Detailed explanation of library Internet research resources

Please put all five Internet resources in one document and submit as one assignment. Number your resources 1-5.

*A research quality resource would be one that would be good enough to use in a research paper. Referring to the reading material on writing a summary in chapter one of Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum should help you here.

Unit Overview

An exploration of the social sciences

Unit two will build a framework of understanding for the social sciences. Some scholars feel that perhaps there has never been an invention that changed society as much as the Gutenberg printing press. Many feel that it changed thinking itself and led to the modern age of technology that we have today.


Unit Objectives

After completing this unit, students will be able to:

Have a thorough understanding of the Gutenberg printing press and its impacts on society.

Define and understand what the social sciences are.

Understand what critical thinking means and begin to apply it to your evaluation of topics and writing.

Understand and define the traits and characteristics of a successful interdisciplinarian.


Required Text Book Readings

Please read chapters three and four of Becoming Interdisciplinary.

Read chapter four of Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum - Make sure you have a thorough understanding of synthesis. Synthesizing information is very important in interdisciplinary inquiry.

Read pages 778-779 of Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum on APA documentation basics.


What do we mean by the social sciences?

Social science is the study of society and social behavior. The social sciences deal with the patterns and interrelationships of human behavior. Obviously, many animals are social, such as bees and wolves; however, the study of the social behavior of non-humans is usually classified as natural science.

We must remember that the different disciplines often overlap and this is particularly the case with the social sciences. Primatology (the study of primates, such as apes and monkeys), for example, often becomes part of anthropology (the study of simpler human cultures.) Oftentimes, as your Liberal Studies courses will prove, the combination of disciplines and methodologies reveals more than utilizing a single discipline and its methodologies.

Social science can use a combination of humanities and natural science methods to evaluate issues. In anthropology, there are cultural anthropologists who study the behaviors of simpler cultures. A cultural anthropologist might take up residence in a community of hunters and gatherers in the Amazon and study their values and patterns of marriage, inheritance, and means of survival. A physical anthropologist, on the other hand, would use *****hard science***** methods to study the physical characteristics of living or dead people. A forensic anthropologist would be a physical anthropologist who specializes in studying bones and other remains for identification and other legal purposes. An archaeologist is an anthropologist who uses exacting scientific methods, such as carbon-14 dating and pollen analysis, to study the artifacts of past cultures in order to understand their history and social characteristics.

Similarly, although history is usually viewed as one of the traditional humanities, many historians think of themselves as social scientists. The historian who gathers records and recollections of past events in order to interpret them is using the methodology of the humanities. However, the historian who uses a statistical analysis of property ownership during the reign of Henry VIII or analyzes birth rates in colonial Massachusetts, is engaged in methodologies normal to the natural scientist.

In summary, what characterizes the social sciences is the subject of human behavior on a social level. The social sciences often combine the techniques common to the humanities with those common to the natural sciences.

What subjects make up the social sciences?

The subjects normally included in (but not limited to) the social sciences are sociology, psychology, anthropology, history, economics, ethnology, political science, religious studies, gender studies, economics, education, and law.


Why might some scholars feel that the scientific method doesn*****'t apply very well to the social sciences?

One of the main reasons is that in the scientific method you have a puzzle solving component which includes both scientific predictability and scientific falsification through experimentation guided by a strict set of rules. Yet academic pursuits like psychoanalysis, sociology, and even economics have difficulty in making precise predictions at all, let alone ones that provide for clear confirmation or unambiguous refutation.

Other scholars disagree. They feel that even though social science research doesn*****'t produce the precise results of the natural sciences, it does produce research results that can identify trends and changes. Some scholars also feel that the function of research is different in the social sciences. This research describes behavior and therefore, outcomes are measured and monitored differently.

Here is an article that explores this important issue with the social sciences:

Are the Social Sciences Scientific?


Critical Thinking Zone - Social sciences food for thought

One of the primary goals of the College of Liberal Studies is to improve your critical thinking skills as you work your way through these courses and the program. Finely tuned critical thinking skills can be a plus in any walk of life, at any stage of life.

Here are examples of the kinds of questions that social science scholars are currently asking and exploring through research:

Sociology - What explains the success of social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace?

Psychology - Why do some people feel so sad around the holidays?

Economics - Why did the housing market go into decline in 2008?

Political Science - What role did the internet play in the 2008 Presidential election?

Religious Studies - Is religion playing a bigger or smaller role in American society?

How to Reference "Barbas, M.P. Expanding Knowledge: From the Classroom" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Barbas, M.P. Expanding Knowledge: From the Classroom.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Barbas, M.P. Expanding Knowledge: From the Classroom (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Barbas, M.P. Expanding Knowledge: From the Classroom. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Barbas, M.P. Expanding Knowledge: From the Classroom” 2012.
”Barbas, M.P. Expanding Knowledge: From the Classroom”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Barbas, M.P. Expanding Knowledge: From the Classroom”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Barbas, M.P. Expanding Knowledge: From the Classroom [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Barbas, M.P. Expanding Knowledge: From the Classroom. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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