Essay on "US Federal Reserve European Central Bank"

Essay 3 pages (1106 words) Sources: 3

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US Federal Reserve / European Central Bank

Compare and contrast the main policies of the U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank over the last 10 years.

In the time of its being, the European Central Bank (ECB) has made major offerings to the macroeconomic strength of the Euro region. From the custom condition of liquidity to crisis modification operations in times of disaster, the ECB has achieved something in upholding a methodical and well-organized Euro region currency market. Additionally, even though inflation in the region increased a bit throughout the first years of the ECB's being, it has by and large continued to be near the target range, as financial movement in the region has constantly shown affirmative rates of increase (Cecchetti and O'Sullivan, 2002).

The way in which Europe's central bank came about is obviously extremely dissimilar from the past conditions that lead to the organization of the Federal Reserve System under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The dynamic force behind the beginning of the Fed was the want to reinstate order to the financial scheme, which had been overwhelmed frequently by banking alarms over the preceding years. It fundamentally began as a bankers' bank, concerned with calming down the monetary scheme, and developed over time into the contemporary organization that is known today charged with meeting wide-ranging economic objectives like low inflation and economic growth (Cecchetti and O'Sullivan, 2002).

The Fed's main instrument of financial policy known as open market operations was in fact revealed by mistake in the early 1920's. The financi
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al slouch after World War 1 meant that a number of the regional Federal Reserve banks, predominantly those in farming regions, were in jeopardy of not making sufficient profits in the standard course of business with member banks to cover their operating costs. They went to buying Government securities on the open market to boost their income and, in the course, revealed how credit market circumstances could be affected by such action. Soon after, the buying and selling of Government securities was all brought together at the New York Fed and by the early 1930's, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) was founded. It was in this way that the key fundamentals of present financial policy making in the United States began (Cecchetti and O'Sullivan, 2002).

Based on these policies, identify and contrast the main priorities of these institutions. How do these policies affect exchange rates?

About two years after the financial crisis around the world things look very different to the way it appeared in the middle of the financial collapse. The extensive ideological shift forecast by many never came. However, back in 2008, it was hard to get away from the overstatement that neo-liberalism and consumerism was dead. As the worldwide financial system imploded, the ideas of John Maynard Keynes, the economist who suggested government could step in to save it, were more popular than ever (Berg, 2010).

The formula that the U.S. government used of pumping money into the economy with reckless haste, has failed. The United States set out on an unprecedented fiscal stimulus, bailing out car companies and investment banks. But its financial system is still declining, unemployment likely to hover at about 9 per cent for many years. Recently it began another round of printing money. But at least… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "US Federal Reserve European Central Bank" Assignment:

In 3 pages (APA format), please respond to the following questions:

***** Compare and contrast the main policies of the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank over the last 10 years. Based on these policies, identify and contrast the main priorities of these institutions. How do these policies affect exchange rates? *****

Please include at least 3 outside internet references (make sure their weblinks do not require a password to be accessed) . Organize the two questions into a single paper with two sections. Please include a bibliography/references page. Demonstrate your mastery of these topics through examples including *****"the numbers*****" and formulas as appropriate. For any quotations used, make sure they don*****'t go over 15% of the paper .

Also, please mention inflation, Ben Bernake, Alan Greenspan, inflation, interest rates, US dollar, and the Euro.

Thank you for your excellent writing services.

How to Reference "US Federal Reserve European Central Bank" Essay in a Bibliography

US Federal Reserve European Central Bank.”, 2011, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

US Federal Reserve European Central Bank (2011). Retrieved from (2011). US Federal Reserve European Central Bank. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”US Federal Reserve European Central Bank” 2011.
”US Federal Reserve European Central Bank”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”US Federal Reserve European Central Bank”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. US Federal Reserve European Central Bank [Internet]. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. US Federal Reserve European Central Bank. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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