Thesis on "What Effect Will the Baby Boomer Population Have on Healthcare"

Thesis 5 pages (1567 words) Sources: 1+

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Baby Boomer Population have on Health Care

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A common challenges that millions of Americans are wrestling with, is various health care costs. As they are having a negative impact on the health of the individual and the overall services being offered. This is because the increasing costs are selectively pricing, large groups of the population out of the health care system. For the Baby Boomers, this is troubling because they face the possibility of having less health care services (as most will not be able to afford the increases). In this outline we are seeking to determine, some of the underlying effects that the Baby Boomers will have on the health care system in the future.


Over the last several years, the issue of: aging Baby Boomers and their effects on health care; have been increasingly brought to the forefront. Part of the reason for this, is because they represent such a large segment of the population. Where, they account for 75.5 million people or 40% of the population demographic. (Green, 2006, pg. 8)This is significant, because the various stages of life that this generation goes through; will have a profound impact upon the social programs and infrastructure of the nation. As their changing needs will be reflected, by shifts that are occurring in demand for a number of products and services. In the area of health care, demand, this is starting to increase dramatically. This is because a larger number of Baby Boomers are placing pressure on system. Evidence of this can be found with various government programs such as Medicare. Where, it is widely expected that the increasing numbe
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rs of this population demographic becoming older, will force a shift to occur in the way various services are provided. As the acute care-based model, will have to change to one that is more focused on addressing the needs of a large population group. The challenge is being able to provide these services to Baby Boomers, while maintaining a low cost structure. (Mellor, 2005, pp. 49 -- 54) This problematic, because the increasing demand is causing costs to rise sharply. According to the OECD the current amount of GDP spent on health care in 2009, was 5%. However, in the coming decades this number is expected to rise sharply with costs accounting for: 11% of the GDP in 2035 and 20% of GDP spending by 2080. (OECD, 2009, pg. 100) This is important, because it shows the possible effects that Baby Boomers are having on health care. In this proposal, we will highlight: the underlying issue as well as the potential long-term effects. To fully understand this impact requires: conducting a literature review, research methodology, data analysis, examining various research findings / results and providing summary of the findings / results. Together, these different elements will provide the greatest insights, as to the total impact that the Baby Boomers will have on health care.

Literature Review and Analytic Framework

According to Mellor, (2005) there are a number of different trends that are emerging in the world of health care. Where, many Baby Boomers are retiring with no health insurance. This is because of the rising health care premiums at their employer; have meant that an increasing number are having to pay higher rates. Those who cannot afford the increase will more than likely lose their coverage. At the same time, various: employers, insurance companies and government programs; are requiring a large number of people to pay a greater portion of their expenses for health care services. When you put these different elements together, it means that many Baby Boomers who worked all of their lives, are retiring with little to no health care coverage. This information is important, because it underscores a challenge that Baby Boomers are facing. Where, the larger number of people requiring health care services is causing prices to rise. As a result, a greater portion of individuals are required to pay higher premiums for health care services (because demand is increasing).

Furthermore, Kandel (2009) looks at the impact that Baby Boomers will have on the health care system. Where, he has identified a number of different issues that will change the health care industry to include: needing more health care services in comparison with previous generations and the increasing use of technology. At the same time, many of the Baby Boomers who are just below the age of retirement (those individuals in their 50's), are being diagnosed with a variety of health conditions (such as: diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity). This is significant, because it highlights how this generation will require changes in the current system. As the large number of: people, the services they demand and the conditions they are suffering from; will change the industry in the future. This is information is useful, because it can be corroborated with what presented earlier, to identify various issues that will force the health care system to change.

Research Methodology

To correlate the various finding of the literature review, a survey will be conducted to determine the overall prevalence of: various conditions and the possible effects that it will have on the health care industry.

Unit Analysis

The subjects that will be interviewed will be current Baby Boomers (who were born between 1945 and 1964). We will use the current group of retirees that are older than the Baby Boomers, to see what services are currently being offered and how they are affecting this group. This will establish an independent variable (with the older retirees serving as the status quo), while the Baby Boomers would be the control group. Where, researchers are trying to determine the possible effects that specific characteristics of the Baby Boomers will have on health care.

Selection of the Sample

The sample will be selected by allowing anyone who was born before 1964, to participate in the survey (as this is a non-random sample). That being said, we could isolate the survey down to 40 individuals in various health care clinics and hospital settings. Where, we will focus on their ethnic group and age, to determine the possible effects of this generation on the health care system.

Data Gathering Technique

The data gathering technique will be to conduct the survey at: hospitals and clinics. Where, respondents will complete a written questionnaire, which will ask them general information about their health and the demands for health care services.

Types of Data Gathered

The different topics that will be discussed during the survey would include: the health of the individual, the amounts of coverage that they are receiving, how health care costs / demand are impacting their finances, if they are using private / government funded programs and if they are seeing higher co pays / out of pocket expenses.

Data Analysis Technique

To analyze the data, we will be using qualitative analysis. This is when you are looking at the information from the surveys and are corroborating them, with the information from the literature review, to determine the overall social impact of the problem. Once this is complete, it will provide a greater understanding, as to the overall scope of the challenges. (Ezzy, 2002, pp. xi -- xvi)

Methods used to Improve the Measurement of this Study

The method that will be use to correlate the findings of the study, is conducting two different surveys with: a dependent and independent variable. This will provide: the best validity, reliability and practicality; as the results from the two variables can be corroborated against one another. At which point, we can begin correlate the findings from the literature review with the surveys. This will provide the most accurate insights, as to how the Baby Boomers will be affecting the health care system in the future.

Research Findings / Results… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "What Effect Will the Baby Boomer Population Have on Healthcare" Assignment:

Write a 5 pages OUTLINE on the above subject. The outline serves to provide a roadmap towards the completion of the actual thesis paper. This outline should say how the research will be conducted and will be checked for plagiarism. Please use the following information on the proposed chapters to do the outline. A thesis paper outline generally has the following information:

Title cover page, Acknowledgement, Introduction, literature review, research methodolog, Data, Analysis, research findings/results, conclusions, recommendations, abstract, bibliography page.

Page one:

An introductiont to the subject being studied

A description of the significance or importance of the issue being studied is presented to the reader.

A clear and concise statement of the research question being studied

Introduction of the sub areas of the overreaching research question

Page 2

Literature review and Analytic framework

- A full and balanced review of the theoretical and practice orientd concepts drawn from appropriate and high quality scholarly and professional literature.

-Comparison an ontrasting of different perspectves and analysis of application to th research question.

-Develop and analytic framework that establishes the elements of the paper, lays out the theoretical basis of the stud and integrates the sutdy in the larger body o the knowledge an findings about the field of study

Page 3

Research methodology

- unit of analysis: Who will be interviewed to gather the data necessary to answer the research question and sub areas that will be surveyed?

- Selection of the sample: How will you determine who will be surveyed? This is a non random selection of the sample that will be used to study the research question. You will need to select 40 informed people that know about your research topic.

-Data gathering technique: How will you gather yor data? By in person survey questionnaire.

-Types of Data gathered: What are the topics that you will address with your personal interview survey participant.

-Data analysis technique: What statistical tests will be used to analyze the survey data?

-Methods used to improvem masurement in this study: Validity, reliability and practicality.

Page 4

Research findings/Results

Page 5

Summary of the findings and their implications.

It is possible that I will request that the ***** of the outline complete the actual 100 pages thesis paper, should I find the outline to be saisfactory.

How to Reference "What Effect Will the Baby Boomer Population Have on Healthcare" Thesis in a Bibliography

What Effect Will the Baby Boomer Population Have on Healthcare.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

What Effect Will the Baby Boomer Population Have on Healthcare (2010). Retrieved from (2010). What Effect Will the Baby Boomer Population Have on Healthcare. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”What Effect Will the Baby Boomer Population Have on Healthcare” 2010.
”What Effect Will the Baby Boomer Population Have on Healthcare”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”What Effect Will the Baby Boomer Population Have on Healthcare”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. What Effect Will the Baby Boomer Population Have on Healthcare [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. What Effect Will the Baby Boomer Population Have on Healthcare. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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