Research Proposal on "Aviation Management Theory Comparative Review"

Research Proposal 4 pages (1561 words) Sources: 20

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Aviation Management Theory

Comparative Review:

One of the defining features of aviation management is the need to navigate both uncertainty and a wide range of uncontrollable variables. With weather, mechanical issues and flight delays all bearing a direct impact on decision-making and, simultaneously, wide variances in underlying cost, quality control demands and customer service matters impacting daily functionality, aviation management is a highly complex undertaking. It is for this reason that the management theories invoked for administration in this context should ideally encompass said uncertainty and variability. This underscores the assessment here of both the Contingency Theory and the Systems Theory of Management. Each of these carries a number of characteristics that are relevant to the endeavor of aviation management and are therefore likely to figure into the research proposed here.


In a comparative discussion on the two modes of management, we find that there are crossover purposes that apply with relevance to the aviation field. According to the Wells & Young (1986) text, there are particular sectors of an airport that will be charged with management in a Systems Theory capacity. But even as such sectors as the Air Traffic Control Systems Command Center (ATCSCC) adhere to the integrative coordination demands implied by the Systems Theory, they must simultaneously remain equipped with Contingency Management capabilities. Indeed, Wells & Young report that the ATCSCC is "responsible for the operation of four distinct but integrated functions: Central Flow Control Function (CFCF), Central Altitude R
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eservations Function (CARF), Airport Reservation Position, and the Air Traffic Service Contingency Command Post (ATSCCP)." (Wells & Young, p. 509)

Here, the Systems Theory emerges as having particular relevance because it calls for the incorporation and simultaneously administration of several distinct but interdependent aspects of an airport's operation. Indeed, more bureaucratic models in which duties are divided between departments and personnel teams could not be effectively maintained in a context with so many moving parts. And yet, we find that contingency planning must inherently be a part of all approaches to aviation management, and is therefore incorporated as part of the Systems Management Theory in the present discussion. The inevitability of change and uncertainty in the aviation industry means that part of the integrative strategy implied by the Systems Theory must necessarily include proper planning for changes in vessel availability, scheduling, customer demand, fuel pricing and a host of other variables impacting operations.

These characteristics make the Contingency Theory a valuable mode of administration independent from the Systems Theory as well. Here, our research notes that Contingency Management is important as a way of planning for the uncertainty that is a part of this particular business. As Flouris (2006) notes, "the use of contingency plans and scenario analysis is . . . discussed as a tool of strategy formulation in turbulent environments." (Flouris, p. xviii)


This denotes that Contingency Planning is a valuable way to draw alternative plans and responses to often fast-shifting operational demands. However, the recommendation here is for an emphasis on the integrative properties of Systems Management with an elevation of the role played by the Air Traffic Service Contingency Command Post as a way of contending with the uncertainty principle.

Works Cited:

Batteau, a. (2000). The Anthropology of Aviation and Flight Safety. Human Organization, 60(3), 201-16.

Civil Aviation Sectorial Activities Program. (2002). Restructuring of Civil Aviation: Consequences for Management and Personnel. International Labour Review, 141(1/2), 196-205.

Deal, W. (2005, January). Aviation Insights: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Millions of People. The Technology Teacher, 65(1), p. 2005.

Department of Homeland Security. (2009, April 28). General Aviation - Identifying and Vetting Passengers and Crew. Retrieved from DHS.GOV:

Drakes, S. (July, 2005). Fly Safe: An Aviation Investigator Sets Some Ground Rules. Black Enterprise, 35(12), p. 64.

Federal Aviation Administration. (2010, September 10). Fact Sheet - Pilot Fatique. Retrieved from FAA.GOV:

Federal Aviation Administration. (2012, January). Aviation Safety - Safety Management Systems. Retrieved from FAA.GOV:

Flouris, T. (2006). Designing and Executing Strategy in Aviation Management. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing.

Flouris, T., et al. (2009). Recent Developments in the Aviation Insurance Industry. Risk Management and Insurance Review, 12(2), 227-39.

Gourley, S. (2012, January). Army Aviation Update. Army, 62(1), pp. 24-6.

Jackson, C., & Early, L. (2006, June). Prevalence of Fatigue Among Commercial Pilots. doi:10.1093/occmed/kql021

Kaps, R. (2000). Fiscal Aspects of Aviation Management. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.

Karber, P. (2002). Re-constructing Global Aviation in an Era of the Civil Aircraft as a Weapon of Destruction. Journal of Law and Public Policy, 25(2), 781-95.

Wells, a.T. & Young, S. (1986). Airport Planning and Management (2nd ed.). Blue

Ridge Summit, PA: Tab.

Persuasive Review:


One of the conditions that is often overlooked due to the general complexity of simply managing the operational demands of an airport or airline is that of the customer experience. Often, when we fly, we make calculated decisions regarding cost and experience. As the Quality Management Theory considered here denotes, these decisions will typically demand that we as flyers assess the desire to pay for a quality-driven experience vs. The desire to fly at a controlled financial rate. This same dilemma is first imposed upon the administration of an aviation firm, which must employ the Quality Management Theory in order to choose the best balance between these priorities.


The article by Suzuki (2000) delineates the purpose of the Quality Management approach, indicating that for every airline, there is a complex process of consideration that will ultimately determine such factors as in-flight entertainment, food and beverage, creature comforts, luggage parameters and flight-scheduling including control over stopovers and delays. In these conditions and elsewhere, the airline must decide what level of quality to provide the customer with consideration of the cost realities imposed by the selected level. As Suzuki notes, "given that a trade-off pattern exists between service quality and price in the airline industry, an important policy question arises: What is the best (profit maximizing) mix (or combination) of service quality and price (i.e. positioning in the airline industry?" (Suzuki, p. 44)

This is a dilemma which carries an increasingly burdensome set of questions for airline managers as factors such as heightened security demands and ever-increasing fuel costs continue to foist the heavier costs of flying on the consumer. The result has been that for a great many flyers, there is a sense that anything short of spending top dollar will result in a less-than-stellar quality experience. Quite to the point, evidence suggests that quality control has suffered throughout the airline industry as a consequence of the security and fuel conditions cited here above. Indeed, Murray (2008) reports that "according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, flight delays for commercial airlines have increased every year since 2003. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that more than 27% of flights failed to arrive on time in the first six months of 2007. Four years ago, the figure was only 17%. In June 2007, more than 30% of airplanes were late by an average of 62 minutes." (Murray, p. 1) This denotes that for most flyers, the prioritization of cost control has outweighed the prioritization of quality control.


In many ways, the circumstances described here above capture the difficulty facing the airline industry. While the economy and consumers are ill-prepared to sustain the heightened costs of travel, neither can the airlines do so. Therefore, Quality Management Theory has precipitated and incremental reduction in the quality of the flying experience largely in favor of cost effectiveness. As per recommendations, it seems that the environment is prime for successes similar to that achieved by Southwest Airlines, which has succeeded in producing a low-cost, no-frills experience that is nonetheless outfitted with various degrees of quality control. Here, we can see that a balance is required between cutting costs and establishing a name brand synonymous with affordable… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Aviation Management Theory Comparative Review" Assignment:

The formal instructions listed below for Assignment #2 request two separate papers. So I paid for four pages (2 pages per paper). I am including the instructions for Assignment #3 and Assignment #4 because they*****'re all related. Assuming you keep up the good work, you will be doing them all. I checked *****"Yes*****" for *****"sending sources*****", they are the same as what you sent to me. I doubt you need me to send the same file back to you but please let me know if I need to. Also, technically you are not finding any new sources so I*****'m paying an extra 16 dollars as a Thank you!



Complete two review paper proposals as described below. One for a comparative review

paper and the other for a persuasive review paper. Select the topics for your papers from

your bibliographic sources. You must have a minimum of ten (10) references sources for each review paper that includes a minimum of (4) books.

*****¢ Your comparative review paper should be based on two similar management theories, concepts, or practices that may be applied within the aviation industry. Your task is to show, through your literature review, how the two compare and/or differ. This article must end with a conclusion that makes a meaningful statement about the subjects that are compared.

*****¢ Your persuasive review paper should be based on a single management theory, concept, or practice that may be applied within the aviation industry. Your task is to persuade the reader to adopt this theory, concept, or practice. This article must end with a recommendation that makes a meaningful statement toward persuading the reader to adopt your viewpoint.

Assignment #2 must include two separate review paper proposals, each of which includes all of the following (in the format of an APA style review paper):

1. A title page that includes the title of the paper, your name, and your centered on the page as stated in APA. Include the page number, but do not include a running head. At the bottom of the title page, separated from the above by a single horizontal line and centered, include the course number and title. On the next double-spaced line, type the semester and on the next double-spaced line, your program location.

2. An introduction that consists of no more than two paragraphs. Note that the introduction summarizes relevant arguments and information, and provides the reader a sense of the topic and its importance.

3. A one to three paragraph summary of the important points of each management theory, concept, or practice that will be compared or included in the persuasive paper.

4. A one paragraph conclusion or recommendation. How do you intend to conclude your paper or what recommendation do you intend to make? Remember, this is preliminary and put forth here to make your proposal complete. After further study, your conclusion or recommendation may change.

5. A Reference page, in APA format, that includes ten (10) references (including 5 books) you propose to use for this paper. (These may change after completing additional study and research).

Each of your proposals will be evaluated and graded. Your proposed topics will be

approved or disapproved; your writing will be graded as to spelling, grammar, APA

format and criteria; etc. You may be provided feedback that will assist you in better

defining or narrowing the scope of your topic(s). The point of this evaluation is to

provide you with guidance and feedback that will assist you in the successful completion

of this course.



Your comparative review paper must be a *****critical evaluation***** of two different theories,

concepts, or practices of management that could be applied to an aviation management

situation or practice. Your evaluation must consist of a comparison of the two selected management theories, concepts, or practices that includes the strengths and weakness of each. The conclusion of your comparison article must include how one or the other of the two management theories, concepts, or practices might be applied to an aviation management situation or how each could be applied to different situations that take advantage of the differing individual strengths of each management theory, concept or practice.

This paper must comply with the criteria and requirements of the APA and must include:

1. A title page that includes the title of the page, your name, and your centered on the page as stated in APA. Include the page number, but do not include a running head. At the bottom of the title page, separated from the above by a single horizontal line and centered, include the course number and title. On the next double-spaced line, type the semester and on the next double-spaced line, your program location.

2. An abstract that consists of one sentence describing the topic of the paper, one sentence describing the purpose and scope of the paper, one sentence describing the sources used and one sentence describing the paper*****s conclusion. Note that abstracts for review or theoretical papers are restricted to 75 to 100 words. The abstract is not an introduction to the paper itself.

3. An introduction that consists of no more than one paragraph. Note that the introduction summarizes relevant arguments and information, and provides the reader a sense of the topic and its importance.

4. A body or literature review consisting of four to six double-spaced typed pages (this is where the topic, as it is presented in the literature (your references) is reviewed. The body does not include a critique of or evaluation of the material presented. The body *****reports on***** or *****reviews***** the topic as it is presented in the literature. You must include in-text references that give credit to the author of the information.

5. A conclusion or recommendation that is a minimum of two (2) double-spaced typed pages. What can be concluded or implied from the information in the literature review? Do not use first or second person (I, you, we, etc.). Write only in the third person (professional, not personal). All material included in the conclusion or recommendation that originate with another author includes an in-text reference.

6. A reference page

AVM 349-3



Your persuasive review paper must be a *****critical analysis***** of a single management theory, concept, or practices that you recommend as a resolution to a management situation in aviation management. Your *****critical analysis***** of the management theory, concept, or practice must identify its particular strengths and must make a recommendation for its application to an aviation management situation.

This paper must comply with the criteria and requirements of the APA and must include:

1. A title page that includes the title of the page, your name, and your affiliation centered on the page as stated in APA. Include the page number, but do not include a running head. At the bottom of the title page, separated from the above by a single horizontal line and centered, include the course number and title. On the next double-spaced line, type the semester and on the next double-spaced line, your program location.

2. An abstract that consists of one sentence describing the topic of the paper, one sentence describing the purpose and scope of the paper, one sentence describing the sources used and one sentence describing the paper*****s conclusion. Note that abstracts for review or theoretical papers are restricted to 75 to 100 words. The abstract is not an introduction to the paper itself.

3. An introduction that consists of no more than one paragraph. Note that the introduction summarizes relevant arguments and information, and provides the reader a sense of the topic and its importance.

4. A body or literature review consisting of four to six double-spaced typed pages (this is where the topic, as it is presented in the literature (your references) is reviewed. The body does not include a critique of or evaluation of the material presented. The body *****reports on***** or *****reviews***** the topic as it is presented in the literature. You must include in-text references that give credit to the author of the information.

5. A conclusion or recommendation that is a minimum of two (2) double-spaced typed pages. What can be concluded or implied from the information in the literature review? Do not use first or second person (I, you, we, etc.). Write only in the third person (professional, not personal). All material included in the conclusion or recommendation that originate with another author includes an in-text reference.

6. A reference page.

Reference Documentation Examples

Aviation management related book

Well, A.T. (1986). Airport Planning and Management (2nd ed.). Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Tab.

Edited book

Modley, R. (Ed.). (1996). Aviation Facts & Figures. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc.

Article or chapter in an edited book

Donnelly, J.H. (1995). Some principles of management. In J.L. Gibson & J.M. Ivancevich (Eds.), Fundamentals of Management (p.10). Chicago, IL: Irwin.

Aviation management related journal article

Suzuki, Y. (2000). The effect of airline positioning on profit. Transportation Journal, 39(3), 44-54.

Aviation management related article from a magazine that

includes an author

Moorman, R.W. (2000, August 28). Summoned by Slater, Airlines vow to improve. Aviation Week & Space Technology, 153, 54-55.

Aviation management related article from a newspaper with

discontinuous pages

Zuckerman, L. (2001, May 29). Airlines watch a pilot*****s strike for its fallout. The New York Times, pp. A1, C2.

Article from a magazine or a newspaper that has no author

Distrust and egos lie behind pilot*****s dispute. (2001, February 15). The Los Angeles Times, p. C1.

Aviation-related government document

Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. (2000). Air Transportation Operations Inspector*****s Handbook (FAA Publication No 8400.10). Washington, DC: Federal Aviation Administration.

Aviation management related article available (accessed) via an

electronic reference resource

Swaine, L. (2000, February 15). Cashing in on the Pilot shortage: is now

the time? AVWEB [On-line]. Retrieved August 1, 2001, from


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How to Reference "Aviation Management Theory Comparative Review" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Aviation Management Theory Comparative Review.”, 2012, Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Aviation Management Theory Comparative Review (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Aviation Management Theory Comparative Review. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Aviation Management Theory Comparative Review” 2012.
”Aviation Management Theory Comparative Review”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Aviation Management Theory Comparative Review”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Aviation Management Theory Comparative Review [Internet]. 2012 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Aviation Management Theory Comparative Review. Published 2012. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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