Research Paper on "Autism Spectrum Disorder"

Research Paper 4 pages (1401 words) Sources: 5

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Autism Spectrum Disorder

The objective of this study is provide complete descriptions of research-based instructional strategies that will be used in working with students and to state a reason why these have been chosen.

Students Desire to Serve

The writer of this study has chosen to work with children with autism. This study will examine how these strategies address specific weaknesses and utilize the strengths of children with autism. The writer of this work has chosen the ages of 11 -- 13, children in the eighth grader with autism spectrum disorder to work with. The studies reviewed in this report have served to provide the writer of this work with information that can be applied in the instructional environment.

Instructional Strategies

The work of Thiessen, et al. (2009) relates that discrete-trials teaching (DTT) is used on a common basis to initiative applied behavior analysis treatment for children who have autism. Autism is a developmental disorder that has specific characteristics including deficits in social and communication skills, behaviors that are repetitive and whose interests are limited in their range. Various strategies have been examined for teaching staff and parents in the implementation of DTT. Studies are reported to have achieved a great deal of success in the instruction of participants in the correct implementation of DTT. One is stated to have the inclusion of a generalization assessment and another to have the inclusion of procedural integrity assessment, while only two were inclusive of a social validity assessment. Many instructors including educators, parents, and tutors are
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required to make provision of DTT training sessions in ABA early intervention programs for autistic children therefore the work of Thiessen, et al. (2009) reports an investigation of an alternative that would be effective for training instructors in DTT and primary in the use of a self-instruction manual. The self-instruction manual is reported to have been revised by Fazzio and Martin (2007). The revised manual was investigated in a study reported by Thiessen, et al. (2009). The study involved four female university students enrolled in a second-year undergraduate psychology course. Generalization assessment sessions with a child with autism were conducted in the home of the child who was 4.5 years old and who had received training in the program at St. Armant for one year's time. Reported as the dependent variable in the study was the accuracy of the student while implementing DTT to teach three tasks to a control and to a child with autism. The Discrete Trials Teaching Evaluation Form was used to measure accuracy. Findings state that the manual was both effective and efficient in training undergraduate students in the implementation of DTT in instructing three tasks to autistic children. The work of Rodriguez and Thompson (2012) states that restrictive and repetitive behavior in autism has received little attention in research when compared with the other diagnostic features in autism. The work of Turner (1999) suggested that restricted and repetitive behavior should be divided into higher level and lower level categories. Included in the higher-level restricted and repetitive behavior were complex behavior including such as routines that are rigid and invariable such as eating, dressing, and playing and lower level restricted and repetitive behavior, which includes such as flapping of hands and manipulation of objects that is repetitive. The study reported by Rodriguez and Thompson involved three participants who were attendees at a special school and residential program for autistic individuals. The data collected was on arranging and ordering for the participants. The first participant, Jim, a 15-year-old male followed simple instructions and spoke in very short sentences. Jim is reported to have high rates of lower level restricted and repetitive behavior, which included vocal stereotypy and repetitive touching, and tapping of items and surfaces. Jim was noted by teacher to be difficult to interrupt and difficult to redirect and this presented difficulty in working with him. Jim would even sometimes push the instructors out of his way in his arranging and ordering of objects. Another participant in the study was Christie, a girl 15 years of age with autism. Christie followed simple instructions and used small sentences. Christie had behavior that was compulsive like in arranging and ordering items. It is reported… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Autism Spectrum Disorder" Assignment:

Personal Philosophy Paper: Overview

The personal philosophy paper gives students an opportunity to critically evaluate their professional and personal views of serving children with disabilities, examine the course of their professional training to date, and demonstrate their ability to choose research-based strategies specific to certain disabilities.

Although me personally will not become a special educator, the paper must be focused on serving students with specific disabilities in a general education classroom.

The personal philosophy paper must be 4 pages in length.  

Reference page is an additional page. The paper must be double-spaced, typed in a 12 point Times New Roman font with 1***** margins all around. References must be cited in the body of the paper, as well as included in a reference page at the end of your paper. Citations & the reference page must be in APA (6th ed.) style (no abstract, title page or running head is necessary).  


Heward, W. (2012). Exceptional children: An introduction to special education (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall.

Peer Refereed Professional Journal published since 2007 ( I have included 4)

Must use original sources, rather than secondary sources

You must paraphrase. Do not use direct quotes. The source for paraphrased material must be cited in the body of the paper using APA parenthetical citation.

The personal philosophy paper must include the following sections, and the following (4) subheadings:

1-Students I Desire to Serve

Provide a description of the type of students you believe you would like to work with or teach at this point in your training (age/level, disability) and provide a rationale for your choice. You must choose a specific IDEA disability category rather than all students with disabilities.  This will help focus your search for instructional strategies.

My age/level and disability: ages 11-13 /6th ***** 8th graders/ autism

Rationale: I am working on licensure to teach at grade levels 6-8

Idea disability category is autism spectrum disorder

2-Instructional Strategies     

Provide complete descriptions of two research-based instructional strategies you plan to use when you work with these students, and why, with documentation:  (a) fully describe the strategies and give an example of classroom use; (b) cover how they address specific weaknesses and/or utilize the strengths of your chosen population; (c) provide scientific evidence (numerical data on the results of the study) of the strategies***** effectiveness; and (d) Provide proper APA citation for each strategy. 

My Two research-based instructional strategies: discrete trial teaching and functional routines (I have included 4 articles for reference)

3-Extended Professional Skills Desired and Plan for Acquisition     

Extended professional skills are those that reach beyond the skills and competencies required for licensure.  Include a description of two extended professional teaching skills you hope to acquire to best serve your students and a concrete plan of action describing when, where and how you will acquire the professional teaching skills that you have described. 

4-Two Extended Professional Teaching Skills

1 ***** T/TAC Online ***** ; Region 4; Prince William County; TAB Online Training; Autism Spectrum; Take classes Tapping into Low Tech Ideas and Developing a Function-based intervention ***** Elementary; Both are online and will be completed after completing my degree program.

2 ***** VCU Autism Center for Excellence ***** /upcoming.cfm; Attend the web cast Using Ipads to Promote Access and Learning for Students with Autism Spectrum; Take the class or a like-class after the completing my degree program

-- I have included the URLs so that you can visually see/refer/reference to the extended skills

Personal Philosophy of Education     

Include a statement of your personal philosophy of general or special education, including a reflection on serving diverse populations. Please see the prologue (p. 2) & postscript (p. 559) of the Heward textbook for suggestions on developing a personal philosophy of special education.

This section should include my personal thoughts below, but not be limited to just those thoughts

*****¢ believe that children with special education needs should have the right to a public education just as children without disabilities

*****¢ that parents are vital in the education process

*****¢ that teachers need to be educated


How to Reference "Autism Spectrum Disorder" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Autism Spectrum Disorder.”, 2013, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Autism Spectrum Disorder. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Autism Spectrum Disorder” 2013.
”Autism Spectrum Disorder”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Autism Spectrum Disorder”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Autism Spectrum Disorder [Internet]. 2013 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Autism Spectrum Disorder. Published 2013. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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